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1 _______n 停车场 2 _______ n 街坊,邻近地区 3 _______ n 贼,小偷 4 _______ vt 逮捕,拘留

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Presentation on theme: "1 _______n 停车场 2 _______ n 街坊,邻近地区 3 _______ n 贼,小偷 4 _______ vt 逮捕,拘留"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 _______n 停车场 2 _______ n 街坊,邻近地区 3 _______ n 贼,小偷 4 _______ vt 逮捕,拘留 5 _______ adj 敏感的 6 _______ n 重音,口音 7 _______ n 内容 8 _______ n 幼儿园 9 _______ n 章节 10 ______ n 建设 11 ______ n 数字,数目 12 ______ vt 占领;占有 13 _____ vt & n 损害,损失 14 _____ vt &vi(使)得益;n 好处 15 ______ n 自行车 16 ______ adv 当然,确实 17 ______ n 站台,月台 18 ______ n 译员,口译者 19 ______ n 皮箱,手提箱 20 ______ adv 西北,西北方 21 ______ vt 承认,供认 22 ______ highway 23 ______ pavement 24 ______ amount 25 ______ suit 26 ______ crossing

2 n. 票价,车费 27 ______ 28 ______ petrol 29 ______ 30 ______ 31 ______ 32 ______ baggage 33 ______ 34 ______ 35 ______ 36 ______ 37 ______ 38 ______ tunnel 39 ______ plus 40 ______ minibus n. 进度表,时间表 n. 大使 adv. 所以,因此 n. 行人 n. 词汇 adj. 可能的 v. 插入,嵌入 adj. 残忍的,凶猛的

3 1.hope (n.) _________(adj.) cheer_________ (adj.)
2. convenient (adj.) _____(n.) consequent _______ (n.) 3. fool (n.) __________(adj.) self__________ (adj.) 4. argue(vi.)_______ (n.) state ____________ (n.) 5. gentle (adj.) ______ (adv.) simple _________ (adv.) actual (adj.) _______ (adv.) frequent _________ (adv.) 6. responsible (adj.) ____ (n.) possible ________ (n.) 7. impress (vt.) ________ (n.) appreciate _______ (n.) 8. rely (vt) ___________(adj.) suit __________(adj.)

4 Unit 9 Wheels

5 一、基础知识提要

6 2 ____________________ n 街坊,邻近地区 3 _________ n 贼,小偷
核心单词 根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。 1 _____________n 停车场 2 ____________________ n 街坊,邻近地区 3 _________ n 贼,小偷 4 _________ vt 逮捕,拘留 5 __________ adj 敏感的 6 __________ n 重音,口音 7 __________ n 内容 8 ______________ n 幼儿园 9 __________ n 章节 10 ____________ n 建设 11 __________ n 数字,数目 12 __________ vt 占领;占有 parking neighbourhood thief arrest sensitive accent content kindergarten chapter construction figure occupy

7 damage 13 __________ vt & n 损害,损失 14 _______ vt &vi(使)得益;n 好处 15__________ n 自行车 16 __________ adv 当然,确实 17 __________ n 站台,月台 18 __________ n 译员,口译者 19 __________ n 皮箱,手提箱 20 __________ adv 西北,西北方 21 __________vt 承认,供认 22 __________ highway 23 __________ pavement 24 __________ amount 25 __________ suit 26 ___________________ benefit bicycle indeed platform interpreter suitcase northwest admit 公路 人行道 数量 适合 交叉路口,人行横道 crossing

8 票价,车费 27 fare__________ 28 petrol__________ 29 schedule_______________ 30 ambassador__________ 31 therefore__________ 32 baggage__________ 33 pedestrian__________ 34 vocabulary__________ 35 likely__________ 36 insert_______________ 37 fierce________________ 38 tunnel______________ 39 plus__________ 40 minibus__________ (英)汽油 进度表,时间表 大使 所以,因此 行李 行人 词汇 可能的 插入,嵌入 残忍的,凶猛的 隧道,地道 加,加上 小巴

9 词类转换 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1.hope (n.) _________(adj.) 有希望的 类似:cheer_________ (adj..) 愉快的 2. convenient (adj.) _____________(n.)方便 类似:consequent ______________ (n.)后果 3. fool (n.) __________(adj.) 愚蠢的 类似:self__________ (adj..) 自私的 4. argue(vi.)__________ (n.) 争辩;论据 类似: state ____________ (n.)陈述,申明 5. gentle (adj.) __________ (adv.) 和善地,温柔地 类似: simple _________ (adv.) 简单地 actual (adj.) ___________ (adv.)真实地,实际地 frequent ______________ (adv.) 频繁地 hopeful cheerful convenience consequence foolish selfish argument statement gently simply actually frequently

10 6. responsible (adj.) _____________ (n.)责任,职责
类似:possible _________ (n.) 可能性 7. impress (vt.) ___________ (n.) 印象, 感觉 类似: appreciate ____________ (n.) 欣赏;感激 8. rely (vt) _________(adj.) 可靠的 类似:suit __________(adj.) 适合的 responsibility possibility impression appreciation reliable suitable

11 -er -or -ar -ist -ian -ant 不变
racer 赛车手 reader读者 villager村民 interpreter翻译 murderer 杀人犯 conductor指挥;售票员 translator翻译 inventor发明家 visitor参观者 educator教育家 director导演 editor编辑 Liar说谎者 beggar乞丐 cyclist 骑车人 artist 艺术家 scientist 科学家 terrorist恐怖分子 tourist游客 novelist 小说家 pianist 钢琴家 specialist 专家 typist 打字员 librarian图书管理员 magician魔术师 musician音乐家 politician政治家 assistant助手 servant仆人 accountant会计 applicant申请人 attendant侍者,服务员 cook烧煮/厨师 butcher屠宰/屠夫

12 1. have a good impression of __________________
重要词组 对……有好的看法 1. have a good impression of __________________ 2. work out ___________________________ 3. be related to_________________ 4. be bad for____________________ 5. carry on doing __________ 6. keep (sb. ) fit __________ 7. cut the risk of_________________ 8. so what_____________ 9. pull out_______________________ 10. pull up __________________ 11. public transport_______________ 锻炼身体,做运动;计算出;设计出 与……相关 对……不好 继续做…… 保持健康 减少 ……的风险 那又怎么样? (火车)驶离车站;出站 (车辆)停止,停车 公共交通

13 13. go up by 30%__________ 14. on average ____________________________ 15. on (the) one hand; on the other hand _________________ 16. take place __________ 17. 塞车,交通阻塞_____________ 18. 大量的,充足的_____________ 19. 在20世纪60年代_____________ 20. 依赖,依靠_________________ 21. 为某事担心/焦虑__________________ 22. 使信服某事______________________ 23. 被阻塞在……,卡在……不能移动______________ 24. 把……比作…… ______________ 上升30% 平均来说;一般来说,通常 一方面……另一方面…… 发生 traffic jam plenty of in the 1960s rely on be worried about persuade sb. of sth. get/be stuck in compare…to…

14 make an excuse for 25. 找借口__________________ 26. 沉溺于,沉迷于______________ 27. 在……的另一边/端____________________ 28.捡起;搭人_______________ 29. 在拐弯处,在附近;即将来临_________________ 30. 适合某人的需要____________________________ 31. 期待,盼望________________ 32. 迄今为止_____________ 33. 不愉快的,厌倦的_____________ 34. 太阳能_______________ 35. 多亏了,由于____________ 36. 登记______________ be addicted to on the other side of pick up around the corner suit the need of/ suit one’s need look forward to so far (be) fed up solar energy thanks to check in

15 二、重要考点突破

16 I don’t think it convenient for us to meet at the railway station.
核心单词 1. convenient adj. 方便的,便利的 搭配: It is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人方便做某事 It is not convenient for me to return the book now. 我现在 不方便还书。 ※注意: convenient 作表语时,主语一般是物或形式主语it,而不是人 运用: 翻译以下句子 (1)你明天开始工作方便吗? (2)我认为我们在火车站见面是不方便的。 Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? I don’t think it convenient for us to meet at the railway station.


18 拓展:有许多形容词以-t结尾, 名词形式要改为-ce。试试根据中文提示默写对应的单词:
方便 convenient 重要 不同 安静 耐心 独立 无辜 意义 缺席 出场 convenience important importance different difference silent silence patient patience independent independence innocent innocence significant significance absence absent present presence

19 beneficial benefit good good good 2. benefit vt.&vi.(使)得益;n.好处
搭配:benefit sb./sth. 使……受益 benefit from sb./sth. 从……中受益 先进的科学技术使我们受益匪浅。 We benefit from the advanced scientific technology. = The advanced scientific technology benefits us. 拓展: (1)表达“使……受益, 对……有好处”还有: ①be of to sb. ② be to sb. ③be for sb. ④do sb = do ______ to sb. beneficial benefit good good good

20 harm benefit to harmful harm harm bad benefit benefit from
(2)表达“使……受害, 对……有坏处”有: ______________sb. ②be to sb. ③do sb = do to sb. ④be for sb. 运用: 完成下列句子 (1)The new railway will ________ the villagers. (2)The villagers will _____________ the new railway. (3)The new railway will be of____________ the villagers. (4)The new railway will be ____________ the villagers. harm harmful harm harm bad benefit benefit from benefit to beneficial to

21 We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.
3. appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激 We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company. We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们将乐于再次收到你的来信。 I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 如果你愿意教我用电脑,我满怀感激。 appreciate sth/(one’s) doing sth appreciate it(形式宾语) if + 从句 I’d _________ __ ___ you ____ ___ ___ _____ to ________ my parents _____changing their ways of education. (我会非常感激如果你帮忙劝说我父母改变教育方式) 我们感激你对公司发展所作的努力。 appreciate it if do me a favor persuade into

22 运用: 根据appreciate用法,完成下面的句子。
(1)I appreciate your _________ (call) back tonight. (2)I would much appreciate________ if you could come to my party. calling it 辨析:appreciate和thank 都有“感激,感谢”的意思,但appreciate的宾语一般指sth.,thank的宾语一般指sb.。比较以下这些类似用法,根据中文提示,在空格处填上适当的单词:

23 中文 用“某人”作宾语 用“某事”作宾语 感激 感谢 _________ you for your timely help. We greatly _________ your timely help. 祝贺 庆祝 ____________ you on your success. Let’s hold a party to _________ your success. 采访 He ____________ the writer. He _________ the conference (会议). 收到 来信 Glad to _________ you. Glad to _________ a letter from you. 抢夺 偷窃 Robin ________ the woman of her necklace. Robin __________ the woman’s necklace Thank appreciate Congratulate celebrate covered interviewed hear from receive robbed stole

24 He never admits that he is wrong.
4. admit vt.承认,供认 He admitted his crime. He never admits that he is wrong. John has admitted breaking the window. admit sth./ doing sth./ that 宾语从句 拓展: admit还有“允许……进入;招收(学生等);容纳”之意。名词形式为“admission”。 Tom admitted to enter the room. (改错) 这个剧场只能容下500人。 他被这所大学录取了。 He ________________the university Tom admitted entering the room. seat/ hold This theatre can admit only 500 people. 允许某人进入... sb. be admitted into… admit sb into … was admitted into

25 5. addicted adj. 沉溺于……的 搭配:be/become/get addicted to沉溺于,醉心于 addict oneself to 沉溺于 He is addicted to computer games. 他迷上了电脑游戏。 拓展: addict n.对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人 a work addict 工作狂 addict vt.使沉溺,使入迷,使醉心 运用: 翻译下面的句子 (1)很多年轻人沉迷于上网。 (2)一旦你染上了毒瘾,你就很难把它戒掉。 Many young people are addicted to surfing the Net. Once you get addicted to drugs, it’s rather difficult for you to get rid of them.

26 6. occupy vt. 占领,占据;占用,住进;使忙于
搭配:occupy sth 占据… occupy sb/ onself with sth/ in doing sth sb. be occupied with sth/ in doing sth. = be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth = be engaged in doing sth. 运用: 翻译下面的句子 (1) 写作占据了我大部分的闲暇时间。 Writing occupies most of my free time. (2)他忙于写信。 He occupied himself with a letter. He was occupied with a letter./ in writing a letter. He was engaged in writing a letter.

27 for against with about/over 7. argue vi. 争论,争辩
He argued with the waitress about the bill of the meal.他因为那餐饭的账目和服务员争论起来。 搭配: 在空白处填上适当的介词 argue ________ sth.为支持……而争论 argue _____________ sth.为反对……而争辩 argue ________ sb. _____________ sth. 因某事和某人争论 for against with about/over

28 with about/over 辨析: argue, discuss & quarrel argue重点提出论据,以说服他人。
运用: 介词填空 (1)Kids spend sometimes more time arguing ___________ the rules than playing the game. (2)Don’t argue ______ your mother. about/over with

29 8. persuade vt.使信服,劝服 搭配:翻译下面的短语 (1) persuade sb. of sth. ________________ (2) persuade sb.out of sth. ________________ (3) persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth. _______________ (4) persuade sb. not to do sth. __________________ (5) be persuaded of…_________ 我坚信此人的清白。 I am firmly persuaded of the man’s innocence. 使某人信服某事 劝服某人放弃某事 说服某人做某事 说服某人不要做某事 坚信…… 运用: 中英互译 (1)Can you persuade her out of her foolish plan? (2)谁劝你写那封信的? 你能说服他放弃那个愚蠢的计划吗? Who persuaded you to write the letter?

30 rob cure inform warn remind cheat 联想: vt. + sb. + of +sth. 的其它常用短语:
(2)_________ sb. of a disease 治好某人的疾病 (3)_________ sb of sth 通知某人某事 (4)_________ sb of sth 警告某人提防某事 (5)_________ sb of sth 提醒某人某事 (6)_________ sb. of sth. 欺骗某人某事 rob cure inform warn remind cheat 辨析: persuade 强调劝说的结果,对方听信了; advise只强调劝说的过程,不涉及对方是否听信。类似用法的词或短语:

31 强调“结果” 强调“过程” persuade说服 advise/try to persuade 劝说 _________ 看见 look看 hear 听见 ____________ 听 _________ 找到 look for寻找 _________ 杀死 try to kill 试图杀死 cure治愈 _________ 治疗 _________ 逃脱 flee逃跑 _________ 阻止 try to prevent 试图阻止 manage to do做成 _____________ 努力做 shoot 击中 _________ 向……射击 __________撕开 tear at 撕 see listen (to) find kill treat escape prevent try to do shoot at tear

32 9. likely adj.可能的 She is likely to win. =It is likely that she will win. 辨析:possible & likely likely的可能性略大于possible;likely的主语一般比较自由,可以是sb.也可以是it/sth.,而possible的主语一般不用sb. 比较以下这些类似用法: 翻译: 他有可能会来。__________________________ 中文意思 主语用sb 主语用it/sth. 两者皆可 可能 possible likely 清楚,明白 aware clear 肯定 sure certain 方便 convenient It is likely/possible that he will come. He is likely to come.

33 10. amount n. 数量 搭配: in large (small) amounts 大(少)量地 a large amount of 大量的,许多 reach a large amount 达到非常大的数额 辨析:amount和 number都表示“数量”,但amount只指不可数名词的数量,number只指可数名词的数量。 运用: 在横线上填上适当的单词 (1) I want to know the exact _________ of the bicycles. (2) What is the full _________ I owe(欠) you? (3) He contributed ________________ money to the fund. 他为那个基金会捐献了不少的钱。 number amount a large amount of

34 compared to Compared to/with compare with compared with
1. compare…to…把……比作……(比喻) compare…with…把……与……进行比较 compared to/with…和……比起来(作状语) 运用: 完成下面的句子 (1)______________________ many other women, she was indeed very fortunate.和别的许多女人比起来,她确实非常幸运。 (2) Life is often _______________voyage. 生活经常被比作航海。 (3) Living in a town can't _________________ living in the country in many respects在许多方面城市生活比不上在乡村生活。 Compared to/with compared to compare with (4) I __________the copy ______the original, but there was not much difference. 我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大。 compared with

35 I am fed up with the result of the exam.
2. fed up adj. 不愉快的,厌倦的,沮丧的 搭配: be fed up with 讨厌,对……厌倦的 (1)我对自己的考试成绩感到沮丧。 (2)你看起来很不开心。 I am fed up with the result of the exam. You look rather fed up.

36 3. go up上升 拓展: go up to 上升到…… go up by上升了…… 运用: 选择适当的介词(to, by)填空 In our area, the price of the new house has gone up ______ 1000 yuan per square meter. That is, it has gone up ______ 10,000 yuan per square meter. by to

37 4. take place 发生,举行(vi.) 用法: 该短语动词,既不可接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。 Their wedding party will take place next Sunday. 他们的婚礼将在下个星期天举办。 辨析:break out, take place & happen break out “爆发”,强调突然性或规模大; take place 多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事) happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。

38 去掉was took place/happened 运用: 句子改错
(1) The car accident was happened last week. (2) The celebration broke out at his uncle’s. The celebration took place at his uncle’s. 用break out, take place & happen填空 (3) The war __________ in 1937.战争爆发在1937年。 (4) The opening of the play will _________ tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。 (5) The accident __________________________ only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。 去掉was broke out take place took place/happened

39 拓展: take one’s place就座,就位
take sb.’s place =take the place of sb. 坐某人的座位,代替某人(职务、工作等) take a place as(应聘)担任…… 在空白处填上适当的短语: (6) Please________________. The meeting will begin。 请各就各位,会议就要开始了。 (7) If there is no room for you there, ____________ here. 如果那边没有空位,坐我的位的位置吧。 (8) Who will _____________________________?(=Who will take the place of Mr. Green?)谁将代替格林先生? (9) He ________________ manager of the company. 他应聘担任了公司经理。 take your place take my place take Mr. Green’s place took a place as

40 1. Indeed, thanks to the good ideas of lots of people, like the cycling fans in the 1960s, many people around the world have been enjoying city centre streets without cars for many years. 的确,多亏人们献计献策,就像20世纪60年代的自行车迷们那样,世界各地许多人多年以来能在市中心享受没有汽车的环境。 这是一个简单句。主干部分是many people … streets, 用了现在完成进行时。较好的短语有:thanks to;in the 1960s;around the world。 学以致用:用thanks to 和现在完成进行时翻译 多亏了他的鼓励,我一直在写一本关于太阳能的书。 Thanks to his encouragement, I have been writing a book on solar energy.

41 2. In conclusion, on the one hand Ludford is an attractive town with good shops and many places of interest. On the other hand, the local governments need to do something to control the traffic which passes through the town. 总之,一方面,Ludford是一个有着优良船舶和众多名胜的迷人小镇;另一方面,当地政府有必要采取措施来控制途径镇区的车量。 结构分析: 关联结构是“on the one hand。。。;on the other hand ”。常用词组还有:in conclusion;places of interest;pass through。 学以致用:用on the one hand; on the other hand翻译 使用因特网是一件好事.但从另一方面来说.我们可能会浪费太多时间在那上面. On the one hand, using internet is a good thing, but on the other hand, we may spend too much time on it.

42 3. Before 1908, when Ford’s cars became available to the public, it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car 年福特汽车问世以前,只有非常有钱的人 才能买得起汽车。 结构分析: when引导一个时间状语从句,主句则是一个“it is…who/that…”强调结果。高级词汇有:be/ become available to; afford to do。 学以致用:翻译下面的句子,然后改写句子对划线部分加以强调: His invention was available to the public only when he died in 1980. 只有在他1980年去世之后他的发明才被公众所用。 It was only when he died in 1980 that his invention was available to the public.

43 4. How often do we arrive at work or school, stressed out, tired, and angry?

44 convenience fares pedestrians arrested inserted thieves occupies
一. 根据中文或首字母提示在下列横线处填入一个适当的词 1. This path is for ____________ (行人) only. 2. He was _________ (逮捕) in connection with the drugs last night. 3. Her hand shook as she i________ the key into the lock. 4. There are many t_________ on No.6 bus because lots of people often have their wallets stolen. 5. When will it fit your _______________ (方便)? 6. This sofa o__________ too much room in the sitting-room. 7. What are the f_________ in all for two of us from Guangzhou to Beijing by train? 8. Many of the books in their library were d_________ by the big fire a few days ago. 9. It is of great ____________ to everyone. (益处). 10. Don’t be so _________(敏感). I am jus joking. pedestrians arrested inserted thieves convenience occupies fares damaged benefit sensitive

45 hopeful foolish argument. impression reliable cyclist interpreter
三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空. 1. We are ____________(hope) that he will win. 2. What a ____________(fool) mistake I have made! 3. Proof is better than ____________(argue). 4. Lay the baby down ____________(gentle). 5. The prescription of drugs is a doctor's ____________ (responsible). hopeful foolish argument. gently responsibility impression 6. Punishment seemed to make no ____________ (impress ) on the child. 7. The news comes from a ____________(rely) source. 8. Two pedestrians and a ____________(cycle) were injured when the car skidded. 9. As the wages were low, there were few ___________ (apply) for the job. 10. He offered himself as an ____________(interpret). reliable cyclist applicants interpreter

46 1.The presidential election is just ___________________.
rely on persuade sb. of sth. get stuck in compare…to… be addicted to cut the risk of around the corner pull up (be) fed up suit one’s need thanks to so far (多余两个) 1.The presidential election is just ___________________. 2.All the drivers should_______ at the traffic lights. 3.Now that you’ve grown up, it’s not right to _________ your parents for everything. 4.My car _____________ the mud and couldn’t move. 5.His son has ________________reading detective stories. 6.Life is often _____________ the morning dew as it is too short. 7.I am ________________ his honesty. 8.__________ the brave man, I was saved from drowning. 9.I ___________ with your complaint. 10.We should speed production to __________ of losing money.

47 rely on compared to persuaded of am fed up cut the risk
1.The presidential election is just ___________________. 2.All the drivers should_______ at the traffic lights. 3.Now that you’ve grown up, it’s not right to ____________ your parents for everything. 4.My car _____________ the mud and couldn’t move. around the corner pull up rely on got stuck in been addicted to 5.His son has _________________reading detective stories. 6.Life is often ________________ the morning dew as it is too short. 7.I am ____________________ his honesty. 8._________ the brave man, I was saved from drowning. 9.I ___________ with your complaint. 10.We should speed production to ________________ of losing money. compared to persuaded of Thanks to am fed up cut the risk

48 基础写作 六、 假如你的一位美国笔友来到中国游玩,惊讶地发现有如此多的人骑自行车。请你用五个完整、连贯的句子解释自行车在中国流行的原因,开头已经给出,不计入5句之内: 自行车便宜,容易修理; 使用方便,不需要太多停车位; 节能环保。 本单元可以参考的词汇及句型: afford,compared to ,convenient ,have a good impression of , 强调句型 Americans prefer to travel by car, while in China bikes are one of the most popular means of transportation . The reasons are as follows.

49 First, it is the low price of a bike that attracts people as most of them can afford one. Compared to a car, a bike can be fixed more easily without costing much money when there is something wrong with it. The second reason is that bikes need much less parking space than cars, and on narrow roads, it is more convenient for us to ride bikes than to drive cars. Besides, being more environment-friendly without causing any pollution, it can save energy. Therefore, people still have a good impression of bikes.

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