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Unit 6 As His Name is, So Is He!

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1 Unit 6 As His Name is, So Is He!

2 Leading-in Language in use Text Study
Teaching procedures 1 2 3 Leading-in Language in use Text Study 4 5 Assignment Fun Time

3 1.1 Introduction of English names
1. Lead-in 1.1 Introduction of English names English people's name is usually consists of three parts, for example, William Jafferson Clinton (1)given name/Christian name/first name (2) middle name  (3)family name/last name

4 Stephen William Hawking 霍金
 William (Bill) H. Gates比尔盖茨,微软公司软件设计师,   David Beckham 贝克汉姆  George Walker Bush布什   Thomas Alva Edison 爱迪生

5 1.2 Guessing game: Who is she?
1.the only person to win the prize in multiple sciences 2.a Polish physicist and chemist 3.a pioneer researcher on radioactivity 4.the first female Nobel-Prize-winner Marie Curie

6 1.2 Guessing game: Who is she?
1. the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century 2. a Prime Minister of UK from 1979 to 1990 3. "Iron Lady" of Great Britain Margaret Hilda Thatcher

7 1.3 Idioms and names Jack of all trades and matter of none(杂而不精的人)
Jack in office(自命不凡的小官吏) a Jack of both sides(骑墙派) a Jack of straw(稻草人) everyman Jack(每个人) Jack Sprat(矮子,侏儒) before you can say Jack Robin-son(转瞬间,说时迟那时快)

8 All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill.
愿天下有情人终成眷属 Jack-leg: 不称职、蹩脚的 Jackknife指一种普通而实用的折叠刀 Jack-of-all-trade样样通却杂而不精的人 Jack-leg fence 简陋、勉强能用的围栏

9 Other names in idioms Not to know someone from Adam 与某人素不相识
Big Bertha 肥胖的女人 Charley horse Private dick 私家侦探 Tom, Dick and Harry 张三李四,泛指每一个人。 By George 天啊!用于惊叹。同样的还有 For the love of peter!For peter’s sake! Jack someone around 误导某人 Joe 典型,代表

10 Joe schmoe每个人、任何人 No way,jose 绝对不!没门! Don juan 指唐璜式的风流浪子。 Saint nick 即Santa Claus Uncle Sam。山姆大叔 Lazy Susan 餐桌中间转动用来方便就餐的圆盘。 Peeping Tom 偷窥者 a plain Jane 不起眼的女人。

11 Etymological Elements in First Names
1.4 Cultural notes Etymological Elements in First Names Behind the Most Popular Names in the United States Middle Names Names and Behavior Names and Personal Identity

12 2. Text study 2.1 Pre-reading Scanning
The steps involved in scanning are as follows:   1. Decide what information you are looking for, and think about the form it may take. For example, if you want to find out who did something, you would look for a name.   2. Decide where you need to look to find the information you want.   3. Move your eyes as quickly as possible down the page until you find the information you need.    How to scan

13 Two major steps involved in scanning:
How to scan Two major steps involved in scanning: First, decide what information you are looking for. Second, decide where you need to look to find the information you want. Name Places Number Pictures Discourse markers Title or heading First sentence of each paragraph Last paragraph Back

14 Part I: The importance of names (Para. 1~3)
Scanning: Part I: The importance of names (Para. 1~3) Part II. The positive and negative effects of names on life. (Para. 4~7) Part III. The necessity of changing names. (Para.8)

15 2.2 While-reading Structure analysis Example + statement + More Examples+ Restatement + Comparison What is the general statement? What are the specific examples? What is the comparison?

16 How to predict You can base your prediction on key words, grammatical structure of a sentence, linking words, or on the logical development of the content. An illustration below. Logical Connectors Examples Transition(转折) but, however, unfortunately, although, on the contrary, on the other hand… Cause and Effect (因果) because, since, as a result (of), consequently, thus, therefore… Supplement (递进) furthermore, not only... but also..., moreover, in addition… Contrast (对比) while, whereas, in contrast… Examplification (举例) for example, for instance, such as… Back

17 2.3. Post-reading Work in groups. Each member chooses a name in Section A and makes a conversation to tell others how the other people treat you because of your name. Remember to use the words & phrases you learned from the text.

18 3. Language in use 3.1 Word study 3.2 Lexical chunks

19 3.1 Word study elegant a.beautiful, attractive, or graceful 优雅的;文雅的
elegant manners 文雅的举止  an elegant person 举止优雅的人

20 impulsively    ad.without thinking about the possible results of what one is doing 冲动地 These children tend to behave impulsively. 这些孩子的行为往往很冲动。  His early training was in the sciences and he never acts impulsively in his work. 他早期受过理科方面的训练,因此在工作中他从不冲动。

21 substitute    vt.use sth. new or different instead of sth. else 代替;替换  We must substitute a new chair for the broken one. 我们得用新椅子代替这把破椅子。  Honey can be substituted for sugar in this recipe. 在这种烹饪法里蜂蜜能代替糖。 n.[C] a person or thing that replaces sb. or sth. else 代替者;替代物  The manager was unable to attend but sent his secretary as a substitute. 经理不能出席,但派了他的秘书代替他出席。  The teacher's ill, so a substitute is teaching today. 老师生病了,因此今天由一位代课老师来上课。

22 professional    a.relating to a job that needs special education and training 职业的;专业的  A lawyer or a doctor is a professional man. 律师或医生是专业人员。  Sometimes an amateur can perform as well or better than a professional. 有时候业余人员的表现与专业人员的同样好,甚至比专业人员的更好。 n.[C] sb. who has special skills or does sth. as a job rather than for enjoyment 专业人员  She's a real professional in this field. 她是该领域真正的内行。  This house was decorated by a professional. 这房子是由专业人员装饰的。

23 talent    n.1. [C, U] a natural ability to do sth. well 天才;天赋  Her talents are well known. 她的才华是众所周知的。  Her talent for music showed at an early age. 她小时侯就表现出了音乐方面的天赋。 2. [U] a person or people with a natural ability or skill 天才;人才  We're always looking for new talent. 我们总是在寻觅新的人才。  Promising talent is hard to find. 很难找到有发展前途的人才。

24 characteristic    a.(of) typical of a particular thing or of sb.'s character 特有的;典型的  Such honesty is characteristic of him. 他一向如此诚实。  With the friendly and generous care so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests. 这些人本性乐善好施,他们在家里接待了五十多个客人。 n.[C] a quality or feature of sb. or sth. that is typical of them 特点,特征  Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. 基因决定了每种生物的特征。  What characteristics separate Americans from Canadians? 美国人和加拿大人的性格特点有什么不同?

25 descriptive a description of sth. 描写的;描述的  He teaches descriptive linguistics at a university. 他在大学教描写语言学。  a descriptive passage in a novel 小说里的一段描写

26 approval    n.1. [U] the fact of believing sth. is good or right 赞成;同意  Do the plans meet with your approval? 你赞成这些计划吗?  Sam always tried hard to win his father's approval. 萨姆总是想尽办法去获得父亲的同意。 2. [U] official permission 批准;认可  The president's approval of the deal was vital. 总统的批准对这份协议是至关重要的。  I need the approval of the government to travel abroad. 我需要获得政府的批准才能去国外旅行。

27 reserve    n.1. [U] the quality of self-control or restraint 克制,拘谨  He was a man of such reserve that not even his closest friends really understood him. 他是一个很克制的人,甚至他最亲密的朋友都难以真正理解他。  A few drinks broke through his reserve. 几杯酒下肚他就放开了。 2. [C] (usu. pl.) sth. kept or saved for later use 储备物  the gold reserve 黄金储备  I have a reserve of food in case of emergency. 我储备了些粮食,以防万一。

28 vt.1. keep sth. for a particular purpose 保留;储备  I reserve Mondays for cleaning up my desk and answering letters. 我留出周一来清理书桌,答复信件。  Reserve your strength for the climb. 留点力气爬山吧。 2. arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane, etc. to be kept for sb. to use later 预定  I rang the hotel to reserve a double room for a week. 我打电话给旅馆,预定一间双人房,为期一周。  If you get there early, please reserve a seat for me. 如果你先到,请给我预定一个座位。

29 plainness    n.[U] lacking beauty or attractiveness 不好看;平常  the obvious plainness of the young lady 相貌平平的年轻女子  The plainness of these houses discourages many prospective buyers. 这些房子很难看,使许多潜在的买主望而却步。

30 convey    vt.communicate or express sth., with or without using words 传达;表达  The manufacturer has used posters and produced a video to convey the message to prospective buyers. 为了把信息传达给潜在的顾客,制造商张贴出广告,并制作了一盘录像。  His music conveys a sense of optimism. 他的音乐表达出一种乐观情绪。

31 specific    a.1. particular 特有的;特定的  The money is to be used for a specific purpose: the building of the new theatre. 这笔款将专款专用:兴建新剧院。  They seem to have no specific plans for dealing with the problem. 他们似乎没有特别的计划来处理这问题。 2. detailed and exact 具体的;明确的  I asked you a specific question. Please give me a specific answer. 我问你一个具体问题,请给我明确的回答。  Are you doing anything specific this weekend? 这个周末你有什么具体的事情要做

32 latter    a.being the second of two people or things (两者中)后者的  There are plastic and wooden garden chairs but the latter ones are more expensive. 花园椅有塑料和木制的两种,不过后者贵些。  Of ham and beef, I like the latter meat better. 在火腿和牛肉两者之间,我更喜欢后者。 n.(the ~) the second of two people or things just mentioned (两者中的)后者  We have to make the kitchen and the hall more attractive. I'd rather do the latter first. 我们得把厨房和客厅装饰得更漂亮些──我情愿先装饰客厅。  Many support the former plan, but personally I'm for the latter. 许多人支持前面那个计划,但我个人赞同后者。

33 qualify    v.(make) have the necessary skills, knowledge, ability, etc. to do sth. (使)有资格;取得资格  I won't qualify until next year. 我要到明年才够格。  Being a single parent qualifies you for extra benefits. 作为一个单身父 (母) 亲,你有权获得额外的福利金。

34 prominent    a.well-known and important 重要的;知名的  a prominent magazine 著名杂志  The government should be playing a more prominent role in improving public traffic. 政府应该在改善公共交通方面发挥更大的作用。

35 by-line    n.[C] a line at the beginning of an article that gives the writer's name 作者署名处  The essays published in this section usually carry no by-lines. 发表在这个专栏里的文章通常不署名。  She is a financial journalist with her own by-line. 她是金融记者,写文章都署名。

36 refine    vt.1. make sb. become more elegant 使变得文雅  Delia has been refined. You can't imagine she is now an elegant lady. 德丽娅变文雅了。你想象不到她现在已是一位优雅的女士了。  refine one's language 使某人的语言更为文雅 2. make a substance pure 提炼;精炼  refining processes 精炼过程  Oil is industrially refined. 燃油是经过工业提炼的。

37 stereotype    vt.have fixed unfair ideas about sb. or sth. 对...有成见;把...模式化  The study says that British advertisements stereotype women. 该项研究说,英国的广告对妇女抱有成见。  The police have been criticized for having stereotyped images of black people. 有人批评警方对黑人有成见。 n.[C] a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like 模式化的思想  He doesn't fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman. 他与法国人的固有形象大相径庭。  The characters in the book are just stereotypes. 这书中的角色都很老套。

38 confess    v.1. admit sth. that one is embarrassed about 承认  I'm rather bored, I must confess. 我不得不承认我有点厌烦了。  I'm afraid that I've got something to confess: I've broken your vase. 恐怕有件事我得告诉你──我打破了你的花瓶。 2. admit, esp. to the police, that one has done sth. wrong or illegal 供认;招供  Eventually she confessed to the police. 最后她终于向警方认罪。  After hours of interrogation, he confessed everything. 经过数小时的审问,他全部招供了

39 appealing    a.attractive; inviting 吸引人的;悦人的  The idea of a whole week on the beach is very appealing. 在海边度假一周,这个主意挺吸引人的。  Having someone to do all my cleaning for me was an appealing prospect. 有人帮我做清洁,这想法挺诱人的。

40 label    n.1. [C] a word or phrase describing sb. or sth. 称号;绰号  A critic called her first novel "super-romantic" and the label has stuck. 一位评论家称她的第一部小说为 “超级浪漫小说”,于是这雅号就传下来了。  "Middle-class" is the label generally applied to this magazine. 人们一般用“中产阶级” 这个词来形容这本杂志。 2. [C] a piece of paper or another material that is attached to sth. and gives information about it 标签  I read the information on the label before deciding which to buy. 我先看标签上的说明,然后再决定买哪一种。  Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases. 记住在衣箱上贴几张地址标签。

41 vt. 1. use a word or phrase to describe sb. or sth. 把
vt.1. use a word or phrase to describe sb. or sth. 把...归类;描述  His work is difficult to label precisely. 他的工作难以准确描述。  We shouldn't label these boys as criminals so early in their lives. 我们不应该把这些男孩子早早地归为罪犯,他们的人生道路还长着呢。 2. put a label on an object 给...加标签  He was busy labeling all the bottles of wine that he'd made that year. 他忙着往所有装那一年酿的酒的瓶子上贴标签。  This jam is labeled "apple and banana". 这瓶果酱上贴着“苹果和香蕉”的标签。

42 for better or (for) worse    
whether the result is good or bad 无论好坏;不管怎样 It's been done, and for better or worse, we can't change it now. 木已成舟,好也罢,坏也罢,我们现在已无法改变。 I decided to follow her advice, for better or worse. 不管怎样我都决定采纳她的意见。

43 press for     try in a determined way to get sth. 催促;竭力争取 The chairman is pressing for improved working conditions. 主席一再要求改善工作条件。 Many parents have been pressing for the local school to be reopened. 许多家长一直迫切要求重开当地那所学校

44 ill at ease     uncomfortable; not relaxed 不自在 Pat was ill at ease with his family, wondering whether or not to announce his news. 帕特和家人在一起很不自在,不知是否要宣布他的事。 She was ill at ease when she was criticized by her mother. 母亲批评她的时候,她觉得非常难堪。

45 take charge of     take control and become responsible for sb. or sth. 负责;管理 The department was badly organized until she took charge of it. 在她负责以前,这个部门的管理是一团糟。 The boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away. 老板让他在她离开时掌管办公室几天。

46 be stuck with     be forced to have or use sth. 被迫拥有或使用 We were stuck with relatives who came to stay with us the whole holiday. 亲戚来我们家了,我们整个暑假都得和他们呆在一起。 The landlady didn't allow us to make any change to her house, so we were stuck with the tasteless decoration. 房东不让我们随意更改房子的任何一处,因此我们不得不忍受这没品味的装修了。

47 to suit her elegant manner to fill out an application form
3.2 Lexical chunks 1. 与她的优雅举止相配 to suit her elegant manner 2. 填写申请表 to fill out an application form 3. 用A代替B to substitute A for B 4. 自己感到好多了 to feel more comfortable with oneself 5. 认真对待某事 to take sth. seriously 6. 增加······的信心 to add self-confidence to … 7. 从古至今 throughout history 8. 是······的特征 to be characteristic of 9. 是······的真实写照 to be descriptive of … 10. 有积极含义的名字 names with a positive sense

48 to encourage new acquaintances
11. 促使结识新朋友 12. 拒绝一次相亲 13. 互送秋波 14. 没有偏见 15. 对······有罪责的 16. 在某种程度上 17. 更适合做厨师 18. 智商测试考得好 19. 受同伴欢迎程度 20. 相关的 to turn down a blind date to exchange glances free from prejudiced notions to be guilty of to some extent to be more qualified to be a cook to perform better on IQ tests one’s popularity with one’s peers to be related to

49 to become attached to to work for to press for to take charge of
1. 附属于 2. 有助于 3. 催促/竭力争取 4. 负责/管理 5. 被······束缚/ 被······所困 to become attached to to work for to press for to take charge of to be stuck with sth.

50 As sth. be/do, so be/do sth. else.
1. 表述“事物的相关性” 2. 强调“某事对某人的影响作用” 3. 表述“建议或劝导” As soon as one stops doing sth. / stops to do sth., one feels comfortable / uncomfortable with oneself. If sth. no longer seem to do sth., there is no need to do sth. else; …

51 Name meaning searching
4. Assignments 4.2 Writing task 4.1 Name meaning searching

52 Search the meaning of the names appeared in the text.
4.1 Search the meaning of the names appeared in the text.

53 4.2 Essay writing A Paragraph of Comparison Making comparison is a typical method of paragraph development adopted in this passage so as to clarify the main points.

54 Write a paragraph of about 80 words
Writing Task Write a paragraph of about 80 words on something that people have different opinions on, trying to make some comparison in your work.

55 The Most Attractive Name
5. Fun Time A Video Clip— The Most Attractive Name

56 Fun Time Whose name is the most attractive one for you? Enjoy the video clip and exchange your ideas.

57 The Most Attractive Name

58 Thank You !

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