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My home town and my country It’s taller than many other buildings.

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1 My home town and my country It’s taller than many other buildings.
Module 2 My home town and my country Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings.

2 hill n. 小山;小丘 population (某一地区的)人口; 全体居民 wide adj. 宽的;宽阔的 num. 百万
Words Review hill population wide million pretty pretty good than get n 小山;小丘 (某一地区的)人口; 全体居民 adj. 宽的;宽阔的 num. 百万 adv. [主口]相当地;非常;很 相当好;很好 prep. 比 v 变成;成为

3 enjoy a piece of video

4 • Have you ever been to Shanghai?
• How much do you know about Shanghai and Hong Kong?

5 Look at the map carefully and get the locations of Shanghai and Hong Kong.
population 24,150,000 7,184,000 area 6,340.5 km2 1,104 km2

6 More about the two places
Shanghai Shanghai is the biggest city in China. It is located in the east of China. With its world-famous landmarks such as Jin Mao Building, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Lujiazui financial centre(金融中心), Shanghai has become most travellers’ tourist destination. More about the two places

7 Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower
上海东方明珠电视塔 东方明珠广播电视塔是上海的标志性建筑。坐落于黄浦江畔浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望。塔高468米,位居亚洲第一、世界第三。

8 金茂大厦(Jin Mao Tower),又称金茂大楼,位于上海浦东新区黄浦江畔的陆家嘴金融贸易区,楼高420
在金茂大厦88层观光厅登高远眺,大上海的景观尽收眼底, Jin Mao Tower

9 Shanghai World Financial Centre
上海环球金融中心,上海第一高楼。位于陆家嘴金融贸易区内,毗邻金茂大厦,楼高492米、地上101层,其中94-100层都为观光层。倒梯形底部为97层观光天桥,高474米的观光天阁是世界上超高的观景平台,将超过目前被称为“世界超高观光厅”的加拿大电视塔(高度为447米)。 Shanghai World Financial Centre 上海环球金融中心

10 Hong Kong Hong Kong sits on the south coast of China, on the Pearl River Delta. It's got a population of more than seven million people and is one of the most densely populated places on earth.

11 Victoria Peak  1.香港地标,俯瞰香港的最好地点,观赏夜景最好地点之一。 2.运营百余年的山顶缆车。、娱乐、餐饮、观光为一体的凌霄阁,杜莎夫人蜡像馆所在地。 香港太平山,又称为维多利亚峰或扯旗山,香港最高峰,位于香港西北部,香港地标之一。而太平山顶是香港人的情结所在,一般都会亲昵的称为“The Peak” 。

12 Victoria Peak 太平山顶是俯瞰香港的好地方,于风景优美的山顶环回步行径漫步,可见层层叠叠的摩天高楼、享誉全球的维多利亚海港,以及清新宜人的翠绿山峦;这里也是登顶赏夜景的最佳选择之一,万家灯火的壮美景象非常的震撼!

13 凌霄阁是山顶最显眼也是最具规模的建筑,造型独特,里面有360度观景的摩天台。

14 high hill wide population river
1 Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you. a b high hill wide population river We can see a hill behind the buildings in Picture b and it’s not high. There is a wide river in Picture b. The population of the city in Picture a/b is…

15 Now listen and complete.
Picture a Picture b Place (1)__________ (4)_________ Population (2)_____ million (5) _______ million Famous place Jin Mao Tower (3)______ metres high Victoria Peak (6)______ metres high Shanghai Hong Kong 23.5 seven 552 420.5

16 Typescript: Welcome to Shanghai. This big city in East China has a population of 23.5 million. It’s on a wide river called the Huangpu River. The tall building you can see is the Jin Mao Tower. It’s metres high. This is Hong Kong. It’s a busy city on the South China coast. Seven million people live here. The hill is Victoria Peak. It’s 552 metres high.

17 • Have you ever been to Shenzhen?
• How much do you know about Shenzhen?

18 Is it far from Shenzhen to Hong Kong?
深圳 Hong Kong 香港

19 Look at the map and get their locations.

20 Let’s go to Shenzhen for weekend, will you?
地王大厦,正式名称为信兴广场,是一座摩天大楼。因信兴广场所占土地当年拍卖拍得深圳土地交易最高价格,被称为“地王”,因此公众称之为地王大厦. Let’s go to Shenzhen for weekend, will you? 中国英语教师网 20

21 Do you want to know more about Shenzhen? Now enjoy a video about it.

22 Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.
Where is Shenzhen? 2. What happened to Shenzhen Since 1980? 3. How’s Shenzhen’s population? 4. Is Diwang Tower a tall building? It’s on the coast near Hong Kong. It’s getting bigger and busier. It’s larger than the population of many other cities in China. Yes. It’s taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.

23 Observe carefully to see how to form comparative adjectives.
Underline comparative adjectives in the dialogue. newer bigger busier larger wider cleaner taller new big busy large wide clean tall Observe carefully to see how to form comparative adjectives.

24 形容词比较级的构成——规则变化: 单音节和部分双音节词 一般在词尾加-er tall→taller long→longer
fine→finer late→later 重读闭音节词且词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加-er big→bigger thin→thinner  以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的双音节词,先把“y”改为“i”再加-er easy→easier   friendly→friendlier

25 P11 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. You need to use some of the words more than once. big busy clean large new small wide About thirty years ago, Shenzhen was a ______ village, but today it is a very _________ city. small big/large

26 2. Shenzhen is a ______ city than Hong Kong.
3. Shenzhen is getting ______ and ______. The streets are _____ and _______. 4. Shenzhen will become as _____ as Hong Kong. 5. The populations of Shenzhen is ______ than that of many other cities in China. newer bigger busier wider cleaner busy larger

27 Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.

28 Let’s see which group does the best.
Role-play 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best.

29 P11 2 1980s small village ten Diwang Tower taller
Complete the passage about Shenzhen. 2 Shenzhen is on the coast near Hong Kong. It became important in the (1)_____. Before that it was a (2)___________. Today the population of Shenzhen is more than (3)____ million. There are many tall buildings in Shenzhen. A famous one is the (4)_____________. It is (5)_____ than many other buildings in Shenzhen. 1980s small village ten Diwang Tower taller

30 Complete the passage with proper words.
I went to Shenzhen last weekend. It’s on the _____ near Hong Kong. It was a small village about thirty years ago and it became important _____ _____ ______. It’s getting _______ and busier. The population of Shenzhen is _______ than _______ ______ cities in China. Its streets are ______ wider and cleaner too. I think it’s a beautiful city. coast Fill in the blanks and copy the passage on your note book and then recite it. in the s bigger larger many other much

31 Language points 1. Well, it’s on the coast near Hong Kong.
它在香港附近的沿海地区。 coast n. 海岸,海滨,沿海地区,常用于以下结构: on the coast 在沿海地区 off the coast 在近海(的) I used to live in a small village on the coast of Brittany. 我过去住在布列塔尼海边的一个小村庄。 a small island off the coast of Scotland 苏格兰近海的一座小岛

32 2. So it’s a newer city than Hong Kong?
这么说深圳是一个比香港还新的城市? than为介词,意为“比”,是比较级的标志词。在两个同类事物作比较时可以用含有形容词比较级的句型来表示,一般句型为“A + be + 形容词的比较级 + than + B”。 如: This book is newer than that one. 这本书比那本书新。

33 Practise Liuzhou is _______ than Shanghai. (2012 广西柳州) A. small B. smaller C. smallest

34 3. In fact, it only became important in the 1980s.
实际上,它(深圳)只是在20世纪80年代才变得重要起来。 (1) in the 1980s表示“20世纪80年代”。例如: These singers were popular in the 1960s. 这些歌手在20世纪60年代很受欢迎。 (2) in fact = in actual fact = as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上 We live very close to you, in the same road in fact. 我们住的离你很近,其实在一条路上。

35 4. — What’s the population of Shenzhen?
— It’s over ten million. — 深圳有多少人口? — 超过一千万吧。 1) population为名词,意为“人口”。 常见的用法: • 询问某地有多少人口时,用“What’s the population of…?”句型; • “the population of…”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

36 What’s the population of your city?
你们市有多少人? The population of my home town is about 240 thousand. 我家乡的人口是24万。 Practise — _______ the population of China? — It’s about 1.3 billion. (2012 湖南衡阳) A. What’s B. How many is C. How much is

37 2) million为数词,意为“百万”。 常见的用法: • 有具体数字修饰时,后面不加-s; • 表示不确定的数量时,用复数形式,后接of,如millions of表示“数以百万计的”。 如: What will you do if you have two million yuan? 如果你有两百万,你将会做什么? There are millions of trees in the mountain. 这座山上有数百万的树木。

38 5. It’s taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.
它比深圳的其他许多建筑都高。 many other表示“其他许多的”,后常接复数名词。类似的短语还有some other…, three other…等,后面也都接复数名词。例如: Besides Guangzhou, he went to some other cities in the south of China too. 除了广州,他还去了中国南方其他一些城市。

39 ____________ ___ ________

40 重音 在朗读英语或用英语交流时,我们把有些词读得又轻又快,而且较为含糊,有些词则读得又重又慢,而且较为清晰,那些读得响亮而清晰的词就是句子重音所在。 句子的重音主要有两个功能: 1. 体现句子的节奏感和韵律感 2. 突出重点,使听者更容易理解

41 分析: 英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的重读(stress) 一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一般不重读(当然有少数例外)。

42 P11 Listen and notice how the speaker stresses the underlined words. 4 – Shenzhen is larger in population than Beijing. – No, it isn’t. It’s smaller. 2. – Hong Kong is newer than Shenzhen. – No, it isn’t. It’s older. 3. – Shenzhen is as old as Hong Kong. – No, it isn’t. It’s newer. 4. – Hong Kong is as busy as Shenzhen. – No, it isn’t. It’s busier. Now work in pairs. Listen again and repeat.

43 Compare Shenzhen with your home town. Make notes in the table.
5 Compare Shenzhen with your home town. Make notes in the table. Shenzhen Your home town a big city Tips: You can describe size, population, ways of life, etc.

44 Talk P11 6 Work in pairs. Talk about the differences between Shenzhen and your home town. Use big, small, hot, cold, tall or new. Example: — Is your home town bigger than Shenzhen? — No, it isn’t. It’s smaller than Shenzhen.

45 Review the conversation between Tony and Daming in Activity 2 and make a similar conversation with your partner to compare Shenzhen and your home town. 提示: 1. 使用比较级形式的语句 2. 注意对话逻辑顺序:地理位置→人口规模→标志性建筑

46 总结回顾 本课时主要短语和句型 1. in fact 2. on the coast 3. How was your weekend?
4. What’s the population of …? 5. It’s taller than many other buildings. 6. It’s getting bigger and busier. 7. Shenzhen is as old as Hong Kong.

47 Spelling Bee Now 2 mins to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese
million population wide pretty 2. Chinese-English 变成,成为 比 小山,小丘 事实上 在海边,海岸线上 When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.

48 Quiz hill wider million pretty/quite population I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。
注: word 文档 点击此处链接 I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Look! The train is going up a ________ (小山). 2. The streets in our village now are ________ (宽) than ten years ago. 3. There are about five __________ (百万) people in our city. 4. Daming can speak English ___________ (相当地) well now. 5. Which one has a larger __________ (人口), New York or Beijing? hill wider million pretty/quite population

49 II. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。 1. The film yesterday is pretty good. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ the film yesterday? 2. This shirt is new. That shirt is newer. (合并为一句) That shirt is ______ ______ this one. 3. John is thirteen years old. Ted is thirteen years old, too. (改为同义句) John is ______ ______ ______ Ted. They are both thirteen years old. How was newer than as old as

50 III. 根据汉语提示完成英语句子。 1. 大明比他班上其他男孩都高。 Daming is taller than ______ ______ boys in his class. 2. 我们学校的墙大约有2米高。 The wall of our school is about ______ ______ ______. 3. 李叔叔看起来有点老。实际上,他才30岁。 Uncle Li looks a little old. But ______ ______, he is only thirty years old. any other two metres high in fact

51 4. 今年我们镇的人口比去年多得多了。 This year the population of our town is ______ ______ ______ last year. 5. 这首歌曲在19世纪60年代非常流行。 This song was very popular ______ ______ ______. much larger than in the s

52 IV. 翻译句子。 1. — 上海有多少人口? — 一千三百万人口。 — What’s the population of Shanghai? — It has a population of 13 million. 2. — 香港比上海大吗? — 不,上海比香港大。 — Is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai? — No. Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.

53 3. 上海的冬天比香港冷。 In winter Shanghai is colder than Hong Kong. 4. 哪一个更繁华一些, 上海还是香港? Which is busier, Shanghai or Hong Kong?

54 Homework 1. Write a short paragraph to compare Shenzhen and your home town with the help of the conversation you made in class. 2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2. 3. Search for some information about England.

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