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Unit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!

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1 Unit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!
The First Period Section A

2 Let’s go to the zoo.

3 What animals can you see in the zoo?

4 cheetahs [‘tʃi:tə]

5 elephants

6 kangaroos

7 manatees [mænə’ti:]

8 polar bears

9 chimpanzees [‘tʃimpəen’zi:]

10 zoo cheetah bear elephant What do you think of the … ? spotted fast
aggressive What do you think of the … ? gray gentle enormous furry brown aggressive bear elephant

11 zoo tiger panda chimpanzee aggressive fast gentle playful furry Furry
white and black playful Furry noisy chimpanzee panda

12 1.They live only in China and eat bamboo.
2. They are shy , have red eyes, like eating carrots and can run quickly. 4. They can learn to speak. They’re playful. 3. They are soft and have long bodies. They can “walk”quickly on the water without feet.

13 They are enormous, they are gray, have long trunks
They are enormous, they are gray, have long trunks. They live in Africa and Southeast Asia. 巨大的 灰色的

14 They look like monkeys but bigger than monkeys
They look like monkeys but bigger than monkeys. They can imitate what people do. They are very noisy. Chimpanzee黑猩猩

15 They only live in Australia and have pockets to keep their babies safe
They only live in Australia and have pockets to keep their babies safe. They are playful. 好玩的/有趣的 Kangaroo

16 They are spotted and aggressive. They run fast.
挑衅的 有斑点的 cheetah猎豹

17 多毛的 They are furry enough to keep out the cold. They are all white and only live in the North pole. They are aggressive. polar bear北极熊

18 1a. Write these words in the below.

19 gentle furry enormous playful noisy shy aggressive gray fast spotted

20 Which animal is the same as you in some ways?
Why ?

21 GROUPWORK No. You’re like a manatee. Yes.
I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. You’re like a manatee. You’re like an elephant. No. Yes.

22 Guessing game using the information in Ex1
(Plan 1) Group work Guessing game using the information in Ex1 be like像…一样 like prep. e.g. A: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. B: You’re like an elephant. A: No. B: You’re like a manatee. A: Yes. like v.喜欢 like to do sth 喜欢做某事

23 GROUPWORK enormous gray playful fast noisy playful gentle shy spotted
aggressive furry

24 Let's learn. shy enormous beautiful aggressive friendly silky smart furry ugly noisy interesting playful scary spotted fast gray

25 What does Mary look like?
What does Mary like? What is Mary like? What does Mary look like? (B) (C ) (A) A. She is very tall and has long hair. B. She likes reading. C. She is outgoing.

26 Where do they live? They live in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps(红树沼泽地). What do they eat ? They eat aquatic feed.(水生的食物)

27 2a Listening 1. endangered 3.habitat 4.aquatic feed
2.mangroves swamps 3.habitat 4.aquatic feed a. the place where something lives b. there aren’t very many of them c. underwater plants and vegetation d. a place where trees grow in water

28 2b Complete the chart Kind of animal Manatee Numbers _____ in the U.S.
Habitat trees __________ in mangrove swamp Reason why they are endangered swamps_______ , not enough ____ Description _____, three meters long, weighs 1,000 pounds 2,500 underwater polluted food large

29 2c Pairwork A:How big are manatees?
B:They’re about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1000 pounds. A:How many …in the world ? B:… A:Why are they endangered? A:What do you think of them?

30 Pairwork Where have you been What did you see Why
B: I’ve just been to the natural museum. A: 2___________________________________? B: We saw a lot of endangered animals, like manatees, pandas, chimpanzees (黑猩猩)and so on. A: 4__________________? B: Because people have done something bad to them and they’re dying out. A: That’s a really bad thing. But 5_____________________________? B: Yes, I think we can do something to help. We can tell people how important these animals are. A: I agree with you. What did you see Why can we do something to help

31 Do you think they are happy?
Zoos are bad for animals ? Zoos are good for animals?

32 3a Read the letter and underline the reason why the writer is opposed to zoos.
Suitable 合适的 tiny 极小的 cage 笼子 disgusted 厌恶的 1 Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. 2 The animals are kept in tiny cages and hardly move at all. 3 They are only given food once a day.

33 be against doing  反对做…… Dear Editor, I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town. Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in. Just last week, I visited a zoo and couldn’t believe what I saw. The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all. And they are only given food once a day. Is this a good way for animals to live? I don’t think so. Sincerely, Disgusted

34 3b Read this letter to the editor
3b Read this letter to the editor. What’s “Animal Friend”opinion about the zoo? Educate 教育 care for 关怀 urge 强烈要求 He thinks that the zoo is an important place for the animals. And it is like a living textbook for young people.

35 Dear Editor, I visited our zoo yesterday and I was very surprised to find hardly anyone there. Zoos are very important places. They are like living textbooks for young people. They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the public about caring for them. If we don’t support our zoos, they won’t have enough money to take care of so many fine animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon. Sincerely, Animal Friend be surprised to do 很惊讶的做谋事 provide sth. for sb.提供某人什么

36 Zoos are terrible places Zoos are important places
* Animals are kept in tiny cages Zoos are living textbook. Animals can hardly move at all Zoos provide homes for endangered animals. Animals are only given food once a day. Educate people about caring for them.

37 The cages are dirty. They are only given food once a day.

38 The zoos provide homes for many
endangered animals.

39 Zoos are like living textbooks for
young people. Help to educate the public about caring for them.

40 Exercises I : 根据汉语完成下列句子.
我反对在我们镇上建新的动物园. 我发现那里几乎没有人,我感到非常惊讶. 他们为许多濒危动物提供家园,并且帮助教育公众关心它们. 我强力要求每个人参观我们的动物园. am against building I ______ ______ _______ a new zoo in our town. I was very __________ ______ ______ hardly anyone there. They ________ home ____ many ___________ animals and help ___ _________ the public about ______ ______ them. I ______ everyone _____ ______ our wonderful zoo. surprised to find provide for endangered to educate caring for urge to visit

41 provide sth for sb. 提供给某人某物
1.Be against doing sth. 反对做某事, 反义词组是 be for doing sth, 赞成某事 2.provide sb. with sth. provide sth for sb. 提供给某人某物 The firm provided me with a car.公司给我一辆汽车。 provide for sb. 供应某人所需 surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶 be surprised to do sth 很惊讶地做某事 in surprise 惊奇地 To one’s surprise 使某人惊奇地 4. be suitable for sb to do sth. 表示 “适合某人做某事”,这里suitable 是suit的形容词形式,表示 “合适的”。

42 Dear Editor, I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town. Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in. Just last week, I visited a zoo and couldn’t believe what I saw. The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all. And they are only given food once a day. Is this a good way for animals to live? I don’t think so. Sincerely, Disgusted

43 Dear Editor, I visited our zoo yesterday and I was very surprised to find hardly anyone there. Zoos are very important places. They are like living textbooks for young people. They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the public about caring for them. If we don’t support our zoos, they won’t have enough money to take care of so many fine animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon. Sincerely, Animal Friend

44 Solution : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In my opinion , I am agree that building the zoo is a good idea. If we have a zoo, we can watch the animals and learn to care them easily. While in the zoo the animals should be treated well. They shouldn’t be put in the cages. They are supposed to be relaxed and free . After all , the zoo is the home for animals , not just for fun.

45 Debate: Do you think zoos are good\bad for animals?
Useful expressions I think that….. I agree with you. I believe that…. I disagree with you. I feel that…. I agree that….

46 Summary Pros: Firstly zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. Thirdly, zoos protest the animals and keep them from becoming extinct. Cons: Most animals are kept in small cages. Most cages are not clean, either. The food in the zoos is not natural. In the forest they can find the food by themselves.

47 Write a letter to the editor and give your opinion.
Dear Editor, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sincerely …….

48 What kind of animal do you like best?
(Plan 2) Pair work What kind of animal do you like best? Model: A: We’ve just seen so many animals. What animals do you like best? B: I like tigers best because they are so cool. A: I disagree with you. I always feel scared when I see them. I like to see birds. B: Is it true? They are too noisy. I don’t love them. A: But I think they are very beautiful. Useful language: I think that … because… I feel that… I agree/disagree with you .

49 Explanation 1.I am like this animal because I am
strong and intelligent. Be like=look like=be similar to 像,看起来像。如: He is like his father。他像他的父亲。 = He looks like his father. = He is similar to his father.

50 这里的like作介词,意思为“像”,like 还可做动词用,表示“喜欢”,like(doing)
sth. 喜欢做某事。如: He likes his father very much. 他很喜欢他的父亲。 Mary likes playing volleyball. 玛丽喜欢打排球。

51 2.How big are manatees? 海牛有多大?
How big... 询问体重。以how组合的疑问词组有很多,如: how old 询问年龄 how often询问频率 how long询问动作持续的长短 how much询问质量或者价钱 how far 询问距离 how many询问数量 how soon 询问过多久

52 3….they weigh about 1,000 pounds,
……他们大约重1000磅。 weigh 称……重量,测……重量。如: He weighed the stone in his hand. 他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。 The piece of meat weighs four pounds. 这块肉重四磅。

53 weight 还可用做名词,重量。 如: What is your weight? 你的体重是多少?

54 4. We’re trying to save the manatees.
我们正在竭尽全力拯救海牛. Try to do =try one’s best to do 努力去做某事。如: Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university. 为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该 努力学习。

55 5. I’m writing to say that I am against
building a new zoo in our town. against 介词, 反对, 违反, 与……相反(=opposite) 如: Are most people against the proposal? 大多数人反对这项提议吗?

56 against 介词还有触,碰,倚,靠的意思。 如: Put the piano there, with its back, against the wall. 把钢琴放在那里,背靠着墙. Be against doing sth. 反对做某事, 反义词组是 be for doing sth, 赞成某事

57 如: All the people around the world are against cloning human beings.
全世界的人民反对克隆人类。 All of us are for peace and against war. 我们都赞成和平,反对战争。

58 6. I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in. (1) be suitable for sb to do sth. 表示 “适合某人做某事”,这里suitable 是suit的形容词形式,表示 “合适的”。

59 如: This kind of bamboo is not suitable for pandas to eat. 这种竹子不适合给熊猫吃。 This dress suits you very much, but unfortunately it doesn’t fit you. 这套女装款式非常适合你,只可惜大小不合适。

60 (2)to live in 在此处作animals的后置定语。英语中动词不定式短语做名词定语,放在后面。如:
There is nothing for us to worry about. 我们没有什么可以担心的。

61 7. The animals are kept in tiny cages.动物被关在极小的笼子里。
tiny=little 很小的 ,带有感情色彩. 区别, the tiny country 国家小 (含可爱的意思) a small country 小国家(与large country 相对应)

62 a little boy 爱怜之意,(不含身材矮小)
tiny 和little 常做定语,一般不做表语,small 既可以做定语,也可以做表语。 little 还可表示 “一点点的”,修饰不可数名词。如: There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶里有一点点的牛奶。

63 8. I was surprised to find hardly anyone there.
我非常惊讶地发现在那几乎没有人。 surprised 在这里是过去分词做形容词。 常用词组:be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶

64 be surprised to do sth. 很惊讶地做某事 in surprise 惊奇地 To one’s surprise 使某人惊奇地 如: I was surprised at the news to hear the news. 听到这个消息我很吃惊。 surprise =amaze 使……惊讶

65 surprising 惊讶的 (侧重指事物本身具有的特点) 如:
His words surprised me. 他的话使我大吃一惊。 It is surprising news. 它是一个令人惊讶的消息。

66 9.They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the public about caring for them. (动物园)他们为许多濒危的动物提供了家,也有助于教育众人来关心这些动物。

67 provide sb. with sth. provide sth for sb. 提供给某人某物 The firm provided me with a car. 公司给我一辆汽车。

68 Can you provided accommodation for thirty people?
你能为30人提供住宿吗? provide for sb. 供应某人所需。如: They worked hard to provide for their large family. 他们努力工作以供养一家人。

69 Homework * Try to find more endangered animals in the world and write a short passage about how to save them or protect them.

70 The Second Period Section B

71 The world's problems Pollution Endangered animals Natural disasters

72 Talking How to save the planet? Check easy (E) or difficult (D).
____* stop riding in cars. ___* recycle books and paper. ____* turn off the lights when you leave the room. ____* refuse to use the plastic bags. ____* don’t put the waste water into the river. ____* plant more trees and glass. ____*…. D E A: Recycling books and paper is really easy. B: I agree. But it’s difficult to stop riding in cars. A: Recycling books and paper is really easy. B: I agree. But it’s difficult to stop riding in cars. A: Recycling books and paper is really easy. B: I agree. But it’s difficult to stop riding in cars.

73 Listen talk about. Check the things. to what Julia and Jack
Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia is doing now Things Julia will do in the future Things Julia would never do ___ turning off the light ___ turning off the shower ___ stopping using paper napkins ___ taking your own bags when shopping. ___ not riding in cars ___ riding a bike ___ recycling paper

74 Reading 3a House parts Things made from The walls The fence The roof
* Fill in the chart. House parts Things made from The walls The fence The roof old glass bottles used soda cans discarded tiles * Answer the questions. Who is Amy Winterbourne? 2. Did she win an award? What’s it? 3. What does she do in her spare time?

75 ______________________________________
Look at the pictures and finish the article . Use the phrases “made from” and “used to be”. Writing Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him. At school, everyone calls him Mr. Recycle. His hat is made from_______________ ______________________________________ the bottom of the petrol drum. His bag comes from red trousers which is too short for him. His beautiful scarf used to be the carpet in his house.

76 Task 1 Please write something about how to recycle these things

77 Read the article and choose (T) or (F).
Task 2    Every day, we throw much rubbish. Where does the rubbish go? We bury most of it in a land fill(垃圾填埋场), but the landfills in many cities in the U.S. are almost filled. Many of the old landfills have poisons that can make water and soil (土壤) around them dangerous to your health. What can we do to help? Follow the three R’s: REUSE, REFUSE, and RECYCLE.  REUSE You don’t need new bags every time you go to the store Reuse the old ones---and you had better use cloth bags, not plastic ones.  REFUSE Stop buying anything that is over –packaged. Also look for products  that come in boxes made of recycled cardboard(硬纸板).  RECYCLE People can use cans, newspapers and plastic bottles again. So don’t throw them away. Send them to the recycling center. ( )If we go shopping we needn’t take any bags because there are enough plastic bags. ( ) “Ruse” means”use old bags again”. ( ) “Refuse” means “don’t buy products that comes in boxes made of new cardboard”. ( ) “Recycle” means “collect cans,newspapers and plastic bottles and use them again”. F T F F

78 Homework Can you see what these things are made from? Try to think out more ways to recycle these things?

79 Thank you !


81 After readinging the book, what do you think about it?
Let’s talk: After readinging the book, what do you think about it? Do you think building zoos is a good way to protect the animals? Now let’s read the text first.

82 3a Read the letter and underline the reason why the writer is opposed to zoos.
Suitable 合适的 tiny 极小的 cage 笼子 disgusted 厌恶的 1 Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. 2 The animals are kept in tiny cages and hardly move at all. 3 They are only given food once a day.

83 3b Read this letter to the editor
3b Read this letter to the editor. What’s “Animal Friend”opinion about the zoo? Educate 教育 care for 关怀 urge 强烈要求 He thinks that the zoo is an important place for the animals. And it is like a living textbook for young people.

84 3a and 3b Reading Fill in the chart. Zoos are terrible places
Zoos are important places * Animals are kept in tiny cages Zoos are living textbook. Animals can hardly move at all Zoos provide homes for endangered animals. Educate people about caring for them. Animals are only given food once a day.

85 Debate: Do you think zoos are good\bad for animals?
Useful expressions I think that….. I agree with you. I believe that…. I disagree with you. I feel that…. I agree that….

86 Summary Pros: Firstly zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. Thirdly, zoos protest the animals and keep them from becoming extinct. Cons: Most animals are kept in small cages. Most cages are not clean, either. The food in the zoos is not natural. In the forest they can find the food by themselves.

87 Write a letter to the editor and give your opinion.
Dear Editor, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sincerely …….

88 Task 2 Fill in the blanks according to the main ideas.
My favorite animals are pandas. I like them very much because they are gentle and shy. They are also 1________to people. And they look funny, too. Their eyes are the most interesting part. The black circles around their 2_____ make them look like they are wearing glasses or have just been in a fight. Their favorite food is bamboo 3______. They don’t like to move around very much. But now pandas are endangered .For one thing, people have destroyed many of their habits. For another, they don’t have 4______ food to eat. We must think of ways to 5_______ them. I think we should build more panda zoos and plant more bamboo for them. I hope everyone can do something for animals, so that we can keep our world rich and colorful and full of interesting animals. friendly eyes leaves enough protect

89 GROUPWORK How big are manatees? They’re about 10 feet long
and they weigh about 1,000 pounds.

90 Explanation 1.I am like this animal because I am
strong and intelligent. Be like=look like=be similar to 像,看起来像。如: He is like his father。他像他的父亲。 = He looks like his father. = He is similar to his father.

91 这里的like作介词,意思为“像”,like 还可做动词用,表示“喜欢”,like(doing)
sth. 喜欢做某事。如: He likes his father very much. 他很喜欢他的父亲。 Mary likes playing volleyball. 玛丽喜欢打排球。

92 2.How big are manatees? 海牛有多大?
How big... 询问体重。以how组合的疑问词组有很多,如: how old 询问年龄 how often询问频率 how long询问动作持续的长短 how much询问质量或者价钱 how far 询问距离 how many询问数量 how soon 询问过多久

93 3….they weigh about 1,000 pounds,
……他们大约重1000磅。 weigh 称……重量,测……重量。如: He weighed the stone in his hand. 他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。 The piece of meat weighs four pounds. 这块肉重四磅。

94 weight 还可用做名词,重量。 如: What is your weight? 你的体重是多少?

95 4. We’re trying to save the manatees.
我们正在竭尽全力拯救海牛. Try to do =try one’s best to do 努力去做某事。如: Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university. 为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该 努力学习。

96 5. I’m writing to say that I am against
building a new zoo in our town. against 介词, 反对, 违反, 与……相反(=opposite) 如: Are most people against the proposal? 大多数人反对这项提议吗?

97 against 介词还有触,碰,倚,靠的意思。 如: Put the piano there, with its back, against the wall. 把钢琴放在那里,背靠着墙. Be against doing sth. 反对做某事, 反义词组是 be for doing sth, 赞成某事

98 如: All the people around the world are against cloning human beings.
全世界的人民反对克隆人类。 All of us are for peace and against war. 我们都赞成和平,反对战争。

99 6. I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in. (1) be suitable for sb to do sth. 表示 “适合某人做某事”,这里suitable 是suit的形容词形式,表示 “合适的”。

100 如: This kind of bamboo is not suitable for pandas to eat. 这种竹子不适合给熊猫吃。 This dress suits you very much, but unfortunately it doesn’t fit you. 这套女装款式非常适合你,只可惜大小不合适。

101 (2)to live in 在此处作animals的后置定语。英语中动词不定式短语做名词定语,放在后面。如:
There is nothing for us to worry about. 我们没有什么可以担心的。

102 7. The animals are kept in tiny cages.动物被关在极小的笼子里。
tiny=little 很小的 ,带有感情色彩. 区别, the tiny country 国家小 (含可爱的意思) a small country 小国家(与large country 相对应)

103 a little boy 爱怜之意,(不含身材矮小)
tiny 和little 常做定语,一般不做表语,small 既可以做定语,也可以做表语。 little 还可表示 “一点点的”,修饰不可数名词。如: There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶里有一点点的牛奶。

104 8. I was surprised to find hardly anyone there.
我非常惊讶地发现在那几乎没有人。 surprised 在这里是过去分词做形容词。 常用词组:be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶

105 be surprised to do sth. 很惊讶地做某事 in surprise 惊奇地 To one’s surprise 使某人惊奇地 如: I was surprised at the news to hear the news. 听到这个消息我很吃惊。 surprise =amaze 使……惊讶

106 surprising 惊讶的 (侧重指事物本身具有的特点) 如:
His words surprised me. 他的话使我大吃一惊。 It is surprising news. 它是一个令人惊讶的消息。

107 9.They provide homes for many endangered animals, and help to educate the public about caring for them. (动物园)他们为许多濒危的动物提供了家,也有助于教育众人来关心这些动物。

108 provide sb. with sth. provide sth for sb. 提供给某人某物 The firm provided me with a car. 公司给我一辆汽车。

109 Can you provided accommodation for thirty people?
你能为30人提供住宿吗? provide for sb. 供应某人所需。如: They worked hard to provide for their large family. 他们努力工作以供养一家人。

110 Homework * Try to find more endangered animals in the world and write a short passage about how to save them or protect them.

111 The Second Period Section B

112 The world's problems Pollution Endangered animals Natural disasters

113 Talking How to save the planet? Check easy (E) or difficult (D).
____* stop riding in cars. ___* recycle books and paper. ____* turn off the lights when you leave the room. ____* refuse to use the plastic bags. ____* don’t put the waste water into the river. ____* plant more trees and glass. ____*…. D E A: Recycling books and paper is really easy. B: I agree. But it’s difficult to stop riding in cars. A: Recycling books and paper is really easy. B: I agree. But it’s difficult to stop riding in cars. A: Recycling books and paper is really easy. B: I agree. But it’s difficult to stop riding in cars.

114 Listen talk about. Check the things. to what Julia and Jack
Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia is doing now Things Julia will do in the future Things Julia would never do ___ turning off the light ___ turning off the shower ___ stopping using paper napkins ___ taking your own bags when shopping. ___ not riding in cars ___ riding a bike ___ recycling paper

115 Reading 3a House parts Things made from The walls The fence The roof
* Fill in the chart. House parts Things made from The walls The fence The roof old glass bottles used soda cans discarded tiles * Answer the questions. Who is Amy Winterbourne? 2. Did she win an award? What’s it? 3. What does she do in her spare time?

116 ______________________________________
Look at the pictures and finish the article . Use the phrases “made from” and “used to be”. Writing Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him. At school, everyone calls him Mr. Recycle. His hat is made from_______________ ______________________________________ the bottom of the petrol drum. His bag comes from red trousers which is too short for him. His beautiful scarf used to be the carpet in his house.

117 Task 1 Please write something about how to recycle these things

118 Read the article and choose (T) or (F).
Task 2    Every day, we throw much rubbish. Where does the rubbish go? We bury most of it in a land fill(垃圾填埋场), but the landfills in many cities in the U.S. are almost filled. Many of the old landfills have poisons that can make water and soil (土壤) around them dangerous to your health. What can we do to help? Follow the three R’s: REUSE, REFUSE, and RECYCLE.  REUSE You don’t need new bags every time you go to the store Reuse the old ones---and you had better use cloth bags, not plastic ones.  REFUSE Stop buying anything that is over –packaged. Also look for products  that come in boxes made of recycled cardboard(硬纸板).  RECYCLE People can use cans, newspapers and plastic bottles again. So don’t throw them away. Send them to the recycling center. ( )If we go shopping we needn’t take any bags because there are enough plastic bags. ( ) “Ruse” means”use old bags again”. ( ) “Refuse” means “don’t buy products that comes in boxes made of new cardboard”. ( ) “Recycle” means “collect cans,newspapers and plastic bottles and use them again”. F T F F

119 Homework Can you see what these things are made from? Try to think out more ways to recycle these things?

120 Thank you !

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