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Lesson 27: The Dove and the Olive Branch.

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1 Lesson 27: The Dove and the Olive Branch

2 Story Adam 亚当 Eve 夏娃 Eden 伊甸园 God 上帝

3 New words flood n. 洪水;水灾 peaceful adj. 和平的; 安宁的 raise v. 饲养
olive n. 橄榄 flood n. 洪水;水灾 peaceful adj. 和平的; 安宁的 raise v. 饲养 symbol n.标志;象征 dove n. 鸽子

4 Listening Listen to the tape and decide the following statements are true or false. 1. Adam and Eve give birth to their children in the Eden. 2.God doesn’t want Noah to die because Noah can give peace to the world.  ( F ) ( F )

5 3. Noah and his family floats in the Great Flood for five months.
4.The dove comes back with a green olive to show that there are living things on earth. 5. Since then, people use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace. ( T ) ( F ) ( T )

6 Can you try Retell the story

7 Discussion 1. What do you think breaks the peace in our life?
2. What can you do to prevent this happen?

8 Language points 1. They must die in the Great Flood, all except Noah   because he is a good man.人们必须在大洪水中死亡,诺亚除外,因为他是个好人。 Great Flood.     大洪水,灭世洪水。     except  介词,除……之外,but也有此含义。例:     All went to the cinema except (but) Jim.     所有人都去看电影了,除了吉姆。

9 2. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over.     傍晚,鸽子嘴里叼着一个绿色橄榄枝回来了。这表明陆地在附近,危险结束了。     with a green olive branch in its mouth是介词with的复合结构,作伴随状语。     showing that land is near and danger is over是动词的ing形式,作结果状语。 例.    She said good-bye with tears in her eyes.    她含着泪说再见。

10 3. I would love to raise doves and plant an olive tree.
    我想养一只鸽子种一棵橄榄树。     raise 动词,饲养、种植,增长,举起……  例:     They raised their hands. (put up)  他们举起手。     They raise rice. (grow) 他们种水稻。 He raises a dog. (keep)  他养一只狗。

11 Practice except peaceful died symbol
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. danger raise planted died symbol floated peaceful except 1) Everyone comes _________Tom. He gets up late. 2) Let’s work hard to make the world a _________land. 3) Sam ________last week and left two children behind. 4) Dove is the ________of peace. except peaceful died symbol

12 raise 5) The farmers ________sheep on the mountain. 6) Rafts________down the river. 7) The tiger are in great_______. They are hunted and killed. 8) A lot of trees are_________to protect the enviroment. floats danger planted

13 tell some famous stories about making peace.
Free talking tell some famous stories about making peace.

14 Homework  Surfing and finding some peaceful stories on the internet.

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