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Presentation on theme: "新标准英语课堂活动用书简介."— Presentation transcript:

1 新标准英语课堂活动用书简介

2 教材同步配套

3 编辑此书的目的 协助教师备课,节约了教师为寻求有效的活动所花费的时间和精力;
活动话题、词汇、功能和难度与教材同步,即能帮助学生进一步巩固和拓展所学教材内容, 又能让学生体验语言学习活动的快乐。

4 丰富活动类型(每一模块6-9个活动) 图片 游戏 歌谣 音乐 视频 歌谣、音乐、故事、电影、游戏、图片……都是语言学习的素材。减轻备课负担!

5 学生用书 + 教师指导 + 答案

6 教师指导手册 组织形式 活动类型 语言知识 活动时间 学生页码 配套活动

7 学生用书 电影 节日 复习活动

8 体验一下吧… 结束后,说明训练语言现象(进行时态,或正准确的说:进行时态与一般现在时在句子结构上的区别)

9 案例:七年级上 Module 9 People and places
模块简介 U1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot. Betty在长城上给妈妈打电话,告诉她和小 伙伴们正在干什么。 U2 They’re waiting for buses and trains. 在同一时间世界各地的人们正在干什么。 U3 Language in use (现在进行时)

10 教师活动指示语(Language guide) This is a picture of a very strange town
教师活动指示语(Language guide) This is a picture of a very strange town. In “Strange Town”, everybody is doing something different from our daily life. For example: look at the driver in a small car. Usually, a driver drives in a car, but in this town, a driver is playing the piano in a car now. (输出英语)

11 教师活动指示语(Language guide) 1
教师活动指示语(Language guide) 1. You’ll talk with your partner about the strange things you see. 2.You may use the sentence structure “Usually, ..., but in this town, ... now” to tell the difference. (Write the structures on the blackboard, and if needed, give an example.) 3. Later, we’ll see which group has found the largest number of unusual things. 4. You have 5 minutes to get prepared.

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