Unit title: 买东西 - Shopping

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1 Unit title: 买东西 - Shopping
Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Health and Social This AofI was chosen so that students can consider the social benefits of shopping in China. The culture of shopping in China has changed over the years and is different from the West. Chinese people are using their new found wealth in different ways. MYP unit question How has the culture of shopping changed in China?

2 Find the errors in each sentence EXT: Write out the sentence correctly
一. 衬衣比裙子很漂亮. 一. 衬衣比裙子漂亮(多了/得多). 二. 苹果是非常好吃. 二. 苹果非常好吃. 三. 裤子但是很好看,虽然太贵了. 三. 裤子虽然很好看,但是太贵了. 四. 我想买一斤香蕉, 他还想买香蕉. 四. 我想买一斤香蕉, 他也想买香蕉. 五. 姐姐昨天买运动鞋和大衣. 五. 姐姐昨天买了运动鞋和大衣.

3 Shopping LO: Use the superlative in sentences.

4 How about it? What’s it like?
zěn​me​yàng 怎么样 How about it? What’s it like?

5 这件上衣怎么样? What’s this top like?

6 yígòng 一共 altogether

7 三斤白菜和一公斤青菜一共多少钱? Three half kilos of white cabbage and one kilo of Chinese greens are how much altogether?

8 zuì most

9 Adj: 这条红色的裤子是最漂亮的 Verb: 他最喜欢黑色的鞋 These red trousers are the prettiest.
He likes black shoes the most.

10 今天的题目: Shopping Write out the 2 new words/phrases from page 68.
Write out the new word for ‘most’ and its use from page 69. EXT: Make up a sentence using each word – how complex can you make them?

11 听力 1. Does Jin Ling like red jumpers. A. No.
Pg. 68, ex. 3. Answer the 5 questions in English. EXT: Write out the answer in Chinese characters. 1. Does Jin Ling like red jumpers. A. No. 2. What colour jumper does Jin Ling want to buy? A. Yellow 3. How much is the jumper Jin Ling wants to buy? A. 89 kuai 4. What else does Jin Ling want to buy? A. Black socks 5. How much does Jin Ling have to pay in total? A. 99 kuai

12 阅读 1. f 2. d 3. a. 4. c. 5. b. 6. e. Workbook - p.40, ex.2
Write out the correct numbers and letters to put the dialogue into the right order. EXT: Write out the dialogue in English. 1. f 2. d 3. a. 4. c. 5. b. 6. e.

13 你最喜欢 / 最不喜欢什么?Include a reason using 最 to get a Chinese reward.
B C A ruler / I have / I don’t have 13

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