高中英文第一冊 第六單元 重補修用.

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1 高中英文第一冊 第六單元 重補修用

選文第一段 As you drive or walk along the streets in almost any city, you can’t help but notice that there are signs everywhere: store signs, street signs and traffic signs. 幾乎各大都市,你開車或沿街走路,忍不住就會注意到到處都是標誌:商店標誌、街道標誌、以及交通號誌。

3 選文第二段 While many of these signs use words as well as images to communicate, there are also many that rely entirely on symbols. Think, for example, of this kind of sign: (No U-turn). Or this one: (No Smoking). 這些標誌中有很多使用文字以及圖像來傳達的同時,也有很多完全依賴符號。例如,你可以想到這種標誌:禁止迴轉;或這種:禁止吸菸。

4 選文第三段 No language is necessary to know what these symbols mean. Anyone from any country, speaking any language, can understand them. That is why they are called international signs. 要認知這些符號代表什麼,不需用到任何語言。從任何一國的人,不管講任何語言,都可以理解它們。這是為何它們被稱為國際標誌。

5 閱讀理解 根據選文回答以下是非題,「是」圈選 T,『非』圈選 F T or F 1. When we drive, we can find signs almost everywhere. T or F 2. All signs are symbols. T or F 3. means no U-turn. T or F 4. We can smoke in places with .

6 閱讀理解答案 1. T;當我們開車時,會發現幾乎到處都是標誌。 2. F;所有的標誌都是符號。 3. T; 表示禁止迴轉。 4. F;我們可以在有 的地方抽菸。

7 重點單字 along 詞性 介係詞 中文意思 沿著 例句 We take a walk along the river. 我們沿著河散步。

8 NOTICE 詞性 動詞 中文意思 注意 例句 Do you notice that man who is fishing there?

9 SIGN 詞性 名詞 中文意思 標誌 例句 The road sign says that the Sun Moon Lake is three kilometers ahead. 路標顯示日月潭在前方三公里處。

10 TRAFFIC 詞性 名詞 中文意思 交通 例句 They got caught in rush-hour traffic.

11 WHILE 詞性 連接詞 中文意思 (表對照)…的同時,而… 例句
While Joe likes cooking at home, his family prefers to eat out. Joe 喜歡在家煮飯吃,而他家的人卻喜歡吃外食。

12 IMAGE 詞性 名詞 中文意思 形象;意象 例句 As a statesman, you should watch your image.

13 COMMUNICATE 詞性 動詞 中文意思 傳達;溝通 例句
These flowers are meant to communicate my appreciation to you. 這些花是用來表達我對妳的謝意。

14 ENTIRELY 詞性 副詞 中文意思 完全地 例句 I believe in you entirely. 我完全信賴你。

15 SYMBOL 詞性 名詞 複數形 symbols 中文意思 符號;象徵 例句
In Chinese culture, a pineapple is a symbol of successful business. 中國文化裡,鳳梨是生意興隆的象徵。

16 NECESSARY 詞性 形容詞 中文意思 必要的 例句 Air and water are necessary for life.

17 INTERNATIONAL 詞性 形容詞 中文意思 國際的 例句 English is an international language.

18 重點片語 as well as 功用 介係詞 中文意思 以及 例句
I can sing and dance, as well as speaking English. 我會唱歌和跳舞,還有講英文。

19 RELY ON 功能 動詞 中文意思 依賴 例句 Children rely on their parents for all necessities in life. 孩子依賴父母提供生活中的必需品。

20 THINK OF 功能 動詞 中文意思 想到 例句 When he saw the coat, he thought of his mother. 他看到那件外套時,就想到他的母親。

21 重點句型: 間接問句 直接問句1:When will Mary come home? Mary何時會回家?
間接問句1:I wonder when Mary will come home. 我想知道Mary 何時會回家。 直接問句2:Does Tom love Karrie? Tom 愛Karrie嗎? 間接問句2: My mother wants to know if Tom loves Karrie. 我母親想要知道Tom是否愛Karrie。

22 句型練習 將題目句子改成間接問句(注意主詞、時態要一致):
直接:Tom asked me, “Where is the restroom?” 間接:Tom asked me where the restroom was. 直接:John asked, “How many hours of free time can I have?” 間接:John asked how many hours of free time he could have. 直接: “Where can you find a cart for your luggage?” 間接: This sign tells you where you can find a cart for your luggage.

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