What do you think our new topic is about?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think our new topic is about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think our new topic is about?
Can you listen out for any key new vocabulary? Video

2 Unit title: 学校 School Area of interaction focus Significant concepts
Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Environment Comparing and contrasting the school environments in different countries. Consideration of how we depend on our school environment for various reasons The size and population of a country affects all aspects of society, education is no exception. School life in different countries can differ significantly to school life in the UK. MYP unit question How is school life in China different to your school life in the UK?

3 今天的话题:School 今天的目标: Learn the words for school subjects
Talk about school subjects

4 yīng​ wén 英文 English

5 zhōng​ wén 中文 Chinese

6 fǎ ​wén 法文 French

7 dé ​wén 德文 German

8 shù ​xué 数学 Maths

9 kē ​xué 科学 Science

10 yīn​ yuè 音乐 Music

11 lì​ shǐ 历史 History

12 dì​ lǐ 地理 Geography

13 tǐ​ yù 体育 P.E.

14 lesson

15 体育 地理 历史 音乐 科学 数学 德文 法文 中文 英文

16 体育 地理 历史 音乐 科学 数学 德文 法文 中文 英文

17 Practise writing out the characters on your character sheet.

18 你喜欢中文课吗? 你喜欢不喜欢数学课? 你不喜欢什么课? Nǐ xǐ huan zhōng wén kè ma?
Do you like Chinese? Nǐ xǐ huan bù xǐ huan shù xué kè? 你喜欢不喜欢数学课? Do you like or not like Maths? Nǐ bù xǐ huan shén me kè? 你不喜欢什么课? You don’t like what subjects?

19 Choose one person and write out a sentence based on their answers on what subjects they like/dislike. EXT: Can you include any connectives?

20 体育

21 地理

22 历史

23 音乐

24 科学

25 数学

26 德文

27 法文

28 中文

29 数学

30 英文

31 音乐

32 历史

33 法文

34 德文

35 科学

36 数学

37 地理

38 体育


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