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(M3U5 Canada—The true north)

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1 (M3U5 Canada—The true north)
词汇课可以如此美丽 —英语话题与词汇分层复习课赏析 (M3U5 Canada—The true north) 瑞安中学 何丽慧

2 一、背景(现实背景) 英语教师 最忙最累 学生成绩 两极分化严重 大量学生 不喜欢、讨厌英语 词汇 -- 最大障碍
英语教师 最忙最累 学生成绩 两极分化严重 大量学生 不喜欢、讨厌英语 词汇 最大障碍 “背单词”是英语学习过程中最痛苦的事情 英语词汇教学现状不容乐观

3 一、背景(理论背景) 新课程指出: “一切为了学生的发展,为了一切学生的发展。” 有效教学理念的重要核心: 关注一切学生的需求
布鲁姆 —— “分层教学” —“使尖子冒得出,中层生迈大步,差生不落伍,100%的学生不同程度的有所进步”

4 “分层教学” 就是根据大纲和教材要求,在一个班内针对不同类型学生的接受能力设计不同层次的教学目标,提出不同层次的学习要求,给予不同层次的辅导,进行不同层次的检测,从而使各类学生分别在各自的起点上选择不同的速度,获取数量、层次不同的知识信息的课堂教学策略。

5 二、课例描述 Canada 瑞安教研员潘云梅老师 高一话题与词汇的复习课 (M3U5 Canada—“The True North”)
国旗、语言、文化、地理位置、主要的四个城市 重点单词和词组 (复现、巩固、运用、拓展)

6 D 流程图: Languages Talk about Canada cultures location Write about China
(巩固、运用) cultures Introduction of Canada(listening) (再输入) location Write about China cities (话题拓展、运用) (复现、巩固、 初步运用、词形、词性及词义拓展)

7 三、课例分析 (一)充分体现了分层的效益与魅力: 1、教学目标分层明确 基本目标 高级目标 例如1,2 2、教学任务分层落实
基本目标 高级目标 例如1,2 2、教学任务分层落实 重视共同基础 不同难度的任务分层推进 满足感、成就感 例如1,2,

8 可理解的输入、快乐地输出,----可以完成的任务,增添信心 例如1,2 (2)从平面到立体、由此及彼(广度)
3、教学内容分层输入、输出 (1)从形象到抽象、由浅入深(可理解度) 可理解的输入、快乐地输出,----可以完成的任务,增添信心 例如1,2 (2)从平面到立体、由此及彼(广度) 演绎---归纳,既授之以鱼又授之以渔 例如1

9 (3)从感性到理性、口头与书面输出交替进行 (“懂--熟--会”) 词---句---篇;笔头---口头---书面, 以用促懂,以用促记
流程图: Imitating (模仿造句) → Translating → filling by choosing(选词填空)→ talking about Canada组词成句或段落 → Imitating(模仿写片段、短文) multi-user n. _______ 多媒体 _______ Write about China

10 大脑对某一词的处理越深入,就越容易记住它。 利用话题,延展词语的深度,以用促记,也是潘老师的策略。
(4)融词汇于话题,融话题于生活 大脑对某一词的处理越深入,就越容易记住它。 利用话题,延展词语的深度,以用促记,也是潘老师的策略。 Canada languages cultures location cities China

11 (二)一点思考 学生的分层如何界定?是模糊的概念还是有明确的标准?标准是什么? 分层的可操作性到底有多强?

12 有感而发的课例写作过程 分析他人的课例 借鉴闪光点 弥补不足之处 自己上课实践 写自己上过的课例 理论与实践的结合
借鉴闪光点 弥补不足之处 自己上课实践 写自己上过的课例 理论与实践的结合 祝愿大家:既能写出有借鉴意义的文章, 又能演绎出美妙精彩的的课堂!

13 Thank you for your attention!

14 Canada—“The True North”(M3U5) Topic & Vocabulary Revision

15 Quiz A B D C

16 back What language(s) do Canadians speak?
Canada is a country, with both ________ and as official languages. 印度是一个双语国家,印度语(Hindi)和英语都是它的官方语言。 India is_______________________ bilingual French English a bilingual country, with both Hindi and English as official languages. back

17 back next Being a bilingual country, Canada has various cultures.
It is a country as well. multi-是一个前缀,意为“多” multi-user n. ____________ multi-purpose adj.__________________ 多媒体 __________ 多国的、多民族的 __________ multicultural back 多用户(计) 多用途的,多功能的 multimedia multinational next

18 location of Canada Canada is located in Arctic Ocean , surrounded by
. Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean the USA Atlantic Ocean North America the USA the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean

19 location of Canada next back
in the west; in the east; northward; northern; to the south and northwest Canada is a country occupying(占据) most of ____________ North America, extending(延伸) from the Atlantic Ocean ____________ to the Pacific Ocean ____________ and ____________ into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area and shares land borders with the United States ____________________________. northern in the east northward in the west to the south and northwest next back

20 next next northward也作northeastwards,副词,意为“向北” -ward(s)=in a direction
向前 ___________ 向后 __________ 向外 ___________ 向南 __________ 向西 ___________ 向东 __________ forward(s) backward(s) southward(s) outward(s) westward(s) eastward(s) next next

21 Describe the location of China (For the advanced)

22 ? A. Vancouver B. Toronto D. Ottawa C. Calgary

23 You can focus on one or more.
Talk about Canada Canada Vocabulary Flag Royal coat of arms maple Motto (座右铭) "From Sea to Sea" impressive; be surrounded with Location  Northern North American Atlantic; Pacific ; Arctic; America; border with Capital Ottawa political and cultural center Largest city Toronto wealthy; tall CN Tower; the great Niagara Falls; measure; Chinatown Official languages English and French bilingual You can focus on one or more.

24 Talk about Canada back Sample: Hello, everyone,
Now I’d like to present the impressive motto of Canada to you. What is it? "From Sea to Sea". Yes, But why? From what sea to what sea? As far as I know, the answer lies in its unique location. Bordering with the United States to the south and northwest, the country extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean . So Canada is almost surrounded with sea. This somehow explains the motto… back

25 Introduction of Canada
What is mentioned ? Use the following vocabulary if necessary: bilingual, multicultural, location, surround, measure, within, border, impress (impressive), rather than, settle down, have a gift for

26 Write about China back (for the advanced) People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国 Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Flag a red rectangle emblazoned with five stars Anthem(圣歌)  "March of the Volunteers" (义勇军进行曲) Capital Beijing Largest city Shanghai Official languages Standard Mandarin (spoken) Simplified Chinese (written) back

27 Homework Write a brief introduction of Canada (and China for the advanced) 2. Read the supplementary material and write comments Basic reading for all: culture Further reading for the advanced: Sports & recreation 3. For more information, please visit

28 Vancouver Vancouver: It was elected the best place to live in all over the world in 2001. next

29 Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?
1) It is the most _________ city in Canada, __________ by mountains on the north and east and the _______________ on the west. 2) People can ski in the ________________ and sail in the _________. 3) There are some oldest and most beautiful _______ on the coast north of the city. beautiful surrounded Pacific Ocean Rocky Mountains harbour forests

30 Calgary next …famous for… Cowboys….compete in… …have a gift for…win…
Calgary Stampede …famous for… Cowboys….compete in… …have a gift for…win… next

31 back He is a Canadian. He is a gifted Chinese learner.
He has a gift for learning Chinese. As far as I know(据我所知), he came to settle down in China after graduating rather than took a job in Canada. 据我所知,他娶了一位漂亮的中国太太,而不是加拿大美女。 As far as I know, he married a pretty Chinese lady rather than a Canadian beauty. back

32 That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats.
A. She settled down in an armchair to read her book. B. When are you going to marry and settle down? C. Wait until the children settle down before you start the class. It is too noisy. D. He soon settled down to his own work. 安稳地坐或躺下 定居 安静下来 专心于……

33 Places to visit Horseshoe Falls next Niagara Falls is the second largest and the total width measures 1,240 meters. It is difficult to measure the success of the project now. The government has taken some measures to solve the problem. C. The main bedroom measures 12 feet by 15 feet. v. 估量, 判定 n. 措施 v. 量度为 back

34 1、作业 2、留意、筛选合适课例 失败—不具代表性 成功—难! 3、如何写课例 4、理论支撑:有效教学 分层教学 5、一气呵成
过程 1、作业 2、留意、筛选合适课例 失败—不具代表性 成功—难! 3、如何写课例 4、理论支撑:有效教学 分层教学 5、一气呵成

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