mutton n. 羊肉 noodle n. 面条 cabbage n. 卷心菜 ; 洋白菜 beef n. 牛肉 potato n. 土豆.


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Presentation transcript:

mutton n. 羊肉 noodle n. 面条 cabbage n. 卷心菜 ; 洋白菜 beef n. 牛肉 potato n. 土豆

Match the words with the foods. 1.mutton __ 2.beef __ 3.noodles __ 4.chicken __ 5.cabbage __ 6.potatoes __ 7.tomatoes __ 8.carrots __ b 1a h d a c e f g

It’s a hamburger. What food is it?

It’s a bowl of egg noodles. What food is it?

It’s bread. What food is it?

It’s mutton. What food is it?

It’s beef. What food is it?

They’re potatoes. What vegetables are they?

They’re cabbages. What vegetables are they?

They’re carrots. What vegetables are they?

I’d like some egg noodles? What would you like?

1b Listen and check (√) the noodles that the person orders. ____ Special 1 ____ Special 2 ____ Special 3 √

1c Practice the conversation in 1a with your partner. Then make your own conversations.

I’m not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? What would you like? Yes, there are some tomatoes. OK. I’d like the beef noodles.

1. __ noodles 2. __ beef 3. __ mutton 4. __ chicken 5. __ tomatoes 6. __ cabbage 7. __ potatoes 8. __ vegetables 2a Listen and check (√) the names of the foods in the box. √ √ √ √ √ √

Boy: 1. I’d like a ______ bowl of noodles. 2. I’d like _______, ______ and ________ noodles. 2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. Girls: 1. I’d like a _________ bowl. 2. I’d like _____ and ________ noodles, please. chicken potato medium large beef tomato cabbage

2c Ask and answer questions with your partner. Use the information in 2a.

I’d like a large bowl of noodles. What size would you like? And what kind of noodles would you like? I’d like chicken, potato and cabbage noodles.

I’d like a medium bowl. What size would you like? What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef and potato noodles.

I’d like a small bowl. What size would you like? What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like mutton and cabbage noodles.

order n. & v. 点菜;命令 take one’s order 点菜

tofu n. 豆腐 size n. 大小;尺码 bowl n. 碗 one (large) bowl of... 一 ( 大 ) 碗......

Read the conversation in 2d and check their food. 2d √ √ √ √

Waiter: Good afternoon. May I take your order? Sally: Yes. Are there any vegetables in the beef soup? Waiter: Yes. There are some tomatoes. Sally: OK. We’d like one bowl of beef soup. Waiter: Sure. What size would you like? 2d Role-play the conversation.

Sally: Large, please. Tom: We’d also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice. Waiter: OK. One large bowl of beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo tofu with rice. Tom: Yes, that’s right.

1. What kind of noodles would you like? would like 表示 “ 想要 ” ,与 want 同义, 但比 want 更委婉。 would like 中的 would 可缩写为 ’d 。 would like 没有人称和数的 变化,后面可接名词,可用于 would like to do sth. 结构中,表示 “ 愿意做某事 ” , 还可用于 would like sb. to do sth. ,表示 “ 想让某人做某事 ” 。如:

I would / I’d like a small bowl of soup. 我想要一小碗汤。 She would / She’d like to play tennis. 她想打网球。 My father would like me to go home early. 我爸爸想让我早点回家。

— Would you like mutton noodles? 你想要羊肉面吗? — Yes, please. / No, thanks. 是的。 / 不,谢谢。 Would you like sth.?( 你想要 …… 吗? ) 常用来委婉地提供帮助。其肯定回答常 用 Yes, please 等;其否定回答常用 No, thanks 等。如:

【运用】 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题。 (1) The girl wants some orange juice. ( 改为 同义句 ) __________________________________ (2) Would you like some dumplings? ( 作肯 定及否定回答 ) __________________________________ The girl would like some orange juice. Yes, please./ No, thanks.

(3) 她愿意在数学方面帮助我。 ( 翻译成 英语 ) __________________________________ (4) 我想让我朋友和我打篮球。 ( 翻译成 英语 ) __________________________________ She would like to help me with my math. I want / would like my friend to play basketball with me.

2. May I take your order? 你可以点菜了吗? 也可以说 “Can I take (have) your order?”, “Are you ready to order?” 这些都是服务 员请客人点菜的礼貌用语。如: — May I take your order? — Yes. I’d like some mapo tofu with rice.

3. a bowl of 一碗 …… two bowls of 两碗 …… e.g. I’d like a bowl of beef cabbage noodles. 我想要一碗牛肉洋白菜面。 We’d like two bowls of mutton carrots soup. 我们想要两碗羊肉胡萝卜汤。

Waiter: May I take your ______? Jack: Yes. Are there any _________ in the mutton soup? Waiter: Yes. There ____ some carrots. Jack: OK. Can I have one ______ ____ mutton soup, please. order are vegetables bowl 补全下列对话。 of

Waiter: Sure. What ______ _______ your like? Jack: Large, please. I’d also like some gongbao chicken _______ rice. Waiter: OK. One bowl of mutton soup and some gongbao chicken with rice. size with would

1. 记忆本节课所学的表示食物的 词汇。 2. 与伙伴表演 2d 中的对话,并模 仿这个对话表演一个在饭店点 菜的场景。