中考读写. News Chapter 4 a collection of collect v. 收集 这家博物馆拥有精美的绘画收藏品。 一群人;一批物品 收集者、收藏家 collector The museum has a fine collection of paintings.


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Presentation transcript:


News Chapter 4

a collection of collect v. 收集 这家博物馆拥有精美的绘画收藏品。 一群人;一批物品 收集者、收藏家 collector The museum has a fine collection of paintings.

occasional occasionally adv. 有时候 偶尔的、偶然的、临时的 n. 某次;适当的时机 occasion 有一次,她深更半夜打电话给我。 On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night.

occasionally adv. 有时候 自从打过一架后,他就避免在任何场合碰见我。 Since our fight, he has avoided meeting me on any occasion.

The sun has sunk below the horizon. sink v. 下沉 那个坏消息使她的心都沉了. 太阳已经沉到地平线以下。 sank-sunk That bad news made her heart sink.

My world fell apart when I saw my boyfriend kissing another girl. fall apart 土崩瓦解 当我看到我的男朋友在亲吻其他女生时, 我的世界都崩溃了。

fall apart 土崩瓦解 如果我们在一起会让一切都崩溃,那就随他去吧! ( 动名词做主语 ) If being together means that everything falls apart, then let it be.

breathe v. 呼吸 呼吸新鲜空气 breathe fresh air breath n. 呼吸 憋气 hold one’s breath

breathe v. 呼吸 breath n. 呼吸 远处的雪山有种令人窒息的美丽。 The distant snow-capped mountain has a breath-taking beauty.

figure out v. 想出 我想不通他为什么辞职。 I can’t figure out why he quit his job. 你算出假期得花多少钱了吗 ? Have you figured out how much the vacation will cost? work out? =

She kept herself apart from others. keep sb. apart 保持距离 她与别人保持距离。

定语从句中的 when 和 where 你还记得我们第一次见面的那个小咖啡馆吗? Can you remember the café where we met first? 因为完整的句子是 we met in the cafe , 所以用 where 。

定语从句中的 when 和 where 我永远不能忘记我们共同度过的那个暑假。 I can never forget the summer when we were together. we were together in the summer , 做状语,所以用 when 。

定语从句中的 when 和 where 我不想想起我花在写作业上的两个小时。 I don’t want to remember the two hours which I spent on the homework. I spent two hours on the homework , 做宾语,所以用 which/that 。

concern v. 担忧 担忧 be concerned about worry? ≈ 我们十分关心游客们的安危。 We are concerned about the tourists’ safety. be worried about?≈

concern v. 参加(出席) 就我所知 as far as I am concerned worry ≈ 就我所知,政府已经采取了措施。 As far as I was concerned, the government has taken measures.

doubt v. 怀疑 他确实想帮忙,然而事实上只帮了倒忙。 No doubt that he wanted to help, but in fact, he only got in the way. 无疑、很可能 no doubt that

instead of 取代 他选择短暂而辉煌的一生而不是 冗长而平庸的一生。 He chose a short but brilliant life instead of a long but plain one.

leave sb. adj./adv./prep. 让我一个人呆着。 Leave me alone.

(依次轮到的)机会 turn 轮流 by turns 相应的 in turn 轮流 take turns to do 作为 … 回报 in return for sth. take turns in sth.?≈

轮到我了 It’s my turn 今天轮到谁洗碗 ? 是他。 Whose turn is it to wash dishes? It’s his turn.

轮流 by turns 我和我的母亲轮流照顾这只受伤的小猫。 My mother and I looked after the injured kitten by turns.

作为回报 in turn 你对生活微笑时,反过来生活也会对你微笑。 When you smile to life, it will smile to you in turn.
