College English Writing 《大学英语写作》 Lecture 1 How to Use Words.


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Presentation transcript:

College English Writing 《大学英语写作》 Lecture 1 How to Use Words

How to Write Well  1. Read more and read well ( 多读善读 )  读书破万卷, 下笔如有神  熟读唐诗三百首, 不会写诗也会吟  开卷有益 Reading is always profitable  Some books to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested… (有些 书可以一尝, 有些书可以吞下, 有不多的几部书 则应当咀嚼消化, ….. 对于少数好书, 则要精读、 细读、 反复地读。)

阅读时要注意下面四点:  1 )语篇结构  2 )句法结构  3 )词汇惯用法和固定搭配  4 )英汉两种语言在表达方面的异同

2. Practice more and write more (勤写多练)  Writing is always profitable.  各种形式的写作实践:写英文日记 diary 、 书 信 letters 、 做汉译英练习 translation 、 写文 章摘要 abstracts 、 写读后感、 缩写短篇名著、 写各种命题作文 compositions 、 写观后感等 等。  多读胸中有本, 勤写笔下生花

3. Learn and Master writing skills (掌握写作技巧)  一般的英语写作可分为两大阶段:  写前准备阶段 (prewriting)  写作和修改阶段 (Writing and rewriting)

写作的过程  1 ) 审题: 审清写作的文体、 主题、 题目要求的 对象和范围、写作的侧重点等。  2 ) 拟写提纲:理清思路, 规划文章的框架结构, 勾画文章的轮廓; 主次分明,脉络清楚。  3 ) 提笔成文:开个好头、 自然行文、 准确表达、 句式多样、 自然结尾。  J. Austin: Pride and Prejudice It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. (一个举世公认的真理 …. )  4 ) 复读与修改:斟酌句式文法, 用词准确, 表达 完整;文稿格式, 标点符号的正确使用,大小写, 字体书法等。

How to Use Words  How to Use Words

I. Word Formation:  1. Conversion( 转化 ):  Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 什么也没 有眼泪干得快。  Only thus can we better the life of the people.

2. Compounding( 合成 ):  What they need is a down-to-earth spirit.  She sent me a forget-me –never. 

3. Derivation( 派生 ):  词根 (Base) + 后缀 (Suffixes) : globe, global, globalize, globalization  词根 (Base) + 前缀 (Prefixes): like: dislike, unlike; write: pre-write, rewrite

4. Clipping( 截短法 ) 或 Shortening( 缩短法) :  1) 截头:  telephone—phone aeroplane—plane bicycle—cycle

2) 去尾:  advertisement—ad  mathematics—maths  examination—exam

5. Blends( 混合词 ):  news broadcast — newscast 新闻广播  television broadcast — telecast 电视播送 

6. Acronym( 首字母缩略词 ):  WTO — World Trade Organization  UNESCO; OPEC; NBA

不及物动词汇 + 介词:  depend on, rely on, insist on, concentrate on, focus on  believe in, persist in, participate in, succeed in, specialize in  account for 说明, compensate for 补偿, apologize for, pay for  consist of, approve of, dream of, inform of, remind of  escape from, suffer from, benefit from, refrain from 抑制,  aim at, laugh at, stare at, gaze at  object to, refer to, confess to 承认, react to,

动词 + doing:  abandon, admit, advocate 倡导, anticipate 期望,预料, appreciate 感激,欣赏, avoid, be busy doing, can’t face doing 不能面对, can’t help doing 不禁, can’t stand doing 不能 忍受, celebrate doing,

2. 介词短语:  because of,  due to,  for the sake of,  in comparison with,  in contrast with,  according to ,等等。

3. 连词短语:  not only …but also…,  neither…nor…,  either …or…,  no sooner…than…, 等等。

IV. How to use words in writing  一、 选词要准确恰当:  1. 从文体上, 恰当使用正式文体用语和非正 式文体用语:  children —kids man—fellow —guy

Other examples  statesman, politician  be sorry, regret; apologize  abolish, cease, suspend, discontinue, stop, pause, truce, halt  bear, endure, tolerate, stand, put up with

二、 措词汇要具体:  从语义上, 恰当使用一般词汇和具体词汇:  概括性的、笼统的、抽象模糊的词汇叫一般词汇; 详细的、 具体的、 生动鲜明的词叫具体词汇。  例如: professionals( 专业人员 ) 和 scientists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, journalists 等;  scientists 和 physicists, chemists, biologists 等  He is a good man. : kind, honest, just, generous, sympathetic, warm-hearted, selfless, brave, honorable

三、 用词汇要简洁:  言简意赅、字字珠玑  能用一个词表达的不用词组, 能用一个词或 一个短语表达的不有用从句。  Because of the fact that… because  Become accustomed to be used to  With the exception that… except  In spite the fact that… although

四、 用词要符合文化语言习惯:  1. 符合英语搭配习惯:  make a living, make a decision, make a choice, make a plan, make one’s promise make a noise  do me a favor, do one’s job  acquire knowledge 获得知识  get a job 获得工作  achieve success 获得成功  gain reputation 获得声誉  attain one’s end 达到目的

2. 符合英语文化习惯:  He is eating lunch. ( 错 )  I am having my lunch. (对)  Smoking is harmful to your body. ( 错 )  Smoking is harmful to your health. (对)  I am doing homework. ( 错 )  I am doing my homework. (对)

Conclusion  总之, 要写好作文,用词要做到:  选词要准确恰当,措词汇要具体,用词汇要 简洁,用词要符合文化语言习惯,用词要富 有艺术性,用词多样化。