慢性病管理与医患沟通 ——如何把病人领回生命的春天


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Presentation transcript:

慢性病管理与医患沟通 ——如何把病人领回生命的春天 Management of Chronic Diseases and Doctor-patient Communication --how to “revitalize” our patients 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

E-mail :Dr.huangping@gmail.com 联系电话:(010)65665101 手机:13671185906 北京朝阳区建外社区卫生服务中心 (航空工业中心医院第二门诊部) 黄 萍,全科医生,内科主任医师 E-mail :Dr.huangping@gmail.com 联系电话:(010)65665101 手机:13671185906 English Translation: Dr. Martin WONG, CUHK 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

高血压、糖尿病、冠心病和缺血性脑血管病等慢性病的有效管理,是社区全科医生的重要工作内容,也是一个比较困难的课题。 It is an important yet a difficult task for family physicians to efficiently manage chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart diseases and ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

因为此类疾病不但需要有效药物的治疗,有责任心的医生的随访,而且更需要病人的长期的积极配合——特别是在改变生活方式方面——这一项可以说起着决定性的作用。 Besides drug therapy and regular follow-up, the most crucial factor for effective management depends on our patients’ compliance—especially life style modifications. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

而医生与病人的良好沟通是提高病人治疗依从性必不可少的途径。 Patient’s compliance depends very much on effective doctor-patient communication. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

这就像世界医学教育联合会《福冈宣言》所指出的一样:所有医生必须学会交流和处理人际关系的技能。缺少共鸣(共情)应当看做与技术不够一样,是无能力的表现。因此,应当认为医患交流是医生的必修课。 As stated in <Fukuoka Pronunciamento> by World Federation for Medical Education, all doctors must learn how to communicate effectively with their patients. Lack of empathy should be regarded as incapability, or lack of skill. Hence, “doctor-patient communication” is an indispensable subject 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

病例1 ,张某 男性 74岁 因患糖尿病、冠心病,心肌梗死,冠脉搭桥术,术后下肢伤口感染开裂请医生出诊换药。 病例1 ,张某 男性 74岁 因患糖尿病、冠心病,心肌梗死,冠脉搭桥术,术后下肢伤口感染开裂请医生出诊换药。 Case No.1, Mr. Zhang,74/M, Diabetes, CHD, old myocardial infarct, post-CABG lower limbs wound infection with “cracking” doctor consulted for home wound dressing. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

初见病人情绪沮丧,右下肢大隐静脉手术伤口几乎全层开裂,宽15厘米,深约1.2厘米,有少许脓性分泌物覆盖。(图1) The patient was very depressed as layers of operated deep vein wound (for CABG) remained open. It was 15cm wide and 1.2cm deep with a little pus on it (Figure 1) 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

空腹血糖7.8mmol/L,餐后2hr11.7mmol/L 2006年6月28日 空腹血糖7.8mmol/L,餐后2hr11.7mmol/L 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

当时病人非常悲观,眉头紧锁,认为痊愈希望渺茫。查空腹血糖与餐后血糖均高于不正常。 The patient was very sad and pessimistic about the chance of recovery. His FBG and 2hrppG were all abnormal. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

医生首先说明伤口愈合与血糖水平密切相关,后者又与饮食、运动情况直接联系,而情绪好坏在稳定血糖方面有不可替代的作用。 Doctor explained that wound healing was related to blood sugar level which directly relates to diet and physical activity. Moreover, mood stability is a key factor in keeping blood sugar normal. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

所以首先要有对治疗的信心,才能获得康复的“通行证”。说白了,嘴角朝上走(笑着),血糖才会朝下走。病人被医生逗乐了,一下子氛围充满温馨。 Therefore, the patient must have confidence in treatment before he could get the “passport” for healing. The more laughter, the better will be the blood sugar control, said the doctor. The atmosphere became so warm the patient was pleased. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

医生在每天上门换药治疗时,指导病人自我监测血糖和饮食营养配餐,调整胰岛素用量,嘱咐病人每天要有活动。 During the daily home visit for wound dressing, the doctor taught the patient self-monitoring of blood sugar, diet control, insulin adjustment, as well as advice on daily exercise. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

经过20天病人血糖接近正常水平,但是仍常波动,伤口愈合缓慢。 Twenty days later, the patient’s blood sugar was close to normal, though still unstable. Wound healing was yet slow. (picture 2) 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

2006年7月17日FPG 7.8mmol/L, Night BS 10.8mmol/L 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

医生发现病人由于腿伤走路困难,活动量不足,建议病人多活动上肢,病人说不知道如何增加活动,有畏难情绪。 The doctor found that the patient had insufficient physical activity due to walking problems. The patient was advised to do upper limb exercise but felt difficult. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

医生手把手教病人作“伸张正义”的手操,并设计了一张记录表,要求每日登记运动量。 The doctor designed a special “schedule of action” chart and requested him to record details of his daily exercise 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

康复锻炼量化计划执行情况表 schedule of action plan for rehabilitative exercises 运动内容 Activity 伸(手) 张(手) 正 (绷手) 义 (手分叉) 计划次数 frequency 10次(双) 200次 5分钟 日期date/ 实际次数 No. of times 20次 400次 20 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

正由于目标明确,病人非常配合,血糖迅速恢复正常并得到保持,伤口愈合明显加速。 The blood glucose level normalized and wound began to heal after good compliance with specific targets 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

2006年7月26日FPG6.0mmol/L, NPG 4.1mmol/L 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

在第45天时病人晚餐吃得过饱,夜间发作腹胀和胸痛,血糖骤升,病人情绪产生波动。医生再次予以鼓励,并主动作检讨,认为自己没有嘱咐周到,相信只要注意控制饮食情况会很快好转。 On day 45, the patient took a big meal and presented with bloating, chest pain and raised blood glucose at night, as well as some mood fluctuation. The doctor encouraged the patient and he himself evaluated his plan for the patient realizing his advice was not comprehensive enough. He believed the patient’s condition would dramatically improve upon better diet modification. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

病人信心得到增强,血糖在二周后恢复正常水平,伤口在60天后痊愈。(F3、4、5) With reinforcement his blood glucose level returned normal after 2 weeks and the wound healed 60 days later (Figure 3, 4 & 5). 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

2006年8月16日FPG7.0mmol/L, NPG 3.7mmol/L 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

2006年8月23日 FPG 6.8mmol/L, NPG 6.4mmol/L 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

2006年8月25日 FPG 5.4mmol/L, NPG 5.0mmol/L 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

从以上案例中可以体会,慢性病管理与治疗中非常强调医患沟通中的重要作用。 From the above example the importance of doctor-patient communication is highlighted in chronic disease management. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

这就需要医生非常认真地对待病人提出的各种问题,通过医患沟通来恢复他的权威和说服力,提高病人治疗的依从性和积极性。 It requires careful consideration to patients’ various problems, and restores his authority and persuasiveness via good communication skills Patient’s would be more compliant and proactive in the treatment plan. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

一、强调在慢性病治疗中 医患沟通的重要性 highlighting the importance of communication in chronic disease management 常见医生说,频繁地更换药物,疗效仍然不稳定。实际上最可能的是,病人根本没有按照医生的嘱咐服药 As often heard from some doctors, frequent change of medications could not achieve stable therapeutic targets. The most possible reason behind may simply be patient’s non-compliance to drugs. 医生要耐心倾听病人的意见,给与恰到好处的说明 Doctors should listen to our patients attentively and responds with appropriate advice 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

二、医患沟通的内容选择 Selecting the content of doctor-patient communication 应该选择对于提高病人治疗随访依从性有重要动力作用的内容来作为医患沟通 We should base on strategies which could improve significant patient compliance as the content of doctor-patient communication 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

1、沟通最重要的内容:获得治疗动力 The most important message in communication—acquiring motivations for treatment 正确的治疗理念是病人参与治疗的持久动力。 A correct concept in treatment is a persistent motivator for patient’s compliance in the management plan. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

2、沟通次重要的内容:清晰解读治疗方案 The second important content in communication—clear explanation of treatment plan 高血压、糖尿病、代谢综合征、痛风症等与生活方式密切相关的慢性病,在治疗中必须改变生活方式是非药物治疗的重要组成部分,需要向病人详细说明,方能保证治疗的有效 Hypertension, Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and gout etc. are closely related to lifestyles. In our management, lifestyle modification is an important non-pharmacological measure and should be clearly explained to our patients to make sure effective treatment. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

3、应该照顾到的其他沟通内容: 病人的心理状态。 Other contents in communication of relevance--patients’ psychological status 医生要注意在这个过程中给与耐心、爱心、理解、心理支持和个体化指导,帮助病人度过这一困难时期。 A continuing caring, empathizing attitude and psychological support with tailor-made advice could substantially help our patients to deal with their difficult times. 社区的全科医生要善于、也能够通过努力把病人带回到生命的春天的阳光里。 General Practitioners should be able to revitalize our patients through continuous efforts. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

三、医患沟通的主要环节 The major crucial factor in doctor-patient communication 实践证明,医患之间有效的沟通,能够改变病人对疾病的认识误区,从而实现了由被动接受治疗到主动参与自我健康管理的角色转变。 Evidence shows that effective doctor-patient communication could change patient’s misconception towards diseases, and allow our patient to change their role in management— “passively receiving treatment  active self-management” 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

主要环节有:①对于需要随访的慢性病人,要在约定的时间给病人以充分倾诉的机会; ②认真倾听病人对自身疾病的感受、认知、疑问、顾虑和困扰 主要环节有:①对于需要随访的慢性病人,要在约定的时间给病人以充分倾诉的机会; ②认真倾听病人对自身疾病的感受、认知、疑问、顾虑和困扰 (1). Allow adequate ventilation in the interview for patients with chronic diseases . (2). Attentively listen to patient’s view on his disease, including his awareness, enquiries, concerns and difficulties 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

③ 接受:医生对病人的表述要善于换位思考,表示共情与理解; ④ 确认问题,使用适当方法澄清病人存在的问题 (3). Acceptance—doctor should think based on what patient reveals and show empathy and understanding. (4). Clarify patient’s issues using appropriate strategies. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

⑤过程要注意语言的通俗简洁,深入浅出,浅显易懂; ⑥要与病人讨论治疗康复计划以及生活方式改变的量化目标,与病人取得共识; (5). Attention should be paid to the use of easily understandable language during the interview (6). Discuss with the patient quantifiable goals in the management plan and lifestyle changes, and negotiate for patient’s consensus. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

⑦帮助病人养成定期随访与记录收获等自我监督习惯,教会自我健康管理的技能; ⑧反馈诊疗情况(如体检和化验结果的解释) ⑦帮助病人养成定期随访与记录收获等自我监督习惯,教会自我健康管理的技能; ⑧反馈诊疗情况(如体检和化验结果的解释) (7). Help patient develop a habit of regular follow-up and self-monitoring, and educate on the skills of self-management (8). Feedback the patient’s condition on follow-up (like explaining physical examination & investigation findings) 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

⑨医患共同讨论新的治疗、康复和保健目标,进入第二轮沟通。实践说明医生与病人沟通的越好,治疗就越主动,效果相对来说就越好。 (9). Discuss new treatment plans, rehabilitative and health maintenance targets with patients. Better communication would lead to a more proactive approach to treatment, and thus a better outcome. 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

参考文献 References Frederic W. Platt Geoffrey H. Gordon 编著,张勉等译:《医患交流指南》;天津科技翻译出版公司2004年6月第1版,第168-171页 郑灵巧:慢病防治需要新思维新策略;健康报 2004年2月12日第2版 许又新:《现代心理治疗手册》;北京医科大学 中国协和医科大学联合出版社,1997年3月第1版,60-61页 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

参考文献 [美] Phillip L.Rice 著,胡佩诚 等译:《健康心理学》,中国轻工业出版社,2000年10月第1版,第94-98页 王汉亮主编:《生活方式疾病防治》;北京大学出版社,2004年3月第1版,6-26页 [美] Alan M. Adelman Mel P. Day, 邢华 主译:《基层医疗保健译丛 老年病学》,高等教育出版社,2003年3月第1版,第164-184页 Margaret Lloyd. Robert Bor: Communication Skills for Medicine; Oxford 2004, ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 第9-25页 王全楚:医患交流的技巧;孟小捷:《医生,你要懂些交流学》;健康报 2005年11月21日第3版 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12

谢谢! Thank you 第八届京港医学交流会议 2006-11-11~12