推拿手法 Hand Techniques of Chinese Massage 课时1


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Presentation transcript:

推拿手法 Hand Techniques of Chinese Massage 课时1

1.手法的定义 Definition of Hand Technique 用手或肢体其他部位或手持器具,按各种特定的技巧动作,在体表做有规律、有节奏的运动,以达到治疗目的的方法。 Hand techniques are the specific techniques of treating function which uses hands, body parts or hand-held tools to do pattern and rhythmical movement on the human body.

2.手法的要求 Requirements 持久 Sustainable 有力 Firm 均匀 Smooth 柔和 Gentle 深透 Deep

持久 Sustainable 手法施治时能持续操作一定的时间 a certain amount of time should be acquired in order to reach the desired results 滚法:5分钟;点法:1分钟 Rolling technique: 5min; poking technique: 1min.

有力 Firm 运用手法施治时必须具备适度的力量,手法过重往往带来不应有的损伤,过轻则达不到应有的疗效 The strength applied by the massagist should neither be excessive nor deficient. 力量的大小应视病情,病程,操作部位以及患者的体质情况而有增减 The amount of strength should be based on the illness, course of disease, body parts and the patient’s constitution.

均匀 Smooth 推拿过程中变换动作要自然,操作要有节奏而连续,不能时快时慢、时轻时重。 Any change of movement in the course of massage should be done in a natural fashion. The tempo and strength should remain steady and continuous.

柔和 Gentle 手法操作时轻而不浮,重而不滞,用力不可生硬粗暴或用蛮力。 Sheer brutality should be avoided.

深透 Deep 手法不仅作用于体表,还应使手法的作用达到深部组织。 The massaging effect of the hand technique should reach the deep tissue below the massaged area.

3.手法的选择 Chose the Right Hand Techniques 两轻夹一重 准备-轻:揉法、滚法、摩法 中间-重:点法、按法、推法、扳法、拔伸法 整理-轻:揉法、抖法、搓法

3.手法的选择 两轻夹一重 准备-轻:揉法、滚法、摩法 中间-重:点法、按法、推法、扳法、拔伸法 整理-轻:揉法、抖法、搓法

推拿手法要诀歌 临症如迎敌,知已要知彼。 法从心里出,手法有次序。 聚气又疑神,刚柔两相依。 两轻夹一重,快慢轻重因人异。

二、常用手法 Common Hand Techniques 1.推法 2.拿法 3.按法 4.摩法 5.擦法 6.揉法 7.捏法 8.滚法 9.抖法 10.搓法 11.掐法 12.拍法 13.击法 14.摇法 15.拔伸法 16.扳法 17.拨法(分筋法) 18.理筋法

1.推法 Pushing Technique 用指腹、手掌或肘尖部紧贴皮肤,单向直线推动。亦可沿筋肉结构形态顺而推之。推速要缓慢而均匀。 Press finger, palm or elbow close to the skin and do one-way lineal movement. The essence of this technique is to keep the movement slow and steady.

作用:活血通络,解痉止痛,散瘀消肿。 Functions: stimulate the blood circulation; alleviate cramp, pain and ecchymoma. 指推法多用于头面部、颈部及肢体远端,治疗头痛、落枕、肌腱炎、腱鞘炎等。 The finger technique is widely used at head, neck and extremities to cure headache, sore neck, tendinitis and tenosynovitis, etc.

掌推法适用于躯干及四肢,治疗腰背酸痛、胸腹胀痛、四肢肌肉痉挛麻木等。 The palm technique is usually applied to body and extremities to relieve pain and soreness in back, chest, abdomen and extremities.

肘推法刺激性较强,用于形体肥厚或因宿疾痹痛而感觉较迟钝者,多用于腰背两侧及臀部,治疗风湿痹痛、腰肌劳损等。 Due to the strong stimulating effects, the elbow technique is often used on the overweight or chronic patients who are not so sensitive to the outside stimulus. And this technique is preferably used at the side of back and bottom to treat rheumatism and lumbar muscle degeneration, etc.

2.拿法 Pinching Technique 捏而提起谓之拿。 用拇指与食、中两指,或拇指与其余四指作相对用力,进行节律性的提捏。 用劲由轻到重,再由重到轻,动作要缓和连贯 Use the thump, index finger and middle finger or the thump and the other four fingers to pinch. The force applied should be steady and continuous and follow the pattern of from gentle to hard and then from hard to gentle.

具有祛风散寒、舒筋通络、开窍止痛等作用。 Function: warm up the body, relax the veins and relieve the pains. 适用于颈项、肩部、四肢等部位,且常做为推拿的结束手法使用。 This technique is suitable for neck, shoulders and extremities and often used at the end of the whole massage.

3.按法 Pressing Technique 用指、掌、肘或肢体其他部位着力,由轻到重用力按压,停留30s左右才由重到轻缓缓放松。用力与体表垂直。 Use finger, palm, elbow or other body part to exert a gradually increasing force for 30 seconds and then decrease the force. The force applied should remain vertical to the body.

着力部位要紧贴体表,不可移动,用力要由轻而重,不可用暴力猛然按压。 Be close to the body and remain immobile. Gradually increase the strength and sudden appearance of strength is strictly forbidden. 按法常与揉法结合应用,组成“按揉”复合手法。 This technique is always combined with other technique.

指按法用于穴位。掌按法常用于腰背和腹部。 Applied to the points of acupunctures and often used at back and abdomen. 放松肌肉,开通闭塞,活血止痛。治疗头痛、胃脘痛、肢体酸痛麻木等。 Relax muscle, facilitate blood circulation, relieve headache, epigastric pain and body ache.