IFY Parents Meeting 3 December 年12月3日家长会


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Presentation transcript:

IFY Parents Meeting 3 December 2011 2011年12月3日家长会 Sheldon Smith Centre Principal 校长

IFY Parents Meeting 3 December 2011 2011年12月3日家长会 12.15-13.00 Sheldon Smith, Centre Principal 校长 学校校长给所有家长学生的报告会. 学术校长将为您介绍第一学期期末考试安排以及其对学生预估成绩、大学申请的影响 13:00-13.30 Student Services 学生服务部 学生服务部的主管老师将为您介绍大学申请程序及NCUK成员大学概况

Where are we now?目前所处阶段? Assignments & continuous assessment 阶段考试和连续的评估 Exams & predicted grades 考试及预估成绩 Learning & Exam Preparation 学习和考试复习 Academic Report 学术报告

1. Where are we now? 目前所处阶段? Week 1: Start of Semester 1 第一学期开学 Week 13: Exams 第一学期期末考试 Week 14: Semester 2 第二学期开始 Week 32: Final Exams 最终的考试 Spring Festival (过春节)

1. Where are we now? 目前所处阶段? Week 1: Start of Semester 1 第一学期开学 Week 8 : 今周第8周(学期中) Week 13: Exams 第一学期期末考试 Week 14: Semester 2 第二学期开始 Week 32: Final Exams 最终的考试 Spring Festival (过春节)

Key Stages 主要阶段 Semester 1 13 Weeks 第一学期13周 Assignments 阶段考试 End of Semester Exams 学期末考试 Semester 2 19 Weeks 第二学期19周 University Applications 大学申请 References 推荐信 Offers 录取 Final Exams 最后考试

2. Assignments and Assessment 阶段考试和评估 Assignments are ongoing 阶段考试在陆续进行 They count to final grades AND influence university references and predicted grades 阶段考试成绩将记入总成绩,将会对大学推荐和预估成绩产生影响

2. Assignments and Assessment 阶段考试和评估 All students have finished 完成 : Maths test (10%) 数学考试 All students have started 已开始: EAP Portfolio (10%) 学术英语课业集 All students will soon take 很快: Maths Derive (10%) 计机考试

2. Assignments and Assessment 阶段考试和评估 Subject Finished 完成 Soon 很快 Business 商科 Marketing Report (10% EAP, 10% Business) 市营报告 End of Sem 1 Exams第一学期期末考试 Economics 经济 1st Economics assignment (10% Economics) 第一次经济学考试 Econ Report (10% EAP) – Keynes only

2 . Assignments and Assessment 阶段考试和评估 Subject Started 已开始 Soon 很快 Chemistry 化学 1st lab report (4% Chemistry) 第一次实验报告 2nd lab report (4% Chem 10% EAP)第二次实验报告 Chem essay (4% Chemistry) 化学论文 End of Semester 1 Exams第一学期期末考试

2 . Assignments and Assessment 阶段考试和评估 Subject Finished 完成 Started 已开始 Soon 很快 Physics 物理 1st lab report (4% Physics) 第一次实验报告 2nd lab report (4% Physics, 10% EAP)第二次实验报告 End of Semester 1 Exams第一学期期末考试 Biology 生物 1st lab report (4% Biology) 第一次实验报告 Biology essay (4% Biology) 生物论文

What does this mean? CANNOT WAIT UNTIL FINAL EXAMS – SUCCESS STARTS NOW 从现在开始着手复习,不要等待

3. Exams & predicted grades 考试及预估成绩 When are the exams?考试时间 Tue 3rd January – Fri 6th January (1月3日至6日,整个星期进行) EAP Speaking EAP 口语测试 Mon 9th January – Fri 13th January (1月9日至13日) Physics/Biology/Economics (Tue) Mathematics (Wed) EAP (Thu) F Maths/Business/Chemistry (Fri)

Why are the exams important? 为什么考试如此重要? Contribute to final grades 是最终成绩的一部分 Major factor in deciding predicted grades 是决定预期分数的主要因素 Indicate student level, preparation and progress 显示了学生的水平,复习的情况和取得的进展

Exam contribution to final grade 最终成绩的一部分 Maths – 30% 数学占30% Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Further Maths, Economics, Business Studies – 10% each 生物,化学,物理,高等数学,经济,商务各占10% EAP (listening part 3) – 5% EAP听力第三部分占5%

Predicted grades 预估成绩 The grade we think you can get at the end of the course预测成绩是我们认为你在课程结束时所能取得的成绩 Based on Semester 1 assignments and class work/tests, End of Semester exams, Teacher opinion of continuous progress 预估成绩决于: 第一学期阶段考试成绩和课堂考试, 学期末考试成绩,老师对你学习进步的评估 The higher your grades, the greater your choice 成绩越高,选择越多

4. Learning & Exam Preparation 学习和复习 Continuous – poor work now will affect the future 连续性-现在的懒惰将影响到将来 Independent – more than just class work and homework. Especially English needs improving for ALL. 独立—不能只限于课堂听讲和完成作业。要不断的提高你的英语。 Self-Study – YOU must improve your skills自学—必须提高学习方法

How to do well in the exams 如何在考试中有好的发挥 Start revision early and seriously. You should already have started 尽可能早地,认真复习.你应该已经开始复习了。 Create a revision timetable 列出复习时间表 Understand the material 弄懂所学知识 Test yourself 自我测试 Make sure your notes are in folders and well organized 将笔记有序的整理到文件夹内

What next? 下一步? Do you need to change your study attitude or study habits? 是否需要改变学习态度和学习方法? Assignments? 阶段考试? Independent Learning? 独立学习? Self Study? 自学? Revision & Review? 复习?


5. Academic Report 学术报告 Progress Report 进步报告 Internal – for guidance only 内部-仅作为指导 Subject grades/comments are important 成绩和评语都很重要 Still time to change and improve 还有时间去改变和提高

Future Parents Meetings March (3月) Exam results & University Applications 第一学期期末考试成绩和大学申请 May (5月) University offer choices & Preparation for exams 大学录取的选择和考试准备

Thank You 谢谢!