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分校地址:长沙市建湘南路36号芙蓉国际黄金之城6楼(定王台书城往天心阁200米处) 湖南教师QQ群:424411294 2015湖南特岗教师招聘备考:英语知识讲座 主讲老师:赵丹 扫一扫 关注我们 湖南教师微信:hnjsks 湖南教师微博 报名时间:5月12日-18日;准考证打印时间:5月26日-29日;笔试时间:5月30日。 分校地址:长沙市建湘南路36号芙蓉国际黄金之城6楼(定王台书城往天心阁200米处) 电话:0731-84883717

2015年湖南特岗教师招聘 英语学科笔试 备考指南 中公教育教师考试研究院 赵丹

Agenda 考情分析 考点重现 备考建议

Part A 考情分析

考试信息整理 考试时长:120分钟 考试总分:100分 试卷题型:单选选择,完形填空,阅读理解,书面表达,短文改错,教案设计

Part B 考点重现

语法练兵 1、 In computer programming, this model is _______ to any of the others we have ever had.   A. more superior B. the more superior C. the most superior D. superior 2、Bob never does his homework ______ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.   A. so careful as    B. as carefully as   C. carefully as   D. as careful as 3、The Healthcare community was shocked _____ Ricardo Peter’s resignation after only one year as president of Health. corps. A. in B. up C. of D. by

语法练兵 4、Many a person ______ at the gate of the department store. A. is standing B. are standing C. have been standing D. have stood 5、More highways have been built in China, _____ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. A. making B. made C. to make D. having made 6、_______ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. A. Being encouraged B. Encouraging C. Encouraged D. Having encouraged

语法练兵 7、 Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don`t think we ________ it without you. A. can manage B. could have managed C. could manage D. can have managed 8、All _______ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed 9、The time is not far away _______ modern communications will become widespread in China's vast countryside. A. when B. as C. until D. before

语法练兵 10、 — It’s thirty years since we last met.  —But I still remember the story, believe it or not, ________ we got lost on a rainy night.    A. which               B. that                C. what               D. when  11、 I have kept that portrait _______ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. A. which B. where C. whether D. when 12、—Joan told me she had already passed the A-level exam —___! A.Congratulations B. Certainly C. Good news D. With pleasure

He had something to write down and asked me for________. A.a paper B.some papers C.some pieces of papers D.a piece of paper The green kite can fly________than that red one. A.hight B.fast C.higher D.as hight Lots of things are made of________.We must protect________. A.woods;woods B.wood;wood C.wood;woods D.woods;wood What________it is! A.beautiful stamp B.a beautiful stamp C.beautiful stamps D.beautiful a stamp There are many trees on________side of the river. A.both B.either C.all D.a

16.________school is much larger than . A.Our;your B.Our;yours C.Ours;yours D.We;you 17.——________they ________an English class? ——N0.they aren’t. A.Are;having B.Are;have C.D0;have D.Can;have 18.________number of students have gone to Shanghai. A./ B.The C.A D.An 19.The days are short,________it is now December. A.because B.for C.goes D.want 20.Do you want to buy________pork? A.half kilo B.half a kilo C.a kilo half D.a half kilo 21.Naturally,after I told her what to d0,my daughter________go and do the oppsite! A.may B.can C.must D.should

22________the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off. A.Because B.Thanks to C.With the help of D.As to 23——What do you think of the report on the UFO? —Great!Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ________the end of the meeting. A.until B.in C.on D.about 24The family________at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at . A.were sitting;Mr.Brown B.were sitting;Mr.Brown’S C.was sitting;Mr.Brown D.was sitting;Mr.Brown’s 25________you turn on Home With Kids(家有儿女),you’11 never be able to turn the TV off. A.If B.Because C.Although D.As


揭秘写作 议论文 说明文

议论文 对比选择型议论文 问题解决型议论文 现象观点解释型议论文 TV and Education 1. TV is playing a more and more important part in education today. 2.But the problems with TV today are also growing more and more serious. 3. Some suggestions have been put forward in attempt to solve this problem. 一般只给出三句主题句,所以属于一种简单的三段式作文。考生只要正确领悟每个主题句的意思,然后对每段的主题句进行阐述,可以是对主题句的解释,可以是例证,也可以提供理由或细节。 16

How to Develop Primary School Students Reading Ability? 说明文 话题经常和英语教学有关 标题限定短文的基本发展方向。 提纲规定短文的基本框架。 特点:为考生提供:(1)标题; (2)提纲 写作提纲一般也为三段。 How to Develop Primary School Students Reading Ability? Directions: For this part,you are required to write a composition on the topic How to Develop Primary School Students Reading Ability? You should write at least 100 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1.阅读能力的培养在小学英语学习中的重要性 2.如何培养学生的阅读能力(应包含阅读兴趣、方法和途径) 3.结束语 17

教学设计题 根据人民教育出版社《义务教育科书英语(PEP)(三年级起点)》三年级上次Unit 5 Let’s eat Part A let ’s talk 部分Mike 与妈妈的关于早餐对话常见。按要求进行相应教学设计:Let’ s talk。 设计教学策略(要求:能根据教学目标、内容和学生实际选择教学组织形式、课型结构、教学媒体、教学方法、确定教学重难点)。(5分) 设计一个导入新课标方案(要求:要有趣味性、实用性和目的性,可结合教材图片情景内容。)(3分) 设计语言操练及语用活动。(要求:操练活动指向语言能力培养,语用活动化教学内容为生活完成过程,活化学生思维和感情)(7分)

教案设计考点总结 要求:设计要体现英语课程标准的基本理念; 遵循语言教学规律; 符合教学 对象的认知特 点和心理特征; 结构完整、条理清晰

Part C 备考指南

备考建议 1.针对薄弱专项进行重点突破 2.夯实学科基础知识,后期重点练习教案写作 3. 多做习题,全真演练 4. 多参考优秀外语教学案例并勤于总结

I am a slow walker, but I never walk backward!

分校地址:长沙市建湘南路36号芙蓉国际黄金之城6楼(定王台书城往天心阁200米处) 湖南教师QQ群:424411294 下期预告: 2015湖南特岗教招备考之音乐知识 主讲老师:中公名师 扫一扫 关注我们 湖南教师微信:hnjsks 湖南教师微博 报名时间:5月12日-18日;准考证打印时间:5月26日-29日;笔试时间:5月30日。 分校地址:长沙市建湘南路36号芙蓉国际黄金之城6楼(定王台书城往天心阁200米处) 电话:0731-84883717