新概念 2.


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Presentation transcript:

新概念 2

Lesson 17 Always Young

Who are they?

Who are they?

Who are they?

appear appear disappear vi. 登场;扮演 (在舞台上)扮演...角色 appear (on the stage) as = play the role of appear vi. 出现;显露 disappear vi. 消失 The plane disappeared behind a cloud. 飞机消失在云层里。

appear It seems/appears that… vi. 显得;看来;似乎 = seem 句型(口译高频句型) 没有进行时 It seems/appears that… 句型(口译高频句型) It appears that there has been a mistake. 看来一直有一个差错。 出现;外貌、外表 appearance

adj. 鲜艳的 bright adj. 光亮的、光线充足的 adj. 机灵的、聪明的

bright sunshine/smile 鲜红色 bright red 灿烂的阳光/笑容 bright sunshine/smile 明亮的眼睛 bright eyes 光明的未来 bright future 聪明的孩子 a bright kid

a pair of silk stockings sock n. 短袜 a pair of silk stockings 一双长筒丝袜 stock n. 股票;库存 stock prices 股票价格

-ess后缀 actor / actress waiter /_______ waitress prince /_______ 女性 actor / actress 演员;女演员 waiter /_______ waitress 服务员;女服务员 prince /_______ princess 王子;公主 god /_______ goddess /ˈgɔdɪs/ 神;女神

年龄的表达 1. 数字+years old,作表语 2. 数字+-year-old,作定语 The dog is ______________. (三岁大) three years old 2. 数字+-year-old,作定语 My________________(三岁大的狗)always loves fighting. three-year-old dog

in spite of + n. __________________, we still go to school. 尽管、不管 __________________, we still go to school. In spite of heavy rain 尽管下了很大雨,我们还是来上课了。 spite n. 恶意;怨恨 【U】 I'm sure he only said it out of spite. 我相信他只是为了泄愤才那么说的。

as As a solider, it is my duty to safeguard our country. prep. 作为、以…身份 You must take care of the baby tomorrow as I am going to London. conj. 因为 She may need some help as she's new.

as As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door. conj. 正当…时候 Garfield danced as his teacher did. conj. 按照…的方式 They were all dressed as clowns. prep. 像;如同

prep. 作为、以…身份 conj. & prep. 像、如同 conj. 因为 as conj. 正当…时候 conj. 按照…的方式

组织;公司;俱乐部 join 人 take part in 参加、参与 join in 活动 (出席) attend

Will you join us for lunch? 和我们一起吃午饭好吗? She joined the company three months ago. 她三个月前进了这家公司。 I wish he would join in with the other children. 但愿他能跟别的孩子一块玩。 A great number of students took part in May 4 Movement. 大批学生参加了五四运动。

a bright, orange-colored dress 鲜艳的橘黄色的裙子 a blue-eyed girl 蓝眼睛的女孩

grown up grown adj. 成熟的;成年的;长大的 What do you want to be when you're grown-up? 你长大后想做什么? adj. 成熟的;成年的;长大的 grown  定语 It's pathetic that grown men have to resort to violence like this. 成年人还得这样诉诸暴力,真可悲。

grow up grow v. (人) 成熟、成长 别那么幼稚;变得老成些 v. (人、动物) 长大、长高 v. (植物) 生长,发育;种植 Some people never ________. grow up  Children ________ quickly. grow 

You've grown since the last time I saw you! 自从我上次见到你后,你又见长了! Tomatoes grow best in direct sunlight. 西红柿在阳光直射下长得最好。 Why don't you grow up? 你怎么就长不大呢?

She grew up in Boston (= lived there as a child). 她在波士顿长大。 I didn't know they grew rice in France. 我本来不知道法国也种稻子。

must 必须 must + do 推测 must +be/have/know can’t be 肯定不是 must 的否定式 mustn't 禁止

It must be true. 那一定是对的。 否定: It can’t be true.

He must be wrong. 他一定错了。 否定: He can’t be wrong.

The man must have a lot of money. 这个人一定有不少钱。 否定: The man can’t have a lot of money.

The exhibition is sure to be popular. 他一定会赢。 He must win. × He is sure to win. be sure to do sth. 一定会做某事 The exhibition is sure to be popular. 这一展览肯定受欢迎。
