英文科教師研習 統一入學測驗共同英文 非選擇題型與選擇題型教學策略 2014.12.12. 講師: 黃宏祿 (豐原高商應用外語科)
EVOLUTION model concept attitude action comprehension application manipulation EVOLUTION fundamentals creation modification progress spontaneity
翻轉時代 觀念翻轉 行動翻轉
統一入學測驗共同英文科 非選擇題題型/選擇題型教學策略 前言 回顧過去 展望未來 確立策略 研究發展: 觀念翻轉 落實教學: 行動翻轉 結語
主流價值 教育的主流價值在於從根本做起。 教育的原則一定要強調務實求精。 考試並非教育唯一或者終極目標。 教學活動變數永遠大於考試變數。 研發提供各類題型可以有效肯定自我提升自我層次。 互相研討題型以及觀摩教學活動可以促進活化職涯。 教學現場教師遠比理論學家了解學生個別差異需求。 多元層次教學活動更能有效維持延續教學活動進行。
99/100/101/102年統測全國考生英文科分數區間 (全國考生總數158,025/159,243/144,776/135,206 人 99/100/101/102年統測全國考生英文科分數區間 (全國考生總數158,025/159,243/144,776/135,206 人
四大挑戰 四大挑戰(當今學生四大「重症」) (1) 詞類不分 (2) 字彙不通 (3) 時式不明 (4) 句法不從
當今學生四大「重症」 1. 詞類不分 (1) Although Ms. Grand is 70 years old, she is very energy. (2) Never neglect the symptoms of headaches, dizzy, and vomit. 2. 字彙不通 “Quality” is most consumers' primary concern when choosing a certain brand of milk, and “strong favor” is regarded as the secondary factor. 3. 時式不明 I had told her about the news. 4. 句法不從 (1) Combine will all influencing factors, we will supply the information which conduct business to diary companies to refer to them. (2) Consumers depend on their preferences choose different brands of milk. (3) You should have telled me the truth earlier.
努力方向 拓展增強進階單字 確實貫徹英聽制度 積極建構背景知識 提供多元閱讀機會 精進組織表達本能 強化資訊解碼能力
回顧過去 字彙等級精進方向 跳脫傳統:務必跳脫傳統死記、缺乏認知的學習方式。 掌握文意:學習配合上下文意認識單字。 重視詞類:掌握運用英英字典釋義方式,熟悉相反詞、相似詞的異同,注意不同詞類對文句運用的影響。 兼顧片語:留意字彙搭配片語解釋選項趨勢。 主動學習:發揮主動學習(active learning)的功能,活化學習者的思考記憶系統,使單字的學習更有效率。
回顧過去(2-1) 會話命題範圍 (1) Greetings (2) Apology, Compassion (3) Telephone Manners (4) Asking for Directions/Information/Advice (5) Store, Restaurant, Working Place, Post Office, Station, Airport (6) WH Questions (7) Yes-No Questions (8) Idiomatic Expressions
回顧過去(2-2) 會話命題基本趨勢 基本範疇題型仍是主流:日常生活對話仍佔多數,情境包括請求、致謝、道歉、資訊諮詢、商務應對或職場領域英文。 文字運用:鮮有艱澀字詞,但偶會出現出現某些中等或中上程度學生都未必了解較為陌生的字詞 (sustainability、it still has a lot to be desired)或片語、慣用語句(It totally slip my mind、Could you take my shift? In your dreams、Out of sight, out of mind.),雖屬點綴,但也可適度鑑別學生程度,成為致勝關鍵。
回顧過去(3-1) 綜合測驗發展趨勢(一) 文章結構雖有難易不一情況,然而注重「連接詞」、 「介繫詞」 、「轉承詞」、「關係代名詞」、 「副詞」、「時態」、「被動語態」以及「五大句型」、 「動詞片語」、「遣詞用字」(「搭配字」)等綜合能力的考核。 強調「背景知識」掌握的重要性,多元面相考驗學生資訊解碼(醫學通識)、人文素養(文化歷史、社會議題)能力以及多元常識(名人傳記、生活議題、電腦科技)的涉獵。(103年學運沸騰公民記者)
回顧過去(3-2) 綜合測驗發展趨勢(二) 文章有時會出現資訊負載巨量情形,考生資訊解碼過程中壓力會較大。 間接傳遞一個概念:學生除了應鑽研單、文法之外,更應廣泛涉獵各類型主題的文章,強化「通識型」的知背景知識(常識),儘可能朝向培養自己成為「博學」型的語言學習者,將語言成為汲取知識的「工具」 ,而非一個學習的「科目」,如此語言學習才會有趣,語言應用能力才能深化。
回顧過去(3-3) 綜合測驗發展趨勢(三) 篇幅縮減(資訊負載量增加)、干擾因素增加(同位語、罕見字、破折號敘述、插入敘述、分詞結構、介詞片語、生硬枯燥統計報告用語) ,難度自然增加 。 而「分詞」與「關係代名詞」的用法也會造成閱讀理解障礙。 段落發展結構足以影響試題難度,因此若文章有完整敘述事情的架構,按部就班,有條有理,對學生而言,就不容易發生資訊判讀錯誤的情事。
回顧過去(3-4) 綜合測驗發展趨勢(四) 安排特殊文章架構,增加試題難度(101年的對稱結構 With the awareness of our own knowledge and ignorance, we are able to succeed and avoid errors. Self-knowledge refers to the ability to know what we know and what we do not know.) 。 用字遣詞方面,有時會稍微超出一般高職生4500等級程度(abbreviate、budget 、 conscious、sheer、 accommodation、encounter、perspective ultimately、iron persistence、resolute),多少影響閱讀「可理解度」(intelligibility)。
回顧過去(4-1) 閱讀測驗發展趨勢(一) 大量應用「關代」引導的「形容詞子句」以及「補充性插入句」,提高文選難度及試題鑑別度。 刻意縮短文章規模,提高資訊空缺填補難度。 應用科學數據、統計數字、「倍數句型」結構(four times as big as …) 、文章硬調屬性等方式喚醒學生學習skipping, skimming, scanning等閱讀技巧及整合能力的重要性。 以冒號(:)引導文句附帶說明,徒然增加考生資訊解碼所需時間,算是技術性的干擾。
回顧過去(4-2) 閱讀測驗發展趨勢(二) 技術性應用「倒裝句 」、「關係代名詞子句」的省略句以及「分詞結構」的簡化結構或保留連接詞的「分詞構句」來增加閱讀障礙的強度。 反覆使用「從屬連接詞」來做為對比分析之用,也偶爾使用「關係代名詞」引導「形容詞子句」作為「形容詞」的語法架構,增加了一些文章的閱讀難度。(98)
回顧過去(4-3) 閱讀測驗發展趨勢(三) 文章有時有完整的段落發展結構,但篇幅較小,無法充份應用含有接續概念的轉折語詞來明確引導考生跟上段落發展,考生容易迷失方向。 (1)使用字數不多,但文章中出現可能會造成考生閱讀障 礙的字詞卻又不少,而且大都難度不算低,如此自然 會增加文章理解的困難度。 (2)文章交待事例過細,所以對整篇文意的瞭解絕對是一 大障礙。 (3)每一個字句的資訊承載過大,文章的「可理解性」偏 低 。
回顧過去(4-4) 閱讀測驗發展趨勢(四) 經常運用偏難單字(fragment, incisor, distinguish, bicuspid, digestion, advent, pottery, shawl, property, polish, dampen, rub, swiftly, hum, glance, accessory, exhausting, competitive, disrupt, challenging, fertilizer, herb, sculpture, replica, arctic, skeleton, utter, approximately, terminal stage, component, thermal, emit, restrict, treaty, obstacle, impediment, prospect, recipient, subsidy),造成閱讀障礙,所以考生應跳脫逐字翻譯角度解題。
回顧過去(4-5) 閱讀測驗發展趨勢(五) 傳統題型(主旨釐清、文意分析、文字理解、前後推理)大都可從上下文意查詢或推論得知正確選項,因此學生基本上應精通此類題型。 長篇文章若無法掌握skimming策略的話,往往也會陷入資訊的「泥淖」中,無法順利對資訊做適度「解碼」,以致於難以回到本文去掌握負文章原本傳遞的訊息。 多元背景文章的掌握重視(知識系統建構、社會發展脈動掌握)(103年食物銀行相關知識 (1)Food bank voucher (2) Last mile mobile solutions)
展望未來(1) 傳統題型(選擇題型) (1) 字彙精進、認知提昇、雙語轉換、推理斟酌 (2) 基本應對、慣用語句、錯誤減少、致勝關鍵 (3) 資訊解碼、干擾排除、文法專題、通識素養 (4) 策略運用、宏觀角度、推理能力、段落發展 改革題型(非選擇題型) (1) 框架解除、創意激發、合作學習、多元觀點 (2) 空缺填補、思維縝密、舉一反三、嘗試錯誤
展望未來(2) 發展趨勢 (1) 選擇題型 A. 字彙測驗:篇數稍減或不變,但會強調上下文 意瞭解整合、英英釋義運用、詞類認知以及 字詞異同辨識等能力考核。 B. 會話測驗:整體題數應會縮減,減少一般日常 生活應對題型,增加特定(慣用語句)題型比 例。
展望未來(3) 發展趨勢 (1) 選擇題型 C. 綜合測驗:文章篇數增加,但相對減少篇章字數,增加 資訊承載負擔,從而提升難度及鑑別程度,或者篇數維 持兩篇,但大量運用閱讀干擾因素,使資訊空缺填補過 程變得更難更複雜。 D. 閱讀測驗:篇數可能縮減為一篇,是可能將以下列方式擴 大訊息落差並提升難度 (A) 大量增加低頻字彙出現比例。 (B) 刻意詳細敘述原本單純事件。 (C) 呈現多種數據資料及補充性插入句,意圖干擾閱讀 流暢度及理解度。 (D) 強化傳統題型(主旨釐清、文意分析、文字理解、前 後推理參照)主流價值。 (E) 選用多元背景文章。
展望未來(4) 發展趨勢 (2) 非選題型 A. (初期將)以填充、簡答、中翻英、 英翻中、句子改寫及句子重組為原 則。 B. 配分比例將以逐年增加方式進行規 劃。 C. 更多多元變化題型意將逐年規劃增 加。
確立策略(存活而後茁壯)(1) 應考策略 非選擇題型測驗 選擇題型測驗 填充、簡答、 中譯英、英譯中、 句子改寫、句子重組 字彙測驗 會話測驗 綜合測驗 閱讀測驗
確立策略(存活而後茁壯)(2) 綜合能力 字彙整合 字詞搭配 語法釐清 句型分析 敘述訓練
確立策略—非選擇題型(1-1) *填充題(翻譯填充、引導翻譯) (A) 教學/應考策略應用 1. 字彙運用、延伸、強化 2. 慣用語句(idiomatic expression)學習、運用 3. 句型分析、運用:題意句型連結 4. 情境認知、整合:固定場合用語 5. 語法架構整合、運用 6. 搭配字詞(collocation)能力整合
確立策略—非選擇題型(1-2) *填充題(翻譯填充、引導翻譯) 1. 他聰明得令人難以置信。 He is ______ smart ______ believe. 2. 每當你感到緊張不安的時候,溜狗是放鬆的好方法。 _______ a dog is a good way to _______ whenever you feel tense. 3. 遊覽臺灣的次數越多,越能看見台灣的美麗。 The _______ you travel in Taiwan, the _______ you can see the beauty of Taiwan. 4. 政府已立法限制吸菸,所以吸菸者無法再於公共場合吸菸了。 (東大204) The government has ______ ______ ______ smoking, so smokers can no longer smoke in public places.
確立策略—非選擇題型(1-3) *填充題(翻譯填充、引導翻譯) 5. ATM是自動提款機的縮寫。(東大206) The word ATM ______ ______ an automated teller machine. 6. 物以類聚。 _____ of a _____ flock together. 7. 當時若非我們採取法律行動,這個強盗也許早就逍遙法外。 _____ we _____ not _____ a legal _____, the robber might have been at large. 8. 他日復一日苦讀,結果還是沒有通過考試。 He worked very hard day after day, _____ _____ _____ in the examination.
確立策略—非選擇題型(1-4) *填充題(翻譯填充、引導翻譯) 9. Ralph在一場一對一籃球鬥牛比賽中單挑他朋友Ted。 (Life ABC All+: July 2013, p.61) Ralph _____ _____ his friend Ted in a game of _____ basketball. 10. He _____ such a generous contribution _____ the university that they will name one of the building _____ him. 11. The day _____ fine, we went on a picnic. 12. _____ is John _____ is to blame.
確立策略—非選擇題型(1-5) *填充題(翻譯填充、引導翻譯) 13. If _____ to left, you will find the post office _____ the right. (Turn to left and you will find …) 14. _____ comparison _____ other recent video games, this one isn't very exciting. 15. There are several suggested solutions _____ such a problem. _____ way is to teach children safe texting, and _____ is to punish distracted walking. (103統測改編) 16. I have no idea _____ will happen. (Life ABC: June 2014, p. 7) 17. Never _____ I talk it over with her before.
確立策略—非選擇題型(2-1) *中譯英 (C) 教學/應考策略應用 1. 句型分析、篩檢、運用(套用) 2. 語法架構整合、運用、確認 3. 片語、慣用語詞表達能力整合、篩檢、運用(套用) 4. 修辭觀念建構、釐清 5. 字彙強化:傳統文意字彙題型運用 6. 英英字彙釋義能力訓練:文字運用精確掌握 7. 搭配字詞能力整合、運用:遣詞用字能力精進
確立策略—非選擇題型(2-2) *中譯英 1. 棒球是臺灣最受歡迎的運動之一。 2. 雖然我們無法控制氣候的變遷,卻能減緩 它持續惡化。 (ease up/ease off/avoid) (deterioration) 3. 結果果然不出乎我的預料。(beyond) 4. 可使用信用卡。 5. 只收現金。
確立策略—非選擇題型(2-3) *中譯英 6. Peter鮮少談論他的私生活,所以我對他知道的不多。(東大高職英文8課版--105) Peter seldom talks about his personal life, so I know very little about him. Seldom does Peter talk about his personal life, so I know 7. Kathy試著在Zack的球隊輸掉棒球比賽後對他說些安慰的話。(東大高職英文8課版--105) Kathy tried to say some words of comfort to Zack after his team lost the baseball game.
確立策略—非選擇題型(3-1) *英譯中 (D) 教學/應考策略應用 1. 句型、語法分析能力整合 2. 字詞解釋精準訓練 3. 中文修辭能力淬鍊:閱讀文選中文翻譯研讀 4. 多元背景知識建構:閱讀文選深入研讀
確立策略—非選擇題型(3-2) *英譯中 1. The seats for the outdoor concert are filling up fast today. 2. Driving drunk is not only illegal but also dangerous. 3. But that John helped her, she would not have overcome all those difficulties. 4. Two heads are better than one. 5. Diamond cuts diamond.
確立策略—非選擇題型(3-3) *英譯中 6. He is not a man to tell a lie. 7. He is the last person I would want to be friend with. 8. That the earth moves around the sun is true. The pen is mightier than the sword. In gift giving, it is the thought that really counts. They are not so much lovers as friends. Your guess is as good as mine. (Life ABC: June 2014, p. 7) ( =I really do not know.)
確立策略—非選擇題型(4-1) *句子改寫(A)(B)(E) 教學/應考策略應用 1. 句型分析、整合、運用 2. 語法架構整合、運用:觀念拓展延伸 3. 邏輯觀念確立強化 4. 敘述能力整合:口語書面敘述整合運用 5. 換句、釋義能力訓練:傳統訓練方式回春
確立策略—非選擇題型(4-2) *句子改寫 1. I do not like seafood. I do not like pizza. 提示:請以 neither….nor 合併改寫上列句子。 2. Tom has grown tired of city life. Tom is moving to the country. 提示:以連接詞 ‘so’ 合併改寫上列句子。 3. He is not rich. He is happy every day. 無提示 4. Some people are walking along the river. (東大高職八課版205) 提示:請以倒裝句呈現。 5. In this plan, money should be taken into consideration. In this plan, time should also be considered. 提示:請以 not only... but also 合併改寫上列句子。
確立策略—非選擇題型(4-3) *句子改寫:根據句型改寫畫線部分。(東大206) Today, people who live in big cities do not have many chances to get close to nature. So, many city parks have appeared. We call these parks which only use a small amount (少量) of space "mini-parks." They have chairs and playgrounds, and some mini-parks even have gardens. Of course, the trees that offer cool shade (樹蔭) can be found in these parks too. People who keep pets also bring their pets to the parks after work or on weekends. For example, pet dogs that need to go out every day can go to these parks with their owners. So, mini-parks are a great place to go to in big cities.
確立策略—非選擇題型(4-4) *句子改寫: 原句 改寫 焦點 I may have a three-week vacation next year. If I do, I will take a trip to Europe. If I have a three-week vacation next year, I will take a trip to Europe. 條件句 The question is how to get to the station. The question is how we can get to the station. 片語轉換成子句 Lucy works with me. She is one of my colleagues. (... together for three years) Lucy, who is one of my colleagues, and I worked together for three years. 插入句、 非限定敘述
確立策略—非選擇題型(5-1) *句子重組(F) 教學/應考策略應用 1. 一般句型分析、運用 2. 五大句型精熟、整合 3. 語法架構整合、運用 4. 邏輯觀念確立強化 5. 換句、釋義能力訓練整合:傳統訓練方式回春 6. 文句對比能力訓練
確立策略—非選擇題型(5-2) *句子重組 1. you/so that you/I should/the mistake I made/have warned/wouldn’t repeat I should have warned you so that you wouldn’t repeat the mistake I made.(O) I should have warned you the mistake so that you wouldn’t repeat. (X) 2. We/looking forward to/having/are/you/back 提示:重組提供的字以完成英文句子。(have) 3. Jimmy/brother/just/as/smart/his/is/as 提示:重組提供的字以完成英文句子。 4. Stephen/ever/I/that/have/the tallest/is/met/person (東大高職八課版205) 5. know/no one/exactly/the airplane/fly/will/again 提示:重組提供的字以完成英文句子,注意動詞變化。
確立策略—非選擇題型(5-3) 根據句型和提示字完成對話(重組) (東大高職英文8課版--201) *句子重組 根據句型和提示字完成對話(重組) (東大高職英文8課版--201) Alex: The movie we saw last night was great! I liked it a lot! Jim: Me, too. I heard that (1)___________ (it/be named/"The Best Movie of the Year") before it was released (上映) here in Taiwan. Alex: Really? Hey, let's see it again next week. Jim: Well, before I saw it with you, (2) __________ (I/already/see/this movie/for three times). Alex: Wow! You really are a big fan of this movie! Jim: You're right. Actually, this story was a novel (小說) before it was made into a film. So, before I saw this movie, (3) __________ (I/already/read/the novel/twice). Alex: Cool! I think that (4) __________ (millions of people/already/read/the novel) before the movie was made. Jim: Yeah. (5) __________ (the novel/be/a bestseller/for/three years) before they decided to make it into a film! [Ans.] 1. it had been named “The Best Movie of the Year” 2. I had already seen this movie for three times 3. I had already read the novel twice 4. millions of people had already read the novel 5. the novel had been a bestseller for three years
確立策略—非選擇題型(6) 評閱標準研究(A)
確立策略—字彙測驗 —初階 分冊複習:基本功夫 題庫應用 書籍/雜誌應用 逐課複習(字彙索引應用、重新打字排版) 逐冊複習(單冊隨機重新組合、多冊隨機重新 組合) 應用索引,深化複習 妥善安排進度並盡量提前完成,創造更多複習統整機會 教師、學生協力完成考試進度 題庫應用 書籍/雜誌應用
確立策略—字彙測驗 —進階 單字接龍(人、事、時、地、物…) 單字聯想、統整 (1) 人、事、時、地、物… (2) 生活生命、身體功能、個人家庭、組織機構、 政治法律、軍事宗教、建築科技、食品原料、 感情態度、行為道德、社會歷史… 單字線索(定義、聯想、例證、推理、對比、 搭配、遣詞) 英英解釋(A)
確立策略—單字接龍(人) 人 人生生活活動動作 作業業界(industry)界限 限制制定(formulate) (draft) 定義…
確立策略—單字接龍(事、物) 事、物 事物物件件數數學 學習習慣慣例例外 外國國際
確立策略—單字接龍(時) 時 時程程式式微(decline) 微調(fine tuning) (adjust)調整整理 理財財物物品品位位置置放 放款(borrow) (lend) (loan) 款待(treat) (entertain) 待遇 (salary) (wage) 遇見(meet) (encounter)…
確立策略—單字接龍(地) 地 地方方法法律律師 師徒(master and apprentice) 徒弟(disciple)…
確立策略—單字聯想(人) 人生、人格 人類、職業 生涯、關係 態度、互動 愛情…
確立策略—單字聯想(事、物) 事業、企業 發展、進行 難易、趨勢 處理、措施 方法…
確立策略—單字聯想(時) 時程、先後 歷史(文化)、緊急 優先、時機 空間、時尚…
確立策略—單字聯想(地) 地點、地域 社區、區域 地理、環境 場合、國家(政治)…
確立策略—單字統整(1) 生活生命 身體功能 個人家庭 組織機構 政治法律 軍事宗教 建築科技 食品原料 感情態度 行為道德 社會歷史…
確立策略—單字統整(2)(A) 生活:生命 survival 殘存;生存 survivor 生還者 victim 犧牲者;罹難者 sacrifice 犧牲者 prey 被掠食者;犧牲者 fatal 致命的 deadly pigeon /seagull bark branch limb 肢;臂;腳;大樹枝;主枝 bloom / blossom bush / shrub pine weed peel segment 切片;瓣 cabbage 甘藍菜;捲心菜 carrot cucumber …
確立策略—會話測驗(初階) 日常生活應對 Nina: Hi, Kim. How was your trip? Kim: Great. It was fun to meet different people in different cities. Nina: _____________ Kim: Taipei is my favorite. (103) (A) Where did you visit? (B) How many cities have you been to? (C) Which city do you like most? (D) How much did you spend? Jane: Thank you for stopping by. Can I get you anything? Lisa: ______________ Jane: Coming right up. (102) (A) You have nothing I want from you. (B) A cup of coffee would be nice. (C) No, I don't drink in the daytime. (D) I don't know what I have in mind. Jessica: Could you call me a taxi, please? (100) Bell Captain: Yes, ma’am. __________ Jessica: The airport. Bell Captain: Sure, take a seat in the lobby. I’ll let you know when it’s here. What model do you like? (B) Where are you going? (C) Let me get your car. (D) When are you going to leave?
確立策略—會話測驗(進階)(1) 特定主題應對:不知道、不了解 Beats me! / Search me! I don’t have the foggiest idea about that. It’s beyond my knowledge.
確立策略—會話測驗(進階)(2) 特定主題應對:改變主意 He’s whistling a different tune. She shifted her ground. She’s dancing to another tune.
確立策略—會話測驗(進階)(3) 特定主題應對:自以為是 Don’t try to put feathers in your cap. Stop blowing your own horn / trumpet. You’re really all about yourself.
確立策略—會話測驗(進階)(4) 特定主題應對:同意、贊成 You can say that again. You said it. You’re telling me. (=That’s right. ) (100) I cannot agree with you more. (103)
確立策略—綜合測驗 初階 : 轉承字詞(A) 慣用字詞 虛詞應用(A) 進階 : 資訊填補 策略應用(A)
確立策略—綜合測驗—轉承字詞 【累積 】 and, then, besides, in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, besides, what is more 【對照/轉折 】 but, yet, nevertheless, however, in spite of the fact that, on the other hand, by contrast, while, whereas, unlike, rather than, instead of
確立策略—綜合測驗—轉承字詞 【因果】 because, because of, so, so … that, for, since, thus, hence, therefore, consequently, accordingly, as a result, due to, thanks to, in that , with, for this reason 【理由】 for one thing, for another
確立策略—綜合測驗—轉承字詞 【例證、解說 】 for example, for instance, take…for example, namely, that is to say, in other words, such as, of/among (these, those, them), to illustrate, to take an example, more specifically 【選擇 】 or, rather than, other than, instead of
確立策略—綜合測驗—轉承字詞 【順序 】 first, second, to begin with, in sum, to sum up, on the one hand, on the other hand 【讓步 】 although, thought, even though, even if, nevertheless, despite, in spite of 【其他 】 fortunately, luckily, incidentally, interestingly, surprisingly 【總結 】 to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in one word
確立策略—綜合測驗—慣用字詞 常用主題單字(A) 常用主題片語 迪克遜成語 格言諺語
確立策略—綜合測驗—虛詞 【虛詞應用】 冠詞 代名詞 連接詞 介系詞
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—五大句型(A) 及物/不及物 完全/不完全
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—時式 、假設法 【時式】 數線應用 【假設法】 假設法三原則/四原則(A) 不用現在式 往後退一步 一律用were were 副詞助動詞 ADV AUX
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—易混淆動詞 say / tell talk / speak lie / lay fall / fell / feel / fail spend / take / cost hang
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—動狀詞 【動狀詞】不定詞、動名詞、分詞 【接續動名詞之動詞分類】 appreciate, remember, forget, regret/avoid, delay, postpone, deny, imagine, consider, resist, escape, mind, stand, endure, tolerate, enjoy, miss, risk, cannot help, escape, keep, look forward to, have trouble/difficulty
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—主詞與動詞一致 【主動一致】 with along with together with as well as no less than
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—關係代名詞及關代子句 【關係代名詞】以及【關係代名詞子句】 人 事(物) 時 地
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—連接詞 【連接詞】 as soon as no sooner than, hardly when (/before), scarcely when (/before), the moment, the instant, the minute if in case, on condition that, provided that, as long as, since, now that, seeing that Rich as he is … = Though he is rich, … so… that such … that either … or … neither… nor…, not only …, but also … what with … and what with …
確立策略— 綜合測驗—語法應用—助動詞 【助動詞】 need / dare must have + pp should have + pp
確立策略—綜合測驗—教學策略應用(A) 1. 字詞片語 2. 無關排除 3. 銜接結構 4. 關聯結構 5. 時間線索 6. 正反關係 7. 邏輯關係 8. 語法應用
確立策略—綜合測驗—基本方向 1. 訊息落差短篇文章 2. 語法結構誘答陷阱 3. 遣詞用字字詞搭配 4. 博學多聞四平八穩
確立策略— 閱讀測驗(0)—初階、進階 初階 :增廣見聞 進階 : 1. 圖解分析 2. 題型辨別 3. 訊訊填補 4. 策略應用 5. 趨勢分析
確立策略— 閱讀測驗(1)—圖解分析 【圖解分析】 (A) 循環式 縱剖式
確立策略— 閱讀測驗(2)—題型辨別 【題型辨別】 (A)主旨釐清 (B)文字理解 (C)文意分析 (D)前後推理 (E)資訊判斷 (F)段落總結
確立策略— 閱讀測驗(3)—資訊填補 【資訊填補】 1. 基本功夫 2. 背景知識:應用、對比、延伸 (1) 題庫應用 (2) 雜誌/報章應用 (3) 自編選文
確立策略— 閱讀測驗(4)—策略應用 【策略應用】 1. 轉承語詞 (transition words)(A) 2. 宏觀理解 (global)(A) 3. 複雜結構 (現在完成式、假設語氣、 分詞結構、關係子句、倒裝句、插入句、 連字號) 4. 圖解大綱(A)
確立策略— 閱讀測驗(5)—趨勢分析 1. 訊息落差:短篇文章 2. 關鍵障礙: (1) 低頻字彙 (2) 敘述過細(A) 3. 忽略策略:數據、補充性插入句 4. 多方涉獵:背景知識(廣泛閱讀/時事/雜誌/ 課本)
未來測驗題型研究 技專校院招生策進總會公告 自104學年度起,四技二專統一入學測驗 共同科目英文科考試題型將包含「選擇題」及「非選擇題」,其中非選擇題題型將以填充、(簡答)、中翻英、英翻中、句子改寫及句子重組為原則,配分比例將逐年增加,並請技專校院入學測驗中心進行規劃。
觀念翻轉—題型研究(1) 題型探討 (1) 題型分類 (2) 理論架構 題庫研發 (1) 任務分配 (2) 團隊合作 題庫運用 (1) 複合資源 (2) 再生利用 教學引導 (1) 考試頻率 (2) 時間整合
觀念翻轉—題型研究(2) 試題交流應用:他山之石 校際試題交流練習 國際試題參考應用 (1) 歐美試題 (2) 日本試題 (3) 中國試題 (4) 香港試題
觀念翻轉—題型研究(3) 題型研究:非選擇題型(A) 文意字彙 情境字彙 情境對話 詞類變化 相似字詞 想反字詞 情境簡答 情境填空 文法填空 引導翻譯 整句翻譯 情境翻譯 換句測驗 句子改寫 文具轉述 改錯測驗 看圖寫作
觀念翻轉—題型研究(4) 題型研究 :選擇題型(A) 篇章結構 文句排序 對話排序 無關排除 標題匹配 挑錯測驗 多重選擇 閱讀資訊解讀 (1) 圖表說明 (2) 統計數字 (3) 廣告文案 (4) 手冊說明 (5) 資訊通告 (6) 文章參照 (7) 對話結構 (8) 地圖資訊 (地理、氣候、天文、農產 ...) (9) 參考資料 (百科、字典、目錄、索引、報章、雜誌 ...) (10) 科學資訊 (物理、化學、醫學 ...) (11) 新聞報導(報章、媒體 ...) (12) 文學作品(詩歌、散文、傳記、歷史、短篇小說.. .) (13) 網路對話、網頁資訊
落實教學—行動翻轉 教學計畫執行: 長期教學計畫執行 教學策略運用: 單字測驗教學策略 綜合測驗教學策略 閱讀測驗教學策略 教學行動翻轉: 進化題型教學實施
長期教學計畫執行(1) 單字片語 文選閱讀 聽力訓練 第一學年 2000-4000 廣泛閱讀 初中級聽力(習慣養成) 第二學年 4000-5000/6000 主題閱讀 中級聽力(習慣內化) 第三學年 分類複習 密集複習 中高級聽力(輔助閱讀)
長期教學計畫執行(2) 文法習作 翻譯習作 能力整合 第一學年 第二學年 第三學年 初階第一回合單元練習(選擇題型) 初階句型練習 單一段落文章賞析 初階釋義練習 初階代換練習 第二學年 初階第二回合單元練習(非選擇題型) 進階句型練習 完整段落發展架構 進階釋義練習 進階代換練習 對照翻義賞析 第三學年 進階綜合練習 引導翻譯練習 整句翻譯練習
綜合測驗教學策略 教學策略研究討論 教學方法綜合應用 答題缺失重新詮釋 個別案例放大檢視 閱讀題型改編呈現 各個層面縱橫整合
閱讀教學策略 相關文選統整(A)(B) (閱讀文選/考題文章延伸) 關鍵字詞釐清 篇章結構確認/段落發展回顧(A)(B) 圖像概念輔助 宏觀方向指引
閱讀教學策略—相關文選統整-(1) Talking about the Winter Olympics (原文) (LiveABC: Feb 2014/ page 20) Melody is meeting her Canadian friend Brandon in a coffee shop. M: Hey, Brandon! It sure is chilly today. B: I like it. It reminds me of winter back in Canada. M: Minus† the snow, right? B: Right. I don’t miss the snow, but I do miss the winter sports. Did you know the Winter Olympics are being held in Sochi, Russia, right now? M: Really? I haven’t heard much about it. B: Well, I guess it’s understandable that the Winter Games aren’t very popular in Taiwan. I really enjoy watching them, though. M: Why? What’s so special about them? B: They’re exciting! Take ice hockey for example. It’s fast, aggressive, and exciting. M: It sounds too violent for me. B: You’d probably like figure skating, then. It’s an elegant winter sport. M: What about skiing? That looks like fun. B: It is, and the Olympics have everything from Alpine to freestyle to cross-country skiing. There’s even ski jumping. M: Oh, I’ve seen that. They seem to fly through the air. B: Speaking of flying, snowboarding is a popular new sport in the Winter Olympics. The snowboarders really catch major air! M: You know, maybe I should check out the Winter Olympics. B: I’ll tell you what: Let’s watch them together on TV at my place. M: Great. I’ll bring over some food.
閱讀教學策略—相關文選統整-(2) Talking about the Winter Olympics (CLOZE TEST 原文填空題型呈現) Melody is meeting her Canadian friend Brandon in a coffee shop. M=Melody B=Brandon M: Hey, Brandon! It sure is chilly today. B: I like it. It reminds me 1._________ winter back in Canada. M: Minus the snow, right? B: Right. I don’t miss the snow, but I do miss the winter sports. Did you know the Winter Olympics are being 2.____________ in Sochi, Russia, right now? M: Really? I haven’t heard much about it. B: Well, I guess it’s understandable that the Winter Games aren’t very popular in Taiwan. I really enjoy watching them, though. M: Why? What’s so special about them? B: They’re exciting! Take ice hockey 3._______ example. It’s fast, 4._______________, and exciting. M: It sounds too 5._____________ for me. B: You’d probably like figure skating, then. It’s an 6.______________ winter sport. M: What about skiing? That looks like fun. B: It is, and the Olympics have everything from Alpine to freestyle to cross-country skiing. There’s even ski jumping. M: Oh, I’ve seen that. They seem to fly through the air. B: Speaking 7.__________ flying, snowboarding is a popular new sport in the Winter Olympics. The snowboarders really catch major air! M: You know, maybe I should check out the Winter Olympics. B: I’ll tell you what: Let’s watch them together on TV at my place. M: Great. I’ll bring over some food.
閱讀教學策略—相關文選統整-(3) B 1 (A) boiled (B) chilly (C) heated (D) cozy A 2 Melody is talking with her Canadian friend Brandon. She comments on the __(1)__ weather. Brandon says that he likes it because it __(2)__ him of winter back in Canada. He asks Melody if she knows that the Winter Olympics is currently __(3)__ in Russia. Melody hasn’t really heard much about it. Brandon tells Melody that winter sports are fun to watch. __(4)__, ice hockey is fast, aggressive, and exciting. Melody says ice hockey sounds violent. Brandon thinks she will probably like figure skating. It’s a(n) __(5)__ winter sport. They decide to watch the Winter Olympics together. B 1 (A) boiled (B) chilly (C) heated (D) cozy A 2 (A) reminds (B) informs (C) dreams (D) guides 3 (A) being held (B) taken place (C) occurring (D) happened D 4 (A) However (B) Instead (C) After all (D) For instance 5 (A) stressful (B) nervous (C) crispy (D) elegant
閱讀教學策略—關鍵字詞釐清(1) (A) Many people don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables to meet their bodies’ daily requirements. An adult requires five to ten servings of fruit and vegetable each day. However, most of us are much busier than ever, so it is much more difficult for us to get enough nutrition. This is dangerous, for our health can suffer if we don’t eat properly.
閱讀教學策略—關鍵字詞釐清(2) (B) One way to help humans keep a balanced diet is to take a multi-vitamin pill every day. Each one of these little pills contains the vitamins and minerals that our bodies depend on. Since the needs of our bodies change over time as we grow, there are different kinds of multi-vitamins for children, adults, and older people. Thus, taking multi-vitamin pills regularly is always considered an easy way to improve our health and to have more energy.
閱讀教學策略—關鍵字詞釐清(3) (C) Needless to say, the best ways to stay healthy are to exercise regularly and to get into the habit of eating more fruits and vegetables. Exercising regularly may make us tired, but our bodies will surely appreciate it!
閱讀教學策略—關鍵字詞釐清(4) (D) If you can’t eat enough fruit and vegetables every day, take a multi-vitamin pill. Besides, it is always good for us to take exercise. These can help you stay on the right track.
閱讀教學策略—章結構確認/段落發展 Discourse Structure (A) (B) (C) (D)
閱讀教學策略—圖像概念輔助(1) To find out how fast food would affect a person’s health, Spurlock ate three meals a day at McDonald’s for 30 days.
閱讀教學策略—圖像概念輔助(2) After eating hamburgers, fries, and drinking milkshake for a month, he had gained around 11 kilograms and began to suffer from liver damage and …
閱讀教學策略—宏觀方向指引(1) British school meals were getting worse and worse. By 2005, most schools were giving their kids cheap junk food lunches, such as high fat burgers and French fries. However, these poor quality meals made one man very angry. His name was Jamie Oliver, a young chef who made popular TV cooking shows. One day, he had an idea. He decided to make some special programs. His TV company invited a high school in London to do an experiment. They would give the school some extra money for food, if Oliver could teach the school cooks how to prepare healthy meals. First, Oliver had to spend a lot of time and effort to teach them, so the school cooks could make tasty and low fat meals. They used a variety of healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables. Training the cooks wasn’t Oliver’s only problem. Some kids liked the new meals, but others wouldn’t change their bad eating habits. They still wanted burgers and fries every day. However, finally, Oliver succeeded. Nearly all of the school kids enjoyed the new meals. The British people became so interested in the story that soon over five million people were watching the program. Oliver then asked the government to give more money to schools to make their meals better. He was surprised when the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, agreed. So now, thanks to Jamie Oliver, more and more schools in Britain are changing the menus for their children.
閱讀教學策略—宏觀方向指引(2) Fast food is cheap and easily available. This makes it attractive to both children and adults. However, new studies suggest that fast food is harmful and is addictive (something that causes people to become dependent) as wine, drugs, and smoking. These studies show that fast food is high in fat and sugar, and this could be as addictive as drugs. One study has found that when mice were given a high sugar diet and then was stopped for some time, they acted in the same way as people who use drugs. Another experiment found that when mice ate a fast food diet, their brains change as people who use drugs do. Further, they also found that the mice started eating much more than they usually did before the experiment. This suggests that humans may also experience such changes if they eat too much fast food. And this would lead to health problems. Thus, it is important that governments tell people about these health problems and ask them to have healthy diets. Also, we should be more careful about the food we eat because only “we” can really decide what to eat and keep us healthy.
閱讀教學策略—宏觀方向指引(3) Experiment: Bad school meals Improved school meals Studies: (1) Inappropriate proportion of fat and sugar in food (2) Fast food addictiveness
教學行動翻轉(Learning by Doing) 進化題型教學實施 1. 強化內化 2. 潛能開發 3. 知識整合 4. 智慧增長 5. 循序漸進 6. 點石成金 7. 扭轉乾坤
進化題型教學實施(1) 強化「內化」 基本句型及其應用(A)(B)(C)(D) 文法要點(A)(B)(C)(D) 字詞搭配 字彙系統建立
進化題型教學實施(2) 潛能開發 學習paraphrasing策略 (A)(B) 精進substitution能力 加強note integration訓練(A)(B)(C) 焠鍊listening comprehension實力 (1) 廣播節目收聽常態制度 (2) 教科書籍課內聽力練習 (3) 聽力課程結合討論活動 (4) 電子3C 產品裝置運用(A)(B)(C) 深化內化聽說讀寫綜合能力 推薦運用外籍教師教學資源 規劃執行各項語言能力檢定
進化題型教學實施(3) 知識整合 訓練學生背景知識蒐集整合應用能力 (A)(B)(C)(D) 實踐合作學習(A)(B) 多元知識刺激 經常進行討論 要求廣泛閱讀
進化題型教學實施(4) 智慧增長 協助學生自建合宜字彙系統 善用圖解方式、各種字彙分類方式整合學生字彙 單字發音、例句光碟應用 傳統Vocabulary in Context 測驗方式(A) 線上練習測驗系統運用
進化題型教學策略實施(5) 循序漸進 建構基本語法能力並穩固基礎(A)(B)(C) 經常以非選擇題方式進行語法句型練習(A) 按部就班、循序漸進
進化題型教學策略實施(6) 點石成金 五大基本句型能力訓練考核(A) 換句練習敘述能力訓練考核(A)(B) 敘述轉述故事能力建構組織(A)
進化題型教學實施(7-1) 扭轉乾坤—教材應用 不同版本教材整合應用 配合多元教材選編課外補充文章教學資料 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)
進化題型教學實施(7-2) 扭轉乾坤—整合分析 從原文呈現到重新組合(A) 類似教材文章對比研究(A)
進化題型教學實施(7-3) 螺旋佈局 (1) 深度 (2) 廣度 (3) 循環 密集訓練 (1) 頻率 (2) 多元
進化題型教學實施(7-4) 扭轉乾坤—教師資源應用拓展視野增廣見聞 (1) 雜誌月刊文章時事文選(A) (2) 書局出版最新時事文選(A)(B)(C) (3) 網際網路資源統整運用(A)(B)(C)(D) (4) 多媒軟體社群資源應用(A)(B)(C) (5) 教學伙伴學習資源分享(A)(B)(C)(D) (6) 團隊精神結合力量發揮
結語:綜合能力提升努力方向 (1)字彙能量穩定成長 (2)基本句型認知應用 (3)基本語法知識獲得 (4)完整語法架構建立 (5)多元領域文章賞析 (6)測驗理解程度提高 (7)實作答題速度增進 (8)解題失誤機率降低 (9)得分精進機會增加
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ~George Bernard Shaw
敬請指教!謝謝! 黃宏祿 豐原高商應用外語科 電子郵遞 hakka@pie.com.tw 教學網頁 deer.yah.tw
統一入學測驗共同英文 非選擇題型與選擇題型教學策略 黃宏祿 hakka@pie.com.tw 豐原高商應用外語科 教育部95年度實習輔導教師(「師傅教師」)卓越獎 豐原高商教師會理事長、監事主席 FILA製造商、國泰人壽總公司企劃部 南開科大、中台科大、嶺東科大、高雄師大 三民書局、東大書局、龍騰出版、翰林書局 輔大語研所碩士班、高雄師大英語所博士班
參考資料(1) David Doyle、黃宏祿、匡德勳、盧富世:瞄準英文統一學測。 龍騰(台北):2003 黃宏祿:四技二專統一入學測驗英文考科試題詳解分析。東大(台北):2005、2006、2007、2008 楊凱全:四技二專統一入學測驗英文考科試題詳解分析。東大(台北):2009、2010、2011 楊凱全、林麗英:四技二專統一入學測驗英文考科試題詳解分析。 東大(台北):2012 黃宏祿、楊凱全:四技二專統一入學測驗英文考科試題詳解分析。 東大(台北):2011 楊凱全、陳涵瑋:四技二專統一入學測驗英文考科試題詳解分析。 東大(台北):2013 黃宏祿、楊凱全:歷屆統測英文試題精解90-100。東大(台北):2011 102年四技二專統一入學測驗英文考科考題剖析。龍騰:(台北):2013 黃宏祿:英文講義—介系詞。(介繫詞.pdf) 黃宏祿:英語假設語氣與時式教學技巧研究。假設語氣與時式教學研究(FS).pdf
參考資料(2) 張銷民:考研英語完形填空與填空式閱讀。群言(北京):2008 李劍相似易混單詞對比記憶。群言(北京):2008 趙松濤:高考英語閱讀理解280篇。世界圖書出版(西安):2009 顧曄:大學英語分類聯想記憶詞匯手冊練習。浙江大學出版社(杭州):2001 謝艷明:英語主題詞匯學習手冊。中國廣播電視出版社(北京):2006 蔣志榆:史上最強的單詞記憶法。陜西師範大學出版社(西安):2008 Mark Griffiths & Carol Rueckert:英語情景口語100主題。 中國廣播電視出版社(北京):2007 David Burke:美國人每天說的話(American Street Talk)。 商務印書、海文音像、培生教育朗文聯合出版:2000 Graham Paterson, 張滿勝: 50 Topics World Current Issues (英語暢談時事熱點50主題)。外文出版社(北京) :2008 EZ半線英語創意教工作坊http://www.yces.chc.edu.tw/english/index0.htm
參考資料(3) 張新仁等:學習與教學新趨勢。心理出版社(台北):2003 施方良:學習理論。麗文文化(高雄):1996 車被群:東大高職英文。東大圖書公司。 常春藤英語解析英語、生活英語系列 空中美語系列 LIVE ABC系列