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Presentation transcript:

綠色創意伙伴Green Creative Partner Go Green教材套 綠色創意伙伴Green Creative Partner

Environment, Diet and Health TOPIC 1 TOPIC 3 Environment, Diet and Health - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 環境、飲食與健康

What is the relationship between environment, diet and health

How can the environment affect our health? 環境如何影響我們的健康? Health Impacts 健康隱患 Infection 傳染病 Global Warming 全球暖化

Prevent Dengue Fever (produced by the Department of Health) Have you ever watched this TV advertisement? Prevent Dengue Fever (produced by the Department of Health) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvsoh4jy_eM&index=14&list=PLd1JkKZ3CcY8P-7P60ucuVIcrj9uD222p 預防登革熱病 (衛生署製作) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OUT5ka5bUg&index=10&list=PLd1JkKZ3CcY9rvjZIFGcFDj6V9WbcWxLJ

Bitten by Aedes or infected Anopheles mosquitoes 被白紋伊蚊或受感染的瘧蚊叮咬 Dengue Fever and Malaria 登革熱和瘧疾 Bitten by Aedes or infected Anopheles mosquitoes 被白紋伊蚊或受感染的瘧蚊叮咬 Heavy rain and standing water provide breeding sites for mosquitoes 暴雨及積水提供蚊蟲滋生點 Warm temperatures assist mosquitoes vector and viruses development 暖溫有助蟲媒及病毒生長

Cholera 霍亂 Increased precipitation and flooding support the survival and spread of Vibrio cholerae 當降雨或水浸,霍亂孤菌能在水中存活及透過水傳播 Consumed water or food contaminated with Vibrio cholera 攝取受霍亂孤菌污染的水或食物 Enhances the risk of oral-faecal contamination 增加口糞傳播的危險

氣溫比臨界點每高一度,人類死亡率升高百分之二至五 Heat Stress 中暑 Climate change boosts the intensity and frequency of extreme heat 氣候變化令極高氣溫情況更嚴重及頻繁 Every °C increase above the threshold level, death rate increases by 2 to 5% 氣溫比臨界點每高一度,人類死亡率升高百分之二至五

全球暖化製造極端天氣環境,促成病毒及細菌肆虐 ROUND UP 小結 Global warming provides suitable environment with extreme weather conditions which facilitate the survival and spread of virus and bacteria . 全球暖化製造極端天氣環境,促成病毒及細菌肆虐 Currently, there is no massive outbreak in Hong Kong but it does not imply that we are riskless. We cannot deny the fact that we might travel to the infected regions. 目前沒有於香港爆發不代表沒有危險,亦不排除到受影響地區旅遊會受感染 Both children and adults can be infected where there is no age limit for diseases. It relates to every one from infants to elderlies. 小童及成人都可能受感染,疾病沒有年齡限制。不論你是嬰兒或是老人,這也跟你息息相關

What can affect our health other than the environment

Which of the following meal sets will you choose? 你會選擇以下哪一份餐點?

A Healthy Meal 健康的一餐 http://school.eatsmart.gov.hk/b5/template/index.asp?pid=231&id=227

What is the nutritional value of? 肉類有什麼營養? Fat 脂肪 Minerals 礦物質 Minerals, including copper, chromium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc 礦物質,包括銅、鉻、葉酸、鐵、鎂、鉀、硒和鋅 http://www.livestrong.com/article/518960-what-nutrition-does-meat-have/ Protein 蛋白質 Fat-soluble vitamins A, B, D and K 脂溶性維他命A, B, D及K

Are you eating too much meat? 你吃太多肉類了嗎? http://restaurant.eatsmart.gov.hk/eng/content.asp?content_id=227 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs394/en/ Red Meat - 500 grams a week 紅肉 – 每週五百克  Total fat should not exceed 30% of total energy intake 總脂肪攝取不應多於每日能量攝取的百分之三十 No more than 5 servings of meat per week, with each serving equivalent to the size of 3 table tennis balls 每星期最多攝取五至六份肉類,每份約三個乒乓球大小

How can over-consumption of meat affect our health? 過量攝取肉類如何影響我們的健康? Obesity 過胖

More than affecting our body shapes 不單只影響身型 Early Death 提早死亡 High Blood Pressure 高血壓 Heart Disease 心臟病 High Cholesterol 高膽固醇 http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/johns-hopkins-center-for-a-livable-future/projects/meatless_monday/resources/meat_consumption.html Cancer 癌症 Type 2 Diabetes 第二型糖尿病

Livestock industry and the environment 畜牧業與環境 Animal waste 動物廢料 Water use 水資源利用 Land use 土地利用 Climate change 氣候變化 http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/johns-hopkins-center-for-a-livable-future/projects/meatless_monday/resources/meat_consumption.html

Summary 總結 Over-consumption of meat can damage our physical health, as well as the environment. 過量攝取肉類不但有損身體健康,更會破壞環境 More greenhouse gas emission worsens the global warming problem. 愈多溫室氣體會令全球暖化問題惡化 Global warming and extreme weather would affect our physical health. 全球暖化及極端天氣可能影響我們身體健康

End of Topic 3 19