Do you feel boring? Maybe you like to watch TV? Or you like the movie?


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Presentation transcript:

Do you feel boring? Maybe you like to watch TV? Or you like the movie? But today what I want to introduce to you is not a movie It is…my favorite TV show They are called….

Have you seen the variety show?

This is running man family. They are very friendly, lovely, and funny in people’s mind.

Character introduction

Yu Jae Seok 刘在石(蚂蚱 韩国著名搞笑艺人,著名主持人,他亲切、机智及可爱的主持风格令他成为韩国最受欢迎的主持及喜剧演员。 刘在石(蚂蚱 韩国著名搞笑艺人,著名主持人,他亲切、机智及可爱的主持风格令他成为韩国最受欢迎的主持及喜剧演员。 The main host of the show, his kind, clever and lovely hosting style makes him become one of the most popular hosts in South Korean.

Kim Jong Kook The strongest man on the show 金钟国 (能力者)韩国著名流行歌手兼全能艺人,1995年以TURBO组合的主唱出道。被网民票选为单飞最成功的男歌手。在综艺节目《X-MAN》《家族诞生》和《Running Man》中都有着出色的表现。 The strongest man on the show

하동훈 He has married and he very humorous 河东勋,亦是韩国艺人“Haha”,HIPHOP歌手,MC。原本是三人男子Hip-Hop组合Zikiri的成员,后单飞。在综艺节目中不惜形象的演出给观众带来了欢笑,也让人看到他谦虚、诚恳以及机智的一面。 He has married and he very humorous

GARY! 姜熙建,艺名Gary,是韩国Hip-hop二人组合Leessang成员,现任韩国周末综艺《Running Man》MC。 Mung ji,is always in his heart~

Song Ji Hyo 宋智孝,韩国女艺人。很多RM迷都表示,虽然刚开始对宋智孝并无好感,但越看越觉得她很不错,在RM中表现得率真大方,并不因顾忌自己的形象就应付了事,而是在游戏中十分努力地去做好自己的任务,甚至不介意素颜上镜。 She is Mung Ji~~~

So…..In running man Everyone says they are a lover Called “周一情侣”

Lee Kwang Soo 李光洙,韩国艺人,绰号“长颈鹿”running man固定MC,职业;演员 模特 艺人 身长 190cm 体重 76kg 属相 牛!!!

Thank you for listening carefully … and read a lot of Chinese English… You can ask me more and more about “Running man” but you must use Chinese……. That’s all, thank you!