Ⅰ. 单词聚焦 1.______ v. 防守 2._______ adj. 有才能的,有天赋的 3.______ v


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Presentation transcript:

Ⅰ. 单词聚焦 1.______ v. 防守 2._______ adj. 有才能的,有天赋的 3.______ v Ⅰ.单词聚焦 1.______ v. 防守 2._______ adj. 有才能的,有天赋的 3.______ v. 上(学) 4._______ n. 平均数 5._________ n. 动力 6._______ adj. 各种各样的 defend talented attend average motivation various

outstanding 7.__________ adj. 杰出的 8.____ adv. 现场直播地 9.______ v. 教练 10.______ adj. 立刻的 11._______ n. 碰撞 12.________ adj. 适当的,足够的 13._______ adj. 突出的,出其不意的 14._________ v. 加速,加快 live coach instant collision adequate abrupt accelerate

15._______ v. 任命,委派 16.______ adj. 典型的,独特的 17.______ v 15._______ v. 任命,委派 16.______ adj. 典型的,独特的 17.______ v. 获得,得到 18._____ v. 流血,出血 19._______ v. 证实,进一步确定 20._____ adj. 头晕目眩的,眩晕的 appoint typical obtain bleed confirm dizzy

Ⅱ.短语扫描 1.__ the history of 在……历史上 2.____ an average of 平均为…… 3.rely ________dds 依赖 4.be rude ___ 对……粗鲁 5.draw sb.’s attention __ 引起某人注意(某 事物) in with on/upon to to

6.___ the time 一直;始终 7.take possession __ 占有,占据,拥 有 8.apologise __ sb 6.___ the time 一直;始终 7.take possession __ 占有,占据,拥 有 8.apologise __ sb.for sth. 因为某事向某人 道歉 9.name...____ 以……命名 10.be based ___ 根据;以……为 基础 all of to after on

Ⅲ.原句突破 1.But there is no doubt ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(他无愧于这一称号)“outstanding player of his generation”. 【答案】 that he deserves the title

2.________ ________ ________(为了做到这一点),he told Yao to be more aggressive and,________ ________(如果有必要),to be rude to his teammates. 【答案】 To do this;if necessary

3.They have fantastic stories to tell about Michael Jordan,such as the time when he________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ ______ ______(在比赛的关键时刻拯救了公牛队,从而避免打成平局等等). 【答案】 rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie

4.The giant player joined the NBA’s Philadelphia Warriors in the 1959~1960 season and________ ________ ________ ________(立刻获得成功). 【答案】 was an immediate success

5.Cartwright is called the father of baseball because the modern rules of the game________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(与他最初制定的规则非常相似). 【答案】 are very similar to his original

defend vt.用法 (1)防御;防护,保卫 When a dog attacked me,I defended myself with a stick. 当一只狗攻击我时,我拿起一根棍子防卫。

They couldn’t prevent us defending our rights They couldn’t prevent us defending our rights. 他们不能阻挠我们捍卫我们的权利。 We shall defend our country,whatever cost may be. 无论付出什么代价,我们都要保卫我们的祖国。 (2)为……辩护 We need some lawyers to defend us. 我们需要几个律师为我们辩护。

(3)defend sb./sth.from...保护某人免遭…… We should defend the child from harm. 我们要保护这孩子不受伤害。 (4)defend sb./sth.against...保卫某人抵御…… Their duty is to defend the country against its enemies. 他们的职责就是保卫国家抵御敌人。

defence n.防御,保卫;防御物 They fought the war in defence of their country

1.It is said that the murderer has employed a famous lawyer to________him. A.Protect B.protect for C.defend D.defend for 【解析】 defend sb.为某人辩护,是及物动词。 【答案】 C

hold vt.& vi.保持……(在某一位置,状态),抓住 hold back阻止;扣住;隐瞒 hold down保持住;压低;垂下 hold on继续;抓住;坚持 hold to坚持(原则、方向);紧握 take/catch/get hold of抓住;得到 hold on to紧紧抓住;守住,保住

hold up支撑;(使)耽搁,推迟,阻延 Hold still,please hold up支撑;(使)耽搁,推迟,阻延 Hold still,please.请不要动。 Can’t you hold yourself still for a moment? 你能不能保持静止一会儿? How long will the good weather hold? 这样的好天气会持续多久? I held the baby in my arms.我把婴儿抱在怀里。

We struggled to hold back our laughter We struggled to hold back our laughter.我们竭力忍住不笑。 We shall hold down prices until the new year. 我们会抑制价格上涨,直到新的一年来临。 Hold on,I’ll just get my coat.等一等,我去拿外套。 Sorry we’re late—we were held up at work. 对不起,我们来晚了,我们在工作中给耽搁了。

vt.容纳 The hall can hold 1,000 people.这个大厅可容纳1 000人。

2.(2008年辽宁卷)You have to be a fairly good speaker to________listeners’interest for over an hour. A.hold B.make C.improve D.receive

【解析】 句意为:你是一个相当好的演说家,能抓住听众的兴趣达1个多钟头之久。hold one’s interest固定搭配,译为:吸引某人的兴趣。 【答案】 A

3.(2008年江苏卷)—Is Peter there. —________,please 3.(2008年江苏卷)—Is Peter there? —________,please.I’ll see if I can find him for you. A.Hold up B.Hold on C.Hold out D.Hold off

【解析】 句意为:是彼得吗?请稍等,我帮你去找找看有没有这个人。本题是电话用语,Hold on别挂,等会儿,等等,坚持; Hold up耽搁,支撑;Hold out维持,持续;Hold off拖延,推迟。 【答案】 B

attend vt.出席……,参加……,上学 Did you attend the meeting yesterday?你昨天出席会议了吗? She was sick so she didn’t attend school. 她生病了,所以没上学。

vt.& vi.照料(某人),看护(某人);专心(工作),处理 His mother was ill,so he had to attend(on/upon)her. 她母亲病了,因此他必须照料她。 You must attend to your work.你必须专心于你的工作。 I may be late—I have got one or two things to attend to. 我也许会迟到,我有一两件事要处理。

4. —Would you like to________my birthday party this Saturday 4.—Would you like to________my birthday party this Saturday? —Sorry,I have an important meeting to________. A.attend;join B.take part in;attend C.join;take part in D.attend;attend

【解析】 join后要接团体、集体、组织等与人有关的名词;take part in与政治活动或体育、文娱活动有关;attend侧重于指上(课),参加(晚会),照顾病人等意义。 【答案】 D

5.This is the nurse who________to me when I was ill in hospital 5.This is the nurse who________to me when I was ill in hospital. A.accompanied B.attended C.entertained D.cared 【解析】 attend to为固定短语,意为“照看;照料”,care和for连用,意为“照看;照料”。accompany和entertain与句意不符。 【答案】 B

various adj.不同的,各种各样的 There has been snow today in various parts of the country. 今天在全国不同地区都下雪。 For various reasons,I’d prefer not to meet him. 由于各种原因,我不愿见他。

a variety of (varieties of)+n. (pl a variety of (varieties of)+n.(pl.)种种…… She made the children glad in a variety of ways. 她用各种方法使孩子们高兴。 He didn’t come for a variety of reasons.他因种种原因没来。 They lived a life full of variety.他们过着多变的生活。

6.Today CCTV offers a great________of programmes to meet the different needs and________. A.variety;tastes B.many;interests C.deal;likes D.number;habits 【答案】 A

deserve v.应得;值得 deserve to do值得;应该 deserve doing=deserve to be done值得(被)做 deserve attention/consideration/sympathy 值得注意/考虑/同情 deserve blame/punishment该受责备/惩罚 The team deserves to win.这个队应该赢。

Your suggestion deserves considering Your suggestion deserves considering. =Your suggestion deserves to be considered. 你的建议值得考虑。 These proposals deserve serious consideration. 这些建议值得认真考虑。

7.I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I________a rest. A.deserve B.preserve C.perceive D.receive

【解析】 句意为:我花了四个周末写作文,现在我该好好休息一下了。deserve(因为行为、品行、才干而)应该得到,preserve保护,维持;perceive理解,领悟;receive接收。 【答案】 A

instant adj. 立刻的,紧急的;n. 顷刻,瞬间 The new book was an instant success instant adj.立刻的,紧急的;n.顷刻,瞬间 The new book was an instant success. 这本新书一出版就大获成功。 This area is in instant need of help.这个地区需要紧急援助。 I’ll be back in an instant.我马上就回来。 Just for an instant,I thought he was going to refuse. 刹那间,我以为他要拒绝。

instantly adv. 立刻,马上(可引导时间状语从句) Please tell me instantly he arrives instantly adv.立刻,马上(可引导时间状语从句) Please tell me instantly he arrives.他一到请马上告诉我。 注意:the instant,the moment;instantly,directly;immediately 可用做连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“—……就”。

She began to cry the instant she read the letter. 她一读那封信就哭了起来。 I sent you the news instantly I heard it. 我一听到这消息,便立刻通知你了。

8. —Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her. —Yes 8.—Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? —Yes.I gave it to her________I saw her. A.while B.the instant C.suddenly D.once 【解析】 此处the instant用做连词,相当于as soon as,句意为:我一见到她就把钱给她了。 【答案】 B

draw one’s attention to吸引某人注意(某物) Her cry drew our attention to the running car. 她的喊叫声把我们的注意力吸引到那辆行驶的汽车上。 He drew attention to the rising unemployment. 失业率日渐升高引起了他的注意。

catch/attract one’s attention吸引某人的注意 bring sth catch/attract one’s attention吸引某人的注意 bring sth.to one’s attention吸引某人注意某事 pay attention to注意 devote one’s attention to专心于 focus one’s attention on把注意力集中在…… Attention should be paid to getting everything ready before Sunday.注意在星期天之前把一切准备好。

They brought it to our attention that many people are still living in poverty.他们让我们关注许多人还生活在贫困之中。 We must focus our attention on urgent problems. 我们必须把注意力集中在紧急的问题上。 She tried to attract the waiter’s attention. 她设法吸引服务员的注意。

9.We must draw our attention____the fact that the young don’t look____to the old nowadays. A.to;up B.on;down C.on;upon D.to;down 【解析】 draw one’s attention to意为“引起某人注意(某事物)”;look up to意为“尊敬”;而look down upon意为“轻视”。 【答案】 A

take possession of占有,拥有;占据 You can’t legally take possession of the house until three weeks later.三周后你才能合法取得这个房子的所有权。 Settlers began to move westwards and to take possession of the plains as their own.殖民者开始向西迁移,并把平原据为己有。

have possession of拥有 in possession of拥有 in the possession of(某物)为(某人)所有 come into the possession of(某物)落入(某人)手中 get/gain possession of拿到;占有;占领

He is said to be in possession of a large fortune He is said to be in possession of a large fortune. 据说他拥有一大笔财产。 The rare diamond is now in the possession of a wealthy man. 那颗稀有的钻石现在为一位富翁所有。 How did the painting come into your possession? 你是怎么得到这幅画的?

10.—How did you____the old valuable house? —It used to be_____my uncle.He left it to me in his will. A.take possession of;in possession of B.take the possession of;in the possession of C.take possession of;in the possession of D.take the possession of;in possession of

【解析】 take possession of为固定用法,possession前没有冠词,意为“拥有”;in the possession of sb.意为“归某人所有”,而in possession of意为“拥有”。 【答案】 C

name after以……命名 name sb. /sth. after. 以……的名字给某人/某物取名 name sb. /sth. +n name after以……命名 name sb./sth.after...以……的名字给某人/某物取名 name sb./sth.+n. 给……取名为…… name sb.(as/for/to be)sth.任命 Bill is named after his father.比尔以其父亲的名字命名。

by name 用……的名字;凭名字 by the name of 名叫……的;以……之名 call sb by name 用……的名字;凭名字 by the name of 名叫……的;以……之名 call sb.names 辱骂(某人) in the name of 凭……的权威;以……的名义 under the name of 用……的名字(不用自己的真名)

I claim this land in the name of the king I claim this land in the name of the king! 我代表国王宣布拥有这块土地! Is there anyone here by the name of Sommerville? 这里有人叫萨默维尔吗?

11. Some people________cruel experiments on animals________science 11.Some people________cruel experiments on animals________science. A.make;by the name of B.carry;in the name of C.make;in the name of D.carry out;by the name of 【答案】 C

I’m not quite used to it yet I’m not quite used to it yet. 我还不是很习惯。 be used to doing 习惯于(表现状) get used to doing 习惯于(表过程) be accustomed to sth.习惯于

He isn’t used to living in the countryside He isn’t used to living in the countryside.他不习惯住在乡下。 I’m not used to living in a crowded and noisy city,but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. 我不习惯住在拥挤嘈杂的城市,但我相信我会逐步习惯的。

关于“used”的几个常用短语用法比较: (1)used to do sth 关于“used”的几个常用短语用法比较: (1)used to do sth.过去常常干…… Today’s China is no longer what it used to be. 今日的中国再也不是往昔的状态了。 I used to go fishing on Sundays.我以前星期天常常去钓鱼。

(2)be/get/become used to sth. (doing sth (2)be/get/become used to sth.(doing sth.)习惯于干…… The old couple hardly got used to living with their children in the city.这对老人很难习惯于在城里和孩子们住在一起。 (3)be used to do sth.被用来做 The money was used to buy a new car. 那笔钱被用来买了一辆新车。

(4)It’s no use doing sth.做……没有用 It is no use advising him to give up smoking. 劝他戒烟是没有用的。

12.(2007年安徽卷)In my opinion,life in the twenty­first century is much easier than________. A.that used to be B.it is used to C.it was used to D.it used to be

【解析】 本题考查比较级结构及代词的用法。life为主语是不可数名词,作“生活”讲,前后主语指同一物,故后面用“it”代替。另外be used to意为“习惯于”,used to be意为“过去曾经是……”。 【答案】 D

Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1.The tournament is open to amateurs as well as p________ Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The tournament is open to amateurs as well as p________. 【答案】 professionals 2.________(复杂的) problems are not easy to solve. 【答案】 Complicated

3.Such courageous behavior really d____to be praised 3.Such courageous behavior really d____to be praised. 【答案】 deserves 4.We’re going to b___ ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there. 【答案】 base 5.At midnight they crossed the river and took p___ of the village. 【答案】 possession

6.They have___(任命) a new head teacher at my daughter’s school 6.They have___(任命) a new head teacher at my daughter’s school. 【答案】 appointed 7.Jack is an intelligent pupil,but he lacks___(动力). 【答案】 motivation 8.My____(一代人) have grown up without the experience of a world war. 【答案】 generation

9.My employer will________(证实) that I was there on time 9.My employer will________(证实) that I was there on time. 【答案】 confirm 10.He works very hard and now he is a(n)________(出色的) pupil. 【答案】 outstanding

Ⅱ.短语运用 grow up,on average,at one point,make a record,hold the record,draw one’s attention to,if necessary,in history,bring up,in honor of 11.Their children have all_____and left home now. 【答案】 grown up

12.That was the worst airline disaster_____ 12.That was the worst airline disaster_____. 【答案】 in history 13.400 people die of this disease______. 【答案】 on average 14._____ I think she is going to refuse,but in the end she agrees. 【答案】 At one point

15.Liu Xiang______of 12. 88 seconds for 110­hurdle for several years 15.Liu Xiang______of 12.88 seconds for 110­hurdle for several years. 【答案】 held the record 16.I’ll get hell if interrupting him in the middle of_____. 【答案】 making a record 17.The newly­discovered star was named after a Chinese astronomer______his contributions to astronomy. 【答案】 in honor of

18.I tried to________certain facts 18.I tried to________certain facts. 【答案】 draw your attention to 19.These are matters that you can______in committee. 【答案】 bring up 20.Be kind to your mother­in­law and,__,pay for her board at some good hotel. 【答案】 if necessary

Ⅲ.完成句子 21.她生性对周围的任何人都慷慨大方。 ________ ________ ________ ________to be generous to everyone around her. 【答案】 It’s in her nature

22.你会发现这张地图对你参观北京有很大的价值。 You will find the map____ ___ ___in helping you to get around Beijing. 【答案】 of great value 23.我们要学会防御敌人。 We should learn to____ ____ __enemies. 【答案】 defend ourselves against

24.我和朋友约好这个周末去看电影。 I___ ___ __ ____my friend to see a film this weekend. 【答案】 made an appointment with 25.考虑了所有情况,他们更加相信自己而重新回到岗位。 ____ ___ ____ ___,they believed themselves more and returned to their positions. 【答案】 Everything taken into consideration