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Presentation transcript:

CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH 世纪商务英语 阅读教程(基础篇2)(第四版) 主编:王洗薇 大连理工大学出版社 www.dutpgz.cn

Unit Three Attitude Towards Work 大连理工大学出版社 www.dutpgz.cn

Attitude Towards Work Working attitude is one of those topics that are easy to talk about, tough to do but simple in nature. Confused yet? That’s, the concept is simple but doing is hard. Yet, those who have made the resolution to start working on improving their attitude often meet with success.

Attitude Towards Work Of course, remember to throw in patience as a key ingredient. Besides, in this unit, you’re going to learn how to predict what comes next in your reading, a very useful reading technique.

Attitude Towards Work Reading Skill Focus Comprehensive Reading Practical Reading Words and Expressions

Reading Skill Focus Predicting What Comes Next Making predictions while you are reading is a useful technique that helps you understand a passage better. In a passage, you can often predict what comes next from a sentence, the content of a paragraph, or the structure of a paragraph. You can base your prediction on the grammatical structure of a sentence, linking words, or on the logical development of the content.

Reading Skill Focus The following logical connectors are often used to indicate the relationship of the context, from which you can predict what comes next. Logical Connectors Examples Transition(转折) but, however, unfortunately, although, on the contrary, on the other hand Cause and Effect (因果) because, since, as a result (of), consequently, thus, therefore Supplement (递进) furthermore, not only... but also..., moreover, in addition Contrast (对比) while, whereas, in contrast Examplification (举例) for example, for instance, such as

Reading Skill Focus A.Guided Practice Sample 1 Read the sentence below about the use of humor and decide which sentence is most likely to follow. In the West, we often try to build immediate rapport through humor, but of course,________. A. some claim that humor cannot or should not be explained B. this is not universally seen to be appropriate in all contexts C. humor frequently contains an unexpected, often sudden, shift in perspective D. humor is essential to build a good business relationship

Reading Skill Focus 该句首先说“在西方,我们经常通过幽默来迅速建立良好的关系”,接下来是一个转折,因此可以推断,后半句的意思应该否定前半句的说法。因此B 选项是正确的,意思是“全世界范围来看,这并不是在所有场合下都适合的”。

Reading Skill Focus Sample 2 Read the passage below and decide what the next paragraph is likely to talk about. The general terms“high context”and“low context”(popularized by Edward Hall) are used to describe broad-brush cultural differences between societies. High context refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of cultural behavior are not made explicit because most members know what to do and what to think from years of interaction with each other. Your family is probably an example of a high context environment.

Reading Skill Focus The next paragraph is most likely to talk about __________. A. high context environment B. family traditions C. low context D. cultural differences 本文第一段谈到了社会文化差异可以用两个术语“高语境”和“低语境”来表述。第二段解释了什么是“高语境”。因此,从文章结构来看,下一段应该介绍什么是“低语境”,所以正确答案为C

Reading Skill Focus B. Challenge Yourself Read the paragraph below about humor in advertising and decide which sentence is most likely to follow. Many of the most memorable ad campaigns around tend to be funny. Advertisers use this strategy to attract customers to their product. The best products to sell using humor tend to be those that consumers have to think the least about. Products that are relatively inexpensive, and often consumable, can be represented without providing a lot of facts, and that’s where there’s room for humor. A

Reading Skill Focus People will pay more attention to a humorous commercial than a factual or serious one, opening themselves up to be influenced. B. Candy, food, alcohol, tobacco and toys/entertainment related products have proven to benefit the most from humor in their campaigns. C. Humor in advertising tends to improve brand recognition, but does not improve product recall, message credibility, or buying intentions.

Reading Skill Focus Challenge 2 Read the passage below about the American way of raising children and choose the best sentence to fill each gap. The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don’t come with an instruction manual. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration, not knowing what to do. But in raising children—as in all of life—what we do is influenced by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American values.

Reading Skill Focus (1) From infancy, each child may get his or her own room. As children grow,they gain more freedom to make their own choices. Teenagers choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as the friends to share them with. C (2) Of course, many young adults still seek their parents’advice and approval for the choices they make(3) E A

Comprehensive Reading Suggested Reading Time: 6 min. Text A Why are Some People Unhappy in Their Jobs 1. Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents. 翻译 为什么有如此多的人不喜欢自己的工作?究其原因主要有两个。第一个原因是,有些人深信,每天为了生计而工作,没有时间享受人生或发挥天赋,极大地浪费了自己的人生

Comprehensive Reading 2. If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of“Boy, I can’t wait to get back to work.” 如果你也是这样认为,回顾一下在过去你曾度过的漫长假期。在两个星期里,你有没有完全沉浸于享乐当中?很有可能是,在一个半星期的时间里,你在美丽的阳光下尽情地开心,而在余下的半个星期里,你会不厌其烦地自言自语,“天啊!我迫不及待地想回去上班。” 翻译

Comprehensive Reading If you didn’t feel such vacation blues, imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. blues 抑郁,沮丧 enroll 注册;加入 all-time low 空前地低 如果你没有经历过这样的假期忧郁,那么你可以设想离开一段时间出去度假。你可以利用这段假期认真地阅读一部小说,或报名参加一些培训课程,或无所事事地看电视。在三个月的假期即将结束时,你的自尊很有可能已经达到了你人生中的最低点。 翻译

Comprehensive Reading While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form of order in our lives. 然而,只知道埋头工作,不知道放松身心是不可取的,而只知道享乐,不知道努力工作也会带来恶果。人需要有种使命感。人也需要遵循一定的秩序来生活 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 3. The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you’ve been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren’t turning out as you’d planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest manacle of all.People resent having to do something because they have no other choice. spouse 配偶 mortgage 抵押 贷款 jump ship 跳槽 manacle 镣铐

Comprehensive Reading 翻译 人们厌倦工作的第二个原因,也许是一个更加普遍的原因,是他们觉得自己被工作束缚了。一旦参加了工作,并在一家公司工作了五个年头以后,找到了自己的生活伴侣,之后支付按揭贷款,再之后要生儿育女。如果很多事情没有按照你的计划进行,你常常会发现你别无选择,难下“贼”船。一份稳定的收入反而可能成了最大的束缚。人们极其厌恶由于别无选择而必须去做某件事情

Comprehensive Reading 4. If you find yourself resenting your job because you can’t afford to quit, it may be time to prepare what one career counselor humorously calls a “cyanide capsule”. cyanide capsule 氰化物胶囊 翻译 如果你发现你自己因担负不起辞职的后果,而对目前的工作产生反感,也许你该为自己准备一些被某位职业顾问幽默地称之为“氰化物胶囊(有剧毒)”的东西了

Comprehensive Reading He recalls spy movies in which the secret agent has such a capsule hidden somewhere on his body. If he’s captured and tortured unbearably, he has an option. And having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in the hope that the situation may change. 他(职业顾问)想起了一部关于间谍的电影,影片中的那名地下特工人员将氰化物胶囊藏在自己身体的某个部位。当他不幸被捕,却无法忍受酷刑时,他可以选择服毒。这样的选择使他能继续支撑下去,希望情况会有所转机 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 5. Rather than cyanide, your option takes the form of an up-to-date résumé. You might take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where low-key networking can take place. low-key 低调的 industry 行业 function 重大的社交聚会;功能 你的选择当然不是“氰化物胶囊”而是一份全新的求职履历书。你很可能要花上一个星期的时间浏览招聘版上的所有招工信息,往返于各个行业部门之间,这些部门并不是很看重“关系” 翻译

Comprehensive Reading You’re not giving up on your current job. Rather, you are. If things get unbearable at work, you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attitude. It allows you to enjoy your work since, in reality, you are there only because you want to be. 你不是在放弃目前从事的工作,相反,你是在给自己创造一个选择的机会。如果你对目前的工作难以忍受,那么这意味着你可以跳槽了。这样的态度创造出奇迹。事实上,因为这是一份你想从事的工作,你才能从中享受到乐趣。 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 6. At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is,above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment, but they really aren’t. They have to learn to manage that environment so they can get from it what they need. 用积极的态度对待工作是解决自身状况的关键。许多人觉得受制于环境。但是事实并非如此。人们必须学会如何应对所处的环境,才能从中获得所想要得到的乐趣 翻译

Comprehensive Reading Task 1 Figure out the topic of each paragraph with the development of the content. The topic of Paragraph 1: ______________________________________________ 2. The topic of Paragraph 2: ______________________________________________ 3. The topic of Paragraph 3: ______________________________________________ Earning a living is wasting time Play and work People feel trapped

Comprehensive Reading 4. The topic of Paragraph 4: __________________________________ 5. The topic of Paragraph 5: __________________________________ 6. The topic of Paragraph 6: __________________________________ Preparing an option Finding an option Assuming responsibility

Comprehensive Reading Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. primary option current disastrous recall vacation career quit prevalent convince ( ) quit He ___________his job for a better position. 2. A ___________fire in the city caused loss of life and money. ( ) disastrous

Comprehensive Reading ( ) option 3. They didn’t leave him much _________—either he paid or they’d beat him up. 4. They went to Europe on _______. 5. His diaries are a _________source for the history of the period. 6. I lay in bed and __________the things he had told me. ( ) vacation ( ) primary ( ) recalled

Comprehensive Reading 7. The habit of traveling by aircraft is becoming more ________ each year. 8. He is now _________ of the truth of the report. 9. They suggested measures to overcome the _________difficulties. 10. He’s hoping for a ________in the police force. ( ) prevalent ( ) convinced ( ) current ( ) career

Comprehensive Reading Task 3 Read the sentences in each group carefully and choose A, B, or C if the underlined word in the sentence is used in the same way as in the sample sentence. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? (Para. 2, Line 2) It was a complete surprise to me. B. When will work on the new railway be complete? C. The ship will be completed by April. ( ) A

Comprehensive Reading 2. If you didn’t feel such vacation blues, imagine taking a leave of absence. (Para. 2, Line4) These two blues are quite different. B. A rainy day always gives me the blues. C. The blues are a type of folk song, originated among African-Americans. ( ) B

Comprehensive Reading 3. ... and make some visits to industry functions where low-key networking can take place. (Para. 5, Line 3) The main function of the kidneys is to purify the blood. B. The minister has to attend all kinds of official functions. C. X is a function of Y. ( ) B

Comprehensive Reading 4. At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is ... (Para. 6, Line 1) Cut out the core of the apple. B. Her refusal shocked us to the core. C. The core of the doctor’s advice was that we should take care of our bodies. ( ) C

Comprehensive Reading 5. ... above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. (Para. 6, Line 2) The new President assumes office at midnight tonight. B. He assumed a look of indifference, but I knew how he felt. C. I assumed you knew each other because you went to the same school. ( ) A

Comprehensive Reading Task 4 At the very beginning of this unit, you’ve learned the techniques of predicting what comes next. With the help of the grammatical structure of a sentence,linking words,or the logical development of the content, it will be easier to guess what is likely to follow. The following two paragraphs are cited from Text A. Choose from A to F to fill in the gaps without referring to the text.

Comprehensive Reading 1. Once you’ve been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage and a child, you often feel ____ if things aren’t turning out as you’d planned. D ( ) 2. You might take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and ____ where low-key networking can take place. You’re not giving up on your current job. ( ) E

Comprehensive Reading Rather,_____. If things get unbearable at work, you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attitude. It allows you to enjoy your work since, in reality, _____. C ( ) ( ) B having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in the hope that the situation may change B. you are there only because you want to be

Comprehensive Reading C. you are providing yourself with an option D. you have very few choice about jumping ship E. make some visits to industry functions F. assuming responsibility for your own situation

Comprehensive Reading Task 5 Word Formation Learning—Root (4) In Text A, the following roots could be seen. Roots Meaning Examples aster astro star星星 astronomy n. 天文学 astronaut n. 宇航员 astral a. 星的,星状的 disaster n. 灾难,灾祸

Comprehensive Reading prim manner 方式,模式,风度 primacy n. 主要地位,重要性 primitive a. 原始的 prime a. 最初的,基本的 primer n. 初级读本 primeval a. 早期的;远古的

Comprehensive Reading ple plen plet pli full to fill 满,填满 complement n. 补足,补全 implement v. 完成,实施n. 工具 plenty n. 大量,丰富 replete a. 充满的,吃饱的 accomplish v.成就;完成

Comprehensive Reading prob prov to test 测试,证明 approbate v. 许可,批准 probable a. 可能的 probe v. 探索,刺探 approve v. 赞成,承认 disapprove v. 不赞成 disprove v. 证明为假

Comprehensive Reading vict vinc to conquer to overcome 征服,克服 victory n. 胜利 evict v. 逐出 convict v. 证明有罪 evince v. 表明,表示 invincible a. 不可克服的

Comprehensive Reading Now, read Text A carefully, locate the words in the text that contain one of the above-mentioned roots, and tell the meaning of each word. 1. prim _______________(Para. 1, Line 2) 2. vinc 3. plete _______________(Para. 2, Line 2) primary 主要的 convince 使......信服 complete 完成

Comprehensive Reading 4. aster _______________(Para. 2, Line 8) 5. pli _______________(Para. 2, Line 9) disastrous 灾难的 accomplish 完成,实现

Comprehensive Reading Moreover, fill in the blanks with the words you write down above. Change the form where necessary. 6. I don’t feel our visit really anything a________. 7. By c_________ me that no good could come of staying, he persuaded me to leave. 8. Our _________ concern is to provide the refugees with food and healthcare. accomplished convincing primary

Comprehensive Reading 9. After the d_________ car accident, the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized. 10. I need one more stamp to c_________ my collection. disastrous complete

Comprehensive Reading Suggested Reading Time: 6 min. Text B Enthusiasm Leads to Success Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. —Ralph Waldo Emerson 1. We’ve all had to work and do things that we did not especially enjoy. Usually, some people would tell us to be more enthusiastic.“You’ll have more fun,”they would say. Well,they were partly right.

Comprehensive Reading 人人都得工作,去做一些我们并不太想做的事。总有人会告诉我们要热情地投入工作。他们会说,“你会因此获得更多的乐趣。”没错,他们的话有一定道理 翻译 2. Being enthusiastic about something means being excited about a given project. Enthusiasm entails having a strong interest in the task at hand.

Comprehensive Reading If you decided to learn a new language, which is not easy by any account, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause. Anything less would result in failure. by any account 无论如何 翻译 充满热情,意味着对某个工作项目感到兴奋,充满热情就是对手头的工作产生强烈的兴趣。就好像你决定学一门新的语言(无论如何,这不是件容易的事)一样,你必须全身心地投入。任何懈怠都会使你功亏一篑

Comprehensive Reading What is Real Enthusiasm? 3 . In your quest for success, enthusiasm means that you believe deeply in what the company is doing. You also believe that your job is important and contributes to the cause. It means that you’re willing to work your butt off to achieve the company’s goals. work one’s butt off 拼命工作 什么是真正的热情? 在你寻求成功的过程中,热情意味着你对公司所做的一切深信不疑。你也相信你的工作很重要,你为公司的事业做贡献。这就是说,为了达到公司的目的,你要拼尽全力 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 4 . Real enthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day with gusto. You have zeal for the work you do and the people you work with. This pushes you to improve and become a better person. 翻译 真正的热情是,早上起床后就要精力充沛地去开始一天的工作。对待工作要满腔热情,对待同事也一样。这是一个自我完善的过程

Comprehensive Reading 5 . Enthusiasm means that you are stimulated by your work, and are able to find new challenges and keep growing professionally. Furthermore,most jobs have some elements that are less fun and more difficult to carry out. This is where passion really comes into play. come into play 起作用;开始活动 翻译 热情意味着,你从工作中受到激励,能够发现新的挑战, 在专业上不断进步。此外,大多数工作在某些方面很枯燥,很难完成。这正需要热情来发挥作用

Comprehensive Reading 6 . When you love what you do, it isn’t too difficult to get psyched up and get the job done. The hard part is performing equally well in those less interesting tasks. 翻译 点燃热情完成自己喜爱的工作并不难。困难的是在你也能同样出色的做好枯燥无味的工作

Comprehensive Reading Passion Helps You Get Ahead 7. Enthusiasm about a job or project usually translates into positive energy. That is, if you are excited about a project, you will be anxious to get started and get results. The mere fact of looking forward to your work will help make you more productive and effective.

Comprehensive Reading You will plan more effectively and pay careful attention to detail. You will carry out your plan more carefully and aim for the best results possible. 热情使你领先 对一项工作或计划的热情通常会变成积极的力量。也就是说,如果你对一项计划充满热忱的话,你就会迫不及待地着手去做并希望做好。对工作有所期盼,会使你更有成果,更有效率。你会更有效地制定计划,更仔细地考虑计划的细节。你会更谨慎地执行计划,力争取得最好的结果 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 8. Another important point is that passionate people are usually those that are thrust into positions of leadership. A leader must have zest if people are to follow him and achieve the corporate mission. A leader must inspire his troops. To inspire them, he needs to show great enthusiasm. In leaders, this translates into charisma. 另外还有一点要注意的是,被推上领导层的人通常是热情的人。如果要人们服从他的领导,完成公司的使命,领导者必须要有热情,必须要激励他的团队。为了激励他的团队,他要显示出极大的热情。热情会转化成领导的个人魅力 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 9 . Being fervent about your work shows a willingness to do more and learn. This will definitely help you stand out from the crowd and get top management’s attention. 对工作热情表明你愿意多做事,多学习。这肯定会使你脱颖而出,并获得高层领导的注意 翻译

Comprehensive Reading Increasing Your Enthusiasm 10. Most men aren’t born great—they become great. Similarly, not everyone is the enthusiastic type that falls in love with their work.However, do not despair, there are ways to become more passionate. 燃起你的热情 大多数人并不是天生就是杰出的人——他们的成功是后天努力的结果。同样,并不是每个人都是那种热爱工作、对工作有热情的人。不过不要绝望,总会有办法使你变得对工作有热情 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 11 . One good way to boost your gusto is by reading about successful people, it will help you realize that you too can make it happen. 阅读有关成功者的书籍就是激发热情的好方法。你会认识到你也可以成功 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 12. Reading about real success stories often illustrates that people much like yourself have become business leaders. In most cases, they all share one trait: enthusiasm. 有关真实的成功故事的书籍会告诉你,与你相差无几的人,他们成为了企业领导者。他们往往有着共同的特点:热情 翻译

Comprehensive Reading 13. If you want to succeed, you should be excited about your work,your life and your co-workers. 所以,要想获得成功你就要对工作、对生活,对同事满怀热情 翻译

Comprehensive Reading Task 6 Complete the sentences below using the words from the text. 1. Enthusiasm about a ______ or project usually _______ into positive energy. 2. If you decided to learn a new language, you would have to _____ yourself __________ to the course. 3. Similarly, not everyone is the ________ type that falls in love with their work. However,do not despair, there are ways to become more _________. ( ) job ( ) translates ( ) wholeheartedly ( ) dedicate ( ) enthusiastic ( ) passionate

Comprehensive Reading 4. When you love what you do, it isn’t too _______ to get psyched up and get the job done. The hard part is performing equally ______ in those less interesting tasks. 5. Reading about real _______ stories often illustrates that people much like yourself have become business leaders. In most cases, they all share one trait, ________. ( ) difficult ( ) well ( ) success ( ) enthusiasm

Comprehensive Reading Task 7 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. If you decided to learn a new language, which is not easy by any account, you would have to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the cause. 如果你决定学一门新的语言(无论如何这不是件容易的事情),你必须全身心地投入 译文

Comprehensive Reading 2. Enthusiasm means that you are stimulated by your work, and are able to find new challenges and keep growing professionally. 热情意味着,你要从自己的工作中受到激励,能够发现新的挑战,保持专业的长进 译文

Comprehensive Reading 3. One good way to boost your gusto is by reading about successful people, it will help you realize that you too can make it happen. 有种激发热情的好方法,就是阅读有关成功者的书籍。这会使你认识到,你也可以获得成功 译文 4. Real enthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day with gusto. 真正的热情是,早上起床后就要精力充沛地去开始一天的工作 译文

Practical Reading Steps to Success Are you concerned about the future? Are you unsure about how to start your career? Do you need to make changes in your direction? Are you concerned about finding stable and secure work?

Practical Reading The following chart is to help you consider these questions and guide you through the necessary steps to achieve your career success, whether you are looking for your 1st or your 21st job. In order to help you do this in an efficient and effective way, it has been organized into six steps, from the first step at the bottom of the chart up to the top, step by step.

Practical Reading

Practical Reading Task 8 Go through the chart and answer the following questions. How many steps will you take before you write a resume or begin the search for a job? 3 steps: Self Assessment, Research and Decision Making 2. What’s the key factor leading to career success? Self assessment

Practical Reading 3. If you start considering your entire life as an interconnected whole, which step are you taking? The sixth step: Life / work planning 4. Which step can help you find out the specifics of a particular job? The second step: Research

Words and Expressions Text A adopt v. 采取,采纳 blues n. 抑郁,沮丧 counselor n. 顾问 current a. 当前的,现在的 disastrous a. 灾难的 enroll v. 注册;加入 function n. 重大的社交聚会;功能 prevalent a. 普遍的,流行的 quit v. 离开 resent v. 愤恨,怨恨 résumé n. 简历 spouse n. 配偶 torture v.& n. 折磨

Words and Expressions humorously ad. 滑稽地;幽默地 industry n. 行业 low-key a. 低调的 manacle n. 镣铐 mortgage n. 抵押贷款 trap v. 使陷入困境 all-time low 空前地低 cyanide capsule 氰化物胶囊 in all likelihood 很可能 jump ship 跳槽 turn out 最后结果是……,最终成为……

Words and Expressions Text B boost v. 推进 charisma n. 领袖气质;个人魅力 cause n. 事业;(奋斗的)目标 dedicate v. 献身,致力 entail v. 使必需,使蒙受,使承担 fervent a. 热情的,炽热的 gusto n. 热情,充沛的精力 illustrate v. 表明,(用例子等)说明 passionate a. 充满热情的 quest n. 寻求,追求 translate v. (使)转变,(使)转化 thrust v. 力推,强加 zeal n. 热忱,热情,热心 by any account 无论如何 come into play 起作用;开始活动 corporate mission 公司目标 get psyched up 兴奋起来 work one’s butt off 拼命工作

Words and Expressions Practical Reading entrepreneurism n. 企业家,主办人 evaluation n. 评估 shadow v. 渐变;变阴暗