雅 思 口 语 主讲:皮发伟.


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Presentation transcript:

雅 思 口 语 主讲:皮发伟

一 雅思口语考试流程 进入候考室——到指定考室外等待 ——考官出来叫你进去——考官自我介绍及简短面试 一 雅思口语考试流程 进入候考室——到指定考室外等待 ——考官出来叫你进去——考官自我介绍及简短面试 ——第一部分——第二部分——第三部分——考试结束

二 雅思口语考试三部分真题范例 Part 1 (4-5minutes) 二 雅思口语考试三部分真题范例 Part 1 (4-5minutes) What’s your full name please? May I have your ID card, please? Now, in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself. Let’s first talk about your hometown. What kind of city is your hometown? What’s it famous for? What do you like about the city? What do you dislike about it? Ok. Let’s move on to the topic of driving. Do/Can you drive? What age do you think is the best for getting a driving license? Do you think school should provide driving lessons for students? Now, let’s talk about something else. Do you prefer writing by hand or writing using the computer? Do you think handwriting is still important today? How can children today improve their handwriting?

备注: 这部分属于聊天性质,说话应尽量自然,简单,随意一些,不可成段背诵从书上抄来的书面语。 one-word answer应避免。考生应首先对考官的问题做出回应,然后再说上两三句话。 考官随时可能打断你,因为他必须控制考试的时间,所以你不用担心,静静听下一个问题就是了。

Part 2 (3-4 minutes) Describe someone you know who is good at cooking You should say: who this person is how you know him or her what kinds of food s/he cooks and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking.

备注: 卡片由考官选择,不是考生自己选择。 在拿到卡片后,考生有一分钟思考准备时间。 考官会给你纸笔作笔记。 做笔记可以采取你喜欢的任何方式。 如果卡片看不懂,可以问考官,但考官可以不作答。 一分钟结束后,考官会告诉你可以开始讲了。 在你说话的过程中,考官只听不说。 你说完后,考官一般会接着问一两个后续问题,只需简单作答即可。 第二部分结束后,考官将收回卡片,笔和草稿纸。

Part 3 (4-5 minutes) Subtopic 1: Chinese food and western food How does western food like KFC impact (on) traditional Chinese food? Do you think traditional Chinese food will be more popular in the future? In your view, how is western food different from Chinese food? Subtopic2: eating at home In your country, do family members often eat at home together? Do you think it important for people to eat at home? Subtopic3: food safety Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country?

备注: 这部分的考试模式和第一部分是一样的,一问一答。 这部分的问题不再是关于你个人的情况了,通常是一些常见的社会话题。 这部分属于讨论性质,所以考官很可能会接着你的话茬往下问,或者对你的观点提出反驳。 这部分的问题是由第二部分决定的。如果第二部分你描述的是一首歌,那么第三部分问的问题都会和音乐有关。 这部分不需要大家说多少,三四句话也就够了,就是提出自己的观点,论证一两句,就结束了。当然,你要是有话说,那是多多益善。 这部分很多同学都会出现听不懂问题的情况,因为单词难度增加了,这时候不要慌,你可以让考官给你解释,也可以让考官重复一遍问题,实在不行了,就让考官问下一个问题。 这部分要表现得好点,没有一定的语言底子是不可能的,六分以下的同学应多积累相关话题词汇。

三 Top FAQs about IELTS Speaking Exam 1.雅思口语要考六分,需要多少词汇量? 2.口语考试的时候,是不是要多用大词? 3.语音语调在口语考试中很重要吗? 4.口语要考高分是不是需要说很长的句子? 5.什么是口语机经?它对备考重要吗? 6.在外地考分数一定会比在北京考高吗? 7.作文有模板,口语要准备模板吗? 8.备考时,背答案重要吗? 9.口试问题没听懂怎么办? 10.考试时紧张怎么办? 11.考官都是英国人吗? 12.考官是不是都对考生很有耐心? 13.语法对雅思口语重要吗? 14.回答不知道,会扣分吗? 15. 考试的时候我应该穿什么衣服? 16. 考试的时候,我应该在礼仪上注 意什么? 17. 成绩复议是怎么回事?

四 雅思口语考试评分标准 (一)九个分数等级描述 四 雅思口语考试评分标准 (一)九个分数等级描述 雅思考试采用国际认可的9分制评分系统,准确反映考生的语言水平。 每个分数级别有对应的描述。总分可以是整数分或半分。 九个分数段及其描述如下: 9分 专家水平 具有完全的英语运用能力,做到适当、精确、流利并能完全理解语言。 8分 优秀水平 能将英语运用自如,只是有零星的错误或用词不当。在不熟悉语境下可能出现误解,可将复杂细节的争论掌握的相当好。 7分 良好水平 能有效运用英语,虽然偶尔出现不准确、不适当和误解。大致可将复杂的英语掌握的不错,也能理解详细的推理。 6分 合格水平 大致能有效运用英语,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生但能使用并理解比较复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的语境下。

5分 基础水平 可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可明白大致的意思。虽然经常出现错误,但在经常涉及的领域内可应付基本的沟通。 4分 有限水平 只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语。 3分 极有限水平 在极熟悉的情况下也只能进行一般的沟通,频繁发生沟通障碍。 2分 初学水平 除非在熟悉的语境下,几乎只能使用孤立单词或短句表达最基本的信息,不能达成有效沟通。难以听懂或者看懂英语。 1分 不懂英语 最多能说出个别单词,根本无法用英语沟通。 0分 考生缺席 缺乏评分依据。

(二)四个具体的评分依据 1. 流利度: 7分:多数问题能不假思索地进行回答,偶有停顿的地方,但不 会超过5秒钟。而且,考生出现停顿也主要是因为在思考 说什么,而不是在想某个词怎么说。 6分:在自己熟悉的领域能比较顺畅的交流,在不熟悉的领域会 出现较长时间的停顿。 5 分:只是在自己最熟悉的领域能展示一定的流利度,即:连续 说上几个句子。 流利度的本质:就是考生连续说话的能力:正常语速 + 正常停顿

2. 词汇: 7分:考生具备相当好的词汇广度,应此也基本准确到位。 6分:考生在自己熟悉的领域能展示一定的词汇广度,用词常用不 准确,不恰当的地方,但基本不影响理解。 5分:考生的能熟练使用的词汇,不管是量还是质都明显不足,经 常因为想不起某个词而停顿。而且,用词单调,过于简单。

3. 语法: 7分:考生能熟练使用各种常见语法结构,而且基本准确,在使用 复杂的语法结构时偶有错误。 6分:考生基本语法能较为熟练准确适用,偶有错误,但不影响交 流;能使用一些较为复杂的语法结构,如定语从句,但不是很 准确。 5分:考生即使在简单语法结构,如时态,人称单词,单复数等上 面也经常出错,有时甚至严重影响理解;基本不能使用复杂 语法结构。

4. 发音: 7分:考生的发音清晰,准确,丝毫不影响理解。 6分:考生的发音较为清晰,准确,有时有发错或不规范的现象。 5分:考生的发音经常出错,有时严重影响理解。

其实纠正发音是很值得去做的事,因为方向明确,见效快,通过练习说句子练发音就更好了,既能练发音,还能学习单词,表达方式。 In my view, eating at home is healthier cos you control what goes into the food. 2. Eating at home is also a lot more economical. With just 20 RMB, you can cook a decent meal at home, but i20 RMB is just enough to buy you only one dish in a restaurant. 3. Additionally, eating at home is much more hygienic. You know, the dining room at home is a private place whereas a restaurant is a public place. If you eat in a public place, you’re more likely to expose yourself to health risks, like infectious diseases or whatever. 4. I think it’s important for parents to share meals with their children on a regular basis, whether at home or in a restaurant. It’s a great opportunity for communication and strengthening family bonds.

第一组: beaches cause low — no invite library light—night said—sad like—lack thick-sick bus—boss bet—bat comfortable economy famous roses

第二组: quiet—quite —quit kind line—nine clothes thought through loose—lose view--few temperature pilot vegetables polite pain-pen pepper-paper pass-path

第三组 atmosphere gorgeous unique photography celebrity original necessities competitive bathing suit equally quarterly journalist employees Enormous electronic

(三)关于评分标准语音方面的调整。 雅思口语考试在2008年以前,在发音评分上只有2,4,6,四个等级,现在改为1-9,九个等级,也就是发音方面评分进一步细化,这对有发音优势的考生绝对是好消息。

(四)关于半分制 现在的口语评分会出现5.5,6.5,7.5的现象。 如果你在四个评分标准方面的得分分别是: 流利度:7; 词汇:6; 语法:5; 语音6 那么你的得分总分是24,再除以4,你的最后口语得分就是6分

五:雅思口语第一部分 (一) 话题范围 Your hometown Your Studies Your hobbies Your home Your job Personal habits Music Sport Computer Internet Swimming Cycling News Drawing&painting Cooking Parties Shopping Birthdays Reading Writing Fruits & veggies Weekend Holidays Travel Gifts Communication (phone, email) Flowers advertisements Newspapers &magazines Transport & driving Clothing Films

注:雅思口语第一部分的话题,每年都会有新的题目出现,但主体是基本不变的,很好准备。 雅思口语第一部分永远的主体话题: 吃,穿,住,行,学习,工作,娱乐(音乐,电影,电视),运动,媒体,网络,艺术(画画,乐器,艺术馆),送礼,生日,派对。

雅思口语第一部分提问模式非常固定,考官主要是按照下面几种模式想考生提问: (二)雅思口语第一部分是怎么进行的? 雅思口语第一部分提问模式非常固定,考官主要是按照下面几种模式想考生提问: 1. Do you…? 2.Do people in your country do…? 3.What type of …do you like? 4.What type of …do you dislike? 5.What do you like about…? 6.What do you dislike about…? 7.What do you like to do +时间? 8.What do you dislike to do +时间? 9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do…? 10.When did you first do …? 11.Did you do…when you were a child? 12.When did you last do …? / Tell me about your last …experience? 13.When and where do you…? 14.Do you like do…alone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think it’s necessary/important for children/schools to do…? 17.What do you think about..? 18.What do you think is the benefit/advantage of …?

下面我们以最近经常出现的几个话题为例,看看考官是怎么提问的? Cycling --Is it popular to ride the bike in your country? --Do you often ride the bike? --Is it safe to ride the bike in your city? --What do you think is the advantage of biking compared with other forms of transport? Cooking --Who cooks in your family? --Do you like cooking? Why or why not? --Do you think schools should provide cooking lessons for students? Shopping --Do you like shopping? --Where do you like to go shopping? --Do you like to go shopping alone or with friends? --Do you prefer big shops or small ones? Why? --Tell me about your last shopping experience. Travel --Do you like travelling? --What places do you like to visit? --Tell me about your last travel? --What do you think is the benefit of travel?

从上面我们可以看出考官在提问时的九个提问方向: 一:你自己; 二:你们国家的普遍情况; 三:你的小时候; 四: 是最近一次; 五:小孩; 五:小孩 六:在学校学…重不重要; 七:同类比较优缺点 八:…的好处 九:为什么

(三)雅思口语第一部分的注意事项 1. 雅思口语第一部分的两大忌: 1)背诵答案 2)太多的简短答案(yes. No. I don’t know.) 2. 雅思口语第一部分的前奏 What’s you full name? or: Can you tell me your full name, please? How shall I call you? Can I see your ID card please?

3. 怎样在雅思口语第一部分给考官留下好的印象。 1)发音差的同学,应该把自己发得不好的音好好纠正一下。 2)语法不好的同学,应该好好学习一下一般过去时,现在完成时,现在 完成进行时,现在进行时和将来时;名词单复数;可数和不可数名词;人称代词;主谓一致;形容词比较级最高级。 3)学习一些英语是母语的人喜欢用的的口语词和短语。 4)克服自己的紧张情绪,经常进行自问自答练习或找人对练。 5)不要试图说得太多,适当扩展一下就行了。 6)说话不要太快,同时和考官保持眼神接触。

4. 如何克服自己的表达方式过于简单,单调的问题。 很多同学得5分的一个主要原因就是表达方式过于简单,单调,如喜欢就是like, 表达原因就是because, 说好处就是good for health, 描述地方就是beautiful, 当然不是说这些词不好,关键是你从头到尾都用类似的词或短语的话,给考官的信息就是你的语言不行,别忘了,雅思纯粹就是考语言,就像普通话考试。 我给大家总结了几组大家很可能会用上的一些词和短语,基本都是中国考生不是很熟悉的一些表达方式,希望能对大家有所帮助。

第一组:Yes, I do; No, I don’t 之外的其它情况 词或短句 注解 Sure That’s for sure Absolutely (not) Definitely (not) Certainly (not) No doubt about it Not necessarily Well, actually… Well, obviously, … Well, honestly… Well, to tell you the truth… Um, to be honest, … As a matter of fact, … Well, I’m not really sure, but I guess so, cos… 15. Well, it really depends. 16. Well, it obviously varies from person to person. 17. Well, it’s difficult to say, cos… 18. Not really/exactly 19. Not much. 1-6 都是用来表示“当然,那是自然,这是可定的”之类的意思。 7 意为“未必,不一定” 8-13 表示你要说的话可能和考官的期望不同或相反。 14 表示你对考官所问的内容不是很清楚,但你觉得是这样的。 15 表示你认为有几个可能的因素,而非一个。 16. 表示因人而异 17. 表示 “这个很难说的啦”。 18. 表示 “不完全是” 19. 表示 “不是很多(频率),或者不是很喜欢(程度)”

第二组:除了 I like…; I don’t like… 你还会说什么? 词或短句(按最喜欢-最不喜欢排列) 例句 …is my biggest passion in life. Be obsessed with… Be addicted to… Be hooked on… I’m crazy/mad about… I’m a huge/great fan of… I absolutely adore… I absolutely love… I’m into… I’m not very much into… I’m not a big fan of… I dislike… …is not my thing. I really hate… I can’t stand… Basketball is my biggest passion in life. Lots of children and teenagers are obsessed with computer games.. I’m crazy about LV bags. I’m huge fan of him. I absolutely adore you. I absolutely love Sichuan food. I’m into Korean songs. I’m so into you. Unlike most girls, I’m not very much into shopping. I’m not a big fan of photography. I dislike anything that’s oily and spicy. Dancing is just not my thing. I really hate travelling by train. I can’t stand the smell of it.

第三组:how often? 词或短句(按最频繁-从不排列) 例句 I ….all the time I …almost every day I …whenever I want I …a lot I don’t…very often I…once in a while I rarely… I hardly ever… I never… I use the brand all the time. He complains all the time. I eat it almost every day. I go shopping whenever I want. I dine out a lot. I don’t go to the cinema very often. I only go to the cinema once in a while. I rarely borrow money from my friends. It rarely rains here in summer. I hardly ever go to the restaurant/go to the cybercafé. I never drink or smoke.

第四组:why or why not? I like it mainly because… I like it simply because… Well, there are a variety of reasons. First,…; second… One reason is that…; another reason is that… The primary/main reason is that… It’s primarily because… I like it mainly because it’s a great way to relax. I like the major simply because it’s my interest. Well, there are a variety of reasons. First, I’ve been interested in it since I was a child and it’s always been my dream to be a …. Second, I think it suits my personality. You see, I’m extroverted and I love meeting new people. That’s exactly what the job requires. You see, everybody wants to have a car. I think one reason is that a car does make life easier and gives your more freedom. Another reason is that an expensive car is a status symbol, so rich people use it to show off their wealth. I think the primary reason is that our university education focuses too much on exams and too little on practical skills. It’s primarily because we are selfish and short-sighted.

It’s primarily due to… It’s mainly due to the fact that… It’s the result of… It may be because… I’m not sure, but I guess one possible reason is… For one thing… for another … It’s primarily due to our selfishness and short-sightedness. It’s mainly due to the fact that people today are under heavy pressure from work and life, especially financial pressure. It’s the result of a long-time sedentary lifestyle. Well, it may be because they’re not happy about the pay. It may be because they’re too busy or too tired too cook at home, you know, modern life is really stressful. I’m not sure, but I guess one possible reason is that they rush into marriage and after a while they find that they are not actually right for each other. I don’t like cycling. For one thing, when I cycle along the road, I have to breathe the dirty air. For another, cycling is dangerous cos there’s so much traffic on the road.

第五组:benefit/advantage It’s a great way to keep fit/boost your fitness. It’s marvelous exercise. It’s got great physical benefits. It’s beneficial for health. It’s really healthy/wholesome. It’s really nutritious. 对身体好呗 It’s economical. It doesn’t cost much/it cost much less. It’s inexpensive. It’s money-saving. It saves (you) lots of money. 省钱呗 It’s a marvelous way to release/relieve stress. It’s a great stress reducer/stress killer. It’s a great way to let off steam. It’s a perfect way to wind down after a hard day at school/work. It helps me to wind down. It’s a wonderful way to relax. It’s a wonderful relaxation. It’s really relaxing. 放松,减压呗

It’s eco-friendly/environment-friendly. It does no harm to the environment. It’s harmless to the environment It doesn’t pollute/contaminate the environment. 环保呗 It’s really useful skill. 有用呗 It really makes life easier. 让生活方便了呗 It’s a wonderful family activity. It helps to strengthen family bonds. It allows me to spend more time with my family. 增进亲情呗 It helps to develop my independence/team spirit/ interpersonal skills/communication skills/ability to manage my time/self-control/self-discipline/ problem-solving skills/life skills/imagination/creativity/ 培养能力呗

It really enriches your life and expands your horizons. 丰富人生,开阔眼界呗 It’s eco-friendly/environment-friendly. It does no harm to the environment. It’s harmless to the environment It doesn’t pollute/contaminate the environment. 环保呗 It’s a really useful skill. 有用呗

5. 如何让自己的话听起来更口语? 1. 不要试图说太长的句子。简单句为主,and, but, so, also, because, if 等连接一下即可。 2. 用一用 cos 引导原因 3. 用一用 like 举例 4. 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者 you know,占位。 5. 用一用 or whatever, and stuff like that, and something like that 表示“等等” 6. 在句首用上 actually ,basically, obviously, unfortunately, 等副词。 7. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 这个结构很有用。 8. It depends, but generally …这个结构也很实用。 9. It varies. If …., I…, but if…, I… 这个结构也值得掌握。 10. 说朋友的时候,可用mate/buddy 代替 11. 说电影的时候可用flick/flicks 代替;同样 watch/see a film, 也可用catch a flick 代替。 12. 说好吃的时候,用tasty 或yummy 代替。 13. 说“很棒”的时候,用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous” 14. 说 “很美”的时候,用 “really pretty,attractive 或 gorgeous” 15. 说 “很次”的时候,用 “terrible/awful”.

16. 说 “很丑” 的时候,用 “really unattractive/hideous” 17. 说 “假货” 的时候,用 “fake” 18. 说 “贵”的时候,用 “pricey/dear”. 19. 说 “某东西很火”,用 “a smash hit”. 20. 说 “睡一会儿”,用 “catch some z’s. or catch forty winks”. 21. 说 “放松”, 用 “take it easy/wind down.” 22. 说 “一会儿,一段时间”,用 “a while” 23. 说 “上升” 用 “go up”, “下降” 用 “go down”. 24. 说“人很现实”, 用 “realistic”. 25. 说 “人很物质化”, 用 “materialistic” 26. 说 “流行,时髦”, 用 “in”, 最流行,最时髦,最时尚 “innest”。 27. 说 “老土”,用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”. 28. 说 “最先进的”,用 “state of the art” . 29. 说 “我们玩得特爽” 用 “we really had a marvelous time”.

30. 英语 “寻找刺激”,英语是 “look for kicks”. 31. 表示 “很,非常”, 多用 “really”. 32. 表示 “极其,非常,绝对,相当…” 用,“absolutely, totally.” 33. 表示 “失落,沮丧”, 用 “down”. 34. 表示 “让…失望”, 用 “let sb down”. 35. 表示 “提神”,用 “pick me up”. 36. 表示“累”, 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”. 37. 表示 “买或受到,接到”,用 “get” 38. 表示 “做某事花老半天,用 “it takes me ages”. 39. 表示 “和朋友一起玩儿”, 用 “hang out with my mates”. 40. 表示 “什么很好玩儿”,用 “…is great fun.” 41. 表示 “什么很搞笑”,用 “a good laugh 或者 hilarious.” 42. 表示 “荒谬”,用 “outrageous 或者 ridiculous”. 43. 表示 “什么的最大的好处”,用 “the best thing of ….is …” 44. 表示 “什么的最大的问题”,用 “The biggest problem with…is …”

45. 表示“东西,事情,物品,题材等概念时,” 用 “stuff”. 46. 表示“很多”用 “lot of” 或者 “loads of” 47. 表示 “有钱,条件好”, 用 “well off”。 48. 表示 “特别有钱”,用 “loaded”,或 “have money to burn.” 49. 表示 “穷”,用 “broke”. 50. 表示 “富人,穷人” 用 “the haves, the have-nots.” 51. 表示 “对…腻了,受够了”,用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”。 52. 表示 “城市里的激烈竞争”,用 “the rat race.” 53. 表示 “放十天假”,用 “have 10 days off.” 54. 表示 “我们俩生日就差2天”,用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.” 55. 表示 “还有半个月就是圣诞了,” 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.” 56. 表示 “捐钱或鲜血” 用 “give money/blood”。 57. 表示 “简单来讲”,这个口头语,用“to put it simply.” 58. 表示 “换句话讲“,这个口头语,用 “to put it another way” 59. 自然自语式的说 “怎么说呢”,用 “how shall I put it?” 60. 说让人很烦,很头痛的人或事,用 “a big headache或 a real pain.” 61. 说 “消磨时间”,用 “kill time.” 62. 说 “乏味,无聊的人或事”,用 “a real drag.”

63. 说 “累赘”,用 “a drag on sb.” 64. 说 “体重增加”,用 “put on/gain weight”. 65. 说 “减肥”, 用 “lose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.” 66. 说 “锻炼”,用 “get exercise或 work out.” 67. 说 “瘦身”,用 “get slim/thin.” 68. 说 “偶像”,用 “idol.” 69. 说 “崇拜”,用 “idolize.” 70. 说 “娱乐圈”,用 “showbiz.” 71. 说 “花哨,” 用 “showy.” 72. 说 “名人”,用 “ a big name.” 73. 说 “名声好坏”,用 “a good/bad name”. 74. 说 “从事某种活动所需要的最重要的东西或品质,” 用 “the name of the game.” 75. 说 “应有尽有”,用 “you name it.” 76. 说 “我们家狗的名字叫…”,用 “Our dog answers to the name of…” 77. 说 “很恐怖”,用 “scary.” 78. 说 “恶心”,用 “disgusting”. 79. 说 “一首歌,或一个名字朗朗上口,容易记住”,用 “catchy.” 80. 说 “景点”,用 “tourist spots”。 81. 说 “痘痘”,用 “spots”。 82. 说 “造型师”,用 “stylist.”

83.说 “电脑出问题了”,用 “something is wrong with the computer.” 84. 说 “太酷了,太棒了,” 用 “awesome”. 85. 说 “干某事需要多少时间,需要什么能力素质等”,用 “it takes…to do…” 86. 说 “极为震撼,极为漂亮”,用 “stunning.” 87. 说 “不是当老师的料”,用 “not teacher material.” 88. 说 “有时候我就想一个人待会儿”,用 “Sometimes, I just want some time alone.” 89. 说 “我很喜欢跟他们在一起,”,用 “I really enjoy their company.” 90. 说 “多陪陪他们”,用 “spend more time with them.” 91. 说 “他是一个特别好的人”,用 “He’s a terribly nice guy.” 92. 说 “特别挤,”用 “packed out.” 93. 说 “糟糕,差劲,次”,用 “lousy” 94. 说 “误会了我的意思”,用 “get me wrong”. 95. 说 “太帅了”,用 “groovy”. 96. 说 “聪明”,用 “smart.” 97. 说 “没什么比得上我妈做的饭”,用“Nothing beats my mum’s cooking” 98. 说 “不吃早饭”,用 “skip breakfast”. 99. 说 “我是个夜猫子”,用 “night owl.” 100. 说 ”上床睡觉“,用 ”turn in”. “睡懒觉” 用 “sleep in.”

l a/an industrial/coastal/inland/tourist/capital city l metropolis (四)雅思口语第一部分高频话题词汇和表达方式。 1.Your hometown: l    a/an industrial/coastal/inland/tourist/capital city l    metropolis l    international atmosphere l    cultural diversity l    over-crowded l    a huge population l    well-known l    numerous historical sites/tourist attractions l    heavy traffic l    traffic congestion l    delicacy l    snacks l   pace of life l    pleasant climate l    gorgeous landscape l    air pollution l    night life  l  cost of living

l    shopping/entertainment/sport facilities l    high-rise buildings l    skyscraper l    infrastructure 2. Your studies l    compulsory/optional subjects/courses l    curriculum l    extra-curricular activities l    associations l    exam-oriented/exam centered l    rote learning l    force-feeding l    exam machine l    memorize/learn…by heart l    heavy pressure from exams l    do a good/bad job in the exam l    fail l    retake/resit a test/exam l    marks/score

l    kill our imagination and creativity l    canteen/cafeteria l    dormitory/hall of residence/dorm room l    boarding school l    a day student l    school uniform l    cheat in exams l    thesis/dissertation l    paper qualifications: degree/certificate/diploma l    practical experience/skills l    theory/theoretical/academic l    intern/internship l    postgraduate/post graduate school l    science l    arts l    engineering

3. Your job l resume/CV l HR department (human resources)   l    resume/CV l    HR department (human resources) l    find employment l    employer/employee l    be out of work/out of a job l    fire/hire l    work overtime l    overtime pay/double pay/triple pay l    pain annual vacation l    sick leave l    maternity leave l    compassionate leave l    related to/have nothing to do with my major l    get on well/badly with my colleagues

l    working environment l    company culture l    office politics l    pays me well/gives me a decent salary/well-paid l    lots of opportunities for business travel l    good promotion prospect l    fair performance assessment l    perks/benefits l    bonus l    flexible working hours l    get to work l    leave work l    change my job l    resign/quit

l    good job security l    stressful l    monotonous l    be in charge of l    my main responsibility   4. Your home l    downtown/suburban flat/house l    on the second floor l    a duplex flat l    decorate/decoration

l    wallpaper l    ornaments l    coffee table l    sofa l    cushions l    LCD TV l    fish tank l    electrical appliances l    spacious l    tiny l    light l    get/doen’t get the sun l    stuffy l    depressing l    airy l    cozy l    study

l    living-room l    bathroom l    dining-room l    balcony l    French window l    bay window l    curtain l  get a very good view of the city from the window/balcony l    get a very good bird’s eye view of the city l    watch the sunrise/sunset l    houseplants l    vase filled with lilies l    wedding photo l    family photo l    a landscape painting l    calligraphy

5. cooking   l    economical/money saving l    healthier l    more hygienic l    heart-warming l    a lot of trouble l    do the washing-up/do the dishes/wash the dishes l    do the cleaning up l    wipe the table l    mop the floor l    do the cooking l    do the shopping l    learn cooking from my mum l    help my mum with the washing. l    serve the dishes onto the table l    cooking books l    cooking schools l    a great cook/chef

l    my mum’s cooking l    home-style dishes like KungPao chicken l    it’s real delicacy l    cooking programs on TV l    recipes l    share meals with my family   6. Shopping l    shopping malls/department stores l    the chemist’s/florist’s/green grocer’s l    a bakery/stationery l    a paper shop/gift shop/shoe shop/book shop l    a supermarket l    convenience store l    24 hours open l    a discount store

l    24 hours open l    a discount store l    boutiques l    a wide range of products l   reliable quality l    better environment/service l    shop assistants/sales clerks/sales girls l    the checkout l    receipt l    pay by credit card l    discount l    hunt for discounts l    holiday sales l    50% discount/off/half price l    giveaway/freebee/freebie l    window shopping l    a great pastime

get exercise/get regular physical exercise sedentary overweight l    a shopaholic l    shop till drop l    cost me 200 l    bought lots of stuff l    a rip-off l    browse in an online shop l    a shopping website l    e-shopping 7. sport work out get exercise/get regular physical exercise sedentary overweight obese/obesity back and neck trouble a decline in fitness keep you away from diseases keep fit boost your fitness

a perfect way to let off steam a marvelous stress reducer/killer a great way to meet new people and make friends a great way to expand your circle of friends Health is your biggest wealth. Get a slim figure Shed a few pounds build up your body/get muscular sport facilities basketball/volleyball/tennis/badminton court football field/pitch yoga club dancing club fitness center/gym/gymnasium treadmills/exercise bikes Natatorium sport center where we can play badminton and ping pong. sport gear

tennis/badminton racket/ping pong bat exercise structures around the community/neighborhood gentle exercise like swimming and jogging strenuous and competitive sports like basketball and football adventurous/extreme/risky sports like rock climbing, bungee jumping scuba-diving, sky-diving, parkour, rafting, skateboarding, roller-skating, aggressive roller-skating get lots of kicks from such sports. It’s really thrilling. physically stronger physically challenging exhausting/exhausted Girls don’t like to sweat a lot. team sports/individual sports Team sports help us to develop a team spirit. Individual sports help us to discover our own value and potential. Individual sports is also a great way to boost our self-confidence.

8. Swimming aquatic sport go for a swim go for a dip Natatorium bathing in the sea bathing/swim suit Trunks swimming goggles ear plugs swimming cap swimming coach life guards swimming ring life ring life jacket Lane swim a few laps float on water slide through water locker room

a 5-meter diving platform swimmers and divers It’s marvelous exercise and also great fun. In summer, it’s the best way to beat the heat. Swimming is perfect way to help you cool down and wind down. Swimming is a great stress killer. It’s really refreshing. swimming lovers/enthusiasts water slide water play activities swimming strokes do the freestyle back stroke breast stroke Butterfly dog paddle swimmable river/lake no-swimmer could save your life have a fear for water drown to death

9. Cycling ride the bike bike/cycle biker/cyclist biking/cycling cycle to work/school and back home Cycling is a great way to get around, especially for short trips. economical, eco-friendly and great exercise bike-friendly, with excellent road conditions and bike lanes Cycling could be dangerous in some parts of the city, where the traffic is heavy and often messy. So, cyclists have to watch out and stay alert all the time. In China, bikes are mainly used as a means of transport. Not many people ride the bike as a sport. Sometimes, riding a bike is considered to be a symbol of having no money. I think the government should encourage people to bike more instead of driving anywhere, for the sake of their health and also the environment.

10. Driving get a driver’s/driving license I’ve been driving since I was 18. the make of your car drive to work/school I love to get around by car. Having a car does make you life much easier. You get to have your own timetable. You are free to make your own decisions about when to go and where to go, and how to go there. It’s fast, comfortable and private. go for a drive in the countryside go travelling in your own car I hate driving in Beijing. The traffic jams could drive me mad/crazy. under-age driving/drive under-age/teenage driving Teenagers like to drive fast for kicks.

They lack experience and patience. So, they’re more likely to get into a car crash. drink and drive/drunk driving drive while drowsy/drowsy driving fine sb heavily pay a fine of 200 RMB and lose p2 points traffic police Garage car wash/wash the car Insurance Maintenance Petrol Toll Tax speed limit surveillance camera

11. TV TV shows/programs/channels cable TV/satellite TV talent show quiz show reality show variety show sports show news programs Sitcoms game show Documentary host/hostess online TV HD TV viewing rate Episode the 2nd season sequel It’s got millions of loyal viewers. TV guide the most important form of home entertainment

I just watch TV once in a while now. I spend more time on the computer and Internet. From Monday to Friday, I watch very little TV, but on the weekend or during holidays, I’m a bit of a couch potato. Well, actually, I’ve got no particular preference for TV shows. I just flick through the channels and watch anything that attracts me. What I like most is entertainment shows, cos they’re really entertaining. You know, after a hard day at work/school, a good laugh is exactly what I need to relax. One of my favorites is an entertainment show called Happy Camp, which is one of the best-liked shows among young people. Most of my friends are loyal viewer of the show. One big attraction of the show is the hosts and hostesses. They’re young, smart, cool, stylish, and amusing. Every time, they invite a celebrity in the showbiz to share their success stories with the audience and also give a live performance. There’s applause and laughter all through the show. I just love the atmosphere. Some TV shows are educational and entertaining, no doubt about it, but on the other hand, watching too much TV makes one lazy both physically and mentally, cos TV is passive pleasure. Watching TV is fun, but on the other hand, it can be totally time- consuming.

12. Advertisements advertise advertising advertiser place/put an advert/ad commercials non-profitable advertisements commercial break prime time advertising revenues do adverts for big companies pay big stars to endorse their products commercials tend to exaggerate and mislead the consumers Commercials are important cos this is a commercial society.

Commercials serve as a bridge connecting consumers and manufacturers. But on the other hand, they could be really annoying cos they always show up at the time you least want them to. deceptive advertisements Some adverts are just an insult to my intelligence. be conned into buying fake products I don’t trust what they say in adverts. I just believe my own eyes and judgment. And I trust name brands. Name brands cannot afford to sell fake products. TV adverts are just like mini-films, so they are more attractive and impressive. Some advertisements are classic and great works of art. I love advertisements that don’t exaggerate but really give you a strong visual impact and pleasure, and have very catchy advertising words.

13. Free-time activities indoor/outdoor activities I’m an indoors man/woman go singing Karaoke go dancing disco go clubbing/go to a night club go to a bar to have a few drinks go the cinema to watch the latest blockbusters. catch a few flicks on the computer go shopping downtown doing sport work out in the gym go swimming surfing the Net playing computer games playing poker playing billiards watching TV night life

14. Weekends have a good sleep hang out with my friends, singing or playing cards My favorite weekend activity is shopping. Sometimes, I just want some time alone, so I stay home, reading books or catching a few flicks. go for a drive in the countryside The most popular weekend activities in China are shopping, playing mahjong, singing Karaoke and playing on the computer. I think weekends now are more interesting, cos there’s so much I can do, watching TV, shopping, doing sport, singing, you name it, whereas in my childhood, the only thing I did was just watching cartoons. I think weekends in my childhood are more interesting, cos I was totally care-free, and I didn’t have much homework to do, so I could spend most of my time playing with other children. We liked to play some simply games like hide and seek, but they gave us enormous pleasure, now, we had more things to do on the weekend, but they don’t seem to have so much fun. And, as a student, I’m under the constant pressure from exams. I’m not really happy.

15. Music Music is magic. Music is my passion. hit songs download the latest tunes R&B/rap/rock/pop/blues/heavy mental/symphony/classical rhythm/beat Lyrics song-writer/singer/musician/instrumentalist an accomplished/excellent pianist Composer Tune The music is great to dance to. choir/band go to a concert signature song the charts album record I’m a terrible singer. I always sing out of tune. I love singing. It’s my favorite relaxation and stress killer. I’ve got an ipod, which I take with me wherever I go, so I can have the company of music all the time.

Music is really important for me. I really cannot imagine my life without music. Without music, my life would be so dull. For me, music is just like a loyal friend, who is always there when you need him/her. He gives me comfort when I’m sad, gives me passion when I’m high, and gives me company when I’m lonely. Actually, I’ve got no particular preference for music. I just listen to anything that’s pleasant to my ear. And in fact, what I listen to really depends on my mood. Say, when I’m in a bad mood, I usually choose something that’s slow and soothing, whereas when I’m in a good mood, I prefer something fast and strong and passionate. musical instrument/instrument the guitar/bass/clarinet/violin/cello/piano/flute/drum(s)/sax. traditional Chinese musical instrument, like Guzheng, which is a string instrument, something like zither. It’s got about 20 strings, I don’t know exactly how many, and you play it with both your hands, the left hand plucking the strings and the right hand touching the strings to control the pitch. It’s got a unique sound, very beautiful.

I used to learn the piano for a while when I was in primary school, and then I had to stop it because of the heavy study pressure. They say playing instruments makes kids more intelligent, imaginative and creative. Playing a musical instrument is a marvelous hobby that can continue for a lifetime, and also it’s highly desirable skill. If you’re really good at playing an instrument, you can make a living out of it if you like. And it’s a really useful social skill, like you can show it on a party to entertain your friends, and you will be star of the party. And if you can play an instrument, you have a unique way of expressing your feelings. Like, you can play music to express your love to someone without actually say “I love you”. It’s special and romantic. And it always works wonders. Learning to play a musical instrument takes time and energy, and lot of money as well. I’m not very musical, so learning an instrument is really a tough job for me.

16. Reading and writing sci-fi/kung fu fictions fantasy novels, like Harry Porter some on-line fantasy stuff biographies/autobiographies of celebrities or successful CEOs or entrepreneurs, or politicians. story books/picture books/fairy tales/fables/ancient poems best-sellers Books that teach you how to become more attractive, how to become successful and make big money, how to manage your money and invest your money, and books about celebrities, they’re always the best sellers. I’m into historical stuff. I’m really curious about what happened in the past. It always fascinates me. I don’t read much in my free time. I just do some light stuff, like newspapers and magazines. And I also read some interesting news and blogs on the Internet almost every day. I’m in the habit of keeping a diary. I’m never a good writer. We had composition lessons at school, but they were just for exams. I think good writers should first be an avid reader. If you don’t read extensively, it’s impossible for you to write something good.

17. Fruits and vegetables Veggie cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, green beans, leek, water spinach, lotus root, eggplant, broccoli, cucumber, mushroom, green pepper fruits and fresh fruit juice I’m a meat eater. I just couldn’t live without meat. And I’m not a big fan of veggies and fruits. I know it’s not a healthy habit, but I just cannot resist meat. I love fruits that are sweet, juicy and meaty, like water melon, and oranges. Vegetables and fruits are low-calorie but highly nutritious, so they’re well-liked by people, especially girls who want to lose weight. In China, we eat lots of veggies, cos they’re healthy/wholesome and they’re cheap to buy. This is quite different from some western countries where vegetables are more expensive than meat. And also veggies are ingredients for lots of dishes. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. And lots of them are helpful in preventing and curing diseases. And it’s very convenient to get fresh vegetables and fruits. There’s a green grocer’s just outside my neighborhood, and there is an agricultural market, which is just 5 minutes’ walk away. And we can also get vegetables from the supermarket.

18. Travel travel agency/tour guide/tour leader/lecturer (take) package tour independent travel/travel independently self-drive travel/travel in your own car backpackers tour around a place see the sights do sightseeing sightseer This place is packed with travelers tourists/travelers/holiday-makers holiday resort The best way to explore the place is on foot. show sb around a place enjoy the local delicacies shopping paradise/buy name brand stuff at lower prices take photos of the gorgeous view/scenery Photos are great mementos and also I can show them to my friends so they can share my happiness.

get some souvenirs, like local specialties and some artifacts. Package tours are safer and less trouble but they are less fun, cos you just follow the tour guide and you don’t have much freedom. Independent travel could be dangerous and more trouble but they’re more exciting and enjoyable, cos you are free to make your own decisions, and do what you really like to do. In China, the best-liked travel destinations are either places of great natural beauty or historical importance. And more and more people choose to travel overseas. Travel enriches our life cos we go to new places, see and do new things and get new experiences. Also, when you’re fed up with your day-to-day life, travel gives you the chance to get away from it all and totally relax.

19. Holidays spend one’s holiday/vacation holiday-makers have 7 days off public holidays: National Day holiday/May holiday traditional festivals annual vacation What I do actually depends on the length of the holiday. Of course, I want to go travelling during holidays but the problem is everywhere is packed with tourists, and I really hate that. And also, transport is a big problem cos train tickers and air tickets are hard to get, cos the demand is too big. During holidays, what I do most is get together with my friends and have a good time, shopping, singing Karaoke, having a big dinner together and chatting.

And of course, I love to sleep during holidays, you know, to sleep as long as I want, without anybody disturbing me. It’s awesome. What I hate to do most is of course having to work during holidays. You know, everybody else is having a good time with their family or friends and you’re working, which really makes me sad. I have lots of holidays, all the public holidays, like National Day and May Day, plus two long vacations, the 2-month summer vacation and one-month winter vacation, but the problem is that I have to spend most of my holidays on the school stuff or taking extra lessons. That is the last thing I want to do. I really hate it. Holidays are important, cos they give us the chance to slow down and relax, and be with our family and close friends, and do something I really want to do but don’t have the time to do, so I think holidays are really important.

20. Computer computer-literate/computer-illiterate Computer-literacy is a must for modern people. Everybody is supposed to be able to use the computer, you know, word, excel, ppt, and stuff. laptop—adapter—cable—USB stick/USB port connect A to B/disconnect plug in/unplug the keyboard/touch pad/mouse pad click/double-click icon switch on/off—reboot/crash save/store/create/open/close/cancel/delete/exit/access copy/cut/paste/drag/insert/edit make changes to the text computernik/mouse potato

play on the computer My job/work involves using the computer a lot. I type lots of stuff on the computer. I also use it for entertainment, like listening to music, watching films and playing games. I’ve been using the computer since I was very young, probably 7 years old. I learned it myself. It’s really a piece of cake for me. take apart the computer and reassemble it If something is wrong with my computer, I can get help from the Internet, you know, there are lots of websites providing professional help about how to fix all kinds of computer problems. If it’s just a small problem, I can fix it myself, but it’s something serious, I will get my cousin to fix it. He’s a computer specialist.

I can use the computer quite well, but when it comes to fixing computer problems, I’m totally hopeless. Too much game playing is of course a bad thing. It ruins/damages your eyesight, harms your health, and affects your work/life. However, if you can control yourself and don’t overdo it, playing games could be really fun. Some computer games are educational and entertaining. Some are just entertaining, maybe, in a bit violent or erotic way, but they’re great fun, no doubt about that. That’s why so many people are crazy about playing computer games. All in all, playing computer games is no different from other forms of entertainment. If we don’t do it too much, it would do us more good than harm.

21. the Internet the Web/the Net netizen/Internet users/Net surfers/cyberholic There’s no Internet access in my dorm room. There’s wireless Internet access in the café. Internet addiction/obsession be addicted to/be obsessed with the Internet Internet addiction is an increasingly common and serious problem among teenagers. information age enter/tap in your password and username website/webpage/home page visit a website/visitor It gets tons of hits every day. the best-liked website among young people email it to me check my email/answer an email

junk mail download/upload transmit/transmission transfer attach/attachment server file package/compress BBS/forum/post blog update/upgrade I love to Google it. I did a search for it on the Internet. use the Net for searching for information cybercafé/net bar net pal cyber crime/cyber friends/cyber romance/cyber dating e-books/e-shops hackers/viruses template database

6. 雅思口语第一部分高分示范 我们以free time activities 为例: What do you like to do in your free time? --Definitely sleep. You see, right now, I’m working very hard to improve my English and I have so many things to do, so I just don’t get enough sleep, and when I have time, I love to catch some z’s or have a long sleep, which is the best relaxation for me. Anything else? --Yes, if I don’t sleep, I love to play computer games. It’s one of my favorite pastimes, and it’s a marvelous stress reducer for me. And apart from computer games, I also play basketball. Do you prefer to go out or stay home in your free time? --Well, most of the time, I like to go out with my buddies to have some fun, playing basketball, or singing Karaoke, but sometimes, when I’m really exhausted, I’d prefer to stay home, be alone and relax by watching TV, surfing the Net, or having a good sleep.

解析:高分答案的主要特征是有足够的扩展:主要是结合自己的实际情况进行一些简单的说明或解释。 自己的实际情况包括: 你的性别 你是工作还是学生? 你是住校生还是走读生? 你的工作时候很忙,压力是否很大。 你的主要爱好。 你的性格。 你住在市里,还是郊区。 你的身体状况。 你的父母。 你是单身,还是已婚无孩子,还是已婚有孩子。 你的男/女朋友。

7. 雅思最新口语全真套题练习 (截至2010年2月) 注:雅思口语第一部分考官一般会问及2-3个话题,所以我们就2个话题为一套进行练习。 套题一 (School+Language Learning) Are you working or a students? Why did you choose the school/university you’re studying now? What was the first school day like? Do you think the first day at school/university is important? Do you like the school? / Do you enjoy studying at the school? Do you like to study alone or with a group of classmates? Is learning English difficult for you? Is there any other language you’d like to learn apart from English? Why do you want to learn it?

套题二 (Where you live+Newspapers&Magazines) Do you live in a house or an apartment/a flat? Describe it to me, please. What’s your favorite room in the house/flat? Is there anything you want to improve about your home? What are the surroundings like around your home? Is it convenient for transport? Do you read magazines in foreign languages? Is it helpful for your language study? What kind of magazines do you like to read? Why? What kind of news are you interested in? Why? 套题三 (Job+Fashion&Clothes) What’s your job?/What do you do?/What do you do for a living? Could you describe me your job, please? Do you like the job? What kind of job do you enjoy?

Do you like fashion? What do you think about fashion? Do you like shopping for clothes?/Do you like clothes shopping? What kind of clothes do you like? Do you think there are some changes in fashion in your country these yeas? Or: Do you think there are some changes in what people wear in your country? 套题四 (Major+TV) What’s your major? Why did you choose it? What is your favorite subject/course? What can you learn from it? Do you like watching TV? What kind of shows/programs do you like watching? Do you like to watch TV alone or with others? Do you watch any English TV shows? Do you think it’s helpful for English study?

套题五 (Friends +Time) Do you like to hang out with your friends? Where do you like to meet? What do you like to do together? Do you like to hang out with a group of friends or just one or two friends? Do you wear a watch? Why or why not? Do you think people wear a watch just for the time? Do you think it’s important to be punctual? Have you ever been late for something? If your friends is late for an appointment with you, what would you do? Do you think people in China have a strong sense of time? 套题六 (Travel+Reading) Do you like travelling? What is the benefit of travelling? Tell me about your last travel?/Tell me about your most memorable travel? Have you ever travelled abroad Is there any foreign country you would like to visit?

Do you like reading? How often do you read? What do you think is the benefit of reading? What kind of stuff do you like to read? What are you reading at the moment? How long do you read it a day? 套题七 (Cooking+Sport) Who cooks most in your family? Why is it usually mothers who does the cooking? Have you ever learned cooking? (If not, would you like to learn it?) Do you think it’s necessary for children/students to learn cooking at school? How do people usually learn cooking? What do you think is the best way to learn cooking? What is the benefit of being able to cook? What sports are popular in your country? Do you do any sport? How often do you do it? Why do you like it?

Is there any other sport you want to learn? What do you think is the benefit of doing sport for children? 套题八 (Noises&Sounds+Collection) What’s your favorite sound from nature? Or: what kind of sound do you like? What is the noise you hate most? Is it noisy where you live? Do you like to work/study in a quiet or noisy environment? Did you collect anything in your childhood? (If yes, do you still do it now?) Is collection popular in your country? What do they like to collect? Why? If you had a lot of money, what would you buy and collect? 套题九 (Advertisements+weather&Climate) What do you think about advertisements? Where can we see advertisements? Which do you prefer, adverts on TV or magazines?

Have your ever bought anything because of its advertisement? What products have most advertisements in your country? Why? Are there any advertisements targeted at children? What kind of climate do you like? What is the climate like in your country? Do you prefer to live in a place that has the same climate all the year or a place that has four different/distinctive seasons? Which do you prefer, hot weather or cold weather? How does weather affect our life? How do you get weather reports? 套题十(Hometown+Films) Where are you from? How has your hometown changes over the past few years? Have you ever lived in any other city? Why? (If not, is it good to grow up in your hometown?) Is your hometown good for children to live? Is your hometown good for retired people to live?

Do you prefer to watch films at home or in the cinema? Why? What type of films do you like? Did you watch any film of that type recently? What type do you dislike? Why? What films did you watch when you were a child? 套题十一(Driving+Vegetables&Fruits) Do you like driving?/Can you drive? (If yes, when did you get your driving license?) When do most people start learning driving in your country? At what age would you allow your child to get a driver’s license? Is safe driving important? Do you think driving is an important skill to learn? Do you like eating fruits and vegetables? Did you like them when you were a child? Do you think it’s important to eat them? What fruits and vegetables are well-liked in your country? Is it convenient to buy fruits and vegetables where you live?

套题十二 (Flowers + Neighbors) Do you like flowers? Why? Have your ever sent flowers as a gift? Have your ever received flowers as a gift? What else can we use flowers to do apart from as gifts and decorations? Do many people grow flowers in your country? What about you? What are your neighbors like? Have your neighbors ever helped you? Have you ever helped them? Do you think it’s important to establish a good relationship with neighbors? How? Many of my Chinese friends told me that they don’t know their neighbors? Why is that? Do you prefer young people or old people to be your neighbor? 套题十三 (Letters&Emails+Writing) Do you often write letters and emails? (If not, why not?)

When do you write emails? And what do you write about? To whom? When was the last time you wrote an email? Do you like to write something every day? (If yes, what do you write? If not, why not?) Do you think writing is an important skill to learn? How did you learn writing at school? What do you think is the relationship between reading and writing? 套题十四 (Handwriting vs. Writing on the computer + Painting ) Which do you prefer, writing by hand, or writing on the computer? Do you think handwriting is still an important skill? What is the benefit of having good handwriting? How can we help children to learn handwriting? Have you ever taken any painting lessons? Do you think children should learn painting? Why do Chinese people like to buy paintings?

套题 十五 (future job + computer) What kind of job would you like to get in the future? Do you think it will be difficult or easy to get it? What do you need to do for getting such a job? What jobs are popular in your country? What jobs are not well-paid in your country? How often do you use the computer? What do you use it for? How has the computer changed your life? When do children start to learn the computer in your country? Do you think it’s good for them to learn the computer at a young age? What can we do to prevent computer and Internet addiction among young people?

六:雅思口语第二部分 What is Part Two: “In Part Two, the examiner gives you a topic card. You have one minute to prepare and make notes. Then you’ll be required to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.” 从这个官方定义,大家不难看出,雅思口语第二部分就是完成一个描述任务,可能是要求描述一个人,事,地,物,或者过程,卡片上有一个topic和4个提示,考生准备一分钟,然后说1-2分钟,也就是最少1分钟,最多2分钟。 但大家平时练习的时候,要按照两分钟来。 Example: Describe a film you enjoyed watching (either at home or in the cinema) You should say: What type of film it was when and where you watched it What it was about And explain why you enjoyed the film.

People Cards: Place Cards: What he/she looks like 2. Part Two 常考题目 People Cards: What he/she looks like What is his/her personality like. His/her hobbies His/her past experience Or: his/her achievement His/her relationship with you My feeling about him/her Or: His/her influence on me. Place Cards: What the place looks like Its scenery/natural beauty Its facilities/activities Its services Its people Its history Its atmosphere Its foods My feeling about it. Ⅰ

Object Cards: Event Cards: Its appearance How I got it How much it was Its function What role it plays in your life My feeling about it. Event Cards: When and where it happened Why it happened What it was for How it went What was special about it Ⅰ

Animal Cards: Future Cards: Its appearance Its habits Its habitats When and where you saw it Its relationship with you/mankind My feeling about it. Future Cards: When and where it will happen How you will do it Who you want to do it with Whether it will be easy or hard Why you want to do it. Ⅰ

从上面的表格中,大家不难看出,雅思口语第二部分的卡片基本就是按照 5 wh (what/who/when/where/why + how 来编题目的。 现在大家自己都可以编卡片了: Describe a shopping place you like. (such as a mall or supermarket) You should say: Where it is What it sells How often you go there And explain why you love going there. 3. Part Two 的时态 大家可能已经发现,每一个卡片题目都是有具体时态的,如果是过去的事件 就得用过去时态,如果是将来的时间,就得用将来时态,如果是现在的事情, 就得用现在的时态。这一点对于第二部分至为重要。下面我就把英语几大时 态给大家梳理一面。

现在时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时, 现在完成进行时。 过去时态:一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时。 将来时态:一般将来时,将来进行时,将来完成时。 加黑的是最常用的,其它时态如果能准确运用的话,那就是加分点了。我现 在将它们一一简单讲解一下。 一般现在时: 句型1:I’m… I’m not… eg. I’m a student; I’m an adult now. I’m from Xi’an Shanxi province. I’m terribly busy learning English at the moment. I’m a huge fan of basketball. I’m not very much interested in sport. I’m very much into tennis. I’m not much into starting my own business. I’m not into that kind of stuff. I’m an old child. I’m so proud of my father. I’m so glad to have the opportunity to see him in person. I’m so excited about that. I’m really disappointed at the result. I’m very pleased with the result.

I’m a small/big eater. I’m a veggie/vegetarian. I’m not a very good singer. I’m a heavy/light sleeper. I’m a terrible cook. I’m great at using the computer, but I’m poor at fixing it. I’m a beer/coffee/tea drinker. I’m a heavy/light smoker. I’m used to getting information from the Internet instead of the library. 句型2:I do…; I don’t do… eg. I smoke. I don’t smoke. I only drink a bit wine/beer. I don’t drive very often. I never cook. I enjoy eating out. I really hate washing-up. I love going out with my friends and having a good time together. I don’t watch TV a lot now. I just watch it occasionally when I have time. I want to study abroad, and I want to go to Australia. I play computer games a lot in my free time. I go shopping a lot in my free time. And I prefer going to large malls.

句型3:sb/sth is… sb/sth isn’t… sb/sth are… sb/sth are not… I have an older brother. He’s half a year older than me. I have a younger sister. She’s two years younger than me. He’s married, with a two-year-old son/daughter. He’s addicted to computer games. She’s a couch potato/mouse potato. My father is a mahjong lover and my mum is fond of singing and dancing. My parents are very proud of me. She’s the apple of her parents’ eye. Maybe it’s because people today are too busy and tired, so they just don’t want to move after work. They just want to relax by watching TV, seeing a film or surfing the Net. Young people today are not into traditional entertainments. They are more interested in electronic entertainments like PC games. It’s an amazingly beautiful place. And it attracts millions of visitors every year. The river is seriously polluted, filled with all kinds of rubbish, and giving off a lousy smell in summer. The city is a great place to live because the environment is excellent, pace of life is not so fast, and it has a lot of cultural and recreational facilities. The restaurant is close to where I live, just a few minutes’ walk away.

It’s about this long/big/high. It’s ten meters deep/long/wide. 句型4:sb does… sb doesn’t do… eg. My father works in a computer company as sales manager. My mother works in a hospital. She is a head nurse. He draws beautifully. She dances beautifully. In my family, my father does the cooking. My mum never does it. She hates it. She doesn’t like to use the washing machine. She prefers to wash clothes by hand. She goes shopping whenever she has time. She has a car, but she doesn’t drive much. Most of the time, she takes the bus or rides the bike. He looks like Jay Chou. My girlfriend doesn’t like cooking so I have to do it sometimes. My mother doesn’t want me be too far away from her, and I don’t want to disappoint her, so I find a boy friend in my hometown. He runs a small company, and he loves me very much. My mother enjoys cooking and eating at home but my dad loves dining out.

句型5:sb have/I’ve got… sb/sth has/has got… sb/sth have/has no… I’ve got a bike, but I don’t use it much. We’ve got a lot in common. Like, we share an interest in music and films. I’ve got no time/money/no place to live. She’s got two flats in Beijing. She lives in one and rents the other. The city has a population of about 20 million. 句型6. There be… There are five rooms in the flat, a large living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. There is no subway in my hometown. There is not much rain in Beijing, but there’s too much wind. There’s too much traffic and too many people in Beijing. Young people prefer to live in a big city cos there are more job and busineess opportunities there, and also there are much more recreational and cultural facilities. There is a very good Sichuan restaurant on the 6th floor of the mall.

句型7:主语+情态动词+实意动词原形(+其余部分) eg. I can drive. I’ve got a driving license. I can swim, and I’m a very good swimmer. From the top of the building, you can get an amazing bird’s eye view of the whole city. If I can play the piano, I will have a unique way to relax and express my feelings. It can’t be true. It may work but it’s too expensive. If I had a lot of money, I would collect antique furniture of Ming Dynasty style. I won’t give up no matter what happens. If I were you, I would divorce him. 句型8:sb need to do… sb don’t/doesn’t need to do … If I want to start my own business, I first need to get the money. You know, if you want to be a great piano player, you need to do a lot of practice. It’s very easy. You just need to pay someone to do it for you.

Both my parents can cook. I don’t need to do it myself. On weekends, I don’t need to get up early. 句型9:sb have/has to do… sb don’t/doesn’t have to do … eg. Do what you have to do, and then you can do what you want to do. My father has to work 6 days a week. My mother has to stay home to take care of my grandmother. Their parents are rich, so they don’t have to work hard. To do the business, you have to have at least 500,000. 句型10. It costs (how much money) to do… You know, it costs a lot of money to buy a house in Beijing. These days, it costs a lot of money to get married. You know, it costs a lot of money to study abroad. It costs you nothing. It doesn’t cost much. It cost me 200,000 to buy the car. The car cost me 200,000.

句型10. It takes…to do… eg. It takes about 30 minutes to cook it. It takes about half an house by bus. It won’t take you long. It takes a lot of time and practice to be a professional singer. It takes a bit of talent if you want to become a very good instrumentalist. It takes a lot of hard work to succeed. It takes great patience to be good teacher for children with special needs. It takes courage to love. It takes good looks to be an actor/actress. It take a silver tongue to be a great public speaker. It takes work experience and good qualifications to be a CEO. It takes a lot to be a leader, and above all, it takes ability. It takes a lot to win, and above all, it takes good teamwork. I don’t what it takes to be an actor.

现在进行时:be doing Right now, I’m doing an English course in Beijing to improve my English and get ready for my study abroad. I’m staying in my friend’s house at the moment. House prices are getting more and more expensive. It’s getting more and more difficult for college graduates to find a job they like. 现在在完成时:have/has done… I haven’t decided which country to go yet. I’ve forgotten the name of it. He’s gone abroad. I’ve bought three flats so far. 句型1:I haven done… for + 一段时间=I have done…since +时间点 I have been in Beijing for over 3 months. I’ve lived here for almost 7 years. We’ve been friends since we were children. We’ve been friends for many years.

I’ve known him since the first year at university. I’ve had the car for 10 years. I’ve worked there since I graduated from university. My parents have been married for over 40 years, and they still love each other deeply. 句型2: I haven’t done… for + 一段时间 I haven’t seen for quite a while. We haven’t seen him for a long time I haven’t been to the cinema for ages. I haven’t cooked at home for a long time. I haven’t been there for weeks. 句型3:I haven done… + 数量 I have watched the film many times. I have read half of the book. I have been to a lot of cities, and Dalian is definitely the one I like most. I often travel overseas on business, so I’ve been to lots of countries. I’ve been to that restaurant millions of times.

句型4: It’s + 形容词最高级 + I‘ve ever done It’s the most expensive hotel I’ve ever stayed at. It’s the best film I’ve ever watched/seen. It’s the worst restaurant I’ve ever been to. It’s the tallest building I’ve ever visited. It’s the best mobile phone I’ve ever had. He’s the most intelligent boy I’ve ever known. He’s the best boss I’ve ever worked for. She’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. It’s the most expensive present I’ve ever received. 现在完成进行时:I have been doing… Actually, I’ve been learning English since I was in primary school, but still I cannot use English very well, which is real shame. I’ve been living in this flat for almost one year and I love it. I’ve been working in the company for too long, so I think it’s time for a change. I’ve been using the brand for many years. I’ve been smoking since I was 10 years. I’ve been driving for five years.

一般过去时:主语+动词过去时(+其余部分);主语+was/were+其余部分 下面几段话是节选自 “一次旅行”,请大家看看其中过去时的使用。 One summer vacation in high school, I went on a trip to Xi’an. It was one of the most memorable trips in my life. I went there with my parents. We took the train. It was a very long journey from my hometown to Xi’an. It took us about 15 hours. As you may know, Xi’an is a very famous historical and cultural city in China. It used to the capital of several ancient dynasties, so it’s got numerous historical sites. We stayed in Xi’an for 2 days, touring around the city, and also enjoying the local delicacies. Of all the places I visited there, the one that impressed me most is QinShiHuangLin. I don’t know how to say the name in English. It’s the grave of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, which is the first feudal dynasty in Chinese history, about 200 years ago.

注: 很多同学在叙述过去的事件之时,往往忘记使用动词的过去时,这不是一个 不知道的问题,而是一个习惯问题。我的建议是请大家找几个描述过去事件的卡片, 说两分钟,把它录下来听听自己是否在该用动词过去式的时候使用了过去式。纠正 几次就好了。 过去进行时:was/were doing At that time, I was cooking in the kitchen, so I didn’t hear the phone ring. When he called me, I was taking a shower, so I missed it. When my mum called me, I was waiting for a bus at the bus stop. I was listening to music, so I didn’t hear him come in. 过去哦完成时:had done… When he was 3 years old, he had already been able to read and write hundreds of Chinese characters. When I got home, both my parents had gone to sleep. When I got to the airport, the plane had already left. Before that, I had learned the piano for just a few months.

特殊句型:it was the first/second…time I had ever done sth It was the first time I had ever been on a plane, so I was really excited. That was the first time I had ever been to such an expensive restaurant. It was the first time I had ever travelled by ship. It was the first English book I had ever read. It was the most expensive present I had ever received. 一般将来时: (一)I will do Weather reports tell us what the weather will be like the next day. After graduation, I will come back to China. I really don’t know what the world will be like 50 years from now, but I hope that it will become a better place to live. I will go there again when I have time. I’ll have to think about again. I’ll be out tomorrow. I’ll call you back later. I’ll do it for you tomorrow.

(二)I’m going to do… You see, I’m going to study abroad, so I’ve got lots of work to do. (三)I’m doing sth I’m playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. 将来进行时:I’ll be doing I’ll be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. I’m very tired today. I’m going to bed early. Please don’t call me after 9, because I will be sleeping. 将来完成时:will have done By the time you come back, I’ll probably have starved to death. I will graduate in July, so in September, I will have graduated. The movie starts at 7:30. It’s 7:10 now, and it will take us 30 minutes to get to the Cinema, so when we get there, the film will have started. By the year 2015, I will probably have got married and had a baby.

4. 如何准备 Part Two 第一步:大家得知道这部分都考什么样的题目. 雅思口语题目一般在 3-4个月之内基本稳定,所以大家只需好好准备你参考钱两个月考过的题目即可。这些题目大家从网上就能搜到. 3g 雅思网,无忧雅思网,中国雅思网,这三个网站上面都能查到最近的考试题目。 地方类卡片: Describe a city you have visited or lived in. Describe a library you have used. Describe an important historical site you have visited and liked. Describe a park or garden you have visited. Describe the sea or a place with a lot of water that you have been to Describe a place that is polluted. Describe a restaurant you like. Describe a shopping place you like. Describe a modern building that impressed you. Describe a school you studied in. Describe a house/flat that you like (not your own) Describe a place from which you can learn sth about the past.

人物类卡片: Describe a family member you spend most time with. Describe someone you know who is good cooking. Describe someone you lived with. Describe an old person you admire. Describe a famous person you admire (not from your own country)。 Describe a famous artist you admire. Describe an intelligent person you know. Describe a person who won a competition.

经历类卡片: Describe a trip that didn’t go as well as planned. Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam. Describe a time when someone gave you important help. Describe an interesting lecture or speech you listened to. Describe an important conversation you had with someone. Describe a recent enjoyable visit you had. Describe a recent happy event. Describe one of your successful experiences. Describe a special meal you had. Describe a picnic or an outdoor meal you had.

物体类卡片: Describe sth you would like to buy in the future. Describe a car or vehicle you would like to buy. Describe a book you have read and would like to read again. Describe your favorite book in your childhood. Describe a film you like. Describe something you made by yourself. Describe an antique or other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. Describe a special gift you have received/sent. Describe a song or a piece of music that you liked in your childhood. Describe a work of art you have seen that impressed you.

工作类卡片: Describe a job that you think you would be good at. Describe your ideal job. 童年类卡片: Describe a happy event in your childhood. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood. Describe a story about a famous person that you heard in your childhood. Describe an activity or game that you enjoyed doing in your childhood. 媒体类卡片: Describe a magazine or newspaper you like to read. Describe a TV program you love to watch and talk about with your family and friend. Describe a TV program you have watched but didn’t like. Describe an interesting article from a magazine or newspaper. Describe a website you often use.

广告类卡片: Describe an interesting advertisement you have ever seen. Describe an advertisement that caused you want to buy a product in the future. 购物类卡片: Describe something you bought bud didn’t use. Describe an electronic equipment or device you would like to buy. 运动类卡片: Describe your favorite sport. Describe an exciting sport that you have ever watched or participated in. 教育类卡片: Describe a skill you want to learn. Describe a skill you have learned. Describe a course you would like to take if you have time. Describe a subject you like/liked. Describe a science lesson you learned and liked.

工作类卡片: Describe a job that you think you would be good at. Describe your ideal job. 童年类卡片: Describe a happy event in your childhood. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood. Describe a story about a famous person that you heard in your childhood. 媒体类卡片: Describe a magazine or newspaper you like to read. Describe a TV program you love to watch and talk about with your family and friend. Describe a TV program you have watched but didn’t like. Describe an interesting article from a magazine or newspaper. Describe a website you often use.

交流/沟通类题目: Describe a piece of good news you received by phone. Describe an exciting message you received on your phone. 健康类/习惯类卡片: Describe a meaningful walk you took with someone. Describe something you do that is good for your health. 休闲类卡片: Describe a leisure activity that you don’t do now but would like to do in the future. 将来计划类卡片: Describe an important plan you have made for the future. Describe a city in a foreign country where you want to work or live in the future. 变化类卡片:

人生变化类卡片: Describe a change you would like make to your life. Describe an important change in your life. Describe an important stage of your life. 天气/气候类卡片: Describe your favorite type of weather/climate. Describe your favorite season or month of the year. 城市类卡片: Describe a city or town you have visited or live in. Describe a part of your hometown that you like. 庆祝活动类卡片: Describe a party you would like to hold for your family or friends. Describe a public event in your hometown.

5. 如何利用一分钟准备时间: 强烈建议大家利用好这一分钟的时间进行快速构思,并在稿纸上写上关键词,这一 方面是让考官觉得你事先未经准备,而是预防 “忘记”现象,也就是构思的时候想得 好好的,说的时候忘记了,为什么会忘呢,因为你说的时候是要看着考官的,不免 有些紧张,一紧张就什么也想不起来了。 所以大家在平时练习的时候,也请按照这种方式进行,就是凭借关键词进行架构, 同时按照卡片上的提示顺序一个一个往下描述即可,没有必要临时重新组织顺序。 而且,这回给考官一种印象:你实在临场发挥,这也是考官所希望看到的。 6. 如何让我的描述更加有序: 大家知道,在Part Two, 大家需要独自说1-2分钟,怎样才能让考官很容易就能知道 你每一步都要想说什么呢?我个人的建议是大家借用一些结构性的句子: 在开头,开门见山:I’d like to talk about… 回答第一个问题:To begin with, I’ll talk about … (where it is) 回答第二个问题:Then as to… (what it looks like) 回答第三个问题:Now let’s look at (what it sells)

回答最后一个问题:And finally I’d like to explain to you (why I like the place). 很多题目都可以用这些句子进行架构。 当然了,大家也不要太机械了,有的题目完全可以以你自己喜欢的方式进行架构, 关键是要用的自然。 7. Part Two 需要大家特别注意的几个地方: 第一:大家看到准备过的题目一定不要喜形于色。 第二:思考的时候可以不看考官,但在描述的时候,一定要看着考官说。 第三:注意时态。 第四:描述人的时候,注意he/she. 第五:结束的时候,不要说,that’s all. 如果你是在没话说了,可以使用下面这句话: Well, I’m afraid that’s all I can think of to say now, thank you.

8. Part Two 经典卡片解析: 我希望大家在这一讲里面,能够学到一些有用的英语,并学会如何用英语思维,不 建议打击死背f范文,但可以自己试着用自己的话复述范文。 地方类卡片: Describe a city you have visited or lived in. Describe a library you have used. Describe an important historical site you have visited and liked. Describe a park or garden you have visited. Describe the sea or a place with a lot of water that you have been to Describe a place that is polluted. Describe a restaurant you like. Describe a shopping place you like. Describe a modern building that impressed you. Describe a school you studied in. Describe a house/flat that you like (not your own) Describe a place from which you can learn sth about the past.

and explain why you like it so much. 经典卡片解析1: Describe a shopping place you like. (such as a supermarket or shopping mall). You should say: where it is what it looks like how often you go there and explain why you like it so much. I’d like to talk about a shopping mall in my home city of Xi’an,which is in the downtown pedestrian zone, and it’s not far from where I live, just about ten minutes’ bus ride away, so it’s really convenient for me to go there. The mall is huge, you know, with 10 floors, and it looks really modern with shiny glass curtain walls. The inside is also amazing. It’s spotlessly clean and elegantly decorated. So it’s absolutely an enjoyment to be there. I go the mall quite a lot, about once or twice a month, sometimes alone, and sometimes with the company of my best friend.

And most of the time, I go there to buy something, but some of the time, I just go window shopping there. As to why I love the place so much, the main reason is of course that the mall is a shopping paradise, offering an amazingly wide selection of goods. Most of them are reasonably priced, affordable to most people. The most important thing is you can always find something you really want to buy there, whether it’s a piece of clothing or electronic equipment. And everything there is name-brand stuff , so the quality is highly reliable. And another reason I love the place is because of its excellent shopping environment and outstanding service. It’s really pleasant to be there. Even just strolling around and admiring all the exquisite products is highly enjoyable. The only problem is that on the weekends and holidays its packed with shoppers; you know it’s the most popular shopping place in the city, so I usually avoid going there at those peak times. I prefer to go there in the late afternoon after school/work, like at 6 or 7 o’clock. And it closes at 10, so I still have enough time to do my shopping.

Extra bonuses: shop assistant/sales girls 售货员 (friendly, polite, patient, helpful, not snobbish) goods/products/merchandise 商品 20% discount/20% off 打八折 decorate (v) decoration (n) 装饰,装潢 lighting 灯光 spacious and light 宽敞明亮 background music 背景音乐 customers 顾客 shoppers 购物者 the cashier 收银员 the check out (超市的)收银台 coupon 优惠卷 invoice 发票 sales slip 购物小票 full refund 全额退款 lift/elevator 电梯 escalator 自动扶梯 the stairs 楼梯 classy/posh 高档的 luxury goods 奢侈品 perfume and cosmetics 香水和化妆品 sales 特价促销 giveaways 赠品 food court 美食街 boutiques 精品服装店 accessories 配饰 florist’s 花店 ice cream store 冰淇淋店 bakery 面包店 snack bar 小吃部 exquisite 精美的 gorgeous 特别漂亮的 stylish 时尚的 shopping cart 购物车 cinema 影院 beauty salon /hair salon 美容美发店 cosmetics/jewelry section 化妆品/首饰专柜

Describe a city or town you ever visited or lived in. You should say: 经典卡片解析2: Describe a city or town you ever visited or lived in. You should say: Which city it is What is the main feature of the city What you like about it What you dislike about it. I’d like to talk about ChengDu, which is the capital of SiChuan province in southwestern China. I’ve been to the city for a couple of times on summer vacation or at spring festival to visit my uncle. He went to the city after graduation from university and has been living there since then. ChengDu is probably one of the best known metropolises in China, just like ShangHai and ShenZhen, but it’s got its own unique charm. Shanghai is a financial center, ShenZhen is a commercial and industrial center, but Chengdu is more known as a leisure and tourism capital. In China, when people talk about Chengdu, what first comes into mind is usually its gorgeous scenery, wonderful delicacies and beautiful girls. And also, the local lifestyle is envied by most people in China. The living cost in Chengdu is not very high and the pace of life is not so fast. It seems that people there don’t care so much about making money. For them, enjoying life is much more important. Maybe, that’s why they spend a lot of their time playing mahjong or enjoying delicacies.

As to what I dislike about the city, well, um, it’s really difficult for me to think of anything to say, cos I really love the city. Maybe, the only thing about the city that needs improving is the roads. They’re not very well designed and a lot of them are quite old and need upgrading. Extra Bonus: metroplise 大都市 a cosmopolitan city 国际化大都市 commercial/industrial/financial/economic/educational/cultural/leisure center 商业 工业 金融 经济 教育 文化 休闲 中心 a shopping paradise 购物天堂 shopping mall 购物中心 vibrant 充满活力的 exciting and colorful nightlife 丰富多彩的夜生活 a medium-sized city 中等城市 a famous historical and cultural center 历史文化名城 historical sites 历史古迹 see the sights 观光 museum 博物馆 art gallery 艺术馆 cathedral 大教堂 heavy traffic 车多 traffic congestion 堵车 pleasant climate 宜人的气候 boiling hot 特热 freezing cold 特冷 annual precipitation 年降水量 business and employment opportunities 创业和就业机会 living cost 生活成本 pace of life 生活节奏 skyscraper 摩天大楼 prosperous 繁荣的 a booming coastal city 一个快速发展的海滨城市 stressful 压力大 one of the most expensive cities in the world 世界上居住成本最高的城市之一 One of the most hospitable cities in the world 世界上最适合人居的城市之一

经典卡片解析3: Describe a TV or radio program that you like to talk about with your family or friends. You should say: What the program is about / what the program is  How often you watch or listen to this program What type of people enjoy this program And explain what you like (or dislike) about this program. Well, I’d like to talk about a very popular talent show on CCTV3. It’s called Star Avenue. And it’s something like American Idol and Britain’s Got Talent. The show airs twice a week The first time is on Wednesday night and the repeat is on Saturday night. So I’m able to watch it every time and I hardly ever miss it. It’s a talent show, so it’s all about the competition between contestants in the auditions and the other four levels of competitions, the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and the annual final. And the winners of each level advances/gets into the next level, and annual champion will be recommended to perform on CCTV Spring Festival gala.

As to what type of people watch the show, as I know, it attracts people of all ages. Just like in my family, my parents and I are all loyal viewers of the show. And we usually watch it together. And we clap and cheer for a good performance just as the live audience in the TV studio. And we like to have a bet on who will be the winner each time. And the one who loses the best has to do the washing up. I love the TV show for a variety of reasons. But the most important reason I think is that the show is ordinary people like me to demonstrate their talent in front of a nationwide TV audience. In the past, we didn’t have anything like that. Only famous professional performers had the chance to give performances on TV. But now everybody can do that as long as they have what it take, courage and talent. And I’m really happy about that. If I was a good singer or something, I would also like to take part in it. But unfortunately, I don’t have any special talent. Extra bonus: TV host/presenter 主持人 audience participation 观众参与 Interaction between the host and live audience 主持人和县城观众的互动 call in/phone in 打电话进去 current affairs 时事 TV serials 电视连续剧 episode 集 quiz show 问答竞猜类节目 game show 游戏类节目

talk/chat show 脱口秀 reality show 真人秀 documentary 纪录片 variety show 综艺类节目 circus performance 马戏团表演 acrobatics 杂技 cross talk 相声 stand-up comedy 单口小品 concert 音乐会 magic 魔术 opera 戏曲 cartoon/animation 卡通 TV drama about history, civil war and anti-Japanese war 关于历史,内战和抗战电视剧 Informative 提供大量信息的 entertaining 娱乐的 educational 有教育意义的 relaxing 让人放松的 have/get a good laugh 尽情的笑 advertisement/commercial 广告 commercial time/break 广告时间 time-killer 消磨时间的东西 TV brings the whole world into our home. TV allows us to know, at home, what has happened, what is happening and what will happen in the whole world. couch potato/channel surfer/TV addict 电视迷 switch on/off TV 开关电视 remote control 遥控器 Too much TV makes one lazy. TV takes away the time that should be spent doing exercise and communicating with family. TV kills conversation. TV is a passive entertainment. Watch TV too much spoils one’s vision, and also causes a decline in general health. You may get near-sighted and obese due to heavy TV viewing. So, we should really cut the time we spend on TV and do more outdoor activities.

经典卡片解析4: Describe an important historic site (in your country) that you visited. You should say:                           where it was                           what you saw at this site (or, what it looked like)                           when it was built / what role it played in history                           how you first learned about this place and explain what interested you most about that place. I’d like to talk about the well-known museum of terracotta warriors and horses, which I visited on a summer vocation with my parents. It’s a very famous place, not only in China, but also in the world, so I guess you probably know it. It’s in Xi’an, Shan’xi province. As you may know, Xi’an used to be the capital of several ancient dynasties so it’s got numerous/countless/lots of important historical sites. The terracotta warriors and horses museum is just one of them. What I saw there? Um, of course it’s mainly the pottery soldiers and horses. There’re three pits. The first pit is the largest and the most splendid. And around the pits are wide walkways for viewers. And you can take photos there, but you mustn’t

use the flash cos it may have a damaging effect on those centuries-old relics. When it was built? Well, it was built over 2,000 years ago by the first emperor of Qin dynasty.It was actually part of his huge tomb. He built this massive underground army to protect his tomb. Maybe, he wished to live an emperor in an underground palace, just like when he was alive. I learned about this place a long time before I went there. I first got to know it from a history book in primary school, in which it was described as the world’s 8th wonder. What impressed me most about the place was of course, you know, thousands of pottery soldiers and horses. They’re absolutely amazing works of art. It’s really hard to imagine how they made them so well over 2,000 years ago when they didn’t have the help of modern technology and equipment. It’s just incredible. And I was really impressed. So, I took lots of photos and bought a book about it, as well as a small replica of a terracotta soldier as a souvenir.

经典卡片解析5: Describe a film you (recently) enjoyed watching. (Either at home or in a cinema). You should say: what type of film it was where you watched this film what the film was about (why you chose to watch this film) And explain why you enjoyed this film. Well, actually I love films and I’ve seen lots of great films, like Titanic and Forrest Gump, but now I’d like to talk about a film I watched about 2 years ago. It’s called the Pursuit of Happiness. I guess you have probably watched it, cos it was a smash hit in 2006 and 7. I saw the film in the cinema alone and before that I had watched its trailer onthe Internet, which was really good, so I decided to watch it in the cinema. The film is based on a true story of an African American financial investor. WillSmith plays him in the film, with the name of Chris. At first, he is a real loser,working as a salesman, selling a kind of a medical machine, but it just doesn’t

sell. Nobody wants to buy it cos it’s expensive and impractical sell. Nobody wants to buy it cos it’s expensive and impractical. And as a result, he goes broke, and then his wife leaves him, and then he loses his house, bank account, and credit cards, everything. He became homeless and had to live out in the streets with his son. But all the difficulties don’t break the man. Instead, they make him stronger and even more eager and determined to make it. He became an intern in an investment company and eventually got hired by the company. I really enjoyed the film very much, first because Will Smith does a fantastic/superb/excellent/brilliant job in the film. He’s really an amazing actor. You know, he’s known/famous for his action films, but in this film, he plays a father and husband in a real life situation and he plays it so well/beautifully. It’s definitely something remarkable. Another reason I enjoyed the film is because of the touching story. I’m not thekind of person who likes to cry, but at many moments in the film, I was on the verge of tears, and I just couldn’t help it. And I can still remember the scene where Chris and his son had nowhere to go one night, and had to stay in a public toilet/restroom of a subway station, and Chris locked the door from inside, and a guy wanted to use the toilet, but couldn’t open the door, so he kicked the door again and again. At that moment, Chris cried, and I cried too.

Extra bonus: star-studded 众星云集的 co-star 联袂主演 box-office 票房 global premiere 全球首映式 trailer 预告片 shoot/shot 拍摄 location 外景地 theme song 主题歌 leading role 主演 supporting role 配角 cameo role 友情客串 car chase scenes 追车戏 Oscar Award for best actor/actress/music/screenplay/costumes/foreign language film nominate/nomination 提名 Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片 small-budget film 小制作电影 action film 动作片 kung fu films 功夫片 romance 爱情片 animation 动画片 war film 战争片 comedy/tragedy 喜/悲剧 acting 演技 play 演(某个角色) character (剧中)人物 a tear-jerker 催人泪下的电影 receive good reviews from film critics 获得影评家好评 A-list actor/actress 一线演员 one of the most expensive actors in China 中国片酬最高的演员之一 I‘m a huge fan of him. 我是他的铁杆影迷。 touching 让人感动的 hilarious 超搞笑的 entertaining 娱乐的 stunning 震撼的;美的惊人的

七. 雅思口语第三部分 1. 概述 雅思口语考试第三部分是整个考试的高潮部分,考生的最终得分是高是低主要取决于你在这一部分的表现。5.5分或5.5分以下的考生,在第三部分是非常困难的,通常考官说的话比考生还多,因为他要不断解释考生才能听懂,而且要不断诱导,考生才能像挤牙膏似的说点东西。面对这样的考生,考官有时候比考生还难受,但又不能提前结束,通常在10-11分钟时,考官就会早早收场。6-7分的考生在这一部分的突出特点是问题基本都能听懂,只是个别问题需要让考官重复或解释;同时每个问题或多或少都能答上来,尽管有时候是经过考官引导或提示的。在第三部分,考生会面临一个扩展答案的问题,但多数考生在这方面都不是很主动,他们通常是在考官追问下才进行解释的,如Why? Why not? Could you give me an example? Anything else? 等,但这并不会太影响分数只要你能解释得上来。但考官还是喜欢考生自己去论述自己的观点,及:尽可能的提供例证,原因等。总之这一部分是不管你说多长,考官都有耐心听你说下去,除非是你说的他不理解。6分和7分在这部分的区别在于考生的扩展能力,词汇的广度和准确度,语法结构的广度和准确度。考官在这一部分的通常做法就是穷追猛打,逼考生发挥出最大潜能,当然也可能是原形毕露。是骡子,是马,拉出来溜溜就知道了.

2. 题目类型 雅思口语第三部分和第一部分所采取的方式是一致的,但是问题更具挑战性。第一部分主要是关于“你”的,所以多数问题都是围绕“you”展开的,而在第三部分,问题是围绕 “其他人” “你们国家的人” “男人,女人” “老人,年轻人,小孩” “过去的人,现在的人,将来的人” 等主题展开的,其问题更具普遍性,也更抽象。这部分考察的语言技能包括: 3. 典型示例 如果第二部分题目是: Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: who this person is where you first saw him or her                          how/why this person is famous and explain what you would say to this person.

那么,考官在第三部分就可能会和你讨论以下的问题: 成名的利弊 2. 成名的途径 3. 过去的名人和现在的名人的不同 4.明星的责任 5. 你对偶像崇拜的看法(尤其是青少年)。 想想,如果你在第二部分的卡片是: Describe a place you know where the public may go to listen to music You should say: where this place it what kind of people go there what kind of music you can listen to there and explain how you feel about this place. 那么你在第三部可能被问到什么样的问题呢?

4. 考官在第三部分如何提问 至于具体提问的方式,每个考官可能提问的方式有所不同,毕竟同一个问题可以有多种不同的表述方式:如 How does A differ from B? =How is A different from B? =What is the difference between A and B? 但是,在第三部分通常是要你表达自己的观点,所以最常见的提问方式就是: Do you think….? 或者 What do you think about…? Why do you think some people…? Could you give me an example? How are young people and old people different in their attitudes to…? What do you think we can do to…? How do you think…will change in the future? 等等。

5. 第三部分说多少合适? 部分考官喜欢让考生多说,这样他就可以少问些问题。这样做的前提是考生的口语能力比较强,但这种情况并不多见。通常考官在第三部分问的问题比较多,可能达到十个左右,这一方面是因为考生的答案比较短,考官需要不断提示考生从不同方面对答案进行扩充,如考官可能会叫你举个例子证明你的观点,或者给出原因。至于具体应该说多少,那就得看你能说到少了,考官看你说不下去了,通常会换个题目,或者引导你往下说。 6. 考官在这部分主要寻找什么? 首先,考官期望你能够和他进行交流,不希望看到长时间的停顿,所以考生可以想到什么就先说出来,不要等想好了再说,通常的说法是边想边说。你不要担心自己的观点很幼稚,这不会影响分数,考官主要看你能否表达自己的观点。 其次,考官期望你的回答不跑题,这需要大家认真听问题,如果没听懂,可以通过以下方式让考官帮助你:

Sorry, could you say it again please? I didn’t quite catch it. Excuse me, what do you mean by “computer-literacy”? Sorry, what does the last word mean? Well, could you put the question another way? 如果,你想向考官确认你是否听懂了问题,你可以说: So, you want me to…? 最后,考官帮你之后,别忘了在回答前表示感谢: Oh, I see/I see what you mean. Thanks. 如果,考官解释了你还没听懂,你可以让考官换个问题,这总比什么都不说强: Sorry, I really have no idea what to say. Could you give me anther question? 或者:Sorry, I really don’t understand the question. Could you ask me another one?

7. 我该如何去准备第三部分? 其实最重要的还是要去扩充自己的词汇量,巧妇难为无米之炊嘛。如果时间紧,可以背背话题词汇。不过与此同等重要的还是要去看看最近常考的话题,争取自己事先有所准备,不打无准备之仗。 再者,大家要把自己喜欢用的连词练得滚瓜烂熟,尤其是发音要准。 比如:表达原因我喜欢用:I think it’s mainly because…. 或者,I think the main reason is that…部分同学的main或mainly发得就不准确,容易和man/manly混。 再比如:表达某个事物的好处时,我喜欢用:I think the beauty of living in the city is the convenient transport, shopping and entertainment facilities. 这需要大家总结出来并把它们记在一起,并写上例句,天天练几遍,争取做到成为本能。只有这样考试的时候才能说得出来。

8. 我怎么去让自己扩展答案? 一个标准的答案应包括:你的观点+论据+总结 我们姑且将其总结成: topic sentence+supporting details+conclusion 简称为:TSC 几乎所有的问题都可以用这个方式去扩展。这个方式最重要的部分是 要给出支持的论据,通常包括具体的例子,原因等。 现在我们就以上面的“名人”这个话题为例为大家进行详细的说明。 Would you like to be famous? 说明:这个问题显然需要你表达自己的意愿,并给出原因。

示范1: Well, I’d like to be famous if I could. Everybody has a desire to be a star and I’m no exception. The reason is simple. We all want to have a glamorous life like those celebrities. 示范2: Well, I wouldn’t like to be famous. I’m not so ambitious. I just want to have a job I like and a happy family. What’s the advantage and disadvantage of being famous? 说明:在谈论某物的利弊时,最好用上一定的结构让考官知道你的思路。 示范: Um. Obviously, the best thing of being famous is that you are able to become very rich and live a life you dream about, however, as everything is a double-edged sword, being famous also brings a lot of disadvantages. For example, you lose a lot of privacy. Whatever you do gets public attention. Most of the attention is annoying. And also, wherever you go, you may be followed by paparazzi. It’s very difficult for you to go out with your family or friends like ordinary people.

How can people get famous these days? 示范:Well, as I know, the most common way for people to become famous is to join some famous contests, such as those talent shows on TV. If you become the champion, you become famous. Another way to become famous is to be an actor and actress. If you appear in a very successful film and you do a good job, you become famous immediately. In a word, it’s very easy to become famous nowadays as long as you have your own stuff and you catch the chance to show it to other people. How did people become famous in the past? 说明:从现在谈到过去时考官常用伎俩,其目的很明显:能否正确使用动词过去时。所以常见动词的过去时大家一定要熟悉。 示范:how people became famous in the past? Um, I’m not sure because I don’t know much about that. I only know that when I was child, the most famous people were government leaders or national heroes like LeiFeng and some important scientists. They became famous through newspapers or textbooks.

Do you think the famous should shoulder more responsibility for the society? 说明:这个问题有点难度,但还是有话可说的。考官这么问你,显然名人是有社会责任的,因为他们的成名离不开大家的支持。当然你也可以有自己的观点。 示范1: Well, it’s hard for me to say whether the famous should shoulder more responsibility for the society. Personally, I think the famous should have some social responsibility. The main reason is that their success comes from the support of their fans and their fans come from all walks of life, so in order to reward their fans, they should do something to give back to the society. 示范2: Well, I don’t think so because I think the famous people achieve their success mainly through their own efforts. Therefore, I don’t think we should force any responsibility on them. For example, I don’t think we should require the famous people to donate a lot of money to charity. Whether to do that should depend on themselves. It’s a matter of personal choice.

What do you think about teenagers worshipping celebrities? 说明:这个问题的本质是让你表达这个现象你认为是好还是不好,并说明原因。 示范1. I think it’s a good thing. If a teenager worships celebrities, it shows that he has a desire to be famous too. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have a bit of ambition. It would be even better if they follow the example of their idol’s success and work hard to realize their own dream. 示范2: Well, it’s hard to say, I think. On one hand, it’s just natural to idolize a star. Almost everybody has their own idols. On the other hand, it can be dangerous for a teenager to worship a star blindly. As I know, some teenagers admire a star simply because they are good-looking or fashionable. They imitate whatever their idol does. They copy their hairstyle or the way they dress or even their tattoos. I think it’s too shallow. One more thing, some stars have very dirty private life. They do drugs or do some other illegal things. They are very bad influence on teenagers.