Unit 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2

I think that mooncakes are delicious! Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

Section A 1 1a-2d

Warming up What festivals do you like best? What do you like best about your favourite festival? mooncake n. 月饼

lantern n. 灯笼 (可数名词) Lantern Festival 元宵节

Presentation What is the Chinese name for this festival? What do you know about this festival?

Look at the pictures. Guess what festivals they are Look at the pictures. Guess what festivals they are. What do people often do on that day or during the festival days?

1a Match the pictures with the descriptions.

1. ___ The Water Festival in Thailand 2. ___ The Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong 3. ___ The Chinese Spring Festival in Beijing 4. ___ The Lantern Festival in Jiangxi d a b c

1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. T F 2. Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic. T F 3. Bill wonders whether they’ll have zongzi again next year. T F 4. Bill and Mary believe that they’ll be back next year to watch the races. T F

What a races How were Listen again and complete the blanks. Mary: ________ great day! Bill: Yes, it was really fun! Mary: What did you like best? Bill: I loved the _____! They were really interesting to watch. How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! Mary: Yes. And look at the colors of the boats. _____ pretty they _____! What a races How were

exciting Bill: I agree! But I guess it was a little to crowded. Mary: I don’t know… I kind of like to have more people around. It makes things more _________. Bill: That’s true. Oh, and I really liked eating Zongzi. Mary: Oh, me too! The sweet ones are my favourite. exciting

if they’ll have the races Bill: I wonder ________________________ again next year. Mary: Of course! They have them every year. Bill: Then I believe that I’ll be back again next year to watch the races! Mary: Me, too! if they’ll have the races

1c Talk about the festivals in 1a. A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? B: I love the races. I think that they’re fun to watch.

Pair Work A: What do you like best about the …? B: I love the ... I think that they’re ...

Listening 2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences.

1. Wu Ming and Harry are cousins/ strangers / friends. 2. Wu Ming went to Singapore/ Hong Kong / Macao for his vacation. 3. Wu Ming visited his relatives / friends / classmates. 4. Wu Ming liked eating out / shopping / the Dragon Boat Festival best. n. 亲属,亲戚

Pre-listening Look at sentences and answer the questions. Whose vacation are they talking about, Wu Ming’s or Harry’s? Did Wu Ming visit anyone on his trip? What do you think he did during his trip?

1. Wu Ming and Harry are cousins/ strangers / friends. 2. Wu Ming went to Singapore/ Hong Kong / Macao for his vacation. 3. Wu Ming visited his relatives / friends / classmates. 4. Wu Ming liked eating out / shopping / the Dragon Boat Festival best.

Dragon Boat Festival in June 2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart. 增加(体重); 发胖 Fun activities Downsides Eating out Shopping Dragon Boat Festival in June He has put on five pounds! He spent so much money. weather is hot

1. ________________ on your vacation, Wu Ming? Listen again and complete the blanks. 1. ________________ on your vacation, Wu Ming? 2. _____________ the food ____! I’ve put on five pounds! 3. Hong Kong is a _________ for shopping! 4. I wonder _____________ is a good time. 5. I think that _____________ a perfect time for you to ______. What did you do How delicious is great place whether June June would be visit

Speaking 2c Role-play conversations between Wu Ming and Harry. Use the information in 2a and 2b or make your own conversations.

A: What did you do on your vacation? B: I visited my cousins. I think that we ate five meals a day! I’ve put on five pounds. A: I guess the food was delicious, right?

Have you ever been to Thailand. Where have you been Have you ever been to Thailand? Where have you been? Do you know where Chiang Mai is?

Water Festival is the most popular festival in Thailand. Say something about Water Festival.

Read the conversation and tell “True” or “False”. 1. Ben is going to Chiang Mai in two weeks. ( ) 2. Clara believes that April is the hottest month of the year there. ( ) 3. The Water Festival in Thailand is from April 13th to 15th. ( ) 4. The Thai New Year is a time for cleaning and washing bad things. ( ) F F T T

Role-play the conversation. Clara: Guess what?... Ben: Wow, sounds like fun! ... …

Useful patterns Guess what? Sounds like fun. Yes, it’s true. Yes, I think so. Cool. This the time of… I wonder if…

Language points 1. Wu Ming and Harry are strangers. stranger n. 陌生人(可数名词) strange adj. 陌生的,奇怪的 e.g. Don’t talk to __________. 不要和陌生人说话。 There is ______________ in the room. 房间里没有奇怪的东西。 strangers nothing strange

2. Wu Ming visited his relatives. relative n. 亲属,亲戚 ______ (可数/不可数)名词 e.g. They have a lot of relatives. 他们有许多亲戚。 可数

3. I’ve put on five pounds! put on 增加(体重);发胖 e.g. They’ve put on five pounds. 他们体重增加了5磅。 【拓展】 put on还可意为“____________”,表示 “穿”的动作。 e.g. Della put on her sweater and trousers and then she left home. 穿上;戴上

选出下列句子中划线部分的含义。 A. 增加(体重)      B. 戴上 (    )1. Grandma put on her glasses to read the letter. (    )2. She is too thin. I think she should put on at least 5 pounds. B A

It’s too cold outside today. You’d better ______ your jacket A. put on                      B. put up           C. take off                   D. take after A

pound n. 磅;英镑(可数名词) e.g. The desk weighs 5 pounds. 这张课桌重5磅。

4. Guess what? 意为“你猜怎么着?”,用于向对方讲述 一件自己认为会让对方感到惊讶的事情 之前,字面意思是让对方猜,但通常是 紧接着说出想说的事情。如: —You are so happy! —Guess what? I found my lost watch.

5. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. throw at 抛向;泼向;洒向 动词throw后接所投掷的物体,用介词at引入泼洒的对象。 e.g. On our way here, someone threw a stone at our car, but fortunately we were not hit. 在我们来的路上,有人向我们的车 投掷石块,所幸的是我们没被砸中。

It’s the first snow of the year, and the children are happily throwing snowballs at each other. 这是今年的第一场雪,孩子们高兴地拿雪球相互抛着。

Summary The Water Festival The Dragon Boat Festival The Chinese Spring Festival The Lantern Festival watch the races a little like… best go…for one’s vacation enjoy doing sth. eat out 泼水节 龙舟节 春节 元宵节 看比赛 有点 最喜欢 去……度假 喜欢做某事 在外面吃

five meals a day put on in two weeks sound like… from…to… be similar to… throw … at … wash away have good luck in the new year 每天5顿饭 增加(体重) 在两周之后 听起来像…… 从……到…… 与……相似 朝……扔…… 洗掉 有好运气 在新的一年里

Sentences: Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. 比尔认为那些比赛看起来不那么有趣。 Bill wonders whether they’ll have zongzi again next year. 比尔想知道他们明年是否还有粽子吃。 What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? 端午节你最喜欢什么?

What did you do on your vacation? 你假期干什么了? But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there. 但我相信四月是那儿最热的月份。 I wonder if it’s similar to the Water Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province. 我想知道它是否与云南省傣族的泼水节相似。

根据所给汉语填空。 1. Can you see the _________ (灯笼) over there? How beautiful they are! 2. Parents often tell their children not to speak to _________ (陌生人). 3. I got a lot of gifts from my _________ (亲戚) on my birthday. 4. Don’t eat too much, or you’ll _______ (增加) your weight. 5. The car cost him 2000 _______ (英镑). lanterns strangers relatives put on pounds

根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 1. 你愿意和我一起出去吃饭吗? Would you like to ________ with me? 2. 你猜怎么着?今天我见到了张老师。 ____________? I met Mr. Zhang today. 3. 去年张民体重增加了两公斤。 Zhang Min __________ two kilos last year. eat out Guess what  put on

Homework Learn the new words and expressions by heart.