DANMARK 丹麦 幸福感 童话之城 李传仁 张健 罗森堡的玫瑰 洋溢着梦幻 小美人鱼 天鹅 嘉士伯啤酒厂 哥本哈根 红屋顶 鹿苑


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Presentation transcript:

DANMARK 丹麦 幸福感 童话之城 李传仁 张健 罗森堡的玫瑰 洋溢着梦幻 小美人鱼 天鹅 嘉士伯啤酒厂 哥本哈根 红屋顶 鹿苑 水晶宫 鹿苑 哈姆雷特堡 哥本哈根 小美人鱼 安徒生 罗森堡的玫瑰 天鹅 北欧气息 童话之城 幸福感 每一天都是庆祝 红屋顶 洋溢着梦幻 憧憬 李传仁 张健

State Places Food Culture

。 National Flag National Emblem

It has an area of 43,080 squre kilometers that can be regarded as the smallest Nordic Kingdom. It faces to the North Sea in the west ,near the Baltic in the east, borders with Germany in the south, and it is across Norway, Sweden from the sea in the north.

Basic information NAME: The Kingdom of Denmark(丹麦王国) CAPITAL: Copenhagen (哥本哈根) NATIONAL SONG:《Der er et yndigt lan》 《有一处好地方》 NATIONAL DAY:Apr.16th NATIONAL FLOWER: Holly (冬青) NATIONAL BIRD:Swan (天鹅)

Andersen's Fairy Tales Anderson‘s works have been introduced to China much earlier . The New Youth magazine in January 1919 is published ‘the little match girl’ translation from Zhouzuoren.

Bicycles In the pavilion visitors will be able to borrow bicycles and cycle throughout just as the Danes do in their cities. The concept of sustainability is reflected in free bicycle riding. Riding a bike through an area which is designed like Copenhagen streets will not only evoke the real Danish lifestyle in the capital city, but also promote environmentally friendly concepts. Denmark is a nation of bikes, and Copenhagen is famous for its free city bikes.

Bicycle rush hour in Copenhagen, where 37% of the population ride their bikes every day.

Bikes are a neccesary mean of transportation in Denmark Bikes are a neccesary mean of transportation in Denmark. It is said that each person has a bicycle.                      

Denmark sandwiches is a representative of the Danish food, which is a open sandwiches, from the most simple to the most complex like sculpture.




Copenhagen has repeatedly been recognized as one of the cities with the best quality of life. It is also considered one of the world's most environmentally friendly cities. The water in the inner harbor is so clean that it can be swum in.

The longest walk street This 1.2 km long walking street is located in downtown Copenhagen. It is not just a street .It is connected to a square, famous construction and specially shopping malls. There have more than 200 shops.

municipal square ——市政广场

Legoland In Denmark, Legoland is the place to be Legoland In Denmark, Legoland is the place to be.it is a big world composed of small building blocks

“The little mermaid(美人鱼)” went on to become the symbol of the city of Copenhagan(哥本哈根). It was built in 1913 to honor the famous fairytale character created by Hans Christian Anderson. Its beauty and serenity(宁静)encourage people to create their own fairy tales.

Oresund Bridge Oresund Bridge (厄勒海峡大桥)was a huge bridge that Denmark and Sweden jointed venture to built. It is a traffic line which crosses the Oresund Strait and connects the Danish capital --Copenhagen and Sweden .It is the tenth Bridge in the world.


——Christian house 克里斯蒂安宫

北欧的红房顶,安徒生的故乡,童话的王国,幸福指数最高的国家,甚至就连王子复仇都是那么文艺 这是一个儿童简笔画一样的国家,纯粹,幸福,天真,浪漫 没有复杂的景色 有的只是童话的记忆
