高考短文改错专题复习 宁波四中 王静静.


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高考短文改错专题复习 宁波四中 王静静

√ ∧ to its so there your knowledge with hope possible 2006高考(浙江卷) Dear Mr. Donforth, I'm writing to ask you come to our class for a visit. I've  76. ___________ heard that you have been to Greece. In our Greece unit, we  77. ___________ have been learning about it's rich culture and long history.  78. ___________ Since you have visited Greece several times, so I would like to 79. ___________ know whether you have seen the old buildings here. We have  80. ___________ learned a lot from the text book, but I believe you personal  81. ___________ experience will be a lot better. Your knowledges of Greece can  82. ___________ help the whole class. Could you share your experiences for   83. ___________ us? It will be surely exciting and rewarding. I hoped that you  84. ___________ think about my request and visit us as soon as possibly.  85. ___________ ∧ to its there your knowledge with hope possible so √

短文改错的设题 近三年高考短文改错题题型稳定、考查点 多、覆盖面广。一般以四种题型出现:对、 错、多、少。从错误比例上看,一般为多 词1处,少词1处,正确1处,错误7处。 设问的角度有三个:词法、句法和行文逻 辑。从这三个角度考查学生在语篇中综合 运用英语的准确性。

∧ (Ⅰ) 错误类型 缺词 多表现为缺少冠词,介词,连词,物主代词, 助动词和不定式符号to, 被动语态的be等。 One day I wrote a short story and showed to my teacher. ∧ to/with to it being 2. I decide walk around a little before having classes. 3. Please excuse me for not able to say goodbye to you. 4. I didn’t want  to talk others or make friends with others. 5. They will do all they can make sure that I get a good education.

(Ⅱ) 2. 多词 主要表现为多冠词, 助动词, 不定式符号to, 和介词连词等。 1. The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and … 2. I lose the heart and miss the happy times all day long. 3.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd. 4. You will probably want to join in the Stamp Collecting Club. 5.I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow.

(Ⅲ) 3.错词较为常见的是搭配错误和语法错误。 介词错误&名词的数 1. I’m a newcomer here of a small town. from at on records advantages 2. I’m sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. 3. Thank you very much for your party at Christmas Eve. 介词错误&名词的数 4. Little by little, my  school record went from bad to worse, especially my  English. 5. There are advantage for students to work while studying at school.

(Ⅳ) 代词误用&时态错误 1.I told me, “I don’t belong to the school.” myself their read took did 2. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 代词误用&时态错误 3. She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was... 4. I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 5. I realized I do need a way to remember all these words.

(Ⅴ) 非谓语动词错误 1. I was often a little tired after a day’s work and watch TV demands very little effort. watching frightened playing given Facing 2. After an hour or so we began to feel very frightening. 3. Many children call their friends together to spend hours, even days play games. 4. I have some cards giving to me as birthday gifts. 5. Face all the strange things around me,  I often feel puzzled.

(Ⅵ) 词性误用 1. I would describe myself as shy and quietly. quiet Unfortunately really possible noisy 2.Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. 3. It is real a good chance to meet all of you here. 4. We’d throw a coin as far as possibly. 5. No one worries much about the radio programs, although radios can be very noise.

(Ⅶ) 连词误用&冠词误用 1. I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. why but When the The 2. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t seem to work. 3. While I first entered my senior middle school, everything seemed unpleasant. 连词误用&冠词误用 4.We may be one family and live under a same roof… 5. A life of my university is unforgettable.

(Ⅷ) 1.Now the picture and prize is hanging in the library. as so are was allows 2. The most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability. 3. Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. 主谓不一致错误&固定结构 4. You can find such information like how to learn English. 5. It was such much fun. 

2004-2006年高考短文改错考点分析 2004浙江卷 2005浙江卷 2006浙江卷 多词少词正确 各1 形容词副词 1 3 2 代词 介词 0 时态 名词(数) 2 连词 1 动词词组 非谓语动词 主谓一致 冠词

2004-2006年高考短文改错内容分析 题材 体裁 文长 2004 浙江卷 集邮正受到越来越多的人的喜爱 说明文 99个词 2005 与爸爸一起观看足球赛共享快乐 记叙文 131个词 2006 请朋友到班级介绍到希腊的所见所闻 书信 116个词

√ ∧ people The When Facing missed to/with records the myself Before I went to senior middle school, some peoples told            1._______ me, “A life of senior middle school is unforgettable.”              2._______ While I first entered my senior middle school, everything             3._______ seemed unpleasant. Face all the strange things around me,          4._______ I often miss my old friends and classmates. I didn’t want           5._______ to talk others or make friends with others. Little by little, my     6._______ school record went from bad to worse, especially my                  7._______ maths. I couldn’t even pass the exam. I lost the heart and          8._______ missed the happy times all day long. I told me, “I don’t           9._______ belong to it. I don’t like the life here.”                         10._______ people The When Facing missed to/with records the myself √ ∧

√ ∧ watch it to However stayed running exciting for bad 2005高考(浙江卷) At first I was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90-minute football match. Usually I just 76. ___________ checked the results because I thought that was dull 77. __________ to watch a game in which players kicked a ball each 78. __________ other. Therefore, my father loves football. During the 79. _____ __ _ World Cup in 2002, my dad stays up late just to watch 80. __________ his favorite sport. Seeing his strong interest in this 81. __________ game of 22 men run after a ball, I decided to sit down 82. _ ________ to watch the game. I found the game excited, and my 83. __________ dad explained for the rules. We shared our joy. Football 84. __________ is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad! 85. __________ ∧ watch it to However stayed running exciting bad for √

解题指导 一、 通读全文,掌握大意 (主要检查时态, 逻辑, 人称代词, 主谓一致等) 二、整句理解,逐行推敲 (主要留意考试热点词汇句型) 三、先易后难,各个击破 (注意改错类型: 对,多与少各1,改7) 四、复读全文,验证答案 (规范格式, 注意大小写)

May you succeed in the coming examination!

Homework 回顾知识要点,完成改错练习纸。 Thank you!