Unit 7 where would you like to visit?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 where would you like to visit? Section B (3a – 4)

What would you like to do when travelling?

Do you like to travel alone or with others? Why? What do you think about a trip most ?

I’d like to travel to a peaceful place.

I’d like to stay in a hotel near a lake.

Read and answer. 1. Who will the author travel with? 2. When do they want to take a trip? 3. What place would they like to travel? The author will travel with family. This summer. They would like to travel to an exciting place where they can do lots of outdoor activities.

Read the e-mail message to Ace Travel Agency Read the e-mail message to Ace Travel Agency. Then read the statements about the e-mail. Write T for true, F for false, or DK for don’t know.

The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation. ______ The person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation. ______ The person is a man. ______ The person has children . ______ The person likes to swim. ______ The person wants to go to another country. ___ F F DK DK T F

I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer. provide v. 供给……, 提供…… provide后面接名词或代词作宾语。 The school will provide tents, but we must bring our own food. 学校会提供帐篷,但我们必须自己带食物。

provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. with sth. 供给某人…… They provided food and clothes for the poor. = They provided the poor with food and clothes. 他们向受难者提供食物和衣服。

offer v. 提供…… 其后加名词、代词或动词的不定式形式。 They offered a new proposal. 他们提出了新的提案。 He offered to help us. 他表示愿意帮助我们。

offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. “对(某人)提供……”。 He offered his help to me. 他表示愿助我一臂之力。 She offered him a cup of tea. 她给他一杯茶。

offer侧重表示“主动愿意给予”。 She offered me a cup of tea. 她给我端了杯茶。 He offered to go instead of me. 他主动提出代替我去。

Imagine you work for Ace Travel Agency. Write an e-mail message to S.T. Zhang. Tell where you think he or she should go on vacation.

relaxing exciting educational beautiful cold hot crowded expensive Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words. Then survey three students. Agree on the best place to go. relaxing exciting educational beautiful cold hot crowded expensive

Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words. Then survey three students. Agree on the best place to go. A: I’d like to go to Qufu. B: Why go to Qufu? A: Confucius was born there. It’s very educational.

relaxing exciting educational beautiful cold hot crowded expensive An ideal place for a school trip You _______ student’s name _________ ________ Qufu in Shandong educational The Great Wall in Beijing The Stone Forest in Yunnan

give me some suggestions on studies 完成句子,每空一词。 1. 我们想租一个有三个房间的房子。 We want to rent ______ ______ ______ ______ ______. 2. 你能给我一些关于学习的建议吗? Could you _______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______? 3. 这个男子足够强壮能抬起这个大箱子。 The man is _____ _____ ______ ______ this big box. a house with three rooms give me some suggestions on studies strong enough to lift

4. 昆明的天气不应该太热,不是吗? The weather of Kunming _______ _______ _______ _______ too hot, _______ _______? 5. 别紧张!你没什么大碍。 ________ __________ __________! There is nothing serious with you. isn’t supposed to be is it Take it easy / Don’t be nervous