冀教版 九年级 Lesson 22 The Giants(1).


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Presentation transcript:

冀教版 九年级 Lesson 22 The Giants(1)

1. Do you like reading fairy tales? . Think about it. 1. Do you like reading fairy tales? 2. Do you know any famous fairy tales? What are they?

Read the lesson and number the scenes in the correct order. 1. The children were playing in the giant’s garden. ( ) 2. The giant built a high wall around his garden and put a notice on a board : DO NOT ENTER! ( ) 3. Spring came, but it was still winter in the giant’s garden. ( ) 4. The Giant came back and drove the children away. ( )

What is a fairy tale? A fairy tale is a story that often has characters like fairies, dwarfs, giants or mermaids. The Selfish Giant was written by Oscar Wilde. He was one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s.

Discuss Talk about the differences between fables and fairy tales. 寓言通常要短一些,只是为了说明一个道理,而童话为了讲述一个故事,必须有一定的情节,所以要长一些。寓言和童话都是将生活哲理和智慧应用在简单的文字上,使大家易于接受,但是童话是更通俗一些,更娱乐一些。

《灰姑娘》 《玫瑰小姐》 《白雪公主》 《小红帽》 《睡美人》 《糖果屋》 《青蛙王子》 《渔夫和他的妻子》 《野狼和七只小羊》

《海的女儿》《冰雪女王》 《拇指姑娘》 《卖火柴的小女孩》 《丑小鸭》 《红鞋》

Language Points 1. How happy they are! How 引导感叹句的用法: (1)How +形容词或副词+主语+谓语! How nice the girl is! (2)How +形容词+a/an + 可数名词的单数 形式+ 主语+谓语! How useful a subject they are learning! (3)How + 主语+ 谓语! How time flies!

拓展:what 引导的感叹句结构: (1) What +a/an + 形容词+可数名词 单数+主语+谓语! What a beautiful girl she is! (2) What+ 形容词+可数名词复数+ 主语+谓语! What important jobs they have done! (3) What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 主语+ 谓语! What delicious food it is!

2. When spring came, flowers blossomed and the birds began to sing across the land. across prep. 穿过 The boy can swim across the river. 拓展: 1) across 强调从某个平面的一边到另一边。 We walked across the road. 2) cross 动词,意为“越过”。 Look left and right before you cross the street. 3) crossing 名词,十字路口。 Take the second crossing on the right. 4) through 指从某个立体空间内穿过。 He walked through the forest.

He was lying in the shade of the tree. She lay down on her bed. 3. One morning, as the giant was lying awake in his bed, he heard lovely music coming through the window. 原 形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lie vi. 躺 lay lain lying lay vt. 平放 laid laying lie vi. 撒谎 lied He was lying in the shade of the tree. She lay down on her bed. I’m sorry I lied to you. Lay it on the table.

awake wake Exercises: 1. Please me up at seven, Mum. 2. I usually at six in the morning . 3. The songs of birds me.

escape, run away 1.The children saw us and_________quickly. 2.The dog_________from the back door last night. 3.To our surprise, he could _________from that big fire. 4.Don’t__________. I need your help.

Homework: 1)Finish off the exercises in the Activity Book. 2)Preview the Lesson 23.