Oops! I Did It Again!! 為你剖析英語寫作常見困難


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Presentation transcript:

Oops! I Did It Again!! 為你剖析英語寫作常見困難 國立交通大學語言教學與研究中心 吳思葦老師

Diagnostic Test 自我檢測 Q:關於英文寫作,你有以下感覺的請舉手! 腦筋一片空白,書到用時方恨少 自以為有中國意境美,卻被美國老師評為B.S. 寫出來的句子都不是你要表達的意思 老師叫我回家修改文章,可是我怎麼看都檢查不出錯誤

Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 子句常見問題 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

還記得這篇熟悉的文章? 我與父親不相見已有二年餘了,我最不能忘記的是 他的背影。那年冬天,祖母死了,父 親的差使也交卸了,正是禍不單行的日子, 我從北京到徐州,打算跟著父親奔喪回家。 到徐州見著父親,看見滿院狼籍的東西,又 想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼淚。 我讀到此處,在晶瑩的淚光中,又看見那肥胖的,青布棉袍,黑布馬褂的北影。唉!我不知何時再能與他相見!

全文的靈魂之窗: Thesis Statement A college education is a good investment. A college education is a good investment for four reasons. I am going to write about sports injuries. Before exercising, you should avoid sports injuries by taking a few simple precautions. The United States is a free country. Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the United States in their choice of where they live, whom they marry, and what their job is.

Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 子句常見問題 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

句型變化萬千 本同源 Tony Chen is an English teacher. Tony Chen earns a lot of money. Tony Chen is an English teacher. He earns a lot of  money. (2) Tony Chen, who earns a lot of money, is an English    teacher. (3) Tony Chen, earning a lot of money, is an English   teacher.

Adjective Clause 形容詞子句 [關係代名詞的省略] The man is my uncle. You saw him just now. The man [whom you saw just now] is my uncle. The man is my uncle. He was here just now. The man [who was here just now] is my uncle. 清楚為要 關代當 受詞時

Adjective Clause 形容詞子句 何時該使用that? who Man is an animal ____ is capable of speaking. Money is the only thing ____ interests me. He is the best man ____ I can recommend. Spaceman Armstrong was the first man ____ set foot on the moon. that that that that 意義精確為要 有『指示』 的情況下

請分辨四大子句: N. Adj. Adv. 減化 Engineers, who have an aptitude for drafting and mechanics, must also be artistic and imaginative. Please tell me where the student union is. Even though students declare a major now, they can change it later. Ruined by the traffic jam on the highway, the Chinese New Year was awful.

減化子句:用分詞片語組合 主詞同一人 Peter was kissing his wife in the car on the highway. The highway patrol gave Peter a ticket for blocking the traffic. Kissing his wife in the car on the highway, the highway patrol gave Peter a ticket for blocking the traffic. Kissing his wife in the car on the highway, Peter was given a ticket for blocking the traffic by the highway patrol.

Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 子句常見問題 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

中文重會意 英文重形式 清 心 以 也 可 Would you do me a favor? 可以幫我個忙嗎? 你好嗎? How are you? Today quite a few people moved out the dorm. I can’t speak English well. I want to buy some medicine for my stomachache. 今天宿舍搬走了很多人 我的英文說得不好 我要買肚子痛的藥





Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 子句常見問題 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

Which one is a good paragraph? A good paragraph should be able to be given a TOPIC.

Sample Writing Which one is a good paragraph? A good paragraph should be able to be given a TOPIC. Sample Writing

如何讓讀者不迷路? Unity & Coherence Discuss one and only one main idea from beginning to end Repeat key nouns Use consistent pronouns Use transition signals to link ideas Arrange your ideas in logical order

Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 子句常見問題 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

避免中式英文 1 我很怕小強 *I am afraid of cockroaches. I hate cockroaches. Save “afraid” for serious cases! With the economy doing poorly, I am afraid I may have a hard time finding a job. 我很怕小強 *I am afraid of cockroaches. I hate cockroaches. I find cockroaches annoying.

避免中式英文 2 Easy to = 易於? *We live in an easy to change world, so we must always be flexible and willing to learn new skills. We live in an ever-changing world, so we must always s be flexible and willing to learn new skills.

Easy to? easy to angry easy to change easy to irritate get angry easily bad-tempered ever-changing easily changeable easily irritated irritable

避免中式英文 3 我曾經約過恐龍妹 *I have ever dated a dinosaur. “Ever” is normally used in questions only! 我曾經約過恐龍妹 *I have ever dated a dinosaur. I have dated a dinosaur before.

避免中式英文 4 規律運動以保持健康 你先休息一下,然後我們再出發 化名詞為動詞  避免過度使用「動詞+名詞」 規律運動以保持健康 *Do exercise regularly to stay healthy. Exercise regularly to stay healthy. 你先休息一下,然後我們再出發 *Take a rest first, and then we will go. Rest first, and then we will go.

避免中式英文 5 避免使用: 英美人士很少使用的英文片語 由於 Owing to *Owing to the recent increases in technology, cell phones can do more than ever. Thanks to / Due to / Because of the recent increases in technology, cell phones can do more than ever.

避免中式英文 6 take it easy or relax for a while Relax Your Mind *Go out with your friends and relax your mind. Go out with your friends and relax. Do not be so hard on yourself; just take it easy.

To + Verb 避免中式英文 7 *To smile requires fewer muscles than to frown. V+ -ing sounds more natural. To + Verb *To smile requires fewer muscles than to frown. *To raise children is hard work. Smiling requires fewer muscles than frowning. Raising children is hard work.

Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 寫作一定要會的文法句型 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

參考資源 OneLook Dictionary 舉一反三千 More than 18 million words in more than 1000 online dictionaries are indexed by the OneLook search engine. TANGO 搭配詞http://candle.cs.nthu.edu.tw/collocation/webform2.aspx?funcID=9 Web Concordancer 關鍵詞檢索http://www.edict.com.hk/concordance/

Outline 文章構思與結構 避免中式英文 寫作一定要會的文法句型 參考資源 用字問題 學校資源 問答時間 統一性與連貫性

學校資源 國立交通大學語言與教學中心http://ltrc.nctu.edu.tw/news.php 語言自習中心 http://ltrc.nctu.edu.tw/room/ 英語學習諮詢服務 http://ltrc.nctu.edu.tw/room/activities_class.php?id=15


Reference Alice Oshima & Ann Hogue (2006). Writing Academic English. 4th ed. USA: Longman. Beatrice S. Mikulecky & Linda Jeffries (2004). More Reading Power. USA: Longman. 1-10. Paul Hancock (2001). Penguin English Photocopiables: Is That What You Mean? Penguin English Photocopiables Is That What You Mean?. London: Longman. Scott Dreyer & Posen Liao (2008). Write Like a Champion: Including 12 Steps to Better Writing. Taiwan: 眾文圖書公司. 74-109.

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