Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


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Presentation transcript:

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 胃食管反流病 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 讲者:谢艳 副教授 博士 医院:四川大学华西医院

Which of the following statements is true? GERD is one of the least common conditions affecting the GI system. All GERD patients will require medication to control their symptoms. 50% of adults experience reflux at least once a month. GERD symptoms generally occur before meals.

Regarding the symptoms of GERD, which one is false? Heartburn is a common manifestation of GERD Dysphagia is associated with GERD or esophageal cancer Symptoms of GERD are usually worse with lying down A glass of wine can frequently help with the symptoms of GERD

What is the most common condition associated with GERD? Scleroderma Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Pregnancy Peptic ulcer disease Hypertension

Which of the following usually raise the incidence of GERD? Cigarette smoking Alcohol Calcium channel blockers Fatty foods All of the above

When should a patient consider surgery for GERD? Symptoms are unresolved with maximum medical therapy. GERD is complicated by hiatus hernia and continues to interfere with quality of life. Does not desire or is unable to to take any more medications. All of the above

GERD Definition (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) A condition which develops when the reflux of stomach contents causes troublesome symptoms or complications. Pepsin Bile -The Montreal definition and classification of GERD 2006

Pathogenesis - Anti-Reflux Barrier - Esophageal Contact Time - Gastric contents

Anti-Reflux Barrier 胃食管交界的抗反流结构构成食管抗反流屏障;是一个结构复杂的解剖区域,包括食管下括约肌、膈肌脚、膈食管韧带、食管与胃底间的锐角(His角)等。其中最主要取决于LES的功能状态,LES具有括约肌的功能。上述各部分解剖结构的缺陷或功能降低均可导致胃食管反流。

Transient LES Relaxation <6mmHG,生理性可持续8-10秒,LES功能不全:LES是位于食管末端3~4cm长的环形肌束,在静息时为高压区,构成一个压力屏障,有阻止胃十二指肠内容物反流入食管的生理作 用,称为LES屏障作用。正常人时LES压(LESP)为1.33~4.00kPa(10~30mmHg)。LES的生理功能受神经-体液调节。一些因素 可导致LESP降低;如迷走神经功能减退,出现非胆碱能神经的抑制作用、某些激素(如胰泌素、胰升糖素、胆囊收缩素等)、药物(如钙通道阻滞药、地西 泮)、某些食物(如咖啡、高脂肪、巧克力)等。

Esophageal Acid Contact Impaired esophageal motility - Dysfunctional peristalsis (aging) - Poor emptying (hiatal hernia) 2. Salivary function - Decreased salivation in sleep - Cigarette use <60% saliva HCO3

Incidence and Background It is one of the most common conditions affecting the gastrointestinal system. Anywhere from 36-77% of people have symptoms of GERD (heartburn, regurgitation of acid etc.) spread equally between men and women. 7% have daily heartburn 14-20% have weekly heartburn 15-50% have monthly heartburn

GERD患病率存在较大的区域性差异 地区 患病率 北美 18.1%-27.8% 欧洲 8.8%-25.9% 东亚 2.5%-7.8% 中东 一项对1995年1月-2010年10月发表的基于人 群的胃反流食管病流行病学研究进行的荟萃 分析 结果显示:亚洲各国家GERD患病率亦存在显 著差异2 地区 患病率 北美 18.1%-27.8% 欧洲 8.8%-25.9% 东亚 2.5%-7.8% 中东 8.7%-33.1% 澳大利亚 11.6% 南美 23.0% 1. El-Serag HB et al. Gut. 2014; 63(6): 871–880. 2. Jung HK. J Neurogastroenterol Motil 2011; 17(1):14-27.

Symptoms Heartburn – burning or tightness behind the sternum or in the epigastric area. Acid regurgitation – sour or bitter taste in the throat or mouth. Water brash – a hot sensation in the stomach followed by a large amount of watery liquid in the mouth. Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing or painful swallowing (odynophagia). The sensation of a lump in the throat or food getting “stuck” after swallowing. Asthma, laryngitis and chronic cough are unusual symptoms, but can be caused by GERD. Water brash胃灼热

烧心和反流是胃食管反流病最常见症状 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:高质量 烧心/反流也见于: 食管癌/胃癌 消化性溃疡 其他食管炎 贲门失弛缓 胸骨后烧灼感, 常在餐后发生。 烧心/反流也见于: 食管癌/胃癌 消化性溃疡 其他食管炎 贲门失弛缓 功能性烧心 …… 烧心 heartburn 敏感性 73% 特异性 53% 24h食管pH 检测异常者 反流 regurgitation 敏感性 66% 特异性 58% 感知胃内容物回流入口或咽部,常为酸性物与少量未消化食物的混合物。 Klauser A, et al. Lancet 1990;335:205-8.

烧心和反流症状与食管pH监测异常 症状 pH监测正常 (n=138) pH监测异常 (n=166) P 值 吞咽疼痛 11(8%) 17(10%) >0.05 咽 痛 21(15%) 32(19%) 恶 心 44(32%) 63(38%) 嗳 气 55(40%) 81(49%) 上腹痛 73(53%) 90(54%) 胸骨后疼痛 84(61%) 95(57%) 反 流 66(48%) 100(60%) <0.01 烧 心 112(68%) 仅烧心和反流症状在食管pH监测异常和正常者有差异 有烧心和反流症状者中约半数食管pH监测正常 Klauser A, et al. Lancet 1990;335:205-8.

烧心/反酸症状在食管或贲门癌患者中也常见 GERD Symptoms in Patients With Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus or Cardia 烧心/反酸症状在食管或贲门癌患者中也常见 Chak A, et al. Cancer 2006;107:2160-6.

GERD患者可同时存在多种非典型症状及食管外症状 一项对926例门诊GERD患者的一般人口学特征、主诉症状及GERD Q量表调查、Hp感染及药物治疗 预后情况进行分析的调查性研究,目的在于研究南京地区门诊GERD患者的特点 结果显示:除反酸、烧心外,GERD患者亦可能存在多种其它非典型症状及食管外症状,如:上腹 不适、胸骨后不适、咽部异物感、胸痛、喛气等 GERD患者症状百分比 戴结等. 胃肠病学和肝病学杂志 20l2; 2l(l2):1111-1115.

胸痛、上腹痛、上腹烧灼感、嗳气等为 胃食管反流病的不典型症状 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:中等质量 典型症状 不典型症状 烧心 反流 胸痛 癔球感 上腹痛/烧灼感/餐后饱胀/早饱 吞咽困难/疼痛 咳嗽 哮喘 声嘶 咽部不适 消化不良症状 食管外症状 1. Xiao YL, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 1010;105:2626-31. 2. Gerson LB, et al. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011;9:824-33. 3. Bredenoord AJ, et al. Lancet 2013;381:1933-42.

GERD患者可能以多种主诉就诊,临床中需要提高警惕,使用有效的手段判断是否为GERD 主诉症状 % 反酸 78.5% 烧心(胸骨后或剑突下烧灼感) 75.2% 上腹部不适 62.1% 胸骨后不适 48.7% 咽部异物感 44.2% 胸痛 42.7% 嗳气 36.5% 空腹痛(需要吃东西才能缓解) 21.4% 腹胀 18.1% 打鼾 15.0% 咳嗽 14.6% 吞咽困难 12.5% 早饱 11.6% 哮喘 9.4% 呕吐 8.1% 声嘶 5.6% GERD患者可能以多种主诉就诊,临床中需要提高警惕,使用有效的手段判断是否为GERD 汪芳裕等,胃肠病学和肝病学杂志. 20l2 年l2 月第2l 卷第l2 期第1111-1115页

Symptoms Symptoms typically occur after eating a meal and… can be especially noticeable with a large meal or spicy foods. Symptoms may be relieved by antacids. Symptoms often are worse when lying flat, straining or sleeping.

Symptoms made worse… Fatty foods, chocolate, coffee, peppermint as well as alcohol and use of tobacco products can cause or worsen symptoms. Theophylline, Albuterol, and Calcium channel blockers can also cause symptoms of GERD. peppermint薄荷Theophylline,茶碱Albuterol沙丁胺醇

食管炎可无症状 (asymptomatic esophagitis) 无症状性食管炎比例高达26%-45% 男性、高龄、吸烟者中比例尤其高 Goh KL, et al. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011;26:937-42.

Distribution of grades of reflux esophagitis in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients 反流性食管炎严重程度与症状不相关 Nagahara A, et al. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;27 Suppl 3:53-7.

胸痛患者需先排除心脏的因素才进行反流的评估 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:中等质量 胸 痛 心源性胸痛 cardiac chest pain 非心源性胸痛 Non-cardiac chest pain 病情严重者 可威胁生命 GERD 其他原因 37-66% Maradey-Romero C, et al. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2014;16:390.

GERD可伴随食管外症状, 包括咳嗽、咽喉症状、哮喘及牙蚀症等 推荐级别:A级 证据等级:中等质量 食管外症状 咳嗽、声嘶、咽部不适、哮喘、牙蚀症


Diagnostic Tests Bilitec监测 并发症 不适症状

胃内容物反流引起一系列不适症状和/或并发症的一种状态 胃食管反流病——诊断 蒙特利尔胃食管反流病定义 胃内容物反流引起一系列不适症状和/或并发症的一种状态 GERD is a condition which develops when the reflux of stomach contents causes troublesome symptoms and/or complications. 胃内容物 反流 监测反流 不适症状 并发症 烧心 询问症状 糜烂性食管炎 Barrett食管 内镜检查 和/或 Vakil N, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2006; 101(8):1900-20

胃食管反流病——诊断 胃食管反流病 非糜烂性反流病 糜烂性食管炎 Barrett食管 有烧心/反流症状 食管内镜检查阴性 内镜示典型表现 non-erosive reflux disease, NERD 糜烂性食管炎 erosive esophagitis, EE Barrett食管 Barrett‘s esophagitis, BE 有烧心/反流症状 食管内镜检查阴性 内镜示典型表现 按Los Angle标准 分级 内镜示柱状上皮化生 病理示肠化生 需要证实反流 不需要证实反流 Vakil N, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2006; 101(8):1900-20

Katz PO, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108(3):308-328; 2013 ACG指南:GERD诊断手段及应用汇总 诊断手段 适应症 证据来源 推荐 PPI test 典型症状,无报警症状 Meta分析 阴性结果不能排除GERD 食管吞钡检查 不用于GERD诊断 吞咽困难评价使用 病例对照 不 使用,除非评价并发症(狭窄、环) 内镜检查 报警症状,高危患者,胸痛 随机对照研究 对老年人、有Barrett食管风险、非心源性胸痛、对PPI治疗无反应的患者推荐尽早使用 食管活检 排除由GERD以外疾病引起的症状 不 用于GERD诊断 食管测压 术前评估 观察性研究 不 用于GERD诊断。排除失弛缓/食管硬皮病 食管反流监测 NERD术前、难治性GERD、有疑问的GERD诊断 反流与症状的关系,记录异常的酸暴露或反流频率 Katz PO, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108(3):308-328;

质子泵抑制剂试验简便有效, 可作为GERD酸反流的诊断试验1 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:高质量 PPI试验原理 质子泵 抑制剂 抑制胃酸 分泌 反流物 pH>4.0 烧心/反流 减轻/消失 提示症状与 酸反流相关 PPI试验方法及作用 标准剂量 PPI bid 烧心/反流 内镜阴性 怀疑NERD 症状减轻 50%以上 PPI试验 阳性 确诊NERD 1-2周 1. 2014 胃食管反流病共识意见草案. 2. Bredenoord AJ, et al. Lancet 2013; 381(9881):1933-1942.

PPI试验的敏感性和特异性 奥美拉唑试验对GERD诊断价值的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的多中心 研究: 敏感性为88.1% 特异性为44.4% 1. Numans ME, et al. Ann intern Med 2004;140:518-27. 2. 许国铭, et al. Chin J Dig 2002; 22:7-10.

食管反流监测是GERD的有效检查方法。未使用质子泵抑制剂者可选择单纯pH监测,若正在使用质子泵 抑制剂则需加阻抗监测以检测非酸反流。 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:中等质量 食管pH监测 pH-阻抗监测 pH探头 Bravo 胶囊 1. 2014 胃食管反流病共识意见草案. 2. Bredenoord AJ, et al. Lancet 2013; 381(9881):1933-1942.

食管反流监测的意义和指征 难治性GERD评估 GERD诊断有疑问 应用指征 GERD手术治疗前评估 食管pH/阻抗检测 停服PPI (off PPI) 食管pH监测 服用PPI (on PPI) pH < 4.0 pH <4.0反流 pH ≥ 4.0 酸反流 酸反流:pH<4.0 弱酸反流:pH4.0-7.0 弱碱反流: pH>7.0 非酸反流 难治性GERD评估 GERD诊断有疑问 GERD手术治疗前评估 应用指征 1. Numans ME, et al. Ann intern Med 2004;140:518-27. 2. 许国铭, et al. Chin J Dig 2002; 22:7-10.

对具有反流症状的初诊患者建议行内镜检查 ① ② 推荐级别:A级 证据等级:中等质量 明确烧心/反流病因 确定GERD类型 病史 是GERD典型症状, 但不是特异症状 明确烧心/反流病因 烧心 反流 不适症状 胃内容物 反流 食管癌/胃癌 消化性溃疡 贲门失弛缓 功能性烧心 …… 和/或 糜烂性食管炎 Barrett食管 并发症 pH监测 pH阻抗监测 质子泵抑制剂试验 内镜±活检 ② 确定GERD类型 胃食管反流病 内镜检查 非糜烂性反流病 non-erosive reflux disease, NERD 糜烂性食管炎 erosive esophagitis, EE Barrett食管 Barrett‘s esophagitis, BE 推荐是基于我国内镜检查费用低、普及率高,上消化道肿瘤 发病率高这一现实。 Bredenoord AJ, et al. Lancet 2013; 381(9881):1933-1942.

内镜检查正常的患者其检查过程中 不推荐常规进行食管活检 推荐级别:A级 证据等级:中等质量 内镜正常, 食管活检 NERD与功能性烧心鉴别 排除嗜酸性粒细胞性 食管炎 基底细胞增生 乳头延长 细胞间隙扩大 炎症细胞浸润 轻度嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎内镜观察可接近正常 显微镜下见显著的嗜酸性粒细胞浸润 食管活检主要在难治性NERD处理中有作用 2014 胃食管反流病共识意见草案.

Los Angeles Classification 1条或多条粘膜损伤长度不超过 5 mm

Los Angeles Classification B级: 至少1处>5mm且互不融合

Los Angeles Classification 黏膜破损融合不超过 75%

Los Angeles Classification D级: 黏膜破损融合超过 75%

Complications of GERD- Barrett’s Esophagus 食管远端柱状上皮 肠上皮化生 10% 的GERD患者

Barrett’s 食管 Adenocarcinom GI Motility online (May 2006) 43

食管钡剂造影不推荐为GERD的诊断方法 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:中等质量 作用有限,已被 内镜检查替代 内镜检查难以替代或难以完全替代 评估烧心/反流 评估吞咽困难 弥漫性食管痉挛 贲门失弛缓症 食管环 作用有限,已被 内镜检查替代 内镜检查难以替代或难以完全替代 2014 胃食管反流病共识意见草案.

食管测压可了解食管动力状态,用于术前评估, 不能作为GERD的诊断手段。 推荐级别:A+级 证据等级:中等质量 胃内容物 反流 监测反流 不适症状 并发症 烧心 询问症状 糜烂性食管炎 Barrett食管 内镜检查 和/或 GERD诊断中不需要食管压力参数 可以表现为GERD 食管测压有 诊断作用 贲门失弛缓症 硬皮病样食管 抗反流手术前 必须排除 食管pH监测前的定位 2014 胃食管反流病共识意见草案.

中国胃食管反流病共识意见. 胃肠病学2007年 第12卷第4期第233-239页 Treatment 缓解症状 治愈食管炎 GERD 提高生活质量 预防复发和并发症 中国胃食管反流病共识意见. 胃肠病学2007年 第12卷第4期第233-239页

How is GERD treated? Lifestyle Changes Medications Surgery Endoscopic options

Lifestyle Changes If you smoke, stop Do not drink alcohol Lose weight if needed Eat small meals Wear loose-fitting clothes Avoid lying down for 3 hours after a meal Raise the head of your bed 6 to 8 inches by putting blocks of wood under the bedposts--just using extra pillows will not help.

Medications Antacids: Aluminium hydroxide Hydrotalcite(达喜) Pepto-Bismol Rolaids H2 blockers Cimetidine Famotidine Nizatidine Ranitidine Magnesium salt can lead to diarrhea, and aluminum salts can cause constipation Pepto-Bismol铋Rolaids制酸药

胃酸是导致烧心等症状的关键因素 胃食管反流病(GERD)症状产生的主要机制: (a)胃酸和胃蛋白酶接触食管黏膜 (b)细胞连接削弱 (c)细胞间隙扩大,更多胃酸和蛋白酶渗入 (d) 胃酸直接接触神经末梢 (e)细胞破裂,黏膜损伤 Data on file

Medications Proton pump inhibitors Prokinetics omeprazole (奥美拉唑) lansoprazole (兰索拉唑) pantoprazole (泮托拉唑) rabeprazole (雷贝拉唑) esomeprazole (埃索美拉唑) Prokinetics Mosapride(莫沙必利) Metoclopramide (胃复安) Domperidone (吗丁啉)

GERD TREATMENT ALGORITHM Heartburn Initiate. PPI or Good Response Suboptimal Response Begin PPI and Titrate Up to b.i.d. if Needed Frequent Relapses Occasional Symptoms Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Slide 8 The standard treatment algorithm for GERD is to start with a trial of bid H2RAs. If the patient responds well to H2RA therapy, it should be instituted when symptoms occur. If relapses occur frequently, maintenance therapy is indicated. If the H2RA therapy does not elicit a satisfactory response, begin PPI therapy and titrate to bid dosage if necessary. Maintenance Therapy On Demand Treatment

GERD TREATMENT ALGORITHM Begin PPI and Titrate Up to b.i.d. if Needed Good Response Suboptimal Response Confirm Diagnosis (24 Hr. pH, Endoscopy) Maintenance with Lowest Effective Dose of H2RA or PPI or Surgery Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Slide 9 Patients who respond to PPIs should be maintained with the lowest effective dose, If a patient fails to respond optimally to PPIs, the diagnosis should be confirmed. If GERD is confirmed, surgery should be considered. Surgery should also be considered for patients who will not or cannot take drugs. Reference: Fennerty MB: Medical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the managed care environment. Sem Gastrointest Dis 1997 8(2):90-99. GERD No GERD Consider Other Diagnosis

Nissen Fundoplication Surgery Nissen Fundoplication

Endoscopic view of Nissen Fundoplication

Complications of Surgery Injury to an abdominal organ or to the bowel, stomach, or esophagus Bleeding Failure to completely relieve reflux symptoms Difficulty swallowing Inability to vomit Diarrhea Distended abdomen Vagus nerve injury

Overview Definition Pathophysiology Incidence and Background Symptoms Other conditions associated with GERD Complications Diagnostic Tests Treatment

Which of the following statements is true? GERD is one of the least common conditions affecting the GI system. All GERD patients will require medication to control their symptoms. 50% of adults experience reflux at least once a month. GERD symptoms generally occur before meals.

Regarding the symptoms of GERD, which one is false? Heartburn is a common manifestation of GERD Dysphagia is associated with GERD and esophageal cancer Symptoms of GERD are usually worse with lying down A glass of wine can frequently help with the symptoms of GERD

What is the most common condition associated with GERD? Scleroderma Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Pregnancy Peptic ulcer disease Hypertension

Which of the following usually raise the incidence of GERD? Cigarette smoking Alcohol Calcium channel blockers Fatty foods All of the above

When should a patient consider surgery for GERD? Symptoms are unresolved with maximum medical therapy. GERD is complicated by hiatus hernia and continues to interfere with quality of life. Does not desire or is unable to take any more medications. All of the above

Reference 《内科学》 《消化系统疾病》 《中国胃食管反流病共识意见》-2014 《2013 美国GERD指南》 《2016亚太共识:胃食管反流病的管理(更新 版)》

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