Special English for Industrial Robot www.irobot-edu.com edubot_zhang@126.com
49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs
Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Task: Part1 Cartesian coordinate robot Part2 SCARA robot Part3 Six-axis articulated robot Part4 Palletizing robots Part5 Delta robot Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 3 Types of industrial robots URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail:edubot_zhang@126.com
12 Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Part4 Palletizing robots Industrial palletizing refers to loading and unloading parts, boxes or other items to or from pallets. Automated palletizing refers to an industrial robot palletizer performing the application automatically. Palletizing robots can be seen in many industries including food processing, manufacturing, and shipping. There is a large variety of robotic palletizers available with a large range of payload and reach. Figure 3-7 FANUC M-410iW
12 Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Part4 Palletizing robots Various end-of-arm-tooling styles allow flexibility of different types of robot palletization. Bag grippers encompass an item and support it on the bottom, while suction and magnetic grippers typically handle more ridged items and grip them from the top. By automating your shop with a palletizing robot, you can increase the consistency of your loading and unloading processes. Figure 3-8 ABB IRB 260
12 Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Part4 Palletizing robots Palletizing robots were introduced in the early 1980s and have an end of arm tool (end effector) to grab the product from a conveyor or layer table and position it onto a pallet. Palletizing robots bring speed, repeatability, and precision at a low cost. With Palletizing robots, pallets are stacked and un-stacked in a systematic neat manner. Figure 3-9 Palletizer using robotics
12 Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Advantages Part4 Palletizing robots Advantages Palletizing robots systems have many advantages: Safety - Palletizing robot applications protect your workers. Robots are able to work in refrigerated and freezer environments. A palletizing robots can handle tasks that cause repetitive back injuries for workers. Robots lift heavy payloads, speeding up production still further.
12 Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Part4 Palletizing robots Flexibility - palletizing robots make it easy to change a product or task. They are quickly reprogrammed to accommodate a wide variety of products and packaging. Interchangeable EOAT options allow robots to handle different materials or switch back and forth between applications. Advanced vision technology can allow used robots to distinguish between parts and palletizing different items. A palletizing robot will not only increase the speed of your line, but will also increase your productivity.
12 Unit 3 Types of industrial robots Vocabulary Part4 Palletizing robots Vocabulary load [loʊd vt.装填; 装满; vi.加载; 装载; 装货; pallet ['pælət] n.货板;简陋小床;调色板 unload [ˌʌnˈloʊd] vt.卸货;倾吐;处理;倾销; shipping ['ʃɪpɪŋ] n. 运送; [船] 船舶; 航运,海运; precision [prɪ'sɪʒn] n.精度 adj.精密的;精确的 stacked [stækt] adj.妖艳的 v.堆放 Un-stacked 拆垛 refrigerated [ri'frɪdʒəretɪd] adj.冷冻的,冷却的 v.冷藏 EOAT 机械手臂末端工具 switch [swɪtʃ] vt.转换 vi.转换;抽打;换防 n.开关;转换;鞭子 vision ['vɪʒən] n.视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力 vt.想象;显现;梦见 technology [tɛkˈnɑlədʒɪ] n.技术;工艺;术语 line [laɪn] n.路线;排;绳 vt.排成一行 vi.排队;站成一排
配套资源 更多资源 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 配套资源 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 教学课件:工业机器人教育网(http://college.irobot-edu.com/videoOnline/vid.aspx?s=47) 习 题:联系edubot_zhang@126.com ← 扫一扫微店购书: 九大系列教材 最新出版上架信息 更多资源 网址:www.irobot-edu.com 邮箱:edubot_zhang@126.com 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育
E-mail : edubot@hitrobotgroup.com 哈工海渡:www.edubot.cn 海渡学院APP 工业机器人 教育网 专业建设 尹老师:138-1284-1806 喻老师:158-5270-3086 培训服务 俞老师:152-5252-1235 郑老师:187-5513-0658 工业机器人技术交流QQ群: 313623823 E-mail : edubot@hitrobotgroup.com 哈工海渡:www.edubot.cn 海渡学院:www.edubotcoll.com 工业机器人教育网:www. Irobot-edu.com 网址:www.irobot-edu.com 邮箱:edubot_zhang@126.com 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育
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