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Presentation transcript:

分詞結構 分詞有現在分詞(V-ing)、過去分詞兩種,以下三種子句可改成分詞結構: 以and連接的對等子句或對等的動詞 She said goodbye and waved her hand. →She said goodbye, waving her hand. 她說再見,同時揮手 because, after/before/when/while/as, although/but, if, as if, until等的副詞子句 If you open to page 52, you will see a picture. → Opening to page 52, you will see a picture. 翻到52頁,你會看到一張圖 關係子句 Jim, who was lying in bed, looked very tired. → Jim, lying in bed, looked very tired. Jim 躺在床上,看起來很累 改成分詞結構要注意: 1.子句中的主詞與主要子句的主詞相同才可以改成如上的分詞結構。 錯誤句子:Driving along the road, a cat suddenly ran out of the bush. 正確句子:He driving along the road, a cat suddenly ran out of the bush. 2. 子句若為主動語態,則用現在分詞;若是被動語態,則用過去分詞。 3. 子句為否定時,將Not 放在分詞結構之前; 子句為完成式時,以Having +過去分詞表示。 4. 連接詞and, but, because不必保留(因為句意很明顯), 但連接詞after/before/when/while/as, since, until,as if 可以保留。

以分詞構句的方式將兩句合併(兩句的主詞相同) 請以語意上較須強調的做為主要句, 較不須強調的改成分詞構句 課本p.178 以分詞構句的方式將兩句合併(兩句的主詞相同) 請以語意上較須強調的做為主要句, 較不須強調的改成分詞構句 1. The turkey had been roasted for almost six hours. It tasted delicious. (Having been) roasted for almost six hours, the turkey tasted delicious. 2. Chili peppers are rich in vitamins. Chili peppers help the body grow and stay healthy. (Being) rich in vitamins, Chili peppers help the body grow and stay healthy. 3. The fast-food industry spends a lot of money on advertising. The fast-food industry aims its advertising mainly at children. Spending a lot of money on advertising, the fast-food industry aims its advertising mainly at children. 4. Scientists work with whales. Scientists have found that whales are intelligent and quite gentle. Working with whales, scientists have found that whales are intelligent and quite gentle. 5. Some scientists tried to find out why people eat what they eat. They made a thorough survey. Trying to find out why people eat what they eat, some scientists made a thorough survey.

以獨立分詞構句的方式將兩句合併(兩句的主詞不相同) 以語意上較須強調的做為主要句, 較不須強調的改成分詞構句(主詞必須保留) 課本p.196 以獨立分詞構句的方式將兩句合併(兩句的主詞不相同) 以語意上較須強調的做為主要句, 較不須強調的改成分詞構句(主詞必須保留) 1. The elevator was out of order. We had to climb up to the 12th floor. The elevator being out of order, we had to climb up the 12th floor. 2. She was crying. Her face was twisted with pain. She was crying, her face twisted with pain. 3. There was no bus service. He took a taxi home. There being no bus service, he took a taxi home. 4. Their general had been killed. The soldiers laid down their weapons and gave in. Their general (having been) killed, the soldiers laid down their weapons and gave in. 5. He lay on the grass. The sun shone brightly on his face. He lay on the grass, the sun shining brightly on his face.

with/without +名詞+分詞片語 課本p.216 做為副詞, 修飾整句用 with/without +名詞+分詞片語 例 With only a handful hair left, she had to buy a wig. 為關係子句簡化而來, 用來修飾前面名詞 (也可為形容詞/副詞/介詞片語) 1. 他雙腿交叉聽著音樂。 He listened to the music _______________________. with his legs crossed 2. 她坐著看電視, 她的狗跟著躺在旁邊。 She sat watching TV, ___________________________ . with her dog lying beside her 3. 滿嘴食物時不要講話。Don’t talk ___________________________ . with your mouth full of food 4. 爺爺嘴裡含著煙斗跟我說話。 Grandpa talked to me ________________________ . with a pipe in his mouth

主詞為物的句子用with + 名詞 + 分詞片語改寫合併 課本p.216 以下題目將主詞為人的句子做為主要句, 主詞為物的句子用with + 名詞 + 分詞片語改寫合併 1. He read the poem. A series of images was created in his mind. He read the poem with a series of images created in his mind. 2. A brush was held in his hand. The painter started painting a beautiful lady. The painter started painting a beautiful lady with a brush held in his hand. 3. A strange sound lingered in his mind. The poet started to write a poem. The poet started to write a poem with a strange sound lingering in his mind. 4. The poet finished the poem. The last line was repeated twice. The poet finished the poem with the last line repeated twice. 5. His harness was attached to a long cord, which was fastened to the bridge. Tim started to go bungee jumping. Tim started to go bungee jumping with his harness attached to a long cord, which was fastened to the bridge.

newspaper at the same time. 1. ( A ) Being 2. ( C ) having seen 3. ( D ) accompanied 4. ( B ) following 5. ( A ) pulling 圈出正確答案: She sat by the fire, ( listen / listened / listening ) to the music, and read the newspaper at the same time. She sat by the fire ( listen / listened / listening ) to the music. She sat by the fire ( listen / listened / listening ) to the music and read the newspaper at the same time. 1. telling us 2. The examination being over 3. Frightened by the news / saying nothing 4. Hoping to go to university / preparing for exam 5. with her eyes fixed on the book / Feeling more and more tired listening to the wind