This Is English 3 双向视频文稿.


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Presentation transcript:

This Is English 3 双向视频文稿

Outline of the lecture: Introducing the structure of English lessons in our school; Learning methods (in Chinese). Answering some FAQs (frequently asked questions) of the students; Sending information of final exam; Focus learning.

Section 1: Structure of public English: Basic English; English as the compulsory courses (use the course book of This is English 1, 2, 3, 4); English tutorship for Network Unitive Exam. Degree English.

Section 2:学习方法辅导& 素质教育 当我们意识到有必要学会英语,并且下决心去攻克这个难关时, 我们就一定要—英语学习六法:    

1、投资我们的时间和心智。   我们并不傻,有足够的智慧和大脑空间来消化储存那些ABCD。别人能学会,我们也能学会,只要我们善于投资自己的时间。上帝赋于我们每日24小时,上班8小时,睡觉7小时,三餐饭2小时,莫名其妙kill2小时,无论如何应有1小时来学习。越忙的人,越有时间做事;越闲越懒散的人,越找不到时间来做事。

2、要从心底滋生出一种对英语的喜爱之情。   把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。因此,先要从简单的入手,找一本好教材或一本故事书(生词量不超过30%)悉心研读,默识揣摸,就会有收获感,尝到甜头,进而信心更足。如开始就啃一本词汇量太大,没有词典看不下去的书,只会扼杀学习兴趣,降低情绪,最终放弃。

3、要有自我约束力 “春来不是读书天,夏日炎炎正好眠,秋来蚊虫冬又冷,背起书包待明年。”总有一些理由不学习。这样下去,我们的英语之树永远长不大。古人云:“人静而后安,安而能后定,定而能后慧,慧而能后悟,悟而能后得。”很有道理。在四川大足佛教石刻艺术中,有一组大型佛雕《牧牛图》,描绘了一个牧童和牛由斗争、对抗到逐渐融合、协调,最后合而为一的故事。佛祖说:“人的心魔难伏,就象牛一样,私心杂念太多太多;修行者就要象牧童,修炼他们,驯服他们,以完美自已的人生。”我们学英语也一样,要能够驯服那些影响我们学习的大牛、小牛,抵制各种诱惑,集中精力,专心学习。   

4、要有信心。 英语不过是表达思想的一种工具、一种说话习惯而已。我们要坚信,只要有投入,有付出,就会有收获。绝不会“付出的爱收不回。”

 5、要有实际行动。 一个真正的马拉松运动员绝不会空等奥林匹克金牌从天下掉下来,现在就行动起来。

6、要有连续性、持续性。 学英语是一个漫长的过程,走走停停便难有成就。比如烧开水,在烧到80度时停下来,等水冷了又烧,没烧开又停,如此周而复始,又费精力又费电,很难喝到水。学英语要一鼓作气。天天坚持,在完全忘记之前及时复习、加深印象,如此反复,直至形成永久性记忆。如果等到忘记了再来复习,就象又学新知识一样,那么,我们就永远是初学者,虽然在辛辛苦苦地烧开水,却难品味到其甘润。

Section 3: Questions listed: How can I speak English better? How can I express myself better in English? How can I listen and understand English better? How can I improve? What is it I need to do? How can I remember English words easily? (20 min of free talk with the students)

This means taking responsibility for your own learning This means taking responsibility for your own learning . What happens during the time between your English classes is very important. You must dedicate a sufficient amount of time to study between each lesson. Seven tips are given as the following:

1. Read to increase your vocabulary. This does not mean to study long vocabulary lists. You need to build and maintain a personal Lexicon. You need to learn words that will be useful to you and are part of your environment. Start building your lexical notebook by finding something to read. Read what is good for you. If you come across too many words and expressions that you don’t recognize, it might be a good idea to find something less challenging or you might get discouraged.

2. You should read each page 4 times. Read the whole page; Underline the words you don’t know; Guess what the word means; Look up the word in the dictionary and find a synonym.

3. Put the new words in your lexicon and write a sentence with the new word in your own words.

4. Listen to the radio , TV and the best DVD with English subtitles ( you can play this over and over again—at least 4 times)

5. Pay attention to what you hear wherever you’re. At the train station, on the bus, at the airport, in a supermarket or shopping mall and where you can hear others speak. Take note of what you hear. Find our later what it means.

6. Find people to converse with. Don’t be afraid to speak. Ask questions if you don’t know what it means.

7. English is not your first language, but there is no reason why it cannot be your language. Get a notebook and get something to read.

Section 4:Information on the final (question type) 部分 题型 题量 分值 总分数 一、交际用语 选择题 5 (1-5) 2 10 二、词汇与结构 15 (6-20)   1 15 三、完型填空题 10(21―30) 20 四、阅读理解       选择题    (三篇文章) 15 (31-45) 10  正误判断题 (一篇文章) 5 (46-50) 五、写作 80词短文 

Section 5: 考试重点 Grammar:教材中每个单元红方块中的重点内容; 习题:Unit 6, 12, 18 模拟练习:2906课程代码课程II(1) 主页进入“题海捞针”栏目 点击“全部” 进入“考前模拟”

Thank You For Your Time