Beyond myself, realize my dream!


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond myself, realize my dream! Review of Unit 1 Grade 8A 新目标英语八年级上册 (综合训练课) 改编者:赣县二中 余先香 Beyond myself, realize my dream! 超越自我,实现梦想!

I.Words 22 points

Say the words as quickly as possible! n. 互联网,英特网 n. 节目,项目; 程序;编程 Internet programme (Am. program) coffee Coke chocolate n. 咖啡 n. 可口可乐 n. 巧克力 n. 健康;卫生 n. 习惯,习性 n. 爷爷;外公 n. 不同 health habit grandpa difference

Say the words as quickly as possible! v. 保持;保存;继续不断; 培养,饲养(不规则动词) v. 试,试图,努力 modal v. 必须,应当;必定是 a. 不同的;有区别的 a. 积极的,自动的 ad.可能,大概,也许 ad.两次,两倍 ad.几乎不 ad.曾经;无论何时 conj. 虽然,尽管 keep (keep, kept, kept) try must different active maybe twice hardly ever although

exercise once surf result milk drink same for about as n. 锻炼,做操;练习,习题 v. 锻炼 n. & adj. 一次,一度,从前 conj. 一旦 once surf n. 海浪,拍岸浪 v. 冲浪 vi. 作冲浪运动 n. 结果,效果 v. 结果,导致 result milk n. 牛奶 v. 挤奶 n. 饮料;喝酒 v. 喝,饮 drink same n. 同样的事 a. 同样的,同一的 conj. 因为,由于 prep. 为了 ad. 大约;到处 prep. 关于;在四处 for about ad. & conj. 像……一样;如同;因为 prep. 作为,当作 as

II. Phrases 8 points

当然 多久一次 至于 照顾 多少(+c.) 大量 of course how many how often look after Phrase competition 词组秒杀 当然 多久一次 至于 of course how many how often look after a lot of as for 照顾 多少(+c.) 大量

Phrases of Unit 1 多少(+ c.) 多久一次 how many 照 顾 how often 大 量 look after 照 顾 大 量 至 于 当 然 how many how often look after a lot of as for of course

A. Translation Memorary Challenge What is the title of unit 1? 1.【翻译】: 4’ × 2 = 8’ A. Translation Memorary Challenge What is the title of unit 1? 1.【翻译】: How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次? 2.【翻译】 : 好的食物和锻炼帮助照顾我们的健康。 Good food and exercise help to look after our health.

学习即娱乐 Let’s play games!

大家来找碴 I B. 1. He maybe in the office. Maybe he is in the office. 【考点】: 1. 在may be中,may是_________,be是_________,两者构成完整的谓语形式,意为“也许是、可能是”。 2. _______是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,相当于词________,常位于句____。 情态动词 动词原形 maybe 首 perhaps

大家来找碴 II 2. Although she was ill, but she went to school. 【小结】:_______________________________。 but和although势不两立 + the 3. Her lifestyle is not same as her father’s, so they can’t live together. 【小结】:_______________________________; _______________________________。 1. the same as, “the”必不可少 2. 反义词组,be different from 4. People know that he was working hardly on this math question. hard 【小结】:_______________________________; _______________________________。 1. hard adv. 努力地,强烈的 2. hardly adv. 几乎不

C. 根据中文提示或首字母填空。 2’ × 6 = 12’ I think Lu Ziming’s lifestyle is d________ from others’. He always surfs the Internet on weekends, but he hardly ever e________. He eats vegetables (一天一次)____________ , but he never eats fruit or drinks milk. And he loves c________ and drinks it three or four times a week. Although he has some good (习惯)_______, that is—he sleeps for nine hours every night, we all think he needs try harder to keep h_______. ifferent xercises once a day offee habits ealthy

III. Key sentences Q: What does Lu Ziming do on weekends? 5’ × 4 = 20’ III. Key sentences Q: What does Lu Ziming do on weekends? A: He always surfs the Internet. Q: How often does he eat vegetables? A: Once a day.

How的句型,你来总结 how many how much how old how far how long how long 多少(可数名词) 多少(不可数名词) 多大(岁数) 多远(距离) 多少时间(多久) 多长(长度) 多久(频率) 多快(时间) how many how much how old how far how long how long how often how soon

用How句型来填空: How _____ have they been here? 2’ × 5 = 10’ 用How句型来填空: How _____ have they been here? How _____ hours did you sleep last night? --How _____ will he be back? --In three days. How _____ is it from Bocai to Wuqiang? How _____ is CPPCC(中国政协会议) held? long many soon far often

1. 图表阅读 5 points 2. 完成对话 20 points 3. 语段写作 25 points IV. Exam time 。 1. 图表阅读 5 points 2. 完成对话 20 points 3. 语段写作 25 points

图表技能 图表题 5’ ( ) What do you know from the graph(图表) below? 图表技能 图表题 5’ ( ) What do you know from the graph(图表) below? A. The students in Grade 9 spend less time on their homework. B. As they grow older, students have more time to play sports after school. C. The students in Grade 7 and 8 spend more time in sleeping than those in Grade 9.

Complete the conversation. 4’ × 5 = 20’ A: Hi, Paul, long time no see! B: Hello, Tara. _________________________________? A: Pretty good. And you look great, too! ___________________ these days? B: On weekends, I often surf the Internet, go swimming and play table tennis. What about you? A: Wow, I am a lazy bone. Most of the time, I just stay at home and watch TV. B: Really? ______________________________? A: I love Animal World. We can learn a lot from it. B: So do I. _______________________________? A: I watch the program four times a week. B: Oh, that’s too much. You should do more exercise. A: You are right. Thanks for your advice. B: ___________________. How’s it going?/ How’s everything? What do you do What’s your favorite program How often do you watch it You are welcome.

写作技能 作文 2012年 长沙考卷(样卷) 近年来,各种各样的课外补习培训占据中小学生 大部分的课余时间。请用英语就该现象谈谈你的 看法。 写作技能 作文 2012年 长沙考卷(样卷) 近年来,各种各样的课外补习培训占据中小学生 大部分的课余时间。请用英语就该现象谈谈你的 看法。 要求: (1)内容包括: ① 目前长沙中小学生课余活动的现状。 ② 谈谈怎样才能丰富课余生活。 (2)字数:60—80词。 (3)短文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校名和地名。

How to write this passage ? ① 目前长沙中小学生课余活动的现状。 1. What tenses can I use? 2. How to write the beginning? Students in Changsha are getting busier. The teachers always give them too much homework. And besides, the students are taken by their parents from one class to another. They are really stressed out. ② 谈谈怎样才能丰富课余生活。 3. How to write the second part? 4. The ending is ________________. We do hope that the teachers and parents can provide the students with more space and free time. Because only in this way, they can grow up happily and healthily.

Write down the middle part! 5’ × 5 = 25’ Write down the middle part! Students in Changsha are getting busier. The teachers always give them too much homework. And besides, the students are taken by their parents from one class to another. They are really stressed out. What should we do to make our after-school activities interesting?... We do hope that the teachers and parents can provide the students with more free space and time. Because only in this way, they can grow up happily and healthily.

Congratulations Your final score: _____________

革命尚未成功,回家继续努力 Homework: 1.明天测试Unit 1单词; 2.《全效》第5课时 P27 A组:2,3,6,11,12,14,17-23,35-38 B组:完型填空