全品 中考复习方案 英语分册 制作人:朱琨珂.


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Presentation transcript:

全品 中考复习方案 英语分册 制作人:朱琨珂

第二部 专题Ⅱ词汇 ㈠ 名词 考点揭密 典型例题解析 课时训练

考点揭密 1.掌握名词的概念、分类,名词可分为:普通名词和专有名词; 2.掌握名词复数的构成、用法;名词所有格的构成方法及用法; 3.理解名词在句中的功能,掌握名词作主语、表语、宾语、复合宾语、定语、状语和同位语的用法; 4.能够辨析部分名词的用法区别,并熟练运用,如:family,home,house;work,job等

典型例题解析 B C A B C 【例1】Today is September 10th.It's_____Day.[2003,天津] A.Teachers B.Teachers' C.the Teachers' D.Teacher's 【例2】 I'm afraid that there is no_________ for you in my car,because there are already five people.[2003,山西] A.land B.ground C.room D.floor   C 【例3】 These Germans want to have some_________for supper,so they decide to catch______now.[2003,天津] A.fish,many B.fishes,much C.fish,much D.fishes,many A 【例4】 I am thirsty.Would you bring me_________,please? [2003,广东] A.some bread B.some water C.some cakes D.some eggs B C 【例5】 Some_________are flying kites near the river. [2003,长沙] A.child B.boy C.boys D.childs

课时训练 Ⅰ.将下列词组译成英语 1.三双鞋 ________________________ there pairs of shoes 1.三双鞋 ________________________ 2.二十个女教师 ___________________________ 3.两瓶橘汁 ___________________________ 4.Tom父亲的一个朋友 _____________________ 5.少年宫 ________________________ there pairs of shoes twenty women teachers two bottles of orange juice a friend of Tom's father's the Children's Palace

课时训练 A A D A B 1.The rich_________not always happy. A.are B.is C.have D.has 2.In Britain,_________are all painted red. A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter box D.letters box 3.There are four_______and two________in the group. A.Japanese,Germen B.Japaneses,Germen C.Japanese,German D.Japanese,Germans 4.She was born in Wuhan,but Beijing has become her second_________. A.home B.family C.house D.country 5.Mother brought me_________. A.a good news B.a piece of news C.many good news D.two news A A D A B

课时训练 6.March 8th is _________Day. (B) A.Woman's B.Women's C.Womans' D.Women 7.We can do the work better with______money and ________ people. A.less,fewer B.fewer,less C.little,little D.few, few 8.There are three_________in our class. A.Zhou's B.Zhous C.Zhous' D.Zhous's 9.It's about ten_________walk. A.minute's B.minutes' C.minute D.minutes 10.This room is_________. A.Bill and David's B.Bill's and David's C.Bills and David's D.Bill and David (B) (A) (B) (B) (A)

课时训练 B 11.Beijing is one of the most beautiful_________in China. A.city B.cities C.citys D.the cities 12.Would you like_________? A.some more meat B.any more meat C.many more meat D.more much meat 13.—What can I do for you, sir? —I'd like two_________. A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks 14.Tom's car is more beautiful than_________. A.his brother's and sister B.his brother and sister C.his brothers and sisters D.his brother's and sister's 15.“Nightingal Prize”is for_________. A.workers B.scientists C.doctors D.nurses A C D D

See you next time!