陳英輝 教授/院長 From Flipped Classroom to MOOCs—Using Technology


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Presentation transcript:

陳英輝 教授/院長 From Flipped Classroom to MOOCs—Using Technology to Reinvent Education 陳英輝 教授/院長 人文社會學院 亞洲大學

Watch Jay Walker TED Talk: “The world’s English learning mania” at YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpILR21GWao Watch Salman Khan TED Talk: “Let’s use video to reinvent education” at YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTFEUsudhfs

What’s the Flipped Classroom? A form of blended learning in which students learn content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework is now done in class with teachers and students discussing and solving questions more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing.—Wikipedia

What’s the Flipped Classroom? (con.) “Flip Your Minds before Flipping Your Classrooms” This is the idea that teachers shoot videos of their lessons, then make them available online for students to view at home. Class time is then devoted to problem solving—with the teacher acting as a guide.

Flipped classroom 的二大特點 翻轉教學(flipped teaching)、 翻轉學習(flipped learning)、 反轉課堂(inverted classroom) 1.上課前,教師將自錄的教材(或現成素 材 )上傳或連結到學習平台(Moodle),學生在平台上「自主學習」並記錄學習遭遇的問題。 2.上課時,教師回應學生自 學時遭遇的問題,進行討論為主的合作學習或個別指導。

Flipped classroom 預期成效 From「教師為中心」講授式教學 To「學生為中心」學習式教學 利用數位科技提升學習動機與成效 提升中高階認知能力: 應用、分析、評鑑、創造力 提升「就業力」,激發批判思考、創意、問題解決、社交合作與實作創新

學生獨立吸收知識,對於不自行上網瀏覽之學生,如何讓他們看影片? 如何激發學習動機? 翻轉課程的挑戰 學生獨立吸收知識,對於不自行上網瀏覽之學生,如何讓他們看影片? 如何激發學習動機? 教師要問自己:課堂上最有意義的活動是甚麼?如何促進中高階思考力?如何提升學習成效? 9/18

Peter Pappas : 翻轉課程的迷思與真義 數位學習無國界] 翻轉課堂(Flipped Classroom) 的迷思與真義 ※轉載自"數位學習無國界"部落格,作者Jessie為美 國Classroom Aid Inc. 公司創辦人之一,文章以CC BY-SA開放授權分享,轉載時請標註相同授權方式。 ※原文網址: http://chinese.classroom- aid.com/2012/10/flipped-classroom.html 翻轉教室不是要取代老師,不是以看影片取代做作業,而是要讓課堂時間更有生產力,也重新定義老師與學生角色 翻轉教室不止於在家看影片,而是鼓勵學生自主探索(inquiry) 與合作(collaboration), 建立同儕互動學習 教師課堂上有更大自由度,可以觀察學生應用知識的能力, 視情況給學生差異化的協助, 教室主角從教師變成學生,教師是幕後的"導演” 10/18

翻轉課程的挑戰與回應 學習影片盡量製成小單元短片, 搭配練習題, 問答,或同儕互動學習 選擇12分內就能講解完畢之主題 不要每堂課都翻轉 學習影片盡量製成小單元短片, 搭配練習題, 問答,或同儕互動學習 flipping 也可作為課前評估的活動 教師不一定要自製教學影片, 善用網路影片資源? 其他支持學習的資源? (例如網站或工具) 學生可以收集, 錄製教學影片 清楚規劃好課前、課中、課後之討論與活動 柯慧貞-翻轉教學

What’s the Flipped Classroom? (con.) “Flip Your Minds before Flipping Your Classrooms” How many teachers could morph into video producers? Why not let your students curate the video lessons from existing content on the web? Flipping the class as a great opportunity to engage students in taking more responsibility for their learning. In a student-centered and student-engaged learning process, we can expect more personalized learning, and different needs can be achieved.

What’s the Flipped Classroom? (con.) “To Flip or not to Flip Your Classrooms” The flipped classroom provides avenues for teachers to become facilitators of learning and move way from the sage on the stage approach to teaching. The foundational concepts of instructors guiding students or facilitating their progress are based on the idea that the instructor is no longer at the center of the interaction and application of knowledge.

What’s the Flipped Classroom? (con.) The inversion: traditional vs. flipped classroom (T)Teacher’s role: Sage on the stage (F)Teacher’s role: Guide on the side The (F) model: Students watch lectures at home at their own pace, communicating with peers and teachers via online discussions. Concept engagement takes place in the classroom with the help of the instructor.

What’s the Flipped Classroom? (con.) The inversion: traditional vs. flipped classroom A theoretical framework: Educational technology and activity learning are two key components of the flipped classroom model. They both influence students learning environments in fundamental ways: Educational technology + Learning through Activity

What are MOOCs? Watch Tal Ben Shahar 哈佛幸福學 at YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTfcL47B-xo Watch Michael Sandal Justice at YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBdfcR-8hEY&list=PL30C13C91CFFEFEA6

What are MOOCs? (con.) MOOCS: Massive Open Online Courses Watch “What is MOOC Video” at MOOCs: Top 10 Sites fro Free Education with Elite Universities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW3gMGqcZQc

What are MOOCs? (con.) MOOCS Brand Names Khan Academy (可汗學院) EdX (MIT), Udacity (Stanford), Coursera (Stanford & Harvard) 均一教育平台(Junyi Academy)


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