肉肉学语 By Hero.


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Presentation transcript:

肉肉学语 By Hero

About me 上海洛基英语优秀讲师 教学组经理 个人简介 朱培璟Hero About me 上海洛基英语优秀讲师 教学组经理 曾就读于英国伦敦政治经济学院LSE 高分通过IELTS雅思考试,听说双料8分 21世纪杯全国英语演讲大赛江苏省特等奖 上海国际辩论公开赛quarter-finalist,best debater 曾多次担任重要赛事,会议口译 上海商学院管理学院雅思培训师 语音标准,擅长口语塑造,江湖人称“纠音王子” 代表课程:《带着英语去旅行》 《了解世界美食,做有文化吃货》 《妙语连朱》

青春杯第二季 之穿越课堂

如何打卡 6月12日-7月12日:扫一扫下方二维码,关注“洛基校园”服务号,点击右下角的“打卡”即可参加。6月8日-6月11日 我们会开放打卡体验版,期间打卡数据会于6月12日00:00清除。6月12日后打卡记录永久保存。同学们每天参加 【单词】【听力】【语法】【发音】中任一一项训练即可(也可全部参加),打卡系统会记录同学们的训练。 每日在平台打卡训练,可以在【单词】【听力】【语法】【发音】四个方面任选其一,学有余力的同学可以进行 多项训练。同时在8606会有围绕训练题目开展的现场海选赛,对自己打卡训练较为满意的学员,欢迎参加8606海 选赛。有机会入选于7月12日“青春杯总决赛”的学员,将进入“洛基优秀学员榜”并颁发证书。

青春杯第二季:海选预告 单词王: 听力王: 发音王: 海选(6.12-6.25):参加【8606单词王海选现场】,拿到“单词王海选pass卡”的学员进入复赛。无法参加海选现场的学员, 会由任课老师提供答题试卷,直接发送指定邮箱即可。详细说明请参考班级群文件的《青春杯第二季:海选细则》文档。 复选赛(6.26-6.30):暂不公开。 听力王: 海选(6.12-6.25):学员通过参加8606“听力王海选现场”可以拿到“听力王海选pass卡”。详细说明请参考班级群文件的 《青春杯第二季:海选细则》文档。 发音王: 海选(6.12-6.25):学员通过参加8606“发音王海选现场”可以拿到“发音王海选pass卡”。详细说明请参考班级群文件的 《青春杯第二季:海选细则》文档。


如果对于海选有疑问怎么办? 同学们如果对于海选或打卡活动有任何的疑问,可以添 加“青春杯第二季”海选咨询群(QQ群号:579068045), 群里会有老师及学生会出面解答。

I'd like a pair of sports shoes Can I help you?   我能帮你什么忙? I'd like a pair of sports shoes. 我想看看运动鞋 Well, we have all kinds of sports shoes. Could you tell me what kind of sport you usually do?     我们有各种各样的运动鞋,你能告诉我,你经常做哪种运动吗? I just like jogging. 我喜欢慢跑 OK, then you can buy a pair of jogging shoes. Here are jogging shoes. Which pair do you like best?  好的,你可以买一双慢跑的鞋子,这些就是跑鞋,你最喜欢哪一双? Er...,that blue pair. I need size 43,please. 嗯……蓝色的那双。给我拿43号的 Here you are. You can try them on.  给你。 你可以试穿一下 Very comfortable. I'll take them. 很舒服,我就买这双。 I'd like a pair of sports shoes

Hilary You know, you know, we started this great effort on a sunny July morning in Pinders Corner on Pat and Liz Moynihan's beautiful farm and 62 counties, 16 months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 black pantsuits later, because of you, here we are.            You came out and said that issues and ideals matter. Jobs matter, downstate and upstate. Health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, Social Security matters, a woman's right to choose matters. It all matters and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, New York!           Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you.

Verizon Something amazing is happening at Verizon Wireless that will change the way America talks Something big , something bald ,something new.....Nice! Introducing Nationwide Unlimited Talk from Verizon wireless. Now$30 less than ever before on America's largest and most reliable wireless network Now buy one Samsung Intensity and get one free

The Introduction of Beijing Beijing is not only the capital of China, it is a world-class international city! Beijing is the thriving center of government and culture. Historical sights such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall make a trip to Beijing unforgettable. The best of old and new China can be found side by side in what is truly the heart of China. A trip to China is incomplete without a visit to Beijing’s many attractions.

See You Next Time ! Wechat : hero-is-handsome