—Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 词汇学习课例


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—Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 词汇学习课例 课例研究 合理挖掘教材,有效落实词汇 —Module 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 词汇学习课例 瑞安市第五中学 蔡秀盈 2009.11.5

“要钻研教材、挖掘教材,落实文本,学习与话题有关的语言;词汇复习要体现层次性和有效性。” ---郑秋秋 课例研究前 “要钻研教材、挖掘教材,落实文本,学习与话题有关的语言;词汇复习要体现层次性和有效性。” ---郑秋秋 困惑与思考?

课例研究前 困惑? 什么是课例? 课例怎么写? 思考? 挖掘教材和落实文本? 层次性和有效性?

潘云梅老师 瑞安市级公开课课题: M1 U5 Nelson Mandela Reading Ⅱ (阅读中的词汇处理) 课例研究前 启发 潘云梅老师 瑞安市级公开课课题: M1 U5 Nelson Mandela Reading Ⅱ (阅读中的词汇处理)

一节词汇学习课 课例研究中 该教哪些词汇? 如何体现层次性? 如何教才算有效? 课例课题 合理挖掘教材,有效落实词汇 课例课题 合理挖掘教材,有效落实词汇 -M1 U5 Nelson Mandela Period Ⅲ 词汇学习

教学设计 【设计思想】 立足《新课标》,依托教材文本,利用语境理论,进行课堂词汇分层学习和有效教学。 “输入(input)—处理(processing)—输出(output)-再输入(input)”

教学设计 【学习目标】 【核心重点词汇】 active;devote;equal;peaceful; turn to;blow up 基于高考、《新课标》、结合ReadingⅠ和ReadingⅡ的两个课时内容及学生实际

教学设计 【教材分析&处理意图】 教材 --- 英英释义题、构词法表格填空题、选词完成文章练习题 补充 --- 增加练习题型,创设语境 感知-理解-归纳-运用

教学设计 【重点难点】 准确理解词义和归纳词汇用法 利用新的语境准确运用所学词汇

教学设计 【教学过程 】 Step1: Lead in 谈论曼德拉的事迹和由此所体现出来的品质 The quality of a life is determined by its activities. — Aristotle, Nicomachean  Ethics 谈论曼德拉的事迹和由此所体现出来的品质 设计意图:抓住中心词汇quality,了解曼德拉伟大一生,初步理解部分词汇, 为下一步词汇学习作铺垫。

教学设计 【教学过程 】 Step2: Vocabulary Learning Read and match the definition of the bold words. 设计意图:从quality一词入手,通过例句输入方式,可提供一定的语境,有助于学生的准确理解和把握词义,也有助于学生的记忆。

教学设计 【教学过程 】 active 1. Mandela was _________ in fighting for black people and was in prison for almost thirty years. 2. Mandela ________ all his life to making black and white people _________ or get the same rights in order to own a ________ world. devoted equal peaceful 设计意图:依托教材文本内容,加深对伟人曼德拉的复习和巩固,同时又为重点词汇进一步学习做好铺垫。

△be active in (doing) sth. △active adj . 积极的,活跃的--- ________ adv. --- _________ n. 活动 actively activity Choose the right form of the word “active” to complete the following sentences: ◇When Mandela was in prison, his people rescued him from prison_________. ◇Black people had different ________ to celebrate his being out of prison. actively activities

Make sentences with “be active in”

devote vt.献身;专心于 --- ______ adj. 忠诚, 挚爱的--- __________ n.献身;忠心;挚爱 *devote time/ oneself / one’s life/ to (doing) sth. 致力于, 献身于… devoted devotion Translation: 1. 他们花了一大笔钱来改善火车站的条件。 They devoted a great deal of money to the improvement of the railway station. 2. 毕业之后他参加了部队,献身于保卫祖国。 After he graduated, he joined the army and devoted himself to making his motherland safe. Make sentences with “devote…to”

Choose the right word: ◇ Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _______ importance are skills. (2006,天津高考, 单项)        A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper ◇ At first, everyone on the team got 38 playing time. Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all its games, and the pressure started. Some parents, who had paid the coach extra so their daughters could have private one-on-one training…… (2004北京高考,完形填空) 38. A. great B. equal C. right D. extra peaceful adj.和平的--- _______ adv. --- _______ n. 和平 ◇The zoo worker wanted to show people that dogs and leopards can live in peace. peacefully peace

B. I have to stop at the gas station to blow up my front tires. Although the situation was so unfair, Mandela wasn’t willing to give it up. In order to achieve the dream, they had to choose to ______the laws with ________ when the peaceful way was not allowed. As a matter of fact (in fact), Elias helped him blow up some government buildings. attack violence Which “blow up” in the following sentence has the similar meaning to the sentence above? The German army tried to blow up all the bridges to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany. B. I have to stop at the gas station to blow up my front tires. C. I’d like 8 by 10 blow ups of these negatives(底片), please. D. I really blew up when I learned that my girlfriend was going out with another man." 爆炸;炸毁 吹气;打气 放大 发脾气或发火

blow up give up set up come up put up 词组串烧 blow up give up set up come up put up 1. During their journey down the Mekong Wang Kun and Wang Wei ________ tents in the Tibetan mountains. 2. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _________ some schools for poor children. 3. Wilson dare not _______ the balloon, because he is afraid that he may _______ the balloon. 4. I can hear our headmaster is ___________. 5. When you are in trouble, don’t easily _________. put up setting up blow up blow up coming up give up

教学设计 【教学过程 】 设计意图:1、学习是认知结构的组织、再组织。因此,将新词汇与认知结构中已有的词汇建立联系,使知识结构系统化,是提高词汇学习效率的有效途径。2、针对考纲,对重点词汇加以重点讲,重点练,达到词汇的有效落实。

Replace the underlined words devoted “During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people, I have fought against white domination(统治), and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic(民 主的)and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with the same opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if it needs be it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” in peace equal I do not think there is any other quality so essential(必要的;不可缺少的) to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. ---John D. Rockefeller

stage found unfair active equal devote…to as a matter of fact The concert at Radio City Music Hall drew thousands of Nelson Mandela supporters and Pop stars and actors took an ______ part in it as well. Among them: Morgan Freeman, Steve Wonder and French first lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy, a model and singer who was on ______for the first time since marrying French President last year. _________________,Mr. Mandela, who is unable to travel, did not attend any of the events. But he sent the message "Our struggle for freedom and justice was a collective effort. Mandela Day is no different.” Choose the words to fill gaps (use proper form) active stage As a matter of fact

stage found unfair active equal devote…to as a matter of fact It is our hope that people will _______their time and effort ______improving the conditions within their own community," he said. The event is co-sponsored (联合发起)by Mr. Mandela‘s AIDS organization “46664” which is __________in 2002, the name from Mr. Mandela’s prison number during his 27-year in prison. The number is used to call attention to finding solutions to critical social issues such as HIV/AIDS and the _____ social phenomena(现象) such as poverty, women’s no________ treatment and the lack of education. devote to founded unfair equal A great man is always ________ to be little. ---R. W. Emerson willing

Introduction of Mandela devote…to; be active in; equal; generous; lawyer; hopeful; attack; selfless; be willing to; unfair; Youth League; stage; found; guidance; legal; peaceful; fee; vote; violence; as a matter of fact; in trouble; turn to; out of work; blow up; mankind…

教学设计 “自主、合作、参与” 【意图 】 重点、难点词汇采用看图造句、翻译题(中译英、英译中)、填空题、高考链接选择题、词语替换、选词填空、图片描写、谚语和名人名言等不同形式来学习和达到有效落实 重点知识重点练、重点知识循环练 -瑞安中学 吴志

B. Wenchuang earthquake Practice A. The founding of PRC B. Wenchuang earthquake C. 7.15 Event in Xinjiang D. 60th Anniversary Celebration

课例研究后 【反思 】 教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励,唤醒和鼓舞。 ---第斯多惠 词汇学习的层次性和有效性的真正落实在于大家的共同探讨和努力!

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