第十章  企業倫理問題之解決 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策.


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Presentation transcript:

第十章  企業倫理問題之解決 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

本章內容簡介 兩類型的倫理問題及兩種解決問題的方法 說明決疑法(Casuistry)的定義及用法 介紹解決衝突問題的方法 Gilbane Gold個案討論 利益衝突的種類與對策 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

企業倫理分析架構 第一階段 道德問題的思考架構 第二階段 道德問題的分析架構 第三階段 道德問題的決策架構 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

道德問題的思考架構 個人道德觀 一般道德觀 公司倫理守則 倫理敏感度 經驗 疑問 問題 事件 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策 Team development is a dynamic, ongoing process that can be broken into five stages: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The first stage, forming, is characterized by uncertainty about the team’s purpose, structure, and leadership. This stage is when members begin to think of themselves as a team. The storming stage involves intragroup conflict over individual roles and leadership. This stage is complete when there is relatively clear leadership within the team. In the norming stage, close relationships and group cohesiveness develop. This stage is complete when the team’s structure solidifies and members have accepted group norms that pertain to workplace behavior. In the fourth stage, performing, the structure is fully functional and accepted by all team members. For permanent teams, performing is the last stage. For temporary teams, though, the final stage is adjourning, and the team wraps-up activities and prepares to disband. 疑問 問題 事件 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

道德問題的分析架構 攸關的事實 攸關的概念 概念的應用 問題 決定 非攸關的事實 非攸關的概念 進一步分析 Feedback 回饋 Everything that a manager does involves communication. Once a decision is made, for example, it must be communicated. The best idea, suggestion, or plan cannot take form without communication. For meaning to be transferred and understood, a sender must transmit a message and a receiver must understand the message. Before communication can occur, a sender must have a purpose (message). This message is converted to symbolic form (encoding) and is passed from the sender to a receiver via some medium (channel). The receiver translates the message (decoding) and the result is the transfer of meaning from one person to another. The feedback loop completes this process. The communication process is a seven-part model: (1) the communication source, (2) the message, (3) encoding, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, and (7) feedback. The source is the sender who converts (encodes) a thought or message into symbolic form. The message is the physical product from the source coding. The channel is the medium through which the message travels. The message is directed to a receiver. But, the message must be translated (decoded) into a form that the receiver can understand. Then, the receiver provides feedback to the sender that indicates whether the intended message was received. This entire process is susceptible to noise, that is, disturbances that interfere with the transmission of the message. 進一步分析 Feedback 回饋 Prentice Hall, 2001 Chapter 12

倫理問題決策 進一步分析 決策方法 執行與評估 劃定界限的問題 衝突的問題 決疑法 容易的決定 有創意的中間路線 困難的決定 回饋 In Stage I (passive response), managers move into the global market by exporting products to foreign countries. This is a passive, low-risk step because managers make no serious effort to tap foreign markets. Rather, the organization fills foreign orders only when it gets them. In Stage II (initial overt entry), manages commit to either selling products overseas or having them made in foreign factories. Yet, there are still no company employees outside of the company’s home country. Stage III (established international operations) represents a strong commitment by managers to pursue international markets aggressively. They can license or franchise to another firm the right to use the organization’s brand name, technology, or product specifications. Joint ventures involve larger commitments; a domestic and a foreign firm share the cost of developing new products or building production facilities. These are called strategic alliances—partnerships which provide a fast cost-effective way for companies to compete globally. Prentice Hall, 2001 Chapter 2

劃定界限的倫理問題(line-drawing problems) 或對錯分明的問題(即灰色地帶的倫理問題)。 例子 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

決疑法 定義:對特定個案作正確道德行動評估的一種方法,方法是將這個案與參照個案比較後決定之。 正的典範案例 負的典範案例 正的典範案例   負的典範案例   C+ C1 C2 C3 C4  C- 例子:偷竊 例子:賄賂 例子:收禮 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

解決衝決的倫理問題 容易的決定 創意的中間路線(creative middle way) 困難的決定 Gilbane Gold個案討論 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

利益衝突(conflict of interests) 定義:兩種或兩種以上的合法利益,不能同時得到而不違反正當的道德責任或良心時。 舉例 分類:實際的利益衝突;潛在的利益衝突;表面的利益衝突 表面的影響和合理化的自我掩飾 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策

個案討論 聯合公司 渡假小屋 李春旺2002 倫理問題決策