Unit 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1

Unit 1 Dream homes Speak up & Study skills

Talking about homes in pairs. Revision Talking about homes in pairs. S1:Is Neil’s house the same as yours? S2:… S1:Does Neil have his own bedroom? S1: What place do you like best in your home?

message n. 消息, 音信 receive a lot of messages

Can I take a message? take a message 捎个口信

Can you ask him to call me back? call sb. back 给某人回电话

Read aloud these new words may v. 可以; 也许, 可能 message n. 消息, 音信 take a message 传个话, 捎个口信 call sb. back 回电话 double adj. 双的; 两倍的

Speak up Listen and answer. 1. Where is Simon calling from? 2. Is Daniel at home? 3. What is Simon’s new telephone number? He is calling from his new home. No, he isn’t. It’s 5557 2188.

Work in pairs to make a phone call. Use the conversation as a model.

Explanation 英语打电话用语: May I speak to sb., please? 我可以和某人通电话吗? This is sb.. / This is sb. speaking. / Speaking. 我就是。 (Sorry, he’s not at home.) (对不起,他不在家。)

Who’s calling? 你是谁? Can I take a message? Can you ask him to call me back?

Stress in a word Study skills When we pronounce words with more than one syllable, we stress one of the syllables. 当我们发超过一个音节的单词的音时,我们将其中的一个音节重读。

The stressed syllable sounds stronger The stressed syllable sounds stronger. The stress can be on the first, middle or last syllable of a word. 重读的音节声音听起来更响亮些。一个单词的重音能在第一、中间或最后一个音节上。

Listen to A and repeat the words. Stressing the first syllable 1. beau·ti·ful 2. coun·try 3. pal·ace Stressing the second syllable 1. ex·pen·sive 2. po·ta·to 3. to·mor·row Stressing the last syllable 1. be·tween 2. en·joy 3. Hal·low·een

Work in pairs. Take turns to read the these words. Listen and underline the stressed syllable of each word. 1. cen·tre 4. Oc·to·ber 7. fa·vour·ite 2. bath·room 5. mes·sage 8. won·der·ful 3. hun·dred 6. in·clude 9. de·sign

Exercises 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. There is a sofa in their ______ (live) room. 2. How many ______ (knife) do you have? 3. Neil comes to school very early. He always comes _____ (one). 4. I’m ______ (call) from my new flat. living knives first calling

5. Today we’ll learn the _________ (twenty) lesson. 6. She hopes to visit my home ______ (any) day. twentieth some

二、翻译下列句子。 1. ---我可以和Neil通电话吗? ---May I speak to Neil, please? --- This is Neil. Who’s speaking, please? 2. 你能替我捎个口信吗? Can you take a message for me? 3. 请叫他明天回电话给我。 Please ask him to call me back tomorrow.

Homework 1. Remember the new words and the language points in this lesson. 2. Recite the conversation in Speak-up.