半導體原理及應用 (II) 陳志方 國立成功大學 電機工程學系 1/15/06
Outline ULSI 簡介與應用 ULSI 製程簡介 ULSI 之未來趨勢 ULSI 製程影片觀賞
ULSI 簡介與應用 Semiconductor Semiconductor devices Integrated circuits MOSFET CMOS Integrated circuits Applications of IC
Semiconductor Conductor, insulator Semiconductor: = 10–2 ~ 109 ohm-cm at room T element: Si, Ge… (IV) compound: GaAs… (III-V), ZnS… (II-VI), SiC… (IV-IV) Semiconductor devices:
Market Share in Semiconductor Devices Si-based (especially MOSFET) devices are dominant
MOSFET M: Metal (or n+-poly, p+-poly) O: Oxide (gate oxide) S: Semiconductor (p-Si or n-Si) FET: Field effect transistor (Ey, Ex)
CMOS Complementary MOS = NMOS & PMOS pair (CMOS = NMOS + PMOS)
IC Integrated Circuits: composed of many devices on a chip (die) SSI: small scale IC MSI: medium scale IC LSI: large scale IC VLSI: very large scale IC ULSI: ultra large scale IC
Application of ULSI
ULSI 製程簡介 IC fabrication flow CMOS process flow Crystal growth Cleaning Thin film deposition Oxidation Diffusion Ion implantation Etching Lithography Metallization Planarization CMOS process flow
IC Fabrication Flow 電路設計 IC製造 封裝 測試
Crystal Growth
Wafer Size size => number of chips , cost
單晶體 vs. 多晶體
多晶矽原料 SiO2 + 2C Si + 2CO (純度98%) Si + 3HCl SiHCl3 + H2 (蒸餾去除不純物) SiHCl3 + H2 Si + 3HCl (純度99.999999999%) “11個9”
長晶爐 (上升: 0.3~10mm/min 旋轉: 2~20rpm) (避免Si在 高溫氧化) SiO2 SiO + O (脫氧) (熱場) (液態表面溫度) (控制: 晶棒直徑 上升速率 液面溫度) (固定液面高度)
RTP Rapid thermal processing
Ion Implantation
ULSI 之未來趨勢 Moore’s law Advanced MOSFET Physics Material Technology
Challenges in IC Moore’s law: number of transistors 2X/18~24 months => density , performance , functionality (SOC)
Technology Roadmap Device dimension <= physics + material + technology
Recent Trend of MOSFET Trend of advanced MOSFET High-k (C = A/d) Low-k Cu (R = l/A) Metal gate Strain (m = q/m*) 浸潤式微影技術 …