商务英语 Business English 说课课件.


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Presentation transcript:

商务英语 Business English 说课课件

课程设置 1 课程内容 2 教学过程设计 3 考核 4 教学方法 5 例文讲解 6

一、课程设置 课程定位 《商务英语》的课程编码是42005。本课程是学院商务英语专业的一门专业课,计划第一学年第二学期开始开设,分3学期共228学时左右完成教学任务。 本课程主要通过学习商务英语词汇以及有关商务活动的真实语言材料,培养学生掌握商务英语交流的基本技能,了解英语国家的社会和商业文化。

一、课程设置 课程目标依据 通过本课程的学习以及语言的实际运用,使学生提高商务语言能力和商务基础知识,以培养能用英语从事一般性商务工作的人才为目标。 一是通过商务英语基础知识的教学,运用课堂小组活动的形式,为学生营造各种商务语言环境,使学生正确掌握商务英语的基本用语与表达方式,具有基本商务文体阅读、写作的技能。 二是通过商务运作基础知识的教学,使学生了解商务运作的基本要求与业务流程。通过基本商务技能的训练,使学生能够熟练运用基础商务知识及语言技巧来说明、表达商务活动中日常事件,解决一般商务运作的常见问题。使学生能够把所学的知识用于各种日常交际活动和商务活动中。

一、课程设置 课程教材 教材选用《新编剑桥商务英语》初级、中级。本教材是剑桥商务英语等级证书考试的考试用书,以现代商务活动为素材。通过本教材的学习,一方面使学生掌握商务英语知识,另一方面为学生参加剑桥商务英语证书考试提供全面有效的学习指导。

一、课程设置 本课程在教学中与其它相关课程的联系与分工 商务英语是一门专业性很强的专业课程。它需要学生有良好的英语基础和商务知识。这是商务英语学习所必备的条件。商务英语的学习和提高会进一步深化听、说、读、写技能的专业应用能力。所以在教学过程中应正确处理好商务英语课与其他课程之间的关系。 第一学年第一学期开设的综合英语、英语口语、听力、语法、语音等专业基础课程为第二学期开设的商务英语课程的学习打下了良好的基础。同时商务英语课程又为其后第三学期、第四学期、第五学期开设的经贸英语函电、商务英语口语、口译、英美国家概况、泛读等专业课程的学习起到很好的辅助作用。各门课程既是相互独立的课程,但又存在着不可避免的交叉与重复,起到了相辅相成的作用。在英语知识扎实的基础上,提高商务运用的技能是商务英语学习的最终目的。

一、课程设置 课程建设与课程改革 为了提高课程的先进性、互动性、整体性、开放性,在团队各位教师的共同努力下,《商务英语》申报了院级精品课程,正在进一步完善和补充材料。 《商务英语》课程学习的最终目的是提高商务运用的技能,是实践的能力。课程改革的方向是在课堂教学中增加实践教学环节,给学生提供较多训练的机会,激发学生自主学习的能力。同时增加实训内容。例如在学生参加剑桥商务英语等级考试前,有针对性地对学生的薄弱环节进行培训,强化,提高考试过关率。

一、课程设置 课程设置应注重学情的分析 商务英语专业教学计划是两年半的校内学习加上半年的校外实习模式。针对学生的就业方向,在教学中应该注重指导学生自主学习的学习方法,提高学生自主学习的能力。 针对想要毕业后继续深造,选择专升本、自考、成人本科的考试的学生,还有想在培训机构,从事教师工作的学生,指导学生通过英语四、六级考试,打下良好的英语基础。 针对想在外企、合资企业、星级酒店等企业工作的学生,指导学生通过剑桥商务英语等级考试。考试分为初级、中级、高级,针对每个年级学生的学习状况,指导学生参加不同级别的考试。这是《商务英语》这门课程的教学特点。

二、课程内容 课程内容组织 本课程以大量而真实的商务语言素材为载体,每单元有一个主题,从听、说、读、写四个方面,提高学生的商务英语技能。 一是使学生能用英语流利地进行日常商务交流,如接待顾客、产品介绍、产品订购、酒店住房预订等。 二是能阅读产品目录、广告、商务报告、商务图表等基础的商务英语材料。 三是能进行便条、传真、备忘录、电子邮件、商务信函、商务计划等基础的商务写作。

二、课程内容 课程内容重点及难点 本课程在教学过程中商务英语基础知识的学习是重点,商务运作实践技能的提高是难点。在平时的教学过程中,为了使学生在听、说、读、写每个方面都提高,在课堂上尽可能多地给学生展示自我的机会,提高自主学习的能力。

二、课程内容 课程教学主题 BEC Preliminary Job descriptions Working conditions Company history Company activities Vocabulary exercise Telephoning Internal communication Facts and figures Performance Reading exercise Product description Product development Business equipment Correspondence Writing exercise Business hotels Commuting Arranging a conference At a conference Listening exercise Production Quality control Direct service Providers The banking sector Speaking exercise Delivery services Trading Recruiting staff Applying for a job Exam practice

二、课程内容 课程教学主题 BEC Vantage Teamwork Communication Speaking exercises Entertaining a client Corporate hospitality Ordering goods Cash flow Brand power Public relations Relacation New premises Reading exercises Listening exercises Speaking exercises Writing exercises Reporting results Environmental report Health and safety Rights at work Business expenses Business travel Flexible benefits Staff appraisal Marketing disasters Going global

三、教学过程设计 Review Lead-in Presentation Summary Homework

四、考核 学生学期成绩评定 考查课: 1、平时成绩:参与各种教学活动包括:听、说、读、写、译、作业、期中考核或阶段测试、课堂表现、出勤等,占60%; 2、期末考试占40%。 考试课: 1、平时成绩占30%; 2、期末考试 70%。

四、考核 平时成绩考核 侧重学生自主学习的能力,实践的技能。主要涉及课后查阅资料,写文章,在课堂上进行讲解。综合给出平时成绩。 课堂布置任务之后,学生需要通过各种途径查阅资料。例如书籍,杂志,最主要的方式是在网上收集相关信息。除了学习要求的知识,还可以自主学习关联的其他商务知识。尤其重要的是可以学习专业的商务词汇,表达,概念。学生在校期间接触商务环境较少,这就需要通过自身的提高尽可能多的掌握商务基础知识。 收集资料之后,学生需要自己总结,就这一商务主题写文章。这一过程不仅可以使学生从整体上把握这一主题,而且可以练习英文写作。 在课堂上讲解准备好的资料。一方面锻炼了口语表达,讲课的能力。另一方面,所有学生通过听课分享资源,增加商务知识。例如: 进行公司介绍 讲解重大经济会议,评价经济时事,比如金砖会议等

四、考核 期末成绩考核 侧重考核学生对本学期学习的掌握情况。考核主要以闭卷考试为主,口语、听力考试为辅。 试卷内容主要涉及听力、词汇、阅读、写作等方面的内容,考查学生听、读、写的技能。 口语考试形式多样。例如: 学生自己编排商务情景,进行分角色表演 模拟谈判过程

五、教学方法 传统的黑板教学。 运用语音室教学。观看商务视频素材,练习听力。 运用多媒体教学。进行PPT演示,讲课。

五、教学方法 教学法介绍: 1、启发式教学法 ,通过学生熟悉的公司或产品来引出主题。 2、讨论式教学法,口语练习中,进行分组讨论 。 3、模拟商务活动,在指定的商务背景下模拟商务活动。 4、分角色表演 ,设计商务情节,每个学生在其中扮演不同的角色来进行表演 。 5、分组分析商务素材,对结论进行讲解。 6、简短演讲,对给定的题目进行即兴演讲。

六、例文讲解 BEC Vantage Unit 2a Entertaining a client

Objectives 1. To study new words, phrases and knowledge points. 2. To enable students to talk about choosing restaurant for entertaining a client. 3. To practice reading.

Ⅰ Review (3 minutes) 1.The important words and phrases of Unit 1b. 2.The important language points of Unit 1b.

Ⅱ lead-in (7 minutes) 1. Work in pairs. Ask students two questions. ① When you invite your friend to have dinner, where would you choose? ② Which one is better for you to choose? A common restaurant or KFC? If you choose KFC, you would describe reasons? 2. When students discuss the reasons, teacher writes the criteria of a good restaurant on the blackboard. location atmosphere comfort cleanliness staff friendliness staff attentiveness speed of service quality of food quality of drink value for money

Ⅲ Presentation (55 minutes) Step 1:words Sentence structures Step 2: Speaking Step 3: Reading

Step 1: Words and Sentence Structures (5 minutes) splendid magnificent neat elegant amiable considerate dirty untidy cold impatient Could you tell me something about…? How is the ….? What is your impression of….?

Step 2: Speaking (30 minutes) Role-play and Discussion 1. Divide students into five groups. Each group is responsible for two points. 2. For the first point, they have to do role-play to present the importance. 3. For the second point, they have to discuss the importance and give short speech to all classmates. Discussion Role-play Group 1 location atmosphere Group 2 comfort cleanliness Group 3 staff attentiveness staff friendliness Group 4 speed of service value for money Group 5 quality of drink quality of food

Step 3: Reading (30 minutes) 1. Read the advertisement about Porters English Restaurant and finish the exercises. PORTERS Porters English Restaurant opened in 1979 in the center of London’s Covent Gorden with the sole objective of serving quality, exciting English food at very reasonable prices. This concept has proved over the years to be extremely popular with British and international tourists alike. Over the years Porters has continued to evolve gently. We have added air-conditioning, restaurant computer systems and a more modern interior design, which have enhanced both atmosphere and comfort.

Step 3: Reading (30 minutes) Porters has two distinctive areas that are normally available for group dining, with semi-private facilities for around one hundred guests downstairs or up to thirty-five on the upper mezzanine floor. We have always prided ourselves on our complete flexibility and we will organize every group menu and catering requirement on a totally individual basis. Porters is happy to cater for all kinds of different parties: from tour groups with only an hour to spare before going on to the theatre, when speed of service along with the quality of food is of the greatest importance, to more informal and relaxed birthday parties, or even corporate events, wine tastings and company presentations. So when you’re next in Covent Garden, call in and see us. You won’t be disappointed!

Step 3: Reading (30 minutes) 2. Knowledge points objective: 可数名词,”目标,宗旨” Eg. The objective of the new organization was to provide free legal aid to the poor. at reasonable price: 以合理的价格 at high/low price 以昂贵/廉价的价格 at popular price 以大众化的价格 be popular with: 受欢迎,招人喜欢的 Eg. Swimming is popular with all ages. popular “为大多数人所喜欢或喜爱的” Eg. a popular resort一个旅游胜地 a popular food大众化食品。 Alike,副词,“一样的”,“相似地“, Eg. It causes confusion among allies and adversaries alike.

Step 3: Reading (30 minutes) evolve “逐渐发展或完成” Eg. Language slowly but constantly evolves from older forms into new ones. constantly “一直地“ Eg. I am improving my performance constantly. be available “可获得的“ Eg. This kind of product is available world-wide. pride ourselves on./upon sth “为…感到骄傲“ Eg. He prided himself on his financial success. flexibility 名词 “灵活”,形容词形式为flexible on a …basis常用来表示方法,方式 Eg. The problems were going to be settled on a realistic basis.

Step 3: Reading (30 minutes) Do some exercises Would porters be a suitable restaurant in these situations? An end-of-year office party----suitable An evening with a new client and his/her partner----not suitable A corporate event to launch a new product or service----suitable A negotiation for a contract with a new client----not suitable An end-of-week meal with a small group of colleagues----suitable

Ⅳ Summary (3 minutes) To summarize the general idea of the passage. To conclude the important points about choosing a restaurant.

Ⅴ Homework (2 minutes) 1. Describe the most memorable restaurant you have ever been to your partner. Teacher will choose several students to describe to all classmates in front of the classroom next class. 2. Do exercises of self-study 3. Preview Unit 2b

Thank you!