Artificial Insemination in Denmark 丹麦人工授精


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Presentation transcript:

Artificial Insemination in Denmark 丹麦人工授精 Tenna Hollbaum Højrup Henriksen Technical service manager 技术服务经理 What happens inside the sow? 母猪体内发生了什么? What should be done? 应该做什么? What can go wrong? 怎么做是不对的呢? ------

Agenda for the presentation 议程 Development of AI 人工授精的发展 How to introduce the gilts for heat 如何训练后备母猪发情 Stimulation before mating 配种前进行的刺激 Artificial Insemination 人工授精 Back flow 精液回流 The immune system 免疫系统 The importance of calm after insemination 授精后保持平静的重要性 The boar 公猪 Collecting the semen 精液的采集 The advantage of using AI instead of the boar 和本交相比,人工授精的优势

Development of AI 人工授精的发展

How to introduce the gilts for heat 如何训练后备母猪发情 First stimulation – 25-26 weeks old 第一次刺激 – 25-26周龄 Comes into heat 5-10 days later 5-10天后,出现发情 Register the first heat 登记第一次发情 Mating in 2. heat 18-21 days later 在18-21天后,第二次发情时配种 Mating in 2. heat  1 piglet more per litter 在第二次发情时配种  每胎可多产一头仔猪

Which stimulation to use 如何进行刺激 Days to first heat 至初次发情天数 In the boar pen 在公猪圈舍 In the gilt pen 在后备母猪圈舍 Through inventory 通过栏杆接触

Stimulation before mating 配种前刺激 Insertion in the mating unit 移到配种舍 Boar in front for 3 days 公猪接触3天 The boar is removed 移走公猪 AHA-effect “小别胜新婚”效应 Artificial Insemination 人工授精

The significance of the hormones 激素的重要性 FSH – Follicle Stimulation Hormone 促卵泡激素 Estrogen 雌激素 LH – Luteinizing Hormone 促黄体生成素 Progesterone 孕酮 Prostaglandin 前列腺素 The last two hormones: Oxytocin and relaxin 最后2种激素:催产素和耻骨松弛激素

Stimulation 刺激

The 5-point plan 5个要点 1 4 2 3 5 3 1 2 4 5

The importance of stimulation and the result of it 刺激的重要性和结果 Group 组别 Stimulation 刺激 Control (low stimuli) 对照组(低刺激) Stimulation to standing heat and during insemination. 刺激到出现静立反射,同时在人工授精时进行刺激。 The sow was stimulated by placing a hand on her back and pushed into standing heat 通过用手在背上压进行刺激,然后出现静立反射。 Trial (increased stimuli) 实验组(增加刺激) Stimulation to standing heat: 刺激到出现静立反射: The 5-point plan. 5个要点。 Stimulation during insemination: 在人工授精时,进行刺激: The inseminator was sitting on the back of the sow while the sow was being stimulated on her shoulder parts and the free hand were grabbing and lifting the groin crease. 授精员坐在母猪背上,同时通过按压母猪肩膀部分和用手提拉母猪腹股沟部进行刺激。 Group 组别 Numbers of sows 母猪数 Farrowing rate 分娩率 Control 对照组 1054 83,4 Trial 实验组 980 89,3

Insemination 授精

Insemination procedure 授精过程 Semen dose 精液 Insemination catheter 输精管 Vagina 阴道 Cervix 子宫颈 Urine bladder 膀胱

Insemination in practice 授精的实际操作

Risk factors at insemination 授精存在的风险 Lack of pregnancy 妊娠率低 Small litter sizes 窝产仔数少 Infection in the uterus 子宫感染 Backflow 精液回流 Immune system 免疫系统

5/70x3billion=241.285.714 sperm cells 计算: Back flow 精液回流 Calculation: 5/70x3billion=241.285.714 sperm cells 计算: 5/70x300,000,000=241,000,000 精子

The immune system 免疫系统 HEAT 发情 NORMAL IMMUNE SYSTEM 正常的免疫系统 FERTILIZATION受孕

The importance of calm after insemination 授精后,保持平静的重要性 Moving of sows: 2 hours or 4 weeks after mating 母猪的转移:配种2小时后或配种4周后 Cortisol inhibits oxytocin 皮质醇抑制催产素 Group 组别 Control (no calm) 对照组(没有保持平静) Trial (a least two hours of calm) 实验组(至少2小时的平静) Young sows (2. and 3. parity) 胎次小的母猪(2胎,3胎) 82,7 88,2 Older sows (4. parity and above) 胎次高的母猪(4胎及以上) 84,2 83,9

The boar 公猪 Matures at the age 6-7 months 公猪6-7月龄时,成熟 Semen production 80-600 ml 精液 80-600毫升 The fragile semen 精液比较脆弱 Temperatur 温度 Impact on the semen 对精液的影响 Below 15℃ 15度以下 Irreversible damage 无可挽回的损失 16-18℃ Low energy consumption 低的能量消耗 35℃ High energy consumption 高的能量消耗 35-38℃ The motility is negatively affected 对活力产生负面影响 Above 38℃ 38度以上

Collecting the semen 精液的采集 The equipment 设备 The collection 采集

=24 semen doses for our sows 可以稀释成24瓶成品精液 The laboratory 实验室 Color, consistency and concentration 颜色、浓度和密度 Consequence 结果 Clear, watery 清晰的、水样的 None or very few spermcells (abnormal ejaculation, diseases, testicular degeneration, defective development of the sperm ducts). 没有或者很少有精细胞(不正常的射精、疾病、睾丸退化、输精管有缺陷) Grey, watery, semi-transparent 清晰的、水样的、半透明的 Very thin semen 非常稀的精液 (<150.000.000 sperms/ml) Grey-white, watery 灰白的、水样的 Thin semen 稀的精液 (<250.000.000 sperms/ml) Whitish, milky 发白的、乳白色的 Normal semen 正常的精液 (<500.000.000 sperms/ml) Yellowish-white, creamy 淡黄色的-白的、奶油色的 Dense and much semen 稠密的多的精液 (<800.000.000 sperms/ml) Temperature around 20 °C 温度约20 °C Evaluation of the semen 精液的评估 Dilution of the semen 精液的稀释 Longevity of the semen 精液的使用时间 250 (volume) x 310.000.000 (concentration) x 0,80 (motility) / 2.5 billion per doses 250(精液量,ml)x 3.1亿 (精液密度,个/ml)x 0,80 (精子活力)/ 25亿(每瓶精液制剂中的精子个数) =24 semen doses for our sows 可以稀释成24瓶成品精液

The advantage of using AI instead of the boar和本交相比,人工授精的优势 Less boars on the farms 农场饲养的公猪少 One boar can father more piglets 一头公猪可以配很多母猪 You can test the semen quality before mating 在配种前可以检测精液的质量 Allows mating of animals of different sizes 可以对不同体型大小的母猪进行配种 Reduces the risk of introducing diseases 减少本交引起的疾病的风险

Thank you for your kind attention! 谢 谢! Contact Us: 联系我们 Address/地址: Room 607,Xiangyang Center, No. 97 Xiangyang Rd. North, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China (200031) 上海徐汇区襄阳北路97号襄阳大楼607室(200031) E-mail:; Web/网页: Mobile/手机: +86 137 6464 6877 Tel/电话: +86 21 6135 8336 Fax/传真: +86 21 6135 8335