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Presentation transcript:

高考资源网 你身边的高考专家

冠 词

一.基础知识记忆. 1.单数可数名词绝不能单独使用,其前不是加冠词a/an/the或one’s,就必须将名词的单数形式改为复数形式. 2.表泛指意义的复数名词或不可数名词(即物质名词或抽象名词)前面千万不要添加任何冠词. 3. 固定短语中有无冠词,要分得清清楚楚,明明白白. 二.定冠词的使用. 1.世界上独一无二的天体、河流、海洋、湖泊、山川等与地理知识有关的名词前.

e.g. the Changjiang River the East Lake / the Pacific Ocean the Urals. 2.形容词same前. 3.序数词最高级前面. 4.by far前置修饰比较级时. e.g. This book is by far the better than that one. c.f. This book is better by far than that one. This book is even better than that one.

5.强调两者之间的比较且作主语、定语时. e.g. The older of the two brothers is my desk-mate. Which is the bigger country, Canada or Australia? Which is bigger, Canada or Australia? 6. 表示“越…越…”意义时. e.g. The sooner, the better. 7.句型“动作动词+ sb.+介词+the+具体身体部位名词”结构中.

e.g. Bob hit John on the head. The gentle light struck the baby in the face. The little boy took the elephant by the nose across the street. 8.发明的事物名称前(即invent之后的名词)或濒临灭绝的动物单数名词前. e.g. Bell is generally considered to have invented the telephone. As we all know, the tiger is in danger of dying out.

9.介词by后表示“按…计算”与度量衡单位有关的具体表时间、长度、体积、面积等名词前. e.g. Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour. Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by time. In England, cloth is sold by the yard instead of by the meter. In England, cloth is sold by length. 10.与某些形容词连用表示一类人. e.g. the rich

11.乐器名词前. e.g. I like playing the guitar and my sister likes playing the piano. 12.由普通名词构成的专有名词前. e.g. The people’s Republic of China and the United States are two great countries. 13.方位、方向名词前. e.g. China is in the east of Asia, the largest continent on the earth, and on the west of the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean in the world. 14. 再次指代上文中已提过的名词前.

e.g. I bought a pen yesterday. The pen writes well. 15.双方心中都知晓、明白的名词前. e.g. Pass me the book, please. 16.与表示国家或民族的形容词连用,指代该全国全体人民. e.g. The Chinese love peace. 17.用在姓氏复数之前表示全家人或夫妇俩. 18. 其后有某种修饰语(如介词短语、定语从句、分词短语或不定式等)的名词前,表示特定的人或物时.

e.g. The book on the desk is mine. 19.与单数可数名词连用,表类别. e.g. The horse is a useful animal. 20.表同位关系的时间、地点、语言名词前. e.g. I began to learn the French language in the University of Wuhan in the month of November of 1999. 21.与农历有关的节日名词前(即与festival连用时). e.g. Children are always looking forward to the Spring Festival.

22.用在整十的复数形式前表年代. e.g. In the 1870s, when Marx was over fifty, he began to learn Russian. 23. 习惯用语中.(高考词汇) e.g. at the age of, at the beginning of, all over the world, all the best, go to the cinema, make the bed, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the other day, in the end, the moment, take the place of, on the radio, all the same, by the side of, by the way, on the way, in the habit of, in the charge of

三. a /an的使用. 表泛指意义的单数可数名词前或“一类”或“其中的一个”意义时. e.g. A good book can enrich a person. 2.表频率,表示“每……” 、“每一……”意义时. e.g. People have three meals a day. 3.某些抽象名词表具体意义或被某一形容词修饰了的时候. e.g. It gave me a surprise to meet you here again.

As a teacher, he was a failure. However, as a leader, he was a success. Comrade Lei Feng led a miserable life during his childhood. 4.有比喻意味或不确切的人名之前表达“一个叫……”意义时. e.g. Li Hao is a living Lei Feng in our class. A Mr. Smith wants to see you. 5.当某一动作或情况并未到此结束仍有继续下去的可能性的时候,必须用“a /an+序数词”结构.

e.g. Although he has failed six times, he would like to have a try a seventh time. 6. 与形容词最高级连用表示“很、非常”. e.g. Yesterday was a happiest day for me, for I’d just won the first prize. 7.否定比较级表达最高级意义时,常用借助于不定冠词a/ an. a/ an+比较级 e.g. ____ What do you think of the film? ____ Oh, I’ve never seen a worse one.

____ How do you like Tom? ____ I’m afraid that no one in my class has a cleverer brain than he. 8.有时表示一次性行为,特别是用在名词化了的动词前. e.g. have / take a look at ; go for a walk; come to an end; come to a stop 9.当一日三餐名词(breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner)或其他一些名词如time, life, help, pleasure, world, part等被某一(些)形容词修饰了的时候.

e.g. a delicious breakfast / a wonderful dinner/ a great help 10.固定短语结构中: have a cold / stomachache, have a match, a great number of, in a word, have a word with, make a promise, in a minute, as a matter of fact, take a seat. 【特别注意】 英语中,有些名词永远都不会与不定冠词连用. 它们是advice, equipment, fun, furniture, information, news, luck, clothing, wealth.

四.零冠词. 1.表泛指意义的复数名词物质名词,以及介词后的抽象名词前. e.g. Children are often compared to flowers. Books are stairs that help people make progress. 2. 复数名词表类别、属性时,不用冠词. e.g. Horses are useful animals. Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind unless they kill them for food.

3.由Day构成的与公历有关的节日名词前. e.g. Children’s Day / Teachers’ Day / National Day / May Day 4. 表泛指意义的月份、季节、星期、学科、语言、材料等名词前. e.g. on Sunday / in spring / in ink 5.球类、棋类名词前. e.g. play football / chess / basketball 6. 介词by后接表交通、通讯方式等名词前. e.g. by train /by telephone / by machine

7.泛指一日三餐名词前. e.g. After breakfast, we are to visit Mountain Tai and have lunch there. 8. 官衔职务名词作表语补语或同位语时. e.g. He is monitor of our class. Lincoln was elected president of the U.S. Dong Li, capital of Dongfanghong II, is a strong-minded man. 9.方位副词前. e.g. Japan lies east of China.

10. “from…to”结构中重复使用的单数名词,以及“名词+介词+(同样)名词”结构中的名词前都不使用任何冠词. e.g. from area to area / arm in arm / day by day 11.man作“人类”讲时. e.g. Man can conquer nature. 12. as引导的让步状语从句句型中的单数名词前. e.g. Hero as he is, he is still modest. Child as she is, she knows a lot. 13. turn后的单数名词作表语.

e.g. She has turned doctor. 13.介词by后接表度量衡单位的时间、长度、重量、面积、价钱等总称名词前. e.g. by time / by weight / by area / by length 14. 由地名构成的专有名词前. e.g. Wuhan University is in Wuhan. 15. 单数可数名词已被物主代词数词指示代词或名词所有格修饰. 16.当两个或两个以上的名词用and连接且含有对比的含义或习惯上总是一起使用时.

e.g. Father and son attended the meeting together. The two were like teacher and student, though they were the same age. Husband and wife sat together in their home. 17.固定短语结构中. come into use / put… into practice / out of question / out of the question/ at present

The sign reads“ In case of___ fire, break the glass and push________ red button. (NMET2003) A. ×; a B. ×; the C. the ; the D. a ; a 2. Jumping out of _____ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite_____ exciting experience. (NMET2002) A. ×; the B. ×; an C. an ; an D. the ; the 3.Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _____IQ.(2002) A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest B C B

4.The warmth of ____ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ____ wool used. ( NMET2001) A. × ; × B. the ; the C. the ; × D. ×; the 5. Most animals have little connection with___ animals of ___ different kind unless they kill them for food.(NMET2000) the ; a B. ×; a C. × ; the D. the ; the 6.Paper money was in___ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ____ thirteen century.(NMET1999) C B

the; B. the ; the C. ×; the D. × ; × 7. ---- Have you seen ___ pen? I left it here this morning. ---- Is it ______ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. a ; the B. the ; the C. the; a D. a; a 8. Many people agree that _____ knowledge of English is a must in ______ international trade today. (NMET1996) A. a;× B. the ;an C. the ; the D. × ; the C D A

A. / ; / B. The ; / C. A ; the D. A ; / 9.______ news conference does not always offer______ truthful information. A. / ; / B. The ; / C. A ; the D. A ; / 10. Though they are_____ people of different sorts, they always buy dresses of _____ style. A. / ; the B. the ; a C. / ; a D. the ; the 11. Dolly ______ sheep, the world’s first cloned animal, was given ____ shot to end her life on Feb.14 because she was suffering from a lung disease common in much older sheep. A. / ; a B. the ; a C. a ; the D. / ;the D C B