NEW WORDS  intrigue  intolerant  ultimate  brutish  nasty  assail  hideous  solicit  eloquent  melliflous  keep/hold sb/sth at bay  fib.


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Presentation transcript:

NEW WORDS  intrigue  intolerant  ultimate  brutish  nasty  assail  hideous  solicit  eloquent  melliflous  keep/hold sb/sth at bay  fib

KEY WORDS  challenge  civilized  arrogant  embarrassment  proclaim  credibility  comment  shelter  disapprove  conceal  intimacy  protective  convince  claim  reverse  betray  statement  contradictory  moral  remark

synonym discrimination  insist, persist, persevere  deny, reject, refuse, decline  plea, excuse, alibi, evasion  instead of, in place of  announce, declare, proclaim  lie, fib  let's, let us  prepare sth, prepare (oneself) for sth, be prepared for sth

 1. 在 … 条件下  2. 归纳  3. 在 … 情形下  4. 得出结论  5. 社交性谎言  6. 文明的方式  7. 正直无畏  8. 以 … 袭击  9. 基本赞同  10. 相貌平平的孩子  11. 某某人  12. 饭菜太丰富了  13. 生来不会那一套  14. 虚假的赞美  15. 息事宁人的谎言  16. 使某人免受  17. 避免麻烦  18. 逃避责任  19. 碰上堵车  20. 想要做某事  21. 隐瞒事实  22. 行使权利  23. 根据  24. 有风流韵事  25. 出卖某人  26. 棘手的问题  27. 露馅  28. 最后一手

ASSIGNMENTS  1. Finish text analysis on P81&82.  2. Read the passage and make sure that you can totally understand the passage. During reading, you can underline the difficult sentences.  3. Analyze the four kinds of lies and choose one to act it. ---Group Work  4. Watch Lie to me.

expressions  a bold-faced lie  a barefaced lie  a downright lie  a monstrous lie  a white lie  a black lie  live a lie  nail a lie

warm-up questions warm-up questions  Have you ever had the feeling that you were compelled to tell lies, though you did not want to? If yes, under what conditions are you inclined to lie? How do you feel after you tell such lies?  Some people say that white lies are not lies. What is your position on this issue?  Do you consider white lies necessary in social life?

discussion 1  Suppose you are in trouble. When your parents call you and ask how you are, will you tell them a lie by saying that you are fine or tell them the truth? Discuss in pairs or in groups.

suggested answer  I tell lies to my parents in such cases because I do not want them to worry about me. When I am in trouble, I try to deal with it myself. It is no use telling them the truth. If I tell them that I am ill, or depressed, or something, they will be uneasy. They may even come to the school to see me, which will influence their work. Telling a white lie by saying “I am fine, terrific, or excellent” will make them feel at ease, and make me more mature to handle my own problems. After all, I am an adult now.  I will not tell such white lies. If I am in trouble or ill, I will tell my parents the truth, but in the meanwhile, I will tell them not to worry about me. No matter what the trouble is, I myself can cope with it, because I have the ability to do so. Telling them the truth and assuring them of your ability to solve your own problems is much better than telling the so-called white lies. The white lies may bring no harm to your parents, but they do a great harm to yourself. You may form the habit of telling not only the white lies but also real lies. In a word, white lies erode your honesty.

discussion 2  It was reported that a son gave one of his kidneys to his mother who had to receive kidney transplantation to survive, but he told her a white lie that the transplanted kidney was another person’s or donator’s. He said that he would not tell her the truth until the last minute of her life. Discuss in groups on the topic whether he is a great son because of his conduct.

honesty Outspoken Revealing Incorruptible Truthful Upright Frank Straightforward open

dishonesty Cheat Peek Furtive Lie Deceive Fraud Sham Mock Steal rumor

Line 2: "everyone...tell lies about."  key words: intense; personal; intolerate;  what does the second "never" italicized? emphasis  paraphrase: As to what we can tell lies about and what wecan never tell lies about, all the people I have talked with have their own strong viewpoints and can not tolerate those who had diffierent views from them.

line 12: "It's arrogant...honesty."  key words: arrogant; insist on; incorruptible; embarrassment; compulsively; assail with;  what does "it" refer to here?  it 为形式主语, 主语为 "to insist...honesty"  translate: 他们说, 如果你要做到十二分正直, 十二分无 畏, 不由自主地用你的诚实使他们陷入不必 要的窘境或痛苦之中, 这只能说是你傲慢 ?

line 23: "You... cooked up a storm"  key words: cook up a storm  paraphrase:  you have prepared a large and impressive meal.  translate:  这饭菜太丰盛了。

line 27:"I can't...made that way."  key words: play the game; be made that way  what does "play the game" mean?  telling social white lies  what does "be made that way" mean?  have the inborn quality of telling such lies  translate:  我不会那一套。他说,我生来就不会那一 套。

line 39: " lies designed...anyone."  key words: rationalize; design; keep...from bay  what does "keep... from bay" mean?  keep someone or something some distance away  translate:  意在不伤害他人而又能帮助避免麻烦的谎 言

line 43: "And whenever...guilty."  key words: disapprove; guilty; coward; dodge responsibility; holler at  what does " think less of me" mean?  look down upon me; scorn me  translate :  每当我为了不让别人讨厌自己,看轻自己, 或冲自己嚷嚷而说谎时,我总觉得自己有 点像个懦夫,觉得自己是在逃避责任,觉 得愧疚。

line 53: "and when...New York?"  key words: in the mood to do sth; conceal  paraphrase:  and when you are planning to spend your weekend in New York city where your mother lives, but you don't want to visit her, do you tell her a lie, if necessary, by telling her that you won't be in New York?  translate:  你打算去纽约市度周末,但又不想去看望住在那的母亲, 你会 -- 必要的话用谎言 -- 隐瞒你将到纽约的事实,还是会 勇敢的 -- 或者说狠心的 -- 说 “ 我要来纽约,可是抱歉,我不 打算来看望你。 ”

line 65: "and in general...things."  key words: in general; absurd  translate:  你犯了荒唐的错误或丢失了物品或打碎了 器皿时,是不是常常发觉自己想对他撒谎, 而且会撒谎?

line 68: "I used to...your husband."  key words: romantic; intimacy; confess  what does "romantic" here mean?  unrealistic; wrong  translate:  过去我往往不切实际地以为把自己所做的 每一件蠢事都如实告诉丈夫是亲密关系的 一部分。

line 84: " That's called playing God."  key words: playing god  what does it mean?  behave as if you have the right to make very important decisions that seriously affect other people's lives  translate:  这无异于充当上帝。

line 87: "and furthermore...told."  key words: furthermore; back up; initially  what does this sentence imply?  sometimes we are forced to tell lies because we have to support the lies we told  translate:  而且,我们会不知不觉地为了圆先前说的 谎言而说谎。

line 100: "if her best...about it."  key words: have an affair; absolutely  如果她 最好的朋友有风流韵事的话,她绝 对不想知道。

line 123: "for those...problem."  key wrds: moral problem  translate:  然而,对于我们这种善于说谎的人来说, 对于我们这种善于说谎而又一般不露馅的 人来说,说谎还是不说谎会成为一个严肃 的道德难题。

AR-Useful Expressions 在 … 条件下 2. 归纳 3. 在 … 情形下 4. 得出结论 5. 社交性谎言 6. 文明的方式 7. 正直无畏 8. 以 … 袭击 under…condition(s) generalize under...circumstance(s) reach a conclusion social lies civilized way incorruptible and brave assail…with Useful Expressions

AR-Useful Expressions 基本赞同 10. 相貌平平的孩子 11. 某某人 12. 饭菜太丰富了 13. 生来不会那一套 14. 虚假的赞美 15. 息事宁人的谎言 basically agree homely kid so-and-so cook up a storm be made that way false praise peace-keeping lies 16. 使某人免受 shelter sb. from

AR-Useful Expressions 避免麻烦 18. 逃避责任 19. 碰上堵车 20. 想要做某事 21. 隐瞒事实 22. 行使权利 23. 根据 keep trouble at bay dodge responsibility get/be caught in traffic jam be in the mood to do sth. conceal the fact assert one’s right on the grounds of/that 24. 有风流韵事 have an affair

25. 出卖某人 26. 棘手的问题 27. 露馅 28. 最后一手 betray sb. /give sb. away sticky issue give oneself away the last resort

Part Division of the Text Para1. The reason why the writer finds it difficult to write on the subject of lying and how she is going to deal with the difficulty in composing the essay. Para2-36. The writer discusses four types of lies and tells us what she thinks about them respectively. Para How the author feels we should cope with the question of whether or not to lie

Directions: In this part, the author listed four types of lies, and respectively, gave their definitions, the views of the majority, her own viewpoints, counter-arguments, and examples. Scan this part and fill the following table. Table Completion GR-Table Completion The view of the majority My (The author’s) viewpoint Counter-arguments Examples Lies that avoid embarrassment or pain in social interaction. Definition Acceptable and necessary. I basically agree with the majority. False, morally wrong; They destroys credibility. Comments on ugly hairdo, hideous presents, homely kids, warmed-over coffee. 1. Social lies

GR-Table completion The view of the majority My (The author’s) viewpoint Counter-arguments Examples Lies that are designed to avoid irritation or argument. Definition Many people tell such lies to avoid troubles without hurting anyone. They consider such lies wise. I’ tell such lies though feeling guilty. People who tell such lies are cowards, dodging their responsibilities. The exchange between Dave and Elaine; Laura’s point of view. 2. Peace-keeping lies

The view of the majority My (The author’s) viewpoint Counter-arguments Examples Lies that are supposed to be in the interests of the person we are lying to. Definition It is justifiable and more valuable to tell such lies. Such lies sometimes must be told. It’s wrong to tell such lies. The lies break trust. Lying to the dying about their health state, to one’s children on marital matters, etc. Table Completion 3. Protective lies

The view of the majority My (The author’s) viewpoint Counter-arguments Examples Lies that are told to keep a trust. Definition They must lie to keep their promises. Some lies are necessary and acceptable, while others are not. Telling such lies can be painful. People do not want to be told the truth/fact. Fran’s attitude; Watergate. Table Completion 4. Trust-keeping lies

debate  Form a debate group of eight students. Four of them choose the positive side, while the other four the negative side.  The topic is “Are white lies really unharmful?”  The positive side argues that white lies are unharmful, while the negative side asserts that white lies are harmful.

AR- Writing Practice1.1 How to write letters of personal apology In the text we know that on some occasions, telling lies by inventing a false excuse seems necessary. However, in most cases, telling truth should be recommended. If we fail to do something we are supposed to do and may hurt others, a sincere letter of apology will make them understand us and ease their unhappiness. A letter of apology should be clear and concise with reasons given. Writing

AR- Writing Practice1.2 Example 1 Tuesday Oct. 20 I’m sorry I couldn’t make our 3 o’clock appointment yesterday. My meeting lasted a lot longer than I expected. I could meet you in the department office tomorrow at 3, if that is convenient for you. If not, please leave a note in my mailbox, #342, tomorrow morning. Thanks, Zhang San Dear Prof. Smith,

AR- Writing Practice2.1 Example 2 3 rd July John, I am terribly sorry I failed to meet you at the school gate yesterday afternoon. I had one of the bike tires punctured on my way, and by the time I had the puncture mended and got to school, you must have given up hope and left. Do please forgive me. George

AR- Writing Practice2.2 Example 3 May 15 I’m sorry to have to tell you that I shall not be able to come to the party, because I have a bad cold. I do hope you have a good time. Mary Susan,

homework The following are some situations. You are required to write a letter of apology for one of the situation.  You failed to show up at a dinner party because of the heavy load of a research paper.  You broke a social engagement.  You have made an appointment with your friend, but you will have another engagement, which is more important.  As the manager of the supermarket, you write a letter of apology to a customer’s complaint about the poor service.