What three words would you use to describe Canada?


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Presentation transcript:

What three words would you use to describe Canada? Unit 5 Canada “The True North” What three words would you use to describe Canada? big beautiful multicultural

Words preview continent baggage chat scenery eastward westward upward surround harbour n. 洲;大陆 n. 行李 vi. & n. 聊天;闲聊 n. 景色;风景 adv. 向东 adj. 向东的;朝东的 adv. 向西 adj. 向西的; 朝西的 adv. 向上地;上升地 adj. 上升的;向上的 vt. & vi. 包围;围绕 n. 海港

Words preview measure aboard eagle within border slight slightly acre urban vi. & vt. 测量;衡量;判定 n. 计量制;措施 prep. & adv. 在船、飞机、 火车或公共汽车上 n. 鹰 prep. 在……之内 n. 边界;国界;边沿 vt. & vi. 与……接壤;接近 adj. 轻微的;微小的 adv. 稍稍;轻微地 n. 英亩 adj. 城市的;市镇的

Expressions preview rather than settle down manage to do catch sight of have a gift for 与其;不愿 定居;平静下来; 专心于 设法做 看见;瞥见 对……有天赋


Fast Reading (2 minutes) Read the text quickly and silently ,try to answer the following questions. Then divide the text into 3 parts. Who? What? Where? 1.What is the main idea of the text ? 2. What does “the True North” refer to? 3.Where are they heading?

Suggested answer : This passage is mainly talked about: Two girls, Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian ,who took the train to travel across Canada.

What does “The True North” refer to in the text? “The True North” is the cross-Canada train.

Draw the traveling route of the two girls. 从中国到加拿大

go eastward, across the continent Where are they heading? go eastward, across the continent Vancouver Calgary Montreal Thunder Bay Toronto

What they really saw and felt on the trip. Passage structure Fill in the blanks and match the main idea of each part. Part 1 para(s)___ Part 2 Part 3 What they really saw and felt on the trip. brief introduction about their trip. Their chat about Canada and Vancouver. 1 2 3-5

Careful reading who why how where Li Daiyu Liu Qian Part 1 ( 1~2minutes ) Read the 1st para. and finish the chart below. brief introduction about the trip who _____ and her cousin ______ why how first by______ , then by______ where Li Daiyu Liu Qian to __________________ visit their cousins plane train. Montreal, Canada

Part 2 ( para.2 ) 2minutes Canada 1.______________ mountains scenery 5,500 kilometers distance ____________ (from coast to coast) Going eastward, you’ll pass 1.______________ 3.______________________ mountains scenery _______ 2. ____________ lakes & forests Canada wide rivers & large cities Canada’s warmest part 1. _____________ 2._________________ population ___________ the most beautiful city increases rapidly. one of Canada’s most popular cities Vancouver 3. _______________ _______________ 4.some ___________ ____________ oldest & most beautiful forests trees ___________ extremely tall 5.climate_________ so wet

route Time Part 3 ( 3 minutes ) Read paragraphs 3-5 and answer the following questions. Vancouver 1 What mountains did they cross earlier that day? 2 Which city did they go after crossing the mountains? 3 What did the girls begin to realize after 2 days’ travel? 4 Where did they go after dinner? 5 Which lake did the train rush across that night, and what’s their next destination(目的地)? 1Earlier that day, …Rocky Mountains. 2 … Calgary… route Time 3 After 2 days’ travel, … empty… 4 After dinner, …Thunder Bay… 5 That night … across Lake Superior … Toronto


The Rocky Mountains mountain goats grizzly bear eagle

Calgary horse riding races cowboy

Cowboys come to Calgary to compete in riding wild horses.

Thunder Bay a very busy port

Where is Thunder Bay? At the top end of the Great Lakes


True or False. 1. Li Daiyu and Liu Qian went to Canada to see their parents in Montreal. 2. You can’t cross Canada in less than five days by train. 3. Cowboys compete in the Stampede to win thousands of dollars in prizes. 4. The population of Canada is over 30,000,000. 5. Canada has two-thirds of the world’s total fresh water. cousins F T T T one- third F

Summary Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train in Canada from ____ to ____. Their cousins’ friend, Danny Lin, took them to the train station to catch “___ _____ _____”. Canada is the ______ biggest country in the world. It is 5,500 Km from _____ to _____. /As they go ________ , they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is __________ by mountains, lakes, forests and rivers. When the cousins ______ ____ in the seats, they looked out of the window. They saw mountain goats and even a _____ bear./ Calgary is famous for its competition. Many of the cowboys from all over North America ____ __ ___ ___ riding wild animals. Then they ____ _______ a wheat-growing province. Thunder Bay is a busy port. It is ___ ____ ___ __ the Great Lake. west east The True North second coast coast eastward surrounded settled down grizzly have a gift for went through at the top of

Careful reading to solve difficult points

1. Rather than rather than 表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。 (1) 连接两个名词或代词  He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个 探险者。   

You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。 注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作 主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的 名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。

(2) 连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它 漂亮。 (3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动名词 She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。

(4) 连接两个分句 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。 (5) 连接两个不定式 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。

注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定 式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但 rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。 如: Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。

(6) 连接两个动词 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。 注意:这里rather than 后用walked, 而没有用walk,表示客观事实,而不 是主观愿望。如果换成walk,则作“宁 愿……而不愿……”解。

Trees surround our house. The police surrounded the house. 2. surround vt. 包围; 围绕; 圈住 Trees surround our house. 我们房子的四周都是树。 The police surrounded the house. 警察包围了这幢房子。 The oceans and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue and many of its cities lie on the bay.

3. settle down (1) 坐下; 躺下 He settled down in his chair to read the newspaper. (2) 过安定的生活 After years of travelling, he decided to settle down here.

(3) 安下心来; 专心致志于 Then they settled themselves down to work. 与settle相关的短语: settle an old score 清算旧帐 settle for sth. 勉强接受 settle in/into sth. 适应 settle on sth. 选定; 决定

Quiz II Translation 1. The thought that _________________ ______________(他们要横贯整个大陆) was exciting. 2. Some people have the idea that _______ ______________________________(他 们能在不到五天的时间里穿越加拿大). 3. The girls were surprised at the fact that __________________________________ (巨大的油轮可以开到五大湖). they could cross the whole continent they can cross Canada in less then five days ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes

Quiz III 高考链接 1. A warm thought suddenly came to me _____ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday. (2006 安徽) A. if B. when C. that D. which

2. The news _____ our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday’s newspaper. (2008 上海春卷) A. which B. whether C. what D. that

Thank you.