Holland Tulip world,windmill Kingdom 荷兰 郁金香的世界,风车的王国.


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Presentation transcript:

Holland Tulip world,windmill Kingdom 荷兰 郁金香的世界,风车的王国

Contents 1.Amsterdam ship canal 2.Van Gogh 3.Holland windmill 4.Holland wooden shoes 5.Holland tulip 6.Holland cheese

Amsterdam ship canal Amsterdam is a city of water, the river staggered, rivers. The size of the 165artificial cut or trimmed canals. River Park has more than 2000 "boat house",although is the boat house but facilities. Take the glass boat tour of Amsterdamcan really experience the unique charm of watertown. Cruise through the famousriver, on both sides of the river are typical of the traditional residential architecture in Holland.

Van Gogh Vincent William VanGhon (Vincent Willem van Gogh, 18531890), Holland post Impressionist painter. He is the pioneer of expressionism, and deeply influenced the art of the twentieth Century, particularly Fauvism and expressionism. Van Gogh's works, such as "starry night", "sunflower" and "a crow crop", is now among the world's most famous and precious works of art, known as the ranks of the. In July 29, 1890, due to mental illness, in France the oise shot Dutch act, when he was 37 years old.

His works

Holland windmill There is a scenic, quietly erected on the horizon, the far distance, as if the fairy tale world, that moment is you can not forget, can not forget her backing country:This is a windmill, windmill in Holland.

有一种风景, 静静地竖立在地平线上, 远远望见, 仿佛童话世界一般, 那一刻便注定你不能忘记, 不能忘记她底衬的国度: 这就是风车,荷兰的风车。

Wooden shoes Wood is Holland most has the national characteristic handicraft, is the epitome of the folk custom culture. Now, Holland clogs utility value greatly reduced, has few people wear, it is the favorite of tourists unceasingly, became a must buysouvenirs, because shoe shape is lovely, the whole looks like a small boat, can be used as an ornament, also can do the vase, is also reluctant to throw it away.These years, wooden shoes for export in Holland for more than hundreds of millions of dollars, has become the gift of heads of state, politicians treasures.

A tulip origin legend in ancient Holland Hoolland tulip A tulip origin legend in ancient Holland A beautiful girl lived in the majestic castle,three warriors also fell in love with her, a send her a crown, one gave her a sword,another sent a piece of gold. But she did not love, but to God in prayer. Floradeeply love can not be forced, will crown into flowers, sword into green, goldbecomes bulbous root, so that together became a tulip. 古代有位美丽少女住在雄伟的城堡里,三位勇士同时爱上了她,一个送她一顶皇冠,一个送给她一把宝剑,另一个送了一块金子。但她对谁都不钟情,只好向花神祷告。花神深感爱情不能勉强,便将皇冠变为鲜花,宝剑变成绿叶,金子变球茎根,这样合起来便成了一朵郁金香。

Holland cheese Holland is the real cheese Kingdom, the annual export of cheese about 400000tons output ranked first in the world, its history can be traced back to 400 bc.Cheese to Holland in addition to is a daily essential food, the best way is an understanding of the traditional Holland. Even the Dutch in the photographs are also said: "Say Cheese!".

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