Have you ever been to Disneyland?


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Presentation transcript:

Have you ever been to Disneyland?

现在完成时句子通常有recently,lately,since,for,in the past few months/years等词做时间状语。  肯定形式:have/has + done  否定形式:have/has + not +done  一般疑问句:have或has放于句首。 一般过去时:一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系(即动作或状态在现在已经结束),它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。

1. The question ____ by us soon. A. is going to discuss B  1. The question ____ by us soon.   A. is going to discuss     B. will discuss   C. is going to be discussed   D. has been discussed  2. A lot of tall buildings _____ in his hometown in the last three years.   A. have set up   B. have been set up   C. were set up   D. set up

  3. Great changes ____ place. Many new schools ____.   A. have taken,have been opened   B. take,are open   C. are taken,open        D. have been taken,are opened

用所给的正确形式填空。 1. He ____ ever ______ (be) to the History Museum several times. 2. --- _____ you ever _____ (be) to the zoo? --- Yes. I _____(go) there last summer. I ____ (see) many kinds of animals there. 3. --- Where is Mr. Wang? --- He ________ (go) to the library. He wants to borrow some library books. has been Have been went saw has gone

Australia: Sydney France: Paris The United States: New York Russia: Moscow

What do you know about the country? United Kingdom

What do you know about the country? France

What do you know about the country? Italy

What do you know about the country? China

What do you know about the country? America

What do you know about the country? Japan

What do you know about the country? Australia

What do you know about Singapore?

Explanation seem的用法 He seems unhappy today. She seems sad. “好像、似乎” , 其后加形容词。 He seems unhappy today. 他今天好像不高兴。 She seems sad. 她似乎很伤心。

They seem (to be) doctors. 2) seem +(to be) +介词 1) seem +(to be) +n. They seem (to be) doctors. 他们好像是医生。 2) seem +(to be) +介词 It seems like years since I last saw Mr Green. 从上次遇到格林先生, 好像与过了许多年。

My mother seemed to know that. 3) seem to do something. He seems to be happy. 他好像很高兴。 My mother seemed to know that. 我妈妈好像知道那件事。 4) It seems that + 从句 It seems that he is happy. = He seems (to be) happy. 他好像很快乐。

Complete the word map with the words from the reading. China, Singapore, Southeast Asia, zoo, Night Safari names of places animals seasons languages kinds of food → → lions, tiger, foxes → summer, spring, autumn, winter → Chinese, Putonghua, English → rice, noodles, dumplings, Indian/Western/Japanese food

1. Singapore is a big country in Europe. The statements below are all false. Using information from the reading, write four true sentences. 1. Singapore is a big country in Europe. ______________________________ ________________ Singapore is a small (island/country) in Southeast Asia.

2. In Singapore, you can only find Japanese food. ____________________________ ____________ You can find many kinds of food in Singapore. 3. It's good to see lions and foxes during the daytime because they'll probably be awake. _____________________________ ________________________ It’s better to see lions and foxes at night when they are awake.

4. It's best to visit Singapore in autumn. _______________________________ ___________________ You can visit Singapore at any time of year/ in any season.

Thanks for listening!