Welcome to our class ! Grammar Review Subject-verb Agreement By Yin Qiuzhi Niuzhen Senior High School Taihu County, Anqing City.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to our class ! Grammar Review Subject-verb Agreement By Yin Qiuzhi Niuzhen Senior High School Taihu County, Anqing City

is *There are one boy and two girls in the room. *Tom, as well as his parents, like eating fish. *No news are good news. *The boy who always wear sunglasses is my brother. *A set of keys are on the table. likes is wears is

高三语法复习 主谓一致Subject-verb Agreement 概念:谓语动词的数必须和主语的人称和数保持一致,这就是主谓一致。

Examples 1.I am a teacher. 2.She often goes to school at 7 o’clock. 3. There is only one box on the table. 4. There are 50 students in our class. 但是如果主语不是单一的,或者当主语的数 比较特殊时。其主谓一致一般要遵循: 语法一致原则 意义一致原则 就近原则

一、语法一致原则 概念:在一般情况下,语法形式是单数 的主语,谓语动词用单数形式;语法形 式是复数的主语,谓语动词用复数形式。 A pair of shoes is 20 dollars. We love our motherland.

*单数主语,动词不定式,动名词 短语,以及句子做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 The boy is my friend. To see is to believe. Whether we’ll go camping or not depends on the weather. .

(2010湖南)Listening to loud music at rock concerts ________caused hearing loss in some teenagers. A. is   B. are   C. has   D. have C

*复数主语,用and或者both and 连接 的不定式,动名词短语或者句子做主语时, 谓语用复数形式。When and where引导 的从句或跟不定式连用时谓语动词用单数 。 ▲Tom and Jim are good friends. ▲Playing soccer and swimming are my hobbies. ▲What I say and what I think are none of your business.

*as well as, with ,together with, along with , like, rather than, except, but, not等结构置于主语后,不能看作 是并列主语,该主语不受这些短语的影响。 该主语若是单数,谓语动词仍用单数。 ▲Tom with Jim is playing soccer now. ▲The old man, as well as the children, likes the movie. ▲I ,not you, am to blame.

※The children, as well as their mother, ______ going to see the film tonight. A. is B. are C. was D. were B ※Last week, Jennifer, together with two other clerks,_______ due to breaking the rule. A. are punished B. were punished C. is punished D. was punished. D

*有些不定代词,当它们在句中做主语时, 尽管意义上是复数,谓语动词仍用单数: either, neither, each, one, the other, another, somebody, someone, something, anyone ,anything, nobody, nothing,etc. Neither of them likes the film. Everything around us is matter. Each of them needs to have a rest.

B ※Nothing ____to prevent the water from being polluted so far. A. have been done B. has been done C. has done D. had been done

*and连接的两个名词指同一个人或者 物体时,and 后面没有冠词,谓语用单数 ;反之有冠词时指两样不同的人或者事物, 谓语用复数。 ▲The bread and butter is served for breakfast. The bread and the butter are on sale. ▲The teacher and writer is very famous in China. The teacher and the writer are from China.

*plenty of, half of , a lot of, lots of, loads of, heaps of, the majority of, the rest of这些词组以及分数和百分比 既可以接可数名词复数,也可以接不可数名词。 其后谓语动词的数视前面名词而定。 ▲Half of the food is unfit to eat. Half of the buildings have been destroyed. ▲Two thirds of the water is useless. Two thirds of students are from China. 译:窗户是被杰克关起来的

1.(2011安徽卷)27. The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _____ saved for other purposes. A. is    B. are   C. was    D. were D 2.(2011湖南卷) 26. One third of the country ______covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _______ black people. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is A

*quantities of/amounts of 接可数名词 复数或者不可数名词,其谓语用复数。但 是a quantity of 接可数名词复数或者不可数 名词做主语时,谓语的数要视名词而定。 ▲Large quantities of water are polluted. Large quantities of children are overweight. ▲A large quantity of water is polluted. A large quantity of children are overweight.

B ※Large amounts of money _____spent on the bridge, which _____to be completed next month. A. is; is expected B. are; is expected C. is; are expected D. are; are expected

*the number of表示数量,其后谓语 形式用单数;a number of是“大量的” 的意思,其后谓语用复数形式。 ▲The number of students in our school is about 1500. ▲A large number of students are honest and modest. ●The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _______ rising steadily since 1990. A. is  B. are  C. has been D. have been C

*a pair of, a set of 等词组修饰可数 名词复数时,谓语动词的数依据pair 和set 的数来判定。 ▲The keys are on the table. A set of keys is on the table. Two sets of keys are on the table. ▲A pair of shoes is 90 dollars. Two pairs of shoes are 180 dollars. e、表示让步

A ※A pair of glasses______ on the table, but the glasses _____ not mine. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are

*定语从句中,从句中谓语动词的数依据 先行词来判定。先行词是不可数名词或者可 数名词单数,从句的谓语用单数;反之用复 数。先行词前有the one,the only (very) one 修饰时,从句的谓语用单数。 a、表示时间 ▲The boy who always wears glasses is my brother. God helps those who help themselves. ▲He is one of the students who have passed the exam. He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam.

(2010全国Ⅱ)Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who _______ evening dress. A. wear B. wears C. has worn D. have worn B

二、意义一致原则 概念:主谓一致不是根据其外部语法形态 来决定,而是取决于主语所表达的内在意义。 主语形式虽为单数,但意义上却为复数, 谓语动词用复数;主语形式虽为复数,但 意义上是单数,谓语动词用单数。 ▲The crowd were fighting for their lives. ▲Three years in a foreign country seems a long time for me.

A *有些集合名词,如crowd, family, team, committee, class, staff 等等,它们做主语 时,若表示一个集体,谓语用单数;如果 强调个体成员,谓语动词用复数。 ▲My family is large. My family all like eating beef. ▲Our class is on the second floor. Our class are waiting for Mr Hu coming back.

A ※(2013年河南四校联考)Our class____ divided into six groups, interestingly, our group____ all of the same age. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are

A *有些名词,形式上是单数,但意义上 却是复数,谓语动词要用复数形式,如 people, police, cattle, poultry 等等。 ▲The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer. ▲Cattle are not allowed to be raised here. ▲People in China are honest and modest.

*clothing, furniture, equipment, baggage, luggage 等无生命的集合名词做主语时,谓 语动词要用单数。 ▲Clothing is badly needed in this flooded area. ▲Furniture in his room is all out of fashion. ▲Medical equipment imported from Germany is very expensive.

*有些名词形式上是复数,意义上却是单数。 如news, means;还有许多以-ics结尾的学科 名称,如economics, physics, politics等。它 们做主语时,谓语动词用单数。 ▲No news is good news. ▲Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us. ▲Politics is a complicated business.

※(2014年唐山一中月考)All possible means ______ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A. is used B. has been used C. are used D. have been used B

*用and连接两个单数主语时,如果前面有 each, every, many a, no 等修饰时,谓语动 词要用单数形式。复数主语与each连用时, 不受each的影响,谓语仍用复数形式。 ▲Every boy and every girl shows great interest in extra-curriculum activities. ▲Many a boy and girl has made the same mistake. ▲Each of us has an English name. We each have an English name.

B ※No bird and no beast_______ on the lonely island. A. are seen B. is seen C. see D. sees ※(2013年海南嘉积中学月考)Many a new measure_____ put forward to reduce air pollution so far. A. have been B. has been C. was D. were B

*”the+形容词“做主语时,如果主语指的 是一类人或者事物,谓语动词要用复数形 式;如果是指单个的人或者抽象的概念, 谓语用单数。 ▲The old are taken good care of here. The rich are willing to help the poor in our country. ▲The departed was a good friend of mine.

*表示时间,数目,距离,价格,度量衡 等名词的复数做主语,谓语动词要用单数。 ▲Three hours is enough for me. ▲Thirty feet is long enough. *数学计算中,谓语动词单复数形式都可用, 多用单数。 ▲Three and five make/makes five. ▲Three times four is twelve.

*”one and a half +复数名词”做主语时, 谓语动词的数不受复数名词的影响,仍用单数。 ▲One and a half years has passed since the accident. ▲One and a half apples has been eaten by the boys.

*”more+复数名词+ than one” 和 “more than one+单数名词”做主语时, 都表示“不止一个”的意思。前者谓语 动词用复数形式,后者谓语动词用单数形式。 ▲More students than one have passed the exam. ▲More than one student has passed the exam.

三、就近原则 概念:谓语动词的数依据它前面最邻近 的名词或代词的数的形式,来决定其自身 数的形式。 ▲There is a boy and two girls in the room. ▲There are two girls and a boy in the room.

*由连词or, neither…nor…, either…or…, not only…but also…, not…but…等连接的 并列主语,谓语动词的单复数形式依照就近 原则。在there be 和here be句型中,也要 依照就近原则。 ▲Either you or he is able to do such work. ▲Not only they but also I am to blame. ▲You or I am going to pick him up at the airport this afternoon.

Exercise 1.(2009年福建卷)—Why does the lake smell terrible? —Because large quantities of water________. A.have polluted      B.is being polluted C.has been polluted    D.have been polluted D 2.(2009年陕西卷)Dr. Smith,together with his wife and daughters,________visit Beijing this summer. A.is going to      B.are going to C.was going to   D.were going to A

3.(2009年四川卷)The teacher together with the students ________discussing Reading Skills that________newly published in America. A.are;were      B.is;were C.are;was       D.is;was D 4.(2009年湖南卷)Either you or one of your students ________to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow. A.are     B.is C.have   D.be B

5.(2009年江西卷)At present,one of the arguments in favor of the new airport ________that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area. A.is              B.are C.will be          D.was A 6.(2008年陕西卷)—Did you go to the show last night? —Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area ________invited. A.were     B.have been C.has been     D.was D

7.(2007年浙江卷)Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture,but when and where ________yet. A.hasn’t been decided   B.haven’t decided C.isn’t being decided    D.aren’t decided A 8.(2007年湖南卷)We live day by day,but in the great things,the time of days and weeks________ so small that a day is unimportant. A.is      B.are C.has been    D.have been A

9.(2007年江西卷)A survey of the opinions of experts ________that three hours of outdoor exercise a week ________good for one’s health. A.show;are    B.shows;is C.show;is     D.shows;are B 10.(2007年陕西卷)As a result of the serious flood, two thirds of the buildings in the area_____. A.need repairing    B.needs to repair C.needs repairing   D.need to repair A

That's all, goodbye!